A Clean Public Procurement System through Commitment Making Officials (PPK) Criminal Liability Reforms


  • Umar Maksum Universitas Borobudur
  • Ade Saptomo Universitas Borobudur




Vacancies of Officials, Regional Heads, Public Administration Services, Inequality


This research aims to explore a clean public procurement system through criminal
liability reform for Commitment Making Officials (PPK). PPK plays an important role
in maintaining accountability, transparency, and integrity in the public procurement
process. The research method used is a statutory approach and a conceptual approach.
This research analyzes the regulations governing PPK's responsibilities and how they
can be held criminally liable if proven to have abused their authority. It was found
that PPK is often the party fully responsible for irregularities in procurement, despite
the important role of other parties such as the Budget User (PA) and the Budget User
Authority (KPA). This research shows that to prevent corrupt practices, stricter
monitoring mechanisms and increased legal awareness among PPKs are needed.
Criminal liability reform for PPKs is essential to create a more transparent and
accountable public procurement of goods and services. Better understanding of legal
responsibilities and training for PVRs can reduce the risk of abuse of authority.
Achieving a clean procurement system requires improvements in regulation and
oversight, as well as capacity building for PVRs. These reforms will support
corruption prevention efforts and maximize benefits for society and the state.


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