The Effect of the Execution of the Sale of the Right Object on the Position of Bank Creditors


  • Stevani Komara Faculty of Law, Narotama University, Surabaya, Indonesian
  • Habib Adjie Faculty of Law, Narotama University, Surabaya, Indonesian



Dependents, Execution Results, Position of Creditors


The results of this study show that the  right of liability is the object of  guarantee that  is most in demand by creditors (banks) as debt  collateral. The value  of the rights contained in thecertificate  of rights of dependents has an important influence  in determining the  position of creditors  as creditors who have preferential rights  or only limited to as a concurrent creditor.  If the value of the  dependent rights  has a greater value than  the  debtor's  debt, then the  creditor's position as the holder of the  liability right  is the  preferred creditor, which takes precedence  repayment of it than other creditors.  However,  the determination ofthe  creditor's position as a  preferred creditor or not can also  be viewed from the  proceeds of the  sale of the  object of liability from the results of auction execution. If the  selling price of theobject of liability is  greater than  the debtor's debt, the  creditor has the right to take precedence over  full repayment by taking the proceeds Net sales are only limited to debtors.  Meanwhile,  if the proceeds from the  sale of the  object of liability are  smaller than the  debtor's debt, then the  remaining debt  of the  debtor positions the  creditor  as a concurrent creditor meaning that the  repayment of  the remaining debtor is  divided equally with other creditors


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