The Position of Civil Servant Investigators in the Disclosure of Money Laundering Crimes after the Constitutional Court's Decision Number 15/PUU-XIX/2021


  • Jetter Wilson Salamony Universitas Borobudur



civil servant investigator, integrated criminal justice system


The role of Civil Servant Investigators (PPNS) in Indonesia has evolved, particularly
following the Constitutional Court Decision Number 15/PUU-XIX/2021, which
expanded their authority in money laundering investigations. This study aims to
analyze the impact of this decision on the position and authority of PPNS within the
integrated criminal justice system. Using a normative legal approach, the research
employs primary data from the Constitutional Court s ruling and secondary data from
legal literature and relevant media sources. The findings indicate that the Constitutional
Court s decision not only enhances the investigative powers of PPNS but also aligns
them with other law enforcement agencies, such as the National Police and the
Corruption Eradication Commission. Despite this expansion, the study highlights ongoing challenges, particularly the dependency of PPNS on police investigators during
the prosecution process. The relationship between PPNS and other law enforcement
officials is crucial for effective law enforcement and the prevention of money
laundering crimes. The study concludes that the broadened authority of PPNS should
be viewed as a collaborative effort rather than competition, emphasizing the
importance of coordination among agencies to strengthen law enforcement efforts in


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