Ikramullah Mahdi, Muliadi Mau, Arianto
Volume 2 Number 6, June 2023
p- ISSN 2963-3648- e-ISSN 2964-8653
Doi: https://doi.org/10.57096/edunity.v2i6.99
Ikramullah Mahdi
*, Muliadi Mau
, Arianto
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Email: ikramullahmahdi@gmail.com
, muliadiunhas@gmail.com
Traditional clothing plays an important role in communicating cultural identity and has a deep
symbolic meaning in society. However, an in-depth understanding of the meaning of the
Kajang people's traditional clothing has not been fully explained in the context of
communication. The purpose of this study is to understand the meaning of Kajang Bulukumba
traditional clothing. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with the ethnographic
method of communication. The number of informants was 9 people obtained by purposive
sampling technique. The stages in the data collection technique in this study were: the
observation method, in-depth interview method, library method, and documentation method.
The results of the study show that there are three aspects to the meaning contained in the
traditional clothes of the Kajang tribe. First, based on the meaning of traditional clothing, it is
a sign of cultural identity that is attached to the image of the Ammatoa ethnic community and
is a sign of human life side by side with nature. Likewise, traditional clothing, namely Passapu,
Black Shirt (Pokko Shirt), and Tope' Lelleng (Black Sarong) are signs of obedience, an attitude
of simplicity in life that is communicated (Nonverbal). Second, the spiritual symbol of black
color is a manifestation of human life, the birth of a human being from the realm of darkness
until the end of his life also returns to the realm of darkness or is interpreted as always
remembering life and death. Third, the cultural symbol of Attallasa Kamase-Mase which is
realized in every aspect of life through the leveling clothing attribute is meaningful as modesty,
simplicity, and equality for everyone before the Creator (Turiek Akra'na).
Keywords: Communication; Ethnography; Kajang.
Each region has its cultural characteristics, such as traditional houses, traditional
clothing, dances, musical instruments, and customs adhered to. The distinctiveness of
local culture in each region has its strengths. For example, traditional clothing is an
attraction because it has unique patterns, varieties, and colors that characterize the
identity of an area or Bangda tribe. For this reason, the local culture must be maintained
and inherited properly so that the nation's culture remains strong (Akhmad, 2020).
Clothing is an item that is worn, while custom is a culture or way that has become a habit
and has distinctive characteristics. So traditional clothing is a symbol of the culture of a
region. To show the name of the region, traditional clothing is the name of different
traditional clothing regions. Traditional clothing is usually used to commemorate
holidays such as birth, marriage, death, and religious holidays. Every region has an
understanding that traditional clothing is indeed used as a marker for something.
Usually in the form of prayer or reflecting an attitude (Ansaar, 2019)
In Indonesia, various types of traditional clothing owned by each region as the nation's
cultural heritage must be preserved. Traditional clothing as a community’s identity has
[The Meaning of Traditional Clothing of the Kajang People, Bulukumba
Regency (Ethnographic Study of Communication)]
Vol. 2, No. 6, 2023
a pattern that is adjusted to the characteristics and understanding of the community
itself (Oratmangun, 2023). The distinctiveness possessed by each community group in
terms of traditional clothing has existed for generations from their ancestors and has
been preserved until now. Although in this modern era, the raw materials for making
clothes have changed a lot. Like traditional clothing owned by tribes in Indonesia, most
of them were originally made from nature such as basic materials from bark, and others
then developed, and now have been replaced with cloth. The modernization of
traditional clothing from its raw materials does not mean leaving a legacy from its
ancestors. The pattern or motif of the traditional clothing is still maintained as their
identity. Although it is undeniable that there are many changes, it does not deviate far
from their cultural roots (Mahmudah, 2022).
The types of traditional clothing can be broadly divided into 3 main groups, namely (1)
grouping the type of clothing according to its use, namely daily clothing, and ceremonial
clothing, (2) grouping the type of clothing according to the age and gender of the wearer,
namely male and female clothing, male and female adult clothing, male and female
parent clothing. (3) grouping the types of clothing according to the social stratification
of the wearer, namely the clothes of nobles, the clothes of ordinary people, and the
clothes of Sahaja servants or slaves. (Masi, 2022).
Traditional clothing in general we can know because it is attached to the culture of the
community, but behind it all, traditional clothing is not only made carelessly. The
patterns and ornamental varieties found in traditional clothing become a beautiful and
meaningful series and show the identity of the supporting community. Every motif,
color, and jewelry in traditional clothing is full of meaning. Therefore, this research must
be carried out to reveal the meaning of each motif, color, and use, behind the existing
traditional clothing (Sudarmo, 2021).
Meaning in the Indonesian dictionary is the meaning or intent, the meaning given to
something (Matanggui, 2022). Meaning in general is seen as the purpose of analysis of a
sign that has meaning or intent. In general, "meaning means things that want to be
pointed or want to be expressed, explained (Setiawati & Rusmawati, 2019). While the
meaning according to Derrida (Endraswara, 2012) is not just the meaning of the word,
not just a sign that is agreed upon by many people, but depends on how people interpret
it. Furthermore, a person's interpretation is placed precisely in the theory of society at
large, and his cultural meaning must be more closely associated with the humans who
live through that culture.
The existence of the Kajang indigenous community is Kajang customary institution, as a
customary institution in a community that still lives exclusively, uniquely traditional.
The uniqueness of this indigenous community lies in its ability to defend itself in a strong
traditional bond. Although the Kajang community in general has experienced a process
of development in line with the development movement that is encouraged by the
government, it is because they remain steadfast in maintaining customs.
Geographically and administratively, the indigenous people of Kajang are divided into
inner Kajang and outer Kajang. However, only people living in the inner Kajang area are
still fully attached to Ammatoa customs. They practice a very simple way of life by
rejecting everything that smells of technology. For them, technological objects can hurt
their lives, because they are destructive to the preservation of natural resources.
This community that always uses all-black clothes, is what is then referred to as the
Ammatoa ethnic community. Dressed all in black has become the identity of the
Vol. 2, No. 6, 2023
[The Meaning of Traditional Clothing of the Kajang People, Bulukumba
Regency (Ethnographic Study of Communication)]
Ikramullah Mahdi, Muliadi Mau, Arianto
Ammatoan ethnic community. According to them, black clothes have the meaning of
unpretentiousness, simplicity, commonality, or equality in the entire society
(Ahuluheluw, 2018). In addition, black clothes are also intended so that they always
remember death or the end world, therefore they are required to wear black clothes. The
color black has a meaning for the Ammatoa people as a form of equality in everything,
including similarity in simplicity. In the absence of a better black color between one
another. All black is the same. Black color indicates the strength, and equality for
everyone in front of the Creator. The similarity in the form of birth form, responding to
environmental conditions, especially the preservation of forests that must be maintained
authenticity as a source of life, therefore black is a traditional color that is thick with its
sacredness and if entering the Ammatoa area, visitors or outside communities must wear
black clothes.
In the daily lives of the Kajang people, they always use traditional clothes, one of which
is a black sarong because they consider the black sarong to have characteristics with a
sense of justice and purity. If it is associated with the literature of the Konjo language
(the language used by the Kajang people) the sarong in the Konjo language is lipa'
(Ahuluheluw, 2018). The people of Kajang also know the name lipa' but the original
sarong made by the Kajang Ammatoa people is called Tope'. So the sarong made by the
Kajang people is 'not lipa' because in making the top has gone through a spiritual process
as well as a process of appreciation for nature. Kajang people still have tope' now
because there is a Pasang (message) that underlies to keep using tope (sarong).
Interestingly, in the Ammatoa Kajang traditional area, outsiders are prohibited from
entering to visit the Ammatoa traditional area when visitors do not wear black clothes.
Black clothing is considered to have sacred value for the Ammatoa Kajang ethnic
community so rejecting it is a form of insult not only to the inner Kajang people but also
to their ancestors.
Research on the meaning of traditional clothing of the Kajang tribe of Bulukumba
Regency is important because no research has been found that explores the meaning of
traditional clothing of the Kajang tribe. A few studies that have been conducted have
only studied the culture of the Kajang tribe in general. In other words, previous research
only analyzed in general. But in detail about the history, traditions, and symbolic
meaning of the traditional clothing of the Kajang tribe. Thus, of course, this study has
differences from previous studies.
Some research results related to the culture of the Kajang tribe will be presented below
to see the differences and novelty between this research and previous studies. The first
research was entitled "The Existence of Customary Dispute Settlement in the Territory
of the Ammatoa Kajang Customary Law People" by (Syamsul Nur Qonitah, 2020). This
study aims to know and understand the existence of customary land dispute settlement
in the Ammatoa Kajang customary law community and the strength of the decision
results decided in customary land dispute settlement in the Ammatoa Kajang customary
law community. This type of research is empirical legal research. The research was
conducted in the Ammatoa Customary Area of Tana Toa Village, Kajang District,
Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi. From this population, samples were drawn to
facilitate research using purposive sampling techniques.
This research shows that customary settlement of land disputes is still used or exists in
the ammatoa Kajang customary law community. This is evidenced by the Ammatoa
Kajang customary court which still exists and still lives in the unity of customary law
communities in Tana Toa Kajang Village and the constitution has also affirmed state
[The Meaning of Traditional Clothing of the Kajang People, Bulukumba
Regency (Ethnographic Study of Communication)]
Vol. 2, No. 6, 2023
recognition of customary law communities and their traditional rights. The power of
decision results in customary land dispute resolution in ammatoa customary law
communities has magical-religious power, namely that people believe in the existence
of something sacred. There are spiritual sanctions that will be received if some of them
do not accept the results of the decision. In addition, the results of dispute resolution
decisions are binding on the parties to the dispute and are final, so they cannot be
challenged again either through customary courts or general courts. (Syamsul Nur
Qonitah, 2020)
The second study was entitled "Tunrung Samara in the Abba'ra Traditional Procession
in the Kajang Tribe, Kajang District, Bulukumba Regency" by Hamzah (2020). This
research provides an overview and form and knows how the form of presentation and
function of "turning samara" in the traditional abba'ra procession in the Kajang tribe,
Kajang District, Bulukumba Regency so that it can be passed down until now. Some of
the results obtained from the results of research that have been concluded include: 1).
the form of presentation of "turning samara" in the traditional procession of abba'ra' in
the Kajang Tribe, Kajang District, Bulukumba Regency 2). The function of "turning
samara" in the traditional procession of abba'ra' in the Kajang Tribe, Kajang District,
Bulukumba Regency. (Hamzah, 2020)
The third study entitled "The Role of Youth in Preserving Local Values of Amma Toa in
Kajang District, Bulukumba Regency" was written by Alkhaisar Jaunar Ikrar in 2019.
This study shows that the preservation of culture in the Amma Toa Kajang tribal area is
strongly influenced by the existence and role of local youth. In general, the role of youth
can be said to have succeeded in preserving the local culture of Amma Toa, but there are
still aspects that need to be improved or reevaluated. Efforts made by the MAPASKA
youth organization to improve cultural and natural environment conservation programs
in the Amma Toa Kajang tribal area are recruiting members, conducting cultural
socialization, and improving relations and improving cooperative relations with
government agencies, Amma Toa customary institutions, and local community
members. The strategy is carried out through several stages, starting from the member
recruitment stage, planning stage, training, and implementation stage, to the evaluation
stage. Based on this implementation, cultural and environmental conservation programs
in the Amma of Kajang tribal area are well planned to achieve the expected goals. (Ikrar,
The fourth study entitled "The Role of Pasang Ri Kajang in the Culture of the Kajang
People of Bulukumba Regency" was written by Asyrafunnisa and Andi Tenri Abeng in
2019. The study aims to see the role of Pasang Ri Kajang which is a cultural heritage from
the ancestors of the Kajang people in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi. This research
makes a considerable contribution to the preservation of local cultural products that are
increasingly blown by the flow of globalization. This research uses ethnographic
methods that provide an overview of all matters related to culture, where Pasang Ri
Kajang is a source of law to regulate all aspects of the lives of the indigenous people of
Ammatoa, Kajang related to interaction with God (Turiek A'ra'na), the interaction
between humans and interaction between humans and nature. This is reflected in
everyday life starting from social, religious, cultural, and environmental systems that
are used to realize the principle of tallasa kamase-masea (simple living). The indigenous
people of the Kajang tribe highly uphold all forms of rules contained in the Pasang Ri
Kajang and apply them in their daily lives. They believe that Pasang Ri Kajang is a life
guide that has an important role in its survival. Where society applies norms and good
values in all forms of activity. (Abeng, 2019)
Vol. 2, No. 6, 2023
[The Meaning of Traditional Clothing of the Kajang People, Bulukumba
Regency (Ethnographic Study of Communication)]
Ikramullah Mahdi, Muliadi Mau, Arianto
There is a very big difference if we analyze the content of the four predecessor
researchers. The first researcher when viewed from the similarities with this latest
research is both about the culture of the Kajang tribe. The difference lies in the object of
his research, namely the customary legal process of Amma Toa Kajang, while the latest
research is the meaning of the traditional clothing of the Kajang tribe. The second study
entitled "Tunrung Samara in the Abba'ra Traditional Procession in the Kajang Tribe,
Kajang District, Bulukumba Regency" when viewed the similarities, previous
researchers, and the latest researchers both examined the culture in the Kajang tribe. The
difference lies in the object, namely the traditional procession of Abba'ra, while the latest
researcher examines the symbolic meaning of the traditional clothing of the Kajang tribe.
The third researcher when viewed from the similarity with the latest researcher is still
with the scope of Kajang culture, while the difference between previous researchers is
with strategies to preserve existing culture on display while the latest researcher only
examines how the meaning, history, and function of the traditional clothing of the
Kajang tribe. The fourth study was entitled "The Role of Pasang Ri Kajang in the Culture
of the Kajang People, Bulukumba Regency". Previous researchers and recent researchers
both use ethnographic methods. The difference is that the previous researcher discussed
the role of the Kajang RI Tide, while the latest researcher discussed the symbolic
meaning of the traditional clothing of the Kajang tribe which is the same in Kajang
District, Bulukumba Regency.
This modern safe z technological development is very rapid, technological
developments greatly affect the fields of every life, ranging from the field of economics,
agriculture, marine field, marketing field, political field, education field, and other fields
in aspects of life. Seeing an era filled with modern lights, therefore researchers are
interested in studying the related to "Symbolic Meaning of the traditional clothing of the
Kajang people, Bulukumba Regency", seeing that the Kajang people are not influenced
by a culture filled with technological developments. This is interesting because the
people there still use traditional clothes in every daily activity that is all black and
without using footwear.
The purpose of writing research is to describe the meaning of traditional Kajang
Bulukumba clothing.
Research Method
This type of research method is Communication Ethnography, this method involves
intensive and in-depth participatory observation of the Kajang community group,
Bulukumba Regency. Researchers will be directly involved in their daily lives to
understand the meaning and context of the use of traditional clothing.
The design of this study uses a qualitative approach to gain a deep understanding of the
meaning of the Kajang people's traditional clothing. Data will be collected through
observation, interviews, and analysis of relevant documents.
The selection of this research sample was carried out purposively (selected) by selecting
informants who had rich knowledge and experience related to the traditional clothing
of the Kajang people. The sample can also cover different age, gender, and social status
groups to gain a comprehensive understanding.
The sampling technique that can be used is snowball sampling, which utilizes
purposively selected initial informants. The initial informant can recommend other
informants who have relevant knowledge and experience regarding the traditional
clothing of the Kajang people.
[The Meaning of Traditional Clothing of the Kajang People, Bulukumba
Regency (Ethnographic Study of Communication)]
Vol. 2, No. 6, 2023
The validity of the data in this study was obtained through data triangulation, namely
by collecting data from various sources (observations, interviews, and document
analysis) to strengthen the validity of the findings. In addition, researchers also consider
reflexivity, acknowledging influence, and self-interpretation in the process of collecting
and analyzing data.
The research location in this study was centered on Tanah Towa Village, located in the
Kajang sub-district, Bulukumba district, South Sulawesi, which still preserves the
traditional clothes of the Kajang tribe. The distance from the city of Bulukumba is about
40 km. Tanah Towa Village is divided into nine hamlets and is inhabited by the Kajang
The following data analysis techniques are explained by Creswell, namely:
1. Description. At this stage, the ethnographer presents the results of his research by
describing in detail the object of his research.
2. Analysis. In this section, the ethnographer finds some accurate data regarding the
object of research, usually through bland es, graphic models that describe the object
of research. Another form in this stage is to compare the object under study with
other objects, evaluate objects with generally accepted values, and build
relationships between the object of research and the larger environment. Apart from
that, at this stage, the ethnographer can also express criticism or shortcomings of the
research that has been done, and suggest a new research design, if someone is
continuing research or is going to research the same thing.
3. Interpretation. Interpretation is the final stage of data analysis in ethnographic
research. The ethnographer at this stage concludes the research that has been done.
At this stage, the ethnographer uses the first person word in his explanation, to
emphasize that what he is presenting is purely the result of his interpretation.
Result And Discussion
Traditional Meaning clothing on community Etnik Ammatoa Bulukumba Regency
In dressing, indigenous people only wear black clothes and white interiors. Usually in
men, the clothes worn consist of 1) "passage", in the form of black cloth without seams
wrapped around the head with the top edge resembling a "higher screen. 2) "Lipa", a
black sarong, usually tied to the waist of the "tambakalang" or slung with one part placed
over the shoulder and the other end left hanging on the side of the waist. 3). "Saluara
Pokko", white coloring pants with an adult knee-length.
Related to this the informant said the following:
"Pakeang buru'nea kunni mae, ruang buanganji cora' ni pake, cora' leleng dan pute
ammake passapu, lipa le 'leng na salura pokko cora pute, labbuna sabbe kulantu".
It means: "men's clothing here (Kajang tribe means), two kinds of colors, namely: black
and white, wearing a broomstick, sarong, and white shorts with a length up to the knee.
(in-depth interview, Ammatoa December 31, 2022) .
In line with the informants of the indigenous people of Ammatoa, the specifics are found
in the attributes worn such as shirts, pants that almost touch the knees, sarongs, dastar,
or headbands that are allowed for men who are all black.
Traditional clothing is a symbol of the culture of a region. To show the name of the
region, the traditional clothing of the Kajang tribe is used as a symbol. Because each
region has different traditional clothing. Traditional clothing is usually worn for certain
moments or events such as weddings, deaths, traditional ceremonies, or religious
Vol. 2, No. 6, 2023
[The Meaning of Traditional Clothing of the Kajang People, Bulukumba
Regency (Ethnographic Study of Communication)]
Ikramullah Mahdi, Muliadi Mau, Arianto
holidays. Likewise, each region has its understanding of traditional clothing. As a
symbol, traditional clothing is indeed used as a marker for something.
The essence of life for the indigenous people of Kajang is to realize a life based on tides.
The essence of the content of the tide is the belief in Turiek Akrakna by obeying all His
commandments and avoiding all His prohibitions. The symbol of the Kajang indigenous
people's obedience to Turiek Akrakna is embodied in a simple form of life, called
kamase-kamase. Because its simplicity is evenly distributed in various aspects of life, it
is nicknamed butta kinase-mase (a village whose people's lives are simple). Living with
simplicity is done with sabbara (patience) and charm (resignation because of the destiny
they receive in the world). On the contrary, a luxurious life is not in the world, but its
place later in the afterlife. In the expression mentioned "punna are kusiduppa ri lino
manna ribokopi sallo" (otherwise it can be in the world later in the hereafter). According
to their belief, in the afterlife, everyone will be developed are rapanna ri lino (a luxurious
house is not equal in the world) by Turiek Akrakna. The ball is heaven.
One form of simplicity for the Kajang Indigenous people can be seen in their clothing,
namely the necessity to dress in black and kasipalli (taboo) wearing colorful clothes. The
color black has a special meaning for the indigenous people of Kajang, namely as a set
of all colors that symbolize unity, determination, and action to face life's challenges. In
addition, the black color symbolizes the simplicity of life for the Kajang indigenous
people. Another case stated by Ammatoa that black clothes signify togetherness, because
black is a color that knows no level, namely selling lolo, selling situju-tuju, and leveling
kabusuji (no dark black, no light black, no powerful black, once black remains black). All
black is black, with no difference. Thus, wearing black is a depiction of the same
socioeconomic stratification, namely kinase-mase. Everyone has an equal position before
Turiek Akrakna.
The types of traditional clothing used by the Kajang tribe community in general and
especially by Kajang residents in the Ammatoa Kajang ethnicity consist of :
Passapu is a cultural product of artifacts in South Sulawesi that is still preserved and
maintained, as evidenced using passage by Kajang Tribe men in everyday life (Isfawani
& Sumilih, 2022). Passapu is used until now and maintained the existence of something
that has meaning, function, and something important for life (in-depth interview Abdul
Kahar Muslim, December 31, 2022).
"Injo todoji ngissei historisna pa pasang ammake passapu ni tantuimi kalea kua tau kajang asli,
anremo nakulle disambe-sambe pakeang a na tala sandala tau a, mannaki lampa di Malaysia
ammake baju le'leng le'lengji, saba keturunan ankua. Punna ngitteki tau assandala na ammake
maki passapu tala kullemi todo tau a bura-bura, kacini-cini, wedge I tawwa di ruruna tawwa ka
honesty di paenteng"
Meaning: Hanya who knows the history of pa pasang using the passage in everyday life
then it is clear the original Kajang people, clothes can no longer be changed, and do not
wear sandals, even though we go Malaysia will wear black clothes as descendants say.
If we look at the original Kajang people. If we see a person who wears a passage, it means
that he is a native Kajang. If we have used passage we cannot lie, cannot see, see, do well
to fellow human beings and strain honesty)".
With the above information, it can be said that people who have used passage have
committed to maintaining the culture of their ancestors. Pasang is a guideline for the life
of the Kajang tribe in which there is a simple principle of life (Kamase-mase). People
[The Meaning of Traditional Clothing of the Kajang People, Bulukumba
Regency (Ethnographic Study of Communication)]
Vol. 2, No. 6, 2023
who have used Passapu in their daily lives will not wear clothes other than black and
white colors and do not wear sandals wherever they go even though they are out of the
Kajang Tribe customary area. They feel they have been able to live simply, one of which
is by still wearing all black. Or more simply they are called sholeh people (Tu Kintarang).
Figure 1. The use of Passapu by indigenous people of the Kajang Tribe when there is
an event (Personal Source)
Figure 2. The use of passage by indigenous people daily (Personal Source)
The use of passage for Kajang men is a symbol of maturity and honesty. The meaning of
the symbol of honesty and maturity are two interrelated things, people who have used
passage can think to distinguish good things from right things. Able to control
themselves and not to do things that are not by the teachings of their ancestors. A symbol
of honesty which means that all treatment taught by religion is to be honest.
While interviewing Abdul Kahar Muslim his views on the meaning of the use of Passapu
Bohe Amma says:
"Ma'nana haji, honestly, puna are na passage ana'-ana' bura-burial, ka talluji rule ada' put a
historical message, starting ri compile year 1. The problem of honesty of religious rules, state
rules akkala politics, politicians into gassing bura bura"
Meaning: The meaning is passage haji, honestly, otherwise those who use passage
children lie, there are three rules, namely the customary rules of posting historical
messages, starting from year 1. The problem of honesty of religious rules, state rules
political sense, politics that always lie.
"Gunna na make tau passapu iya turunan, battu ri bugasa tau anrena, le'leng mentodo pakeanna,
passapu, baju le'leng, tope le'leng. Yes injo di sabbu I Ammatoa, tau kaminang toa rilinia
derivative of Kinjo. Ka injo tandana rikua tapakkoro arena iya, kunne taua ammake passapu karna
battuangna tapakkoro, punna pantara rikua haji, appada pakkalea haji punna pantarang".
Vol. 2, No. 6, 2023
[The Meaning of Traditional Clothing of the Kajang People, Bulukumba
Regency (Ethnographic Study of Communication)]
Ikramullah Mahdi, Muliadi Mau, Arianto
Meaning: Gunanya people use passage because of descent, starting from the existence
of the first man His name, black clothes, using passage, black clothes, black sarong, the
first person on earth, therefore, ammatoa is hidden, the oldest person on earth descended
from it. People wear passage signs tapakkoro his name. Here people use passage
because of tapakkoro, if outside it is called Hajj, like Hajj behavior).
While the interview with Galla Puto said that passage is a holy sign, ri battu ri Makkah
ri Tongji, puna ri Makkah white orban punna ri Kajang black turban means that passage
has a holy sign, it signifies that it has performed Hajj but the Hajj that we believe in
Kajang if in Mecca outside it uses white turban if in the traditional land of Kajang is
Black turban (Galla Puto interview, Thursday, 09 March 2023)
"Nia difference between passapunna Ammatoa na make coming different in height from other
communities, puna nakkenna abba tinggina ji from Ammatoa no nia sign of honor, he tongs
kepala data" (in-depth interview, Gala Puto, Thursday, March 9, 2023)
From the statement of Gala Puto who is the spokesperson of ammatoa, when wearing a
passapu we can see from the way it is used ammatoa passapu with galla galla is the same
as using passapu but as a galla must know and should not be higher than ammatoa as a
sign of honor.
From the statements of Bohe Amma and Lompo Karaeng, it can be seen that passage is
a symbol of honesty. People who use Passapu reflect having tawakkal or tawaduk
carrying out the teachings of their ancestors or living life under the guidance of the tide
of Kajang. As the assumption given from the question is that people who use passages
such as with the behavior of Hajj or ustadz use piecpieces someone has Hajj then describe
in our mind that there is a change in behavior for the better. Able to be a role model in
their environment and have humanitarian awareness and live the values of Islamic
teachings and high concern and have benefits for others. Like kajang men who use
passage interpret high spiritual (sholeh) can think maturely and act honestly, following
the teachings and values of the tide.
Regarding signs and signs, signifiers are tangible/physical things such as sounds and
images, and signs (signified) are concepts which reveal meaning, in this case, the
traditional clothing of the Kajang tribe has a function or value contained in the marker.
So in the elements of traditional clothing, namely passage, and tope le'leng, there is a
sign and sign that has meaning.
Black Shirt ( Pokko Shirt).
Baju Hitam or Baju Pokko is a traditional clothing that is often used by women in the
Kajang tribe. Black clothes are also commonly referred to as Pokko clothes which are
generally commonly used by women in South Sulawesi. The basic material of the clothes
is black cloth.
[The Meaning of Traditional Clothing of the Kajang People, Bulukumba
Regency (Ethnographic Study of Communication)]
Vol. 2, No. 6, 2023
Figure 3. Women wearing Pokko clothes of the indigenous people of the Kajang tribe
(Personal Source)
Pokko clothes are clothes that are often used by Kajang people, pokko clothes are almost
the same as bodo clothes traditional clothes in South Sulawesi in general but displayed
called pokko clothes and black colors. Every time there is a traditional event, we wear
this shirt when outside the area. Pokko clothes can be used and can also not be used
depending on the person. (in-depth interview with Ramlah December 31, 2023).
As also said by Ebo in the interview at his house was weaving said that when in the area
and at traditional events we here always use it differently if we are on week days we do
not use it when we are outside the traditional area (mandala interview, Ebo December
31, 2022)
According to Gala Puto, the name of the woman's clothing is poker clothes always used
by indigenous people in the area, this woman always wears poker clothes every day,
does not have accessories, only plain clothes, and black colors (in-depth interview,
Thursday, March 9, 2023).
From the statement above that poker clothes are clothes that must be worn by Kajang
women in their daily lives who live in the area and Kajang people who live outside the
customary area must use these poker clothes when entering the traditional area and
when participating in traditional events because as a respect for their predecessors.
One example of a form of tradition that has become an ancestral heritage and is still
carried out by the Bugis community of South Sulawesi is the traditional tradition of Bodo
clothes. The term bodo shirt comes from bugis - Makassar which means short, so Bodo
clothes are said to be short because of the historical origin of Bodo clothes are short
sleeves. So that the tradition of Bodo clothes is applied for generations by people with
Bugis ethnic backgrounds, especially in the South Sulawesi area.
Tope' Lelleng
Every day they use a black sarong (tope auction) which they weave themselves using
natural dyes. Tope leveling or black sarong is a typical Kajang sarong made by natural
processes and woven by the skilled hands of kajang women. This sarong is the clothing
of the kajang community that is used daily. This sarong is also a requirement when there
are traditional ceremonies in Kajang.
Vol. 2, No. 6, 2023
[The Meaning of Traditional Clothing of the Kajang People, Bulukumba
Regency (Ethnographic Study of Communication)]
Ikramullah Mahdi, Muliadi Mau, Arianto
Figure 4. Tope Le'leng (black sarong) dried in front of the house of the indigenous
people of the Kajang tribe after weaving (Personal Source)
Kajang weaving is a culture where the process has ties with nature. The looms used are
ancestral heritage made of bamboo and wood. In general, mothers in kajang weave
under the house or commonly also called siring. These black gloves are made by a
traditional process with the skilled hands of kajang women. Not all women there can
weave. Weaving skills are also born for generations.
Kajang tribal loom (Pattannungang) made of wood produced from the Kajang area
forest. The tool for making woven cloth is usually made by the parents (father) of the
kajang woman or her husband.
Tutu clothes and tope le'leng are often worn by Tana Toa Kajang traditional leaders
when carrying out traditional rituals. Now Tope Le'leng has begun to be used daily by
residents such as going to rice fields, gardens, and other community activities.
Furthermore, the informant said that Tope Le'leng has its own advantages compared to
sarongs in general, which are felt warm when someone wears it and in accordance with
the tropical climate in the Kajang region and can be used as a healing medicine for sick
people. In addition, this scabbard can be a shield or protector when in danger such as
being immune to sharp weapons according to the beliefs of the indigenous people of the
Kajang Tribe, especially the Kajang Tribe in the inner region.
The meaning contained in the traditional clothing of the Kajang tribe in Kabupaten
Bulukumba. First, based on the meaning of traditional clothing is a sign of cultural
identity attached to the image of the Ammatoa ethnic community and a sign of human
life side by side with nature. Similarly, the forms of traditional clothing of the Kajang
tribe, namely Le'leng, Tutu, Tope le'leng and Passappu clothes, are a sign of the
obedience of the Ammatoa ethnic community to customary law (Pasang) and to
Ammatoa as the highest traditional leader who also wears le'leng clothes. In addition,
the icon of traditional clothing shows the sign that the Ammatoa ethnic community has
a simple attitude in life which is communicated (nonverbally) through traditional
clothing, namely le'leng when they interact socially. Second, the spiritual symbol of black
is a manifestation of human life, the birth of a human being from the realm of darkness
to the end of his life also returns to the realm of darkness or is interpreted as always
remembering life and death. While the cultural symbol of Attallasa Kamase-Mase which
is realized in every aspect of life through the attributes of le'leng clothing means
simplicity, simplicity, and equality for everyone before the Creator (Turiek Akra'na).
[The Meaning of Traditional Clothing of the Kajang People, Bulukumba
Regency (Ethnographic Study of Communication)]
Vol. 2, No. 6, 2023
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