[Critical Factors for Account Representative Success in Reaching Tax
Revenue Targets]
Muhammad Afdhal Usman1, Haliah2*, Andi Kusumawati3
Decree of the Director General of Taxes (FADHILLAH, 2022). Furthermore, the Regional
Offices are asked to distribute or share the target with Tax Office in their area. The final
stage is the distribution of the tax revenue target by each Tax Office based on or per type
of tax, month, and Account Representatives. Account Representatives are the foundation
for each Tax Office, Regional Office, and even the DGT in achieving revenue because
they function or serve as taxpayers' supervisors in performing their tax compliance. The
Account Representative is one of the spearheads of exploring the potential for state
revenue in the field of taxation by providing guidance/advice, consultation, analysis,
and supervision of taxpayers (Subroto, 2019).
Regional Office of the DGT of South, West, and Southeast Sulawesi (Kanwil DJP
West Sulawesi) is the Regional Office of DGT which oversees 15 Tax Offices consisting
of 1 Medium Tax Office and 14 Small Tax Offices with working areas covering three
provinces, namely South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, and Southeast Sulawesi. This makes
Kanwil DJP West Sulawesi become a Regional Office that has many Tax Offices along
with a large working area. In addition, the Kanwil DJP West Sulawesi has a total of 441
Account Representatives, which represents 4.01% of the 10,996 Account Representatives
spread across 34 Regional Office of DGT. As for the realization of Tax Revenue from the
Kanwil DJP West Sulawesi in the 2014-2019 period, it has increased in terms of the
amount of rupiah but in terms of the percentage of realization against the target, it has
decreased from 2014-2017 which only reached 78.51% in 2017 but has increased in 2018
and 2019 to reach 89.41%. This percentage is lower than the percentage of nationally
realized tax revenues for 2015-2018 but higher than the percentage of nationally realized
tax revenues for 2019. The order of target achievement was ranked 13th out of 34 DGT
Regional Offices in 2019 and was once in 32nd place out of 34 DGT Regional Offices in
2017 (Kumalasari et al., 2020).
Against the background of the failure to achieve the tax revenue target in recent
years and the important role of the Account Representative in achieving the tax revenue
target, it is deemed necessary to know what factors determine the success of the Account
Representative in achieving the tax revenue target and how these factors work
influencing the success of Account Representatives with case studies on Tax Office in
the Work Area of Kanwil DJP West Sulawesi (MUHAMMAD, 2018).
Research Method
The research method used is qualitative research with a case study approach. This study
uses a qualitative method because it wants to know in depth the opinions or feelings of
other people, in this case, the Head of Regional Office, Head of Tax Office, Head of
Section, Account Representative, and outsiders of DGT. A qualitative approach was
chosen to further explore and explore the critical success factors for Account
Representatives in achieving the tax revenue target so that the reasons and ways these
factors influence Account Representative performance can be identified.
Informants who are the source of data in this research (primary data) are employees in
the Kanwil DJP West Sulawesi who are related to Account Representatives including the
DGT Head Office as well as parties outside the DGT who understand the role of Account
Representative. The secondary data sources include regulations, research references,
and related documents, as well as tax revenue reports and related reports made or
received by the Kanwil DJP West Sulawesi.
Informants in this study amounted to 29 people consisting of 24 informants from internal
and 5 informants from external DGT. From internal DGT there are 3 groups of
informants, namely (1) Tax Office employees consisting of Head of Office, Head of
Supervision Section, and Account Representative in the work area of the Kanwil DJP
West Sulawesi who were selected based on the Employee Performance Award program
and acceptance realization/performance, (2) Regional Office employees consisting of the