[Educators in Qur’an (Education Spirituality Analysis in Surah Al-
Kahfi Verses 60-82)]
Ayu Era Wardhani, Dwi Ratnasari, Idrus Latif
The success of education in realizing the desired goals is highly dependent on the
educational actors themselves because education is a process that has a purpose. The
educational actors in question are teachers or educators, both in formal, informal, and
non-formal environments. This shows that educators bear such great responsibility for
the success of the educational process carried out. Educators in the formal environment,
like it or not, must have several special competencies or abilities that support the
implementation of their profession as teachers (Ramayulis, 2015). One of the main tasks
and responsibilities that must be carried out by educators to their students is to transfer
their knowledge and instill moral values to their students. The moral values instilled aim
to make their students better individuals. An educator is expected to be a good example
and role model for his students. Because the educator will be seen and observed by his
students as a role model, the character of an educator is very influential on his students
(Abnisa, 2017).
In education, the educator factor is one of the most important aspects. The teacher as an
educator is a very difficult mandate to carry out because the teacher must be able to
guide and direct his students in a better direction, regarding all aspects that exist in
students both cognitive, affective, and psychomotor (Warsah & Uyun, 2019). Educators
are a means for students to gain knowledge, besides that educators are also expected to
be a rule model that is seen by their students as noble, meritorious, and respected figures.
However, there are many phenomena that occur regarding educators who are less
responsible for their profession or only carry out their profession as educators without a
spirit as an educator, this is often found today (Pitaloka & Nandani, 2021).
Islamic education is a process that takes place continuously and continuously. Based on
this, the tasks and functions that need to be carried out by Islamic Education are
education for the whole person and last a lifetime (Riza, 2022). This concept means that
the tasks and functions of education have a target on students who are constantly
growing and developing dynamically, starting from the womb to the end of life. Islamic
education has special characteristics including having its own system that is different
from the education system developed in general, especially the Western education
system. There are many significant differences between Islamic education and non-
Islamic education which can be seen from the ideological system, value system, and the
orientation of Islamic education itself (Nasution, 2020). The ideal basis of Islamic
Education is synonymous with Islamic teachings because the basis used is the Al-Qur'an
and Al-Hadith. Islamic education is education in which all components or aspects are
based on Islamic teachings. Vision, mission, goals, teaching and learning processes,
educators, students, the relationship between educators and students, curriculum,
teaching materials, infrastructure, management, environment, and other educational
aspects or components are based on Islamic teachings (Masruhin et al., 2021). In Islam,
there are sources of Islamic education which are generally divided into two, namely
primary and secondary sources. Primary sources are the Al-Qur'an and Hadith, while
secondary sources are history, the thoughts of friends, philosophers and traditions that
do not contradict the Al-Qur'an and Hadith. Education is a social program, and
therefore every philosophy adopted by a society is different from the philosophy
adopted by other societies in accordance with its character, as well as the power of
civilization that influences it which relates to efforts to uphold the spirit and philosophy
chosen and approved to obtain comfort. his life.
Islam is the religion that complements the previous religions, where Islam came as a
religion of enlightenment for the lives of all creatures on this earth so that all of His
creatures do not clash with each other in living life on this earth (Ismail, 2019). Because
Allah SWT has sent down the Al-Qur'an as the holy book of Muslims in which it is