[The Influence of Gender in Physics on Mastery of the Concept
of Graph Representation through Test of Understanding
Graphs in Kinematics (TUG-K) Analysis]
Ahmad Ilmar, Sentot Kusairi
very important to learn the concept of mechanics, especially Newton's Law, acceleration
is a very important and fundamental concept in mechanics (Muzakki et al., 2022), in
order to understand mechanics well, it is necessary to have a solid understanding of
kinematics concepts (Saputri et al., 2019)
The results of research conducted by (Bunawan et al., 2015) that chart reading and graph
interpretation skills in students are still inadequate, besides that proficiency in analyzing
graphs depends on the type of graph and the level or type of question developed.
(Rahma & Kurniawan, 2021) found that students have difficulty in reading, interpreting,
and understanding information depicted in graphs. (Anis et al., 2019) their research
revealed that the meaning of graphs in physics concepts is more difficult than in
mathematical concepts. (Beichner, 1994) in his research discusses the kinematics of
straight motion graphs of position, speed, and acceleration which makes the Test Of
Understanding Graphs In Kinematics (TUG-K) in his introduction Beichner writes that
graphs are the heart of physics and are very efficient for solving scientific problems, the
use of graphs is very broad as a teaching tool but in fact, many students still have
difficulty reading graphs and students have difficulty interpreting the meaning of
existing graphs.
The results obtained by Beichner the average score of students is 40% quite low. The
most visible difficulty of students is determining the gradient or slope of the graph,
another problem that needs to be urgently considered is the assumption that a graph is
an image where the graph does not change even though the coordinates change and
move (Guryadi & Sutrisna, 2020).
In relation to TUG-K, Antwi, et al also conducted research on understanding the concept
of reading graphs. In its introduction (Antwi, 2018) found that students misinterpret,
especially in describing the shape of the graph, it is difficult to change the graph from
one shape to another, gives different interpretations for the slope and area under the
graph, and finds it difficult to calculate the slope and area precisely. The results of
research conducted by Bunawan, Uzun, Robert J. Beichner, and Victor Antwi et al, show
that in the field there are still many students who have difficulty in interpreting graphs,
some of the difficulties are determining changes in the speed of objects that experience
In constant acceleration, difficulty distinguishing graph gradients and changing the
perception that graphs are not images.
Ainsworth (Suminar et al., 2013) states that students' ability to interpret representations
is influenced by a combination of representations, individual differences, and processes
in understanding a representation. Individual differences are influenced by familiarity
with representation, familiarity with the concept represented age of students, way of
thinking, intelligence, and gender or gender.