[Implementation of Art Therapy Through the Creative Process of
Creating Paintings to Reduce the Stress Levels of Students]
Kadek Jaya Sumanggala, Pujiyanto, Robby Hidayat
developmental problems, and social disorders. Those who experience trauma from
accidents, conflicts, or even natural disasters can take advantage of art therapy. Instead,
those who suffer from physical illnesses such as cancer, head injuries, or other health
problems (Natasya et al., 2022)
According to (Malchiodi, 2011), art therapy functions as follows: (a) Overcoming feelings
of incompetence and uncontrollability Individuals will gain meaning from art
therapeutic activities such as painting, which will enhance their sentiment and ability to
cope with situations and exercise self-control. (b) Art therapy, which is practiced under
supervision at the time of treatment, helps people maintain calm and self-control.
According to a study, self-confidence, problem-solving skills, and decision-making skills
are part of self-mastery. (c) Providing art therapy activities will strengthen the bond
between the patient and the therapist, increase confidence in building relationships, and
help the patient feel less isolated. (d) In creating a real and meaningful product, the
process of imagination used in creating artwork is very important. This process of
imagination should not only be communicated but also be seen in the development of
artistic creativity to create products that can be seen.
The creative process
The process of developing ideas that are fresh and appropriate to solve problems on the
communicator in visual form is known as creative planning in art. The creative element
of a plan is its key component. Themes, goals, and tactics are all part of creative planning.
The term "creative process" refers to all the steps an artist takes to choose the type of
work he wants to produce. The Wallas theory, which he first presented in his book The
Art Thought (A. Hidayat, 2021), is one that is often used to describe the creative process.
He claims that there are four stages in the creative process: preparation, incubation,
enlightenment, and verification. A person mentally prepares himself to solve difficulties
in the early stages by reflecting, looking for solutions, consulting others, and so on. The
search and collection of data and information activities are not continued during the
incubation period. At this point, the man seemed to distance himself for a moment.
These issues, in the sense that he "incubates" them in the pre-conscious world rather than
thinking about them consciously. The stage of enlightenment is when a fresh inspiration
or idea first appears. This is also known as the "insight" or "aha-erlebnis" stage. Nirmana
in two-dimensional visual art consists of a variety of basic components, such as points,
lines, fields, textures, and colors. Nirmana is used to knowing aspects of works of art.
Research Method
This type of research uses mixed methods with a one-group design, testing (pre- and
post-tests), and painting to collect data. So this research is a case study, in which there is
scientific activity in sequence on individuals in the form of a program, event, or activity.
The findings of the study are analytical-descriptive and derive from behavioral
observations, mainly related to stress. Quantitative information is used to enhance
qualitative information. The study was conducted at the Buddhist Religious College
(STAB) Kertarajasa, located on Road Ir. Soekarno No. 311, Stone 65322. The subjects in
this study totaled four people taken through a purposive sample with an age range of
18 to 24 years. Specification: two people, samera and Atthasilani, who have severe stress.
This research uses a few data collection techniques, including (a) observation, (b)
interview, (c) documentation, and (d) pre- and post-test. Primary data is collected from
the results of direct activity, from key informants who are observed and interviewed
using sampling techniques. The results are supplemented with quantitative data such as
student stress level comparisons and documentation of all research activities. It is used
to verify secondary data and the accuracy of information obtained from books, articles,
library sources, previous studies, and other sources related to the problem being
investigated. In this study, data analysis is carried out throughout a certain period of