[The Effect of the Execution of the Sale of the Right Object on the
Position of Bank Creditors]
(Mihardjo, 2022). A credit agreement is a basic agreement that is generally accompanied
by an additional agreement (accessor) in the form of binding guarantees (Hasan Basri,
2021). The guarantee here Is Intended to provide protection for creditors if, in the future,
debtors break promises by making credit must (Natania et al., 2020)
Material guarantees that are in great demand and considered the safest by creditors are
Hak Jaminan (Atikah, 2020). The object of the Right of Liability here is in the form of
land with properties that are easy to sell, relative prices increase from year to year, there
is evidence of ownership of the right that is difficult to fake, and gives a privileged
position to creditors, namely in terms of debt repayment takes precedence over other
creditors, hereinafter known as creditors preferred (Isnaeni, 2016). The object of liability
can also be pledged for some debtor debts if the value of the collateral object is
considered sufficient to guarantee these debts, so the term arises rank in the Right of
Dependents as regulated in Article 5 paragraphs (2) and (3) of the Law. The existence of
a rating of the dependent rights determines the precedence of repayment of creditor
receivables based on the proceeds of the sale of the dependent object (Slamet, 2017).
The execution of the rights of dependents is also easier. If the debtor has broken the
promise, then the creditor as the holder of the dependent right Is given the authority to
execute the object of the dependent righting in the form of land in order to take
precedence over the repayment of receivables either by auction or underhand as
stipulated in Article 6 and Article 20 of Law Number 4 of 1996 on Rights Dependents on
Land and Objects Related to Land (UUHT) . The provisions of Article 6 explain that: "If
debtor default, the holder Right of Liability first has right to sell the object of Right
Dependent on his own power through public auction and take repayment The
receivables from the proceeds of the sale".
To be able to execute in an easy and sure way, it is important for creditors to know,
namely registering the encumbrance of dependents first to the land office where the
object is located, then by the local land office issued Certificate Haki Defendant
consisting of the Land Book of Rights of Dependents and a copy of the Deed of
Encumbrance Rights of Dependents bound in one document (Harsono, 1999). In the
certificate, the rights of dependents are listed as the irahs "For the sake of justice based
on the One Godhead", which has the same secretory power as the judgment court as
stipulated in Pasall14 paragraphs (2) and (3) of the UUHT.
The execution of the dependent is carried out by taking into account the value of the
dependent rights and the number of receivables stated in the credit agreement and the
deed of encumbrance which is an accessory agreement In the form of binding
guarantees. In the practice of banking credit agreements, banks as creditors determine
the amount of the value of the Dependent Rights as 120% (one hundred twenty percent)
of the debtor's debt value, this amount can also change in accordance with the agreement
or internal rules of the Bank itself (Mihardjo, 2022). The determination of the value of the
dependent rights with a value greater than the debt is so that the creditor has a position