Stevani Komara, Habib Adjie
Volume 2 Number 5, May 2023
p- ISSN 2963-3648 | e-ISSN 2964-8653
Stevani Komara
, Habib Adjie
Faculty of Law, Narotama University, Surabaya, Indonesian
The results of this study show that the right of liability is the object of guarantee that s most in
demand by creditors (banks) as debt collateral. The value of the rights contained in the
certificate rights of dependents has an important influence in determining the position of
creditors as creditors who have preferential rights or are only limited to as a concurrent
creditors. If the value of the dependent rights has greater value than the debtor’s debt, then
the creditor's position as the holder of the liability right is the preferred creditor, which takes
precedence over repayment of it over other creditors. However, the determination of the
creditor’s position as a preferred creditor or not can also be viewed from the proceeds of the
sale of the object of liability from the results of auction execution. If the selling price of the
object of liability is reader than e debtor's debt, the creditor has the right to take precedence
over full repayment by taking the proceeds Net sales are only limited to debtors. Meanwhile,
if the proceeds from the sale of the object of liability are smaller than the debtor’s debt, then
the remaining debt of the debtor positions the creditor as a concurrent creditor meaning that
the repayment of the remaining debtor is divided equally with other creditors
Keywords: Dependents; Execution Results; Position of Creditors
The implementation of economic development both carried out by individuals and
business entities is certainly inseparable from funding. In general, funding is obtained
by borrowing from banking institutions in order to be able to carry out and meet
operational and other certificate their needs so that economic development activities
continue to run accordingly Lan (Rosana & Jogjakarta, 2019). Banking or banks are
institutions that have the main function of channeling and providing funds or capital to
individuals and companies in need (Yoyo Sudaryo et al., 2021). The provision of funds
y banks is carried out by observing the principle of prudence, one of which is by binding
the debtor(customer) with the creditor (bank) in a credit agreement if the debtor as
qualify d be accepted by the Bank as a trusted recipient of funds.
A credit agreement is an agreement between the creditor and debtor for an amount of
money that has been handed over by the creditor and the debtor must return a sum of
money along with Interest within a certain period according to mutual agreement
[The Effect of the Execution of the Sale of the Right Object on the
Position of Bank Creditors]
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
(Mihardjo, 2022). A credit agreement is a basic agreement that is generally accompanied
by an additional agreement (accessor) in the form of binding guarantees (Hasan Basri,
2021). The guarantee here Is Intended to provide protection for creditors if, in the future,
debtors break promises by making credit must (Natania et al., 2020)
Material guarantees that are in great demand and considered the safest by creditors are
Hak Jaminan (Atikah, 2020). The object of the Right of Liability here is in the form of
land with properties that are easy to sell, relative prices increase from year to year, there
is evidence of ownership of the right that is difficult to fake, and gives a privileged
position to creditors, namely in terms of debt repayment takes precedence over other
creditors, hereinafter known as creditors preferred (Isnaeni, 2016). The object of liability
can also be pledged for some debtor debts if the value of the collateral object is
considered sufficient to guarantee these debts, so the term arises rank in the Right of
Dependents as regulated in Article 5 paragraphs (2) and (3) of the Law. The existence of
a rating of the dependent rights determines the precedence of repayment of creditor
receivables based on the proceeds of the sale of the dependent object (Slamet, 2017).
The execution of the rights of dependents is also easier. If the debtor has broken the
promise, then the creditor as the holder of the dependent right Is given the authority to
execute the object of the dependent righting in the form of land in order to take
precedence over the repayment of receivables either by auction or underhand as
stipulated in Article 6 and Article 20 of Law Number 4 of 1996 on Rights Dependents on
Land and Objects Related to Land (UUHT) . The provisions of Article 6 explain that: "If
debtor default, the holder Right of Liability first has right to sell the object of Right
Dependent on his own power through public auction and take repayment The
receivables from the proceeds of the sale".
To be able to execute in an easy and sure way, it is important for creditors to know,
namely registering the encumbrance of dependents first to the land office where the
object is located, then by the local land office issued Certificate Haki Defendant
consisting of the Land Book of Rights of Dependents and a copy of the Deed of
Encumbrance Rights of Dependents bound in one document (Harsono, 1999). In the
certificate, the rights of dependents are listed as the irahs "For the sake of justice based
on the One Godhead", which has the same secretory power as the judgment court as
stipulated in Pasall14 paragraphs (2) and (3) of the UUHT.
The execution of the dependent is carried out by taking into account the value of the
dependent rights and the number of receivables stated in the credit agreement and the
deed of encumbrance which is an accessory agreement In the form of binding
guarantees. In the practice of banking credit agreements, banks as creditors determine
the amount of the value of the Dependent Rights as 120% (one hundred twenty percent)
of the debtor's debt value, this amount can also change in accordance with the agreement
or internal rules of the Bank itself (Mihardjo, 2022). The determination of the value of the
dependent rights with a value greater than the debt is so that the creditor has a position
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
[The Effect of the Execution of the Sale of the Right Object on the
Position of Bank Creditors]
Stevani Komara, Habib Adjie
as a preferred creditor. If the value of the dependent rights contained in the agreement
is smaller, then the creditor's preference rights cannot be attached to it, meaning that in
the event of debt repayment is generalized with other creditors as stipulated in Article
1131 and Article 1132 of the Code Civil Code. Such creditors have the position of
concurrent creditors. The determination of the value of the right of custody, when
associated with the proceeds of the sale of the object of the right of liability and the
amount of creditor receivables greatly affects the position of the creditor in terms of
repayment of receivables, whether the creditor concerned becomes a preferred or
concurrent creditor. This is important to know, as a form of legal protection for creditors
in obtaining repayment rights from debtors through the auction execution process.
Research Method
This study uses normative juridical methods in examining the problems in this article.
The second approach used is the statutory approach (statute approach) and conceptual
approach. This research uses primary data obtained through regulations legislation
especially UUHT and the Civil Code, and based on doctrine and opinions para sarjana
and secondary data collected through searching the literature. In addition, the data is
analyzed qualitatively and then presented In a descriptive method."
Result And Discussion
Credit is a term related to a bank, which contains the meaning of lending money or funds
to individuals or business entities that are trusted by being bound by an agreement
called a credit agreement. The term credit can be found in Article 1 number 11 of Law g
Number 10 of 1998 concerning amendments to Law Number 7 of 1993 concerning
Banking (hereinafter referred to as the Banking Law), which explains as follows:
"Creditis the provision of money or bills that can be likened to it, based on agreement
lending and borrowing between the bank and other parties that oblige party borrower
to pay for the debt u after a period of time certain with the giving of flowers"
Credit agreement principal agreement which obligator (pasta de contravened
obligatory) which arises because of an agreement between creditors and debtors on the
matters agreed upon and becomes the basis for the emergence of other agreements
known as additional agreements accessor agreements, namely material guarantee
agreement. The object of material security that is considered the safest by creditors, in
general, is the object of land rights, namely the Right of Dependent. The objects of land
rights that can be encumbered with dependent rights are regulated in the provisions of
Article 4 and Article 27 of the UUHT, namely: property rights, building use rights,
business use rights, Right of use, and property rights over flats.
The creditor's interest in material guarantees in the form of rights of dependents because
it has the following characteristics:
1. Precedence of repayment of creditors' receivables (droiti de preference);
2. Follow where the object of the guarantee is located (droit de suite);
3. The existence of a principle of specialty and a principle of publicity; and
[The Effect of the Execution of the Sale of the Right Object on the
Position of Bank Creditors]
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4. No bail can be placed on bail by the court;
5. The object of the right to insolvency is not included in the bankruptcy model;
6. Easy and sure execution of collateral objects.
The granting of dependent rights, which must be based on the main agreement, can be
observed in the provisions of Article 10 paragraph (1) of the UUHT which explains that:
"The granting of Dependent Rights n is preceded by a promise to give Dependent Rights
as a guarantee of repayment of certain tang, which is set forth in and is an integral part
n of the agreement debts the person concerned or any other agreement giving rise to the
debt. (HS & SH, 2021)
The right of liability as an additional agreement, explained in the general explanation of
paragraph 8 of the UUHT, namely: "Since Liability by its nature Is a follow-up or an
accessor to a receivable trecento, which Is based on one agreement debts rother
agreements, then their birth and existence are determined by the presence of receivables
guaranteed repayment....".
Credit agreements and Property Guarantee Agreements in this case are Rights of
Dependents made by deed of Land Deed Making Officer (PPAT) known as a Deed of
Encumbrance of Rights of Dependents (APHT) is a form of internal protection made by
the parties concerned from possible losses arising in the future due to non-fulfillment of
achievements (Isnaeni, 2016). The main substance contained in Article 11 paragraph (1)
of the UUHT explains the points that must be listed in the APHT, namely: "Nama and
identity of the parties, both grantors and holders of Dependent Rights; the domicile of
the parties; the amount of debt secured by the Right of Liability; determination of the
value of the Right of Dependents; and a clear description of the object of the guarantee
of the Right of Dependent".
Based on some of the things mentioned above, the thing highlighted by the author is
about determining the value of dependent rights, because one of the determinants of the
creditor's position as a preferred or concurrent creditor can be seen from the value of
receivables and the installation value of dependent rights contained in the APHT. The
value of the dependent rights here is interpreted as the amount of the burden of
dependents installed (which overrides) the collateral object with a maximum limit so as
to make the position of the creditor holding the Dependent Rights become a preferred
creditor for the results of the execution of the object of the Dependent Rights concerned
(Arba et al., 2021)
The determination of the value of the dependent rights does not have to have the same
amount as the value of the debtor's debt. However, the suggestion of the value of
dependent rights generally has a nominal amount greater than the credit value, this is a
form of anticipation of creditors from the possibility of fines or bloated interest (Satrio,
1997). These provisions can be seen in Article 3 paragraph (1) of the UUHT, namely:
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
[The Effect of the Execution of the Sale of the Right Object on the
Position of Bank Creditors]
Stevani Komara, Habib Adjie
"The debt guaranteed for repayment with the Right of Liability may be in the form of
existing or agreed debt with a certain amount or an amount which at the time the
application for execution of the Right of Liability is submitted can be determined based
on a debt-receivable agreement or other agreement giving rise to the relationship
between the debts concerned"
In banking practice, the average value of the dependent rights is determined to be 120%
(one hundred twenty percent) of the debtor's debt value, but the figure is not absolute
but still preferably based on the agreement of both parties, namely creditors and debtors
(Mihardjo, 2022). The purpose of installing a value of the dependent right higher than
the debtor's debt is to determine the position of the creditor of the holder of the
dependent right as the party who takes precedence or prioritizes repayment over other
creditors. If the value of the debt is greater, the legal consequences that arise are that the
creditor holding the dependent right is equalized with other creditors or referred to as
concurrent creditors.
The right of liability can be burdened with several debtors with conditions if the value
of the collateral object has sufficient value to guarantee some of the debts concerned, so
the term appears to be ranked in the rights of dependents as regulated in Article 5
paragraphs (2) and (3) of the UUHT. Regarding the repayment of boor debts, it is
determined based on the order of the ranking of dependent rights taken from the
proceeds of the sale of dependent rights objects both carried out by auction execution
and under the hand. One of the main conditions for execution to be carried out against
the object of the insured right is if the dependent has been registered at the land office
where the object is located, as Article 13 paragraphs (4) and (5) of the Law, which
basically explains that the dependent rights are born on the date on which the land book
is made and on that date the creditor is domiciled as a creditor who takes precedence in
terms of repayment of receivables (Droit de preference). When the registration has been
completed, the local land office issues a certificate of indemnity as proof of attachment
of the dependent rights in the land and object in which are listed the girahs "For Justice
Based on the One and Only Godhead”. Based on the Explanation of Pasal 14 paragraphs
(2) and (3) UUHT explains that: "The graphs included in the certificate of Rights of
Liability and in the provisions of this paragraph, are intended to affirm the existence of
executory power on the certificate of Rights of Custody, so that if the debtor defaults, it
is ready to be executed as well as a court decision that has obtained permanent legal
force, through procedures and by using the institution of separate executie in accordance
with Civil Procedure Code regulations".
Talking the repayment of creditors whether carried out through auction execution or
underhand sales as stipulated in Article 20 of the Law, is based on the actions of debtors
who have committed a breach of promise or default. Article 1238 of the Civil Code
explains that: "The debtors declared negligent by the warrant, or by deed of that kind,
or by virtue n of the engagement itself, i.e. if this engagement result from the debtor shall
be deemed negligent by the lapse of a prescribed time". Debtors who have neglected
[The Effect of the Execution of the Sale of the Right Object on the
Position of Bank Creditors]
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their obligations by not paying debts in accordance with the agreed time provisions, then
the property in the form of land is used as an object of liability execution can be carried
out (Khoidin, 2017). Debtors who have manifestly broken promises or defaults, then the
dependent rights provide a solution by selling the guarantee keeping in mind the
provisions of Article 20 UUHT, as follows:
1. Persecution based on a promise to sell the collateral object yourself (prate executive);
2. Persecution based on the executory title on the certificate of Liability; and
3. Execution through underhand sale by agreement.
In practice, among the solutions described above, creditors prefer the execution process
through auctions. This is based on the reason for obtaining the highest price in the
process of selling the object of liability. The definition of auction can be found in the
provisions of Article 1 paragraph (1) of the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 213
/ PMK.06 / 2020 concerning Auction Implementation Guidelines, namely: "The sales
charcoal that is open to the public with quotations in writing and or orally that increases
order decreases creases to reach the highest price that Is preceded bye with the
announcement of auction".
According to M. Yahya Harahap, the auction is defined as the sale of goods in public
which is carried out with an increasing bid value, with the approval of Increasing
Increase with the registration of price, which was previously announced in advance, to
provide an opportunity for people to be present to buy by bidding prices up and down
either by invitation or because of seeing announcements (Salim & Subagyono, 2022)
The thing that can be highlighted in the process of execution of the object of liability
through public auction is the proceeds of the sale of the object. If the proceeds from the
sale of the object of liability are less than the value of the receivable, then the remaining
debtor results in the creditor being a concurrent creditor (Hutapea, 2020). This certainly
affects the repayment of receivables that must be divided equally with other creditors as
stipulated in Article 1131 and Article 1132 of the Civil Code. Such a position certainly
does not benefit creditors who hold dependent rights and who should take precedence
over repayment.
The position of creditors both as concurrent creditors and preferred creditors, can be
known from the relationship between the value of the liability, debtor debt, and the
proceeds of auction sales (Maharani, 2020), as follows:
a. Creditor is positioned as a preferred creditor by obtaining full repayment of the debt
if the value of the indemnity and the proceeds from the sale of the object of the
indemnity are greater than the amount of debt of the debtor.
b. Creditors are positioned as preferred creditors by obtaining full debt repayment
when viewed in terms of sales proceeds obtaining a selling price greater than the
value of rights dependents and the value of their receivables.
c. Creditor as a concurrent creditor, if the value of the debt is greater than the value of
the dependent rights and the proceeds of the sale.
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
[The Effect of the Execution of the Sale of the Right Object on the
Position of Bank Creditors]
Stevani Komara, Habib Adjie
d. The creditor is positioned as a concurrent creditor for the remaining debt of the debtor
if the proceeds from the sale of the object of liability are less than the amount of debt
and the value of the right of the dependent.
Based on the description above, if further examining the debtor's debt, the value of the
dependent rights and the proceeds of the sale of the dependent objects through auction
have a close relationship as a determinant of the position of the creditor in case of
repayment of his receivables. Creditors are certainly prioritized and given privileges in
repaying debts in full if the value of the dependent rights and the result of the sale of the
object of the liability are greater than the debt debtor. If the opposite happens, then for
the remaining debt or debt that has not been paid, put the creditor as a concurrent
creditor (Prayoga, 2022).
For creditors who have obtained full repayment, and there is residue from the sale of the
object of liability, UUHT provides legal protection for debtors. The remaining sale of the
object of liability after the debtor is paid off, the creditor must return the remaining
money to the debtor as his right (Maurizkha, 2022). This has been regulated in Article 6
of the UUHT which explains that: "if the debtor defaults, the holder of the first g of the
Dependent Rights has the right to sell the object of the Dependent Rights on his own
power through a public auction and take repayment of his receivables from the proceeds
of the sale".
In the Substance of the above article, there is the phrase "...... take repayment of
receivables from the proceeds of the sale", which s then explained in the Explanation to
Article 6 of the UUHT as follows: The holder of the Right to Cover has the right to
set sell object Right of Liability through public auction without requiring further
approval from the grantor of the Right of Liability and then take repayment of the
receivables from the proceeds of the sale earlier than other creditors. The remaining
proceeds of the sale remain the rights of the grantor".
Based on the explanation above, it can be said that the creditor has the right to execute
the object of the dependent right if the debtor breaks the promise or defaults by taking
from the proceeds of the sale of collateral objects, with a note only limited to the amount
of the debtor's debt, and the rest remains the right of the debtor (Leo, 2016).
The value of the dependent rights contained in the APHT that has been registered at the
local land office and has been issued a certificate of pendent rights has the function of
determining the position of creditors. If the debtor defaults on a promise that can be
carried out the execution of the object of the dependent right prioritizes the repayment
of creditors. If the value of the dependent rights listed in the APHT has a debt value
greater than the debtor's debt, then the preferred right is attached to the creditor r, and
vice versa applies if the value The greater the debt the creditor is positioned as a
concurrent creditor.
[The Effect of the Execution of the Sale of the Right Object on the
Position of Bank Creditors]
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The determination of the position of creditors is not only assessed limited to the value of
the rights listed in the APHT but also influenced by the results of the auction sale. If the
proceeds from the sale of the liability are greater than the amount of the debt the creditor
is entitled to the introduction of full repayment of the debt. If the proceeds of the sale of
the object of liability are less than the debtor's debt, then the creditor is entitled to
repayment of the debtor's debt from the proceeds of the sale, but The remaining debtor
positions the creditor no longer as a preferred creditor but as a concurrent creditor.
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