Volume 2 Number 5, May 2023
p- ISSN 2963-3648- e-ISSN 2964-8653
Muhammad Afdhal Usman
, Haliah
*, Andi Kusumawati
Small Tax Office of North Makassar, Indonesia
Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Account Representatives are the foundation for each Tax Office, Regional Office, and even the
Directorate General of Taxes in achieving tax revenue because it functions as a supervisor for
taxpayers in performing their tax compliance. Against the background of the importance of
achieving tax revenue and the important role of Account Representatives in achieving the tax
revenue target, it is deemed necessary to know what factors determine the success of the
Account Representative in achieving the tax revenue target in Indonesia. To find out these
factors, qualitative research was carried out using a case study approach through in-depth
interviews with 24 informants from internal and 5 informants from external of the Directorate
General of Taxes, by previously conducting a preliminary questionnaire. Based on this, it was
found that several factors influence or become determining factors for the Account
Representative's success in achieving the tax revenue target for which they are responsible,
including motivation at work, understanding of regulations, ability to communicate,
availability, and accuracy of data, superior and organizational support, IT facilities and
applications, profiling capabilities, mapping and business processes of taxpayers,
completeness and clarity of tax regulations, placement and mutation, and awareness of
Keywords: Account Representative; Performance; Revenue Target
Tax revenue is the largest component of state revenue in the State Budget in
Indonesia which is used as a source of funding to finance the implementation of
government and development activities and programs. The increasing government
spending every year makes the target of tax revenue from the tax sector (which is then
referred to as tax revenue), which is the largest component of tax revenue, also increases
every year in the State Budget. In the period 2004 to 2019, the tax revenue target
increased by IDR 1,338.96 trillion (the 2020-2022 period was not included due to the
Covid-19 pandemic). In addition to the amount, the percentage of tax revenue realized
to total state revenue is also increasing every year. In 2001 the realization of tax revenue
was IDR 158.58 trillion or 52.75% of total state revenue and in 2019 the realization of tax
revenue was IDR 1,332.66 trillion or 68,16% of total state revenue. In addition, the
realization of tax revenue has almost always increased every year where the increase in
the period 2004 to 2019 amounted to IDR 1,094.01 trillion. When viewed from the growth
side, during this period the average growth in realized tax revenues was 12,81%.
However, this is not directly proportional to the realization of the tax revenue targets set
in the State Budget. The tax revenue target was only achieved in 2004 and 2008 (2021 and
2022 were not included due to the Covid-19 pandemic). Even for 2015 and 2016 the
realization of tax revenue only reached 81% of the set target.
The target of tax revenue that becomes the responsibility of the Directorate General
of Taxes (DGT) is then distributed to 34 Regional Offices of DGT as outlined in the
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
[Critical Factors for Account Representative Success in Reaching Tax
Revenue Targets]
Muhammad Afdhal Usman1, Haliah2*, Andi Kusumawati3
Decree of the Director General of Taxes (FADHILLAH, 2022). Furthermore, the Regional
Offices are asked to distribute or share the target with Tax Office in their area. The final
stage is the distribution of the tax revenue target by each Tax Office based on or per type
of tax, month, and Account Representatives. Account Representatives are the foundation
for each Tax Office, Regional Office, and even the DGT in achieving revenue because
they function or serve as taxpayers' supervisors in performing their tax compliance. The
Account Representative is one of the spearheads of exploring the potential for state
revenue in the field of taxation by providing guidance/advice, consultation, analysis,
and supervision of taxpayers (Subroto, 2019).
Regional Office of the DGT of South, West, and Southeast Sulawesi (Kanwil DJP
West Sulawesi) is the Regional Office of DGT which oversees 15 Tax Offices consisting
of 1 Medium Tax Office and 14 Small Tax Offices with working areas covering three
provinces, namely South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, and Southeast Sulawesi. This makes
Kanwil DJP West Sulawesi become a Regional Office that has many Tax Offices along
with a large working area. In addition, the Kanwil DJP West Sulawesi has a total of 441
Account Representatives, which represents 4.01% of the 10,996 Account Representatives
spread across 34 Regional Office of DGT. As for the realization of Tax Revenue from the
Kanwil DJP West Sulawesi in the 2014-2019 period, it has increased in terms of the
amount of rupiah but in terms of the percentage of realization against the target, it has
decreased from 2014-2017 which only reached 78.51% in 2017 but has increased in 2018
and 2019 to reach 89.41%. This percentage is lower than the percentage of nationally
realized tax revenues for 2015-2018 but higher than the percentage of nationally realized
tax revenues for 2019. The order of target achievement was ranked 13th out of 34 DGT
Regional Offices in 2019 and was once in 32nd place out of 34 DGT Regional Offices in
2017 (Kumalasari et al., 2020).
Against the background of the failure to achieve the tax revenue target in recent
years and the important role of the Account Representative in achieving the tax revenue
target, it is deemed necessary to know what factors determine the success of the Account
Representative in achieving the tax revenue target and how these factors work
influencing the success of Account Representatives with case studies on Tax Office in
the Work Area of Kanwil DJP West Sulawesi (MUHAMMAD, 2018).
Research Method
The research method used is qualitative research with a case study approach. This study
uses a qualitative method because it wants to know in depth the opinions or feelings of
other people, in this case, the Head of Regional Office, Head of Tax Office, Head of
Section, Account Representative, and outsiders of DGT. A qualitative approach was
chosen to further explore and explore the critical success factors for Account
Representatives in achieving the tax revenue target so that the reasons and ways these
factors influence Account Representative performance can be identified.
Informants who are the source of data in this research (primary data) are employees in
the Kanwil DJP West Sulawesi who are related to Account Representatives including the
DGT Head Office as well as parties outside the DGT who understand the role of Account
Representative. The secondary data sources include regulations, research references,
and related documents, as well as tax revenue reports and related reports made or
received by the Kanwil DJP West Sulawesi.
Informants in this study amounted to 29 people consisting of 24 informants from internal
and 5 informants from external DGT. From internal DGT there are 3 groups of
informants, namely (1) Tax Office employees consisting of Head of Office, Head of
Supervision Section, and Account Representative in the work area of the Kanwil DJP
West Sulawesi who were selected based on the Employee Performance Award program
and acceptance realization/performance, (2) Regional Office employees consisting of the
[Critical Factors for Account Representative Success in Reaching Tax
Revenue Targets]
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
Head of Data and Tax Potential Supervision and the Head of Supervision Guidance
Section, and (3) employees of the DGT Head Office namely the Head of the Industrial
Sector Potential Section. For external DGT, the informants consisted of 3 academics and
2 observers in the field of taxation.
Data collection techniques used in this study were (1) Preliminary Questionnaires, (2)
Documentation, (3) Interviews, and (4) Triangulation (Triangulation of Techniques and
Sources). Questionnaires were created in this study to facilitate and provide an overview
of the critical success factors for Account Representatives in achieving tax revenue
targets when conducting interviews without statistical data processing. Preliminary
questionnaires were distributed to Account Representatives in the work area of Kanwil
DJP West Sulawesi. This study used semi-structured interviews (in-depth interviews)
intending to find problems openly, in which informants were asked for their opinions
and ideas regarding the determinants of Account Representative success in achieving
the tax revenue target.
Result And Discussion
Account Representatives are the most important component or have the biggest role for
each Tax Office and DGT in general because they are the main spearhead of each Tax
Office, bear the mandate of the largest revenue target from each Tax Office, and
supervise taxpayers who are directly related to and explore the potential of taxpayers.
The importance of the role and position of an Account Representative in a Tax Office,
Regional Office, and DGT makes it interesting to conduct research related to the
determinants of Account Representative success in achieving targets, especially
achieving tax revenue targets (Dahliah, 2019).
Of the 315 preliminary questionnaires that were distributed, 266 questionnaires were
returned or 84.44%. Of the 43 factors in the questionnaire that were distributed, the
average respondent filled in these factors with a score range of 2.66 to 4.70. The highest
score, namely 4.70, is given to the factor of understanding regulations and the lowest
score, namely 2.66, is given to the factor of gender. According to respondents, 13 factors
have a score above 4.5 which means that they have a level of importance between
important and very important. These factors can be seen in table 1.
Tabel 1 Preliminary Questionnaires Result with The Highest Score
Average Score
Understanding of regulations
Superior and organizational support
IT facilities and applications
Data availability
Communication skills
Employee benefits
Office facilities and infrastructure
Job design such as placement and mutation
Clarity of tax regulations
Ability to analyze financial reports
Work motivation
Career development
Organizational culture
Based on the preliminary questionnaire and interviews with informants, several factors
influence or become determining factors for the success of Account Representatives. The
determining factors include motivation at work, understanding of regulations, ability to
communicate, availability and accuracy of data, superior and organizational support, IT
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
[Critical Factors for Account Representative Success in Reaching Tax
Revenue Targets]
Muhammad Afdhal Usman1, Haliah2*, Andi Kusumawati3
facilities and applications, profiling, mapping and business process capabilities of
taxpayers, completeness and clarity of tax regulations, placement and mutation, and
taxpayer awareness.
1. Motivation at Work
Motivation, enthusiasm, or militancy in work is a very important factor and
determines the success of Account Representatives in achieving tax revenue targets.
Motivation or enthusiasm at work will be a differentiating factor between one
Account Representative and another (Hutahaean & SE, 2021).
One of the reasons for the importance of motivation in every Account Representative
is so that they can work optimally and earnestly. With motivation, an Account
Representative will not work soberly and will not only pursue targets in quantity but
also pursue the quality side of these targets (Musman, 2022). Account Representatives
who have high motivation will be enthusiastic about pursuing tax revenue targets.
They will not complain and be pessimistic about the high tax target at the beginning
of the year but will make every effort to realize and achieve the tax revenue target.
When conditions or other factors are not ideal, for example, the data available is still
lacking, regulations are incomplete, applications are still limited, and so on, it will not
be a barrier for an Account Representative who has high motivation and enthusiasm
to achieve the tax revenue target. He will look for other ways to achieve his targets
and/or overcome existing obstacles (Lumbantobing, 2020).
The Account Representative's motivation in working to achieve the tax revenue target
is influenced or arises due to several factors, for example, the current employee
benefits (including that will be obtained when achieving the target), the certainty of
promotion, expectations of obtaining awards, placement, and transfers (especially
regarding the clarity of future placements and transfers), superior support,
commitment to responsibility, and dedication to the country.
Account Representative motivation still needs to be further improved to provide
better results. In general, increasing, or growing Account Representative motivation
can be done in two ways, namely through oneself and through superiors and the
environment. Efforts made by the Tax Office within the Kanwil DJP West Sulawesi to
increase the motivation and enthusiasm of its employees are by holding Morning
Activity activities, Internalisation Corporate Value, coaching meetings, Individual
Performance Dialogue, providing direction and motivation from superiors,
exemplary enthusiasm from superiors, and through messages or prayers in the
morning before starting work activities.
2. Understanding of the Regulations
Understanding the rules is very important for an Account Representative because it
becomes a tool for him to explore potential tax revenues. With a high understanding
of tax regulations, an Account Representative can explore the potential for greater
and more comprehensive tax revenue. The more proficient the Account
Representative is in understanding the regulations, the more tax revenue potential
that can be explored or the more opportunities to issue a Letter of Request for an
Explanation of Data and/or Information (SP2DK) (Riphat, 2022).
The Account Representative must know and understand the tax regulations well to
properly tax the taxpayer. They must know the type of tax that covers the taxpayer,
whether it is income tax, VAT, or other tax regulations. In addition, the condition of
tax regulations that are constantly undergoing changes, adjustments, and
improvements means that Account Representatives must always update their
[Critical Factors for Account Representative Success in Reaching Tax
Revenue Targets]
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
understanding of the applicable tax regulations. It is important to update the
understanding of tax regulations so as not to harm taxpayers by imposing a tax on
income that should not be taxable or not payable or detrimental to the state by not
imposing a tax on income of taxpayers that should be taxable or taxable (Wardana et
al., 2020). An Account Representative must update his tax knowledge at any time
when exploring tax potential. This means that they need to review tax regulations to
determine whether a regulation has changed or not, under what conditions the
regulation can apply, and what conditions must be met so that the old regulations
must still be applied.
By understanding the rules, Account Representative can carry out better guidance
and supervision of taxpayer compliance. Supervision is carried out by comparing the
conditions or circumstances of the taxpayer with the applicable tax regulations so that
if the taxpayer does not or has not fully complied with the applicable tax regulations,
the potential tax revenue from the taxpayer will be obtained by conducting
supervision (Udhyawati et al., 2022).
Increasing knowledge or understanding of tax regulations can be done by conducting
training, In House Training, and dissemination of the latest regulations to Account
Representatives. In addition, this can also be done by asking The Account
Representative’s friends or superiors. An Account Representative must actively seek
out new tax regulations even though they have not been socialized directly to them
by studying independently. One of the ways taken by DGT to make it easier for its
employees, including Account Representatives, to update their understanding or
search for tax regulations is by providing an intranet-based application called the Tax
Knowledge Base application which contains a collection of tax regulations and other
knowledge. In addition, there is also a portaldjp application that can be used by
Account Representatives to search for the latest tax regulations.
3. Communication Skills
One of the reasons it is important to have good communication skills is to be able to
influence taxpayers so that they want to pay the taxes owed. Through good
communication skills, taxpayers who previously did not want to pay taxes and fulfill
tax obligations can be touched and moved to fulfill their tax obligations, so that
potential tax revenues can be realized.
In addition, communication skills are also influential in providing understanding to
the other person, so that he understands and accepts what we convey.
Communication is important because through good communication, messages from
the government, especially DGT, can reach taxpayers. An Account Representative
must be able to explain to the taxpayer about their rights and obligations, how to
implement and fulfill their rights and obligations, as well as indications of non-
compliance that may be carried out by the taxpayer. As a bridge or a means for
taxpayers to understand tax regulations, Account Representatives must be able to
provide the understanding and communicate properly to taxpayers about tax
regulations and their calculations of potential and tax payable from a taxpayer so that
taxpayers understand and are willing to make tax payments (Sulistyarini & Zainal,
With good communication skills, it can make a perception or assumption of
something between the taxpayer and Account Representative can be aligned and in
line, for example, interpretation of a regulation. Misinterpretation may come from the
taxpayer or Account Representative. With good communication, a common point of
view will be created and ambiguous things can be resolved so that the intentions we
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
[Critical Factors for Account Representative Success in Reaching Tax
Revenue Targets]
Muhammad Afdhal Usman1, Haliah2*, Andi Kusumawati3
convey can be accepted by the taxpayer, and in the end, the taxpayer is willing to pay
taxes. With good communication skills, the possibility of conflict and friction with
taxpayers will be reduced so that taxpayers will find it easier and more sincere to
make tax payments. Good communication will not only minimize conflict with the
taxpayer but will also make the taxpayer comfortable and not pressured by the
Account Representative's oversight (Iryani & Hartijasti, 2018).
Good and effective communication must pay attention to identity, the situation, and
the condition of the other person we are talking to (pay attention to the other person
or the characteristics of the taxpayer). We must be good at paying attention to our
interlocutors, whether they are big businessmen, officials, local traders, or even
fishermen and farmers, then adopt a way of communication that suits them.
Therefore, the way of communication needs to be considered and adjusted to the
person you are talking to so that it does not cause conflict and the taxpayer can accept
our explanation and is willing to pay taxes. In addition, the condition of taxpayers
must also be considered in communicating with them. Account Representatives must
be able to read the taxpayer’s situation and conditions. Whether the taxpayer is in a
happy condition or not. Whether to meet the taxpayer when he is not in a good mood
or postpone it in another time. In communicating with difficult taxpayers, the weak
side of the taxpayer must also be considered. An Account Representative must know
the taxpayer’s weakest point, for example through his wife or husband. So, when
communication with the taxpayer chokes or fails, you can try to persuade or explain
through the wife, husband, or someone the taxpayer respects so that the taxpayer’s
explanation can be more acceptable.
One that must also be considered by the Account Representative in communicating,
namely local wisdom in the area. Local wisdom must be considered in conveying tax
regulations to taxpayers so that these regulations can be more easily accepted and not
burdensome for taxpayers.
In communicating, Account Representatives do not be easily influenced by the
conditions the taxpayer encounters. It means do not easily believe everything the
taxpayer says. This is done as usual when met, taxpayers always show and say that
they are poor people in the sense that they do not have enough income to be taxed.
They always want and try so that the taxes they pay are much smaller than they
should be. Therefore, an Account Representative must be good at seeing the situation
and not be easily influenced by the taxpayer’s situation
Account Representatives must know and communicate in a polite, courteous, and
ethical manner. With persuasive dan polite communication, it is hoped that the
taxpayer can be open, aware, touched, and willing to accept explanations from the
Account Representative. In addition, this approach is also expected to be able to build
emotional closeness between the Account Representative and the taxpayer so that
further communication or discussion can run easily and smoothly. In addition,
Account Representatives must know when they should communicate to the taxpayer
gently or persuasively and when to use a harsh or strict manner against the rules.
Hard, firm, or strict communication methods are usually used when persuasive
communication methods do not work. This method is used if taxpayers do not carry
out their obligations to make continuous tax payments that should be owed for
various reasons.
Account Representative's communication skills are good. However, there are also
Account Representatives whose communication skills are still mediocre or average
and need to be improved. Sometimes some Account Representatives are still nervous
[Critical Factors for Account Representative Success in Reaching Tax
Revenue Targets]
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
and doubtful when dealing with certain taxpayers, for example facing corporate
taxpayers owned by big businessmen, local government officials, or Regency
Legislative Council members.
One way that can be taken to improve communication skills is to attend
communication education and training. Apart from that, it can also be improved
through the Account Representative communication forum so that they can exchange
experiences on how to communicate well in handling certain taxpayers. A
communication training that involves all Account Representatives needs to be carried
out to equalize and standardize all Account Representative abilities in
communicating so that it can become a reference in dealing with various types of
taxpayer characteristics. In general, DGT has held communication training. However,
there are still a limited number where only a few people can participate.
4. Data Availability and Accuracy
In general, data is divided into two types, namely internal data and external data.
Internal data can generally be obtained from applications owned by DGT such as
Approweb, Portal, SIDJP, and other applications, and from the Center for Tax
Analysis (a special tax analysis unit tasked with processing, presenting, and
analyzing data to measure tax compliance, calculating potential taxes, and identifying
business processes and modes of tax non-compliance that can be utilized by work
units within the DGT). External data can be obtained from third parties such as local
governments, other central government agencies, notaries, and even from social
media (Oussous et al., 2018).
Data is the main source for the Account Representative in exploring the potential of
taxpayers. With the data available, Account Representatives can cross-check whether
the taxpayer has paid taxes or complied with their tax obligations according to their
potential tax revenue. If it has not been done, the Account Representative can submit
and ask the taxpayer to make payments or report and explain the sanctions that can
arise if they do not carry out their obligations. If the data is not available, it will be
difficult for the Account Representative to ask the taxpayer to make tax payments
because there is no basis for exploring potential or talking to the taxpayer.
One of the advantages of having data available is to help (facilitate) Account
Representatives in carrying out supervision without having to go directly to the field.
The number of taxpayers that need to be supervised by each Account Representative
makes direct supervision by observing each taxpayer’s place of business and
residence, will not work effectively if it is not supported by the availability and
accuracy of data. Data availability and direct observation need to be combined by the
Account Representative so that it can generate maximum tax revenue.
It is hoped that good, valid, and complete data will improve the quality of SP2DK so
that the supervision carried out by the Account Representative can obtain better
results. Quality letters make it difficult or impossible for taxpayers to comply with
their tax obligations. In addition, accurate or valid data can provide additional
confidence for Account Representatives in exploring tax potential. In exploring
potential such as sending SP2DK, an Account Representative must have or be
supported by the availability and accuracy of data. This is necessary to minimize the
opinion of the taxpayer that the Account Representative is just guessing because he
made an SP2DK or explored tax potential without supporting data. The taxpayer trust
in the DGT (in general) and the Account Representative (in particular) will decrease
if they are continuously urged or asked to pay taxes without being supported by
strong data (preventing the taxpayer trust in the DGT from decreasing) and in the
end, carrying out concrete the taxpayers will no longer be willing to pay taxes.
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
[Critical Factors for Account Representative Success in Reaching Tax
Revenue Targets]
Muhammad Afdhal Usman1, Haliah2*, Andi Kusumawati3
With the availability of data, especially concrete data, Account Representatives can
emphasize that taxpayers make tax payments or carry out their tax obligations.
Because if an SP2DK related to concrete data is not followed up or responded to by
the taxpayer, Account Representative can continue carrying out concrete data audits
without going through the Tax Auditor Functional because the Account
Representative can also act as a tax audit officer. As for the advantages of checking
concrete data, namely, the required inspection period is shorter and the results of the
determination are also more certain because it is usually sourced from proof of tax
withholding and confirmation of tax invoices so that in general the taxpayer is not
too able to evade or deny the results of examining concrete data because it is
supported by evidence or solid data.
In general, there is a lot of data available for Account Representatives. However, the
place to obtain or access the data is still in different places. This data has not been
collected in one storage area or has not been integrated and sometimes one
application with another application is out of sync or different. In addition, one of the
challenges that must be faced by Account Representatives is validating of data. This
happens because not all the data available to them is valid or accurate so additional
efforts are needed by the Account Representative extracting tax revenue potential.
The limited data that occurs is generally data that comes from parties outside the DGT
or external data both in terms of quantity and quality of the data. Another obstacle
that occurs related to data is the level of accuracy or validity of the data which is
sometimes not good enough or disappointing. Sometimes there is data in the DGT
which is not updated, not comprehensive, inaccurate, and even tends to be
misleading so it can hinder the process of exploring potential carried out by Account
Account Representatives, Tax Office, Regional Offices, and the Head Office can take
various ways to increase the availability of data that will be used in extracting
potential tax revenues. For Regional Offices, additional data distribution can be
carried out by carrying out various data exchange collaborations or entering into
agreements with the provincial government, regency/city government, and trade
associations. Account Representatives must still be active and diligent in searching
for data and not rely solely on DGT's internal data. Account Representatives can also
take various ways in searching data about taxpayers, for example through social
media such as Facebook, Instagram, path, and others. Additional data can be obtained
and found from taxpayer activities on social media.
Account Representatives can use in carrying out their duties to collect tax revenues,
for example, data on Trading Business Permits, Business Location Permits,
population data, and other data that can be directly observed in the field. In addition
to using data available in the system or on the internet, an Account Representative
also needs to go to the field to find data or make observations on taxpayers because
sometimes many taxpayers try not to be caught or revealed by the system when
making transactions by not filling in or give the Taxpayer Identification Number to
the seller or ask not to make a tax invoice so that direct observation is needed to
disclose it.
One form of data inaccuracy is unclear and incomplete taxpayer addresses listed in
the database. This will become an obstacle for the Account Representative when
visiting the taxpayer or when sending letters, like Notices of Tax Collection, SP2DK,
or other letters.
5. Superior and Organizational Support
[Critical Factors for Account Representative Success in Reaching Tax
Revenue Targets]
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
In carrying out their duties, Account Representatives are always in contact with the
taxpayers and outside parties where this relationship can occasionally potentially
create tension or friction between Account Representatives and taxpayers, especially
when dealing with a taxpayer who has power and strength. Therefore, it takes
support from superiors to overcome these problems. Support and protection from
superiors and organizations for Account Representatives are needed so that they can
be calm, feel protected, and have no doubts in carrying out their duties (confident and
not hesitating in acting). Support or backup superiors are needed to grow the Account
Representative's confidence in dealing with taxpayers (Syauqi, 2021).
The Account Representative works not on behalf of himself but on behalf of the DGT.
Therefore, the superior must always support the Account Representative because if
this is not done it will lead to laziness and reduce the Account Representative's
motivation in pursuing tax revenues. If Account Representatives are not supported
by superiors when they want to meet with taxpayers or when making or completing
an analysis of potential revenue, then they will certainly not be motivated and lazy to
work so the process of extracting potential tax revenue can be hampered.
The most important form of superior and organizational support for Account
Representatives is protection or backup in carrying out their duties. Protection is
urgently needed when Account Representatives want to step forward to take deeper
actions to explore potential tax revenues. In addition, encouraging and motivating by
superiors also needs to be done so that Account Representatives are not lazy in
carrying out their duties. The support of superiors in the form of continuous
motivation for Account Representatives will make them feel confident to continue to
make appeals or carry out their duties.
One form of superior and organizational support is assistance when meeting with
taxpayers. Section Heads or Heads of Offices and even Regional Office must
accompany Account Representatives to meet taxpayers or certain parties who are
classified as big people and feel that the degree of Account Representative is still not
enough to meet face-to-face.
A good boss (Office Head or Section Head) is a boss who does not dictate to Account
Representatives in carrying out their duties but directs them to work well. A superior
need to provide guidance by asking about the obstacles faced by the Account
Representative and assisting them in finding solutions to these obstacles either
through regular meetings or small discussions with them. In addition, coaching
conducted by superiors is also needed to provide additional knowledge and
experience to Account Representatives.
One form of Regional Office support for Account Representatives is by conducting
regular coaching in the form of Account Representative forums. In addition, other
forms of coaching are carried out by reminding the Account Representative's monthly
performance which is conveyed through the Head of each Office. One form of support
that must be given to Account Representatives is to always pay attention to and
evaluate their performance so that they feel monitored and can improve their
In general, the conditions of support from superiors and organizations within the
Kanwil DJP West Sulawesi have been supportive Account Representative in carrying
out its duties and functions. What needs to be improved is the speed of response from
superiors to problems faced by Account Representatives. Section Heads also always
assist Account Representatives in resolving their problems the form of exchanging
ideas, discussions, and providing suggestions and input.
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
[Critical Factors for Account Representative Success in Reaching Tax
Revenue Targets]
Muhammad Afdhal Usman1, Haliah2*, Andi Kusumawati3
6. IT Facilities and Applications
Applications that are usually used by Account Representatives work to collect state
revenue, including the Approweb, Apportal, SIDJP, and MPN Info applications
which have different and complementary functions and advantages, especially for
checking the status of taxpayer payments and searching for data.
Currently, almost all work related to offices uses electronic facilities, as well as DGT.
Various applications have also been launched by DGT, including e-filing, e-invoicing,
e-billing, and so on. This is intended to accommodate the needs of taxpayers and tax
officials. IT facilities and applications are important for tax officials not only for
Account Representatives because all work is documented through applications and
all work can run or work effectively thanks to IT facilities and applications. Account
Representative work can be maximized with the existence of IT facilities and
applications (has become a necessity in carrying out work).
IT facilities and applications help Account Representative jobs because they can speed
up and simplify their work in searching and analyzing data to explore potential tax
revenues. Without IT and applications, the work will be even harder and take a long
time to process. In addition, IT facilities and applications are important because all
data needed to carry out tasks, for example, data of tax revenue, is available or stored
in applications owned by DGT such as Apportal, Approweb, SIDJP, and MPN Info
(where to obtain and access data).
The main driver of the Account Representative in the works today are applications,
especially Approweb applications. Because the Approweb contains various kinds of
data and job views or data that must be followed up by the Account Representative.
Achievements of Account Representative key performance indicator can be seen on
the Approweb or Foreman Application and can be monitored directly by superiors,
namely Section Heads, Office Heads to Regional Offices. In the Approweb (Mandor)
Application, achievements key performance indicator can be seen whether it is
already Green, Yellow, or still Red so that it can spur him to carry out his work to
achieve tax revenue for which he is responsible.
One of the functions or roles of IT facilities and applications is to create a system that
can force taxpayers to comply. Because, taxpayer compliance arises because of
compulsion, not because the taxpayer voluntarily chooses to comply. To achieve this,
a single source document system or integration and refinement of DGT's applications
is required. With more obedient taxpayers, both reporting compliance and tax
payments, it will make it easier for the Account Representative to collect tax revenue.
The condition of IT facilities and applications at DGT is quite good. IT facilities and
applications at DGT are extraordinarily good. Even so, there is still a need to improve
the quality of IT facilities and applications, especially in terms of application
integration and network speed at certain times. There needs to be the integration of
various applications owned by DGT so that it can make it easier for DGT employees,
including Account Representatives, in carrying out their work. Currently, DGT's
applications are numerous and still fragmentary. Sometimes the data in one
application with another application there are different.
7. Taxpayer Profiling, Mapping, and Business Process Capability
The Account Representative must know and learn two things, namely the work area
and the taxpayers they oversee. They must understand the characteristics and
development of the business in their working area as well as the character and
[Critical Factors for Account Representative Success in Reaching Tax
Revenue Targets]
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
business processes of the taxpayer to determine and optimize potential exploration
that can be carried out. The way that can be taken to find out this is by carrying out
three steps, namely mapping, profiling, and understanding the taxpayer’s business
Mapping is an activity to map, categorize, or select work areas and supervised
taxpayers. The identification of areas and taxpayers carried out through the mapping
aims to make it easier to carry out monitoring and exploration of potential. Profiling
of taxpayers is important for Account Representatives to do so that they can know
clearly about who the taxpayer is, where the address is, which contact number, who
owns it, what is the amount of capital, and who are the main suppliers and
consumers. Account Representatives must always update their taxpayer profiling so
that it can reflect the actual conditions of the taxpayer.
Account Representatives must make a profiling list for the hundred largest taxpayers
they hold, to be able to monitor and explore potential more easily, such as conducting
supervision regarding what the taxpayer is. By knowing the taxpayer’s business
processes, the Account Representative will know about the types of business
activities, types of goods produced and sold, sales volume, and the total costs
incurred by the taxpayer so that they can compare it with the taxpayer’s SPT report
to make it easier to explore potential tax payments. In addition, in understanding the
taxpayer’s business processes, Account Representative must pay attention to the
business risks of the taxpayer to assist in calculating potential future tax revenues.
The profiling made by Account Representatives within the Kanwil DJP West Sulawesi
is still relatively simple, it just depends on who owns it, and when was it founded.
Not many leads to who are the main suppliers and consumers, what raw materials
are used, and how many workers. Therefore, profiling activities by Account
Representatives need to be increased.
The way that can be taken to improve skills in mapping, profiling, and understanding
taxpayer business processes is by training or sharing sessions. Sharing sessions can
be carried out through Account Representative forum activities at the National,
Regional Office, and Tax Office levels. Through the Account Representative forum,
Account Representatives can exchange information, knowledge, and experiences
about success stories in exploring potential.
8. Completeness and Clarity of Tax Regulations
The completeness and clarity of tax regulations are one of the determining factors for
the success of an Account Representative. Tax regulations in Indonesia also have a
hierarchy where the highest regulation is the Constitution and the lowest is the
Circular of the Director General of Taxes. Lower rules may not conflict with higher
rules. In addition, lower regulations are explanations, elaborations, or implementing
regulations for higher regulations.
The basis for imposing or charging taxes to individuals or entities is the law. We
cannot order individuals or entities to pay taxes if it is not stated in the law and its
derivative regulations. Therefore, the completeness of tax regulations is very
important because it is the basis or basis for Account Representatives to explore the
potential of taxpayers. Without a regulation stating that the Account Representative
cannot explore potential tax revenue (to be able to impose taxes).
Clear and complete tax regulations are of course highly expected by all tax officers,
including Account Representatives. Clear and complete tax regulations will create an
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
[Critical Factors for Account Representative Success in Reaching Tax
Revenue Targets]
Muhammad Afdhal Usman1, Haliah2*, Andi Kusumawati3
Account Representative not hesitant and not confused in submitting these regulations
to the taxpayer and in exploring the potential. In addition, the purpose of clear and
complete tax regulations for not to cause differences in perceptions between tax
officials and taxpayers or between one tax officer and another tax official. Clarity of
tax regulations is also needed so that taxpayers do not try to make interpretations or
look for loopholes from the ambiguity of these regulations to avoid paying taxes that
are their responsibility or that they have to pay.
Differences in perceptions or interpretations of tax regulations often occur between
one Account Representative and another. This can happen for two reasons, firstly
there are words in the regulations that are unclear or ambiguous which can lead to
multiple interpretations, and secondly differences in the ability of Account
Representatives to interpret a rule.
9. Job Design Such as Placement and Transfer
Job design such as placement and transfer are factors that affect the Account
Representative's performance in achieving the tax revenue target because placement
and mutation can affect morale or motivation. This placement or transfer can be a
motivation or demotivator for Account Representatives in working to carry out their
duties and functions to collect state revenue. Several scenarios may occur related to
the relationship between placement and transfer and work morale, including (a)
being placed according to one's wishes will increase work enthusiasm, (b) have
performed very well, then being transferred to a place where one does not wish it will
reduce morale, (c) now working in a place where he does not want but if he is
performing well, he will be transferred to a place according to his wishes, this will
increase motivation. So, when the spirit or work motivation of Account
Representatives is high, they will fight with all their might and earnestly to collect
state revenue and achieve the targets they are responsible for.
The placement and transfer of an employee can affect the concentration of the
employee at work. If the placement of an Account Representative is not at home base
or where he wants, then his concentration at work will be divided into three, namely
concentration on his main task (collecting tax revenue), concentration on family, and
concentration on his residence in the new office. Dividing concentration will make
performance in carrying out its duties and functions possibly decrease.
Transfers and placements can be a factor that greatly determines the success of the
Account Representative in achieving the revenue target if there is certainty in the
transfer and placement. Ensure that Account Representatives who perform very well
and/or achieve the tax revenue target will be placed or transferred to the Tax Office
according to their wishes, and for Account Representatives who perform poorly even
though they have been placed at the Tax Office according to their wishes will be
transferred to a Tax Office that is further from previous Tax Office.
10. Taxpayer Awareness
The main tax system in Indonesia adheres to a self-assessment system in which
taxpayers are given the freedom to calculate, deposit, and report their taxes owed.
This taxation system has the consequence that those who know about the amount of
tax owed are the taxpayer themselves so the taxpayers’ awareness in fulfilling their
tax obligations properly and correctly is very necessary.
The main obstacle faced by Account Representatives in exploring potential tax
revenues is related to the awareness of taxpayers who are still lacking and not
meeting expectations. There are still many taxpayers who do not want to make
[Critical Factors for Account Representative Success in Reaching Tax
Revenue Targets]
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
payments and do not recognize taxes that have been owed. Efforts made by Account
Representatives in the form of sending SP2DK to taxpayers, contacting directly via
telephone lines, or visiting taxpayers’ business locations did not get positive feedback
from taxpayers, even though these efforts had been carried out very persuasively and
with very good and polite communication.
The low awareness of taxpayers can occur for two reasons, first because the taxpayers
deliberately and consciously do not want to fulfill their tax obligations in the form of
registering, calculating, depositing, and reporting the taxes owed. Second, the
knowledge that taxpayers have is still lacking or low regarding their tax obligations
and the importance of paying taxes for all Indonesian people (in general) and state
revenues (in particular).
There are still many taxpayers who do not fulfill their tax obligations, especially
paying taxes because they do not know or there is no socialization of these
regulations, although sometimes those reasons are only used by taxpayers to avoid
their tax obligations. One of the sources of taxpayers' unwillingness to pay taxes is
that they think paying taxes is a burden, not an obligation.
The Most Important Factor
Factors of motivation, enthusiasm, or the spirit of militancy of Account Representatives
are the most important factors compared to other factors that can make them achieve the
tax revenue target they are responsible for. Motivation or enthusiasm is the most
decisive factor in an Account Representative's efforts to achieve targets. Because with
motivation, enthusiasm, and a spirit of militancy, an Account Representative will carry
out all of his duties and responsibilities to the best of his ability, even though all other
factors are not supportive. Little data, lack of communication skills, weak superior
support, limited understanding of regulations, and other factors that do not support it
do not hinder an Account Representative from achieving the tax revenue target if they
have high motivation, enthusiasm, or a militaristic spirit because they will try to look for
ways and other alternative solutions to overcome these limitations. Motivation and
enthusiasm will not easily arise and not be learned easily. Motivation and enthusiasm
are the driving force and differentiator between one Account Representative and
another. Apart from motivation, other important factors were understanding of
regulations, availability and accuracy of data, communication skills, and superior
Based on the research and discussion, several conclusions can be drawn that several
factors influence or become determining factors for the Account Representative's success
in achieving the tax revenue target, the most important factor is motivation. Having high
motivation allows Account Representatives to work optimally, earnestly, and not
working soberly. Not only eager to pursue targets in quantity but also to pursue the
quality side of these targets. Account Representative motivation or enthusiasm is
influenced or arises due to several factors, including employee benefits, the certainty of
promotion, hope of receiving an award, clarity of placement and transfer, superior
support, commitment to responsibility, and to service to the country.
Understanding regulations is very important because it becomes a tool for Account
Representatives in exploring greater potential tax revenues, providing better guidance
and supervision to taxpayers, and imposing taxes correctly so as not to harm taxpayers
or the state. Besides that, complete and clear tax regulations are urgently needed so as
not to create doubts for Account Representatives in conveying these regulations to
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
[Critical Factors for Account Representative Success in Reaching Tax
Revenue Targets]
Muhammad Afdhal Usman1, Haliah2*, Andi Kusumawati3
taxpayers and not to cause differences in perceptions between tax officials and
Through good communication skills, the Account Representative can persuade or
influence taxpayers to want to pay taxes owed, provide taxpayers with an
understanding of tax regulations and calculation of taxes, align perceptions with
taxpayers, and avoid conflicts with the taxpayer. There are several good and effective
ways of communicating, including paying attention to the interlocutor or the
characteristics of the taxpayer, paying attention to local wisdom, knowing when to use
a persuasive and assertive approach, and not being easily swayed by the taxpayer’s
Availability and accuracy of data is important because it is the main source in exploring
tax potential, facilitating supervision, improving the quality of SP2DK and Account
Representative confidence, and preventing the decline in trust of taxpayers in the DGT.
Together with the availability and accuracy of data, IT facilities and applications will
speed up and create work easier and can force taxpayers to comply.
Besides that, other factors that determine Account Representative's success in achieving
the tax revenue target are good and high support from superiors and organizations
profiling, mapping and business process capabilities of taxpayers, placement and
mutation, and awareness of taxpayers.
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