Volume 2 Number 5, May 2023
p- ISSN 2963-3648|e-ISSN 2964-8653
Kadek Jaya Sumanggala
, Pujiyanto
, Robby Hidayat
Keguruan Seni Rupa, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Education aims to shape students to become human beings who are intelligent in thinking,
morals, and able to fully realize their full potential. The higher the level of education will be in
line with the increasingly heavy learning load. High learning loads and high social demands can
also affect students' stress levels. So, it is not uncommon for students as students to experience
a lot of despair which leads to suicide. These problems can be overcome by applying art therapy
through a creative process. This study aims to apply art therapy through a creative process to
reduce student stress levels. This study used mixed methods with a one-group design through
tests (pre-test & post-test) and painting the results before and after the intervention. The research
subjects were selected by purposive sampling technique by taking the subject of a high-stress
level 4 people consisting of two men and two women. The data analysis techniques used in this
study include a) data collection, b) data reduction, c) data presentation, and d) draw conclusions.
Data collection instruments used in one group of research subjects consisted of pre-test & post-
test before and after intervention using the Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-42), observation,
interviews, and documentation. The results of the study show that art therapy through a creative
process can reduce student stress. This is proven from a comparison of the paintings before and
after the intervention through art analysis. The results of the paintings show that the images of
academic pressure and social pressure on students, after the intervention, there is a significant
difference between one painting and another. In addition, the results of interviews conducted
with the four research subjects felt more confident and self-controlled. The total score of the four
subjects before the intervention was 123 with details of 36 (physical), 42 (emotional), and 45
(behavior), then after the intervention, the total score was 87 with details of 25 (physical), 32
(emotional), and 30 (behavior). So, this proves that art therapy is effective in reducing stress
levels in college.
Keywords: Art Therapy; The creative process; Stresses; Students
Everyone needs education because it is essential for the progress of humanity
(Haderani, 2018). Through education, individuals acquire special knowledge and
something deeper, such as understanding, care, and wisdom. Every person’s potential
needs to be developed in order to reach maturity and become a civilized being. The
school serves as a means for students to maintain their interests and skills (Muslich,
The goal of education is to form a pupil into a man who is intelligent, moral, and able to
realize his potential fully. (Noor, 2018), referring to UUD 1945 on the National Education
System No. 20 of 2003, defined education as "the growth of students into people who
believe and fear the One God, are noble, healthy, knowledgeable, creative, independent,
and become democratic and responsible citizens." The development of education has a
very noble purpose and a promising future (Badriyah, 2020)
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
[Implementation of Art Therapy Through the Creative Process of
Creating Paintings to Reduce the Stress Levels of Students]
Kadek Jaya Sumanggala, Pujiyanto, Robby Hidayat
The educational process is done for the purpose of learning. The results of the learning
process will determine the quality of the students. A lot of time is spent on learning
activities using three different systems: face-to-face teaching, unstructured individual
learning, and structured mastery known as learning burden. E. from 2010). It is
impossible to avoid the burden of learning in the learning process because it requires
action and mental activity (Badriyah, 2020)
This was due to the transition from high school (SMA) to college (Herpanda et al., 2022).
In addition, students often feel encouraged to find reading materials for projects ranging
from theoretical work to practical work in the field or laboratory (Cania, 2023). This is
what distinguishes students from each other. In addition, students conduct research for
their final thesis or assignment, which is necessary to be able to obtain a degree in
accordance with the chosen educational program (Amaliya Fradinata, 2021)
High learning burdens affect the student’s varied responses. Academic stress is a form
of stress experienced by students who are unable to follow the learning process. (R. N.
Putri & Hidayah, 2021). According to Bahraini, S., & Sarman, F., Academic stress is a
condition caused by imbalances or gaps between a person’s biological, psychological,
and social needs and resources, and student performance can be disrupted due to
academic stress (C. P., M. M. D., & R. R. Putri, 2020)
Academic stress levels among students at Muhammadiyah Magelang University vary,
with 58 students (57.4%) reporting moderate stress levels. Medium stress is a stressful
condition that is naturally longer than mild stress and usually occurs within a few hours
to several days (Mahmud, 2017), while the level of severe stress is 7 people in the
percentage (6.9%). Heavy stress is chronic stress, in which the sufferer experiences stress
for several weeks to several year (Mahmud, 2017), while for mild stress, it is 36 percent
(33.6%). A mild stress is a stress that occurs for only a few minutes or hours (Mahmud,
Based on the above data, the symptoms caused by stress include many complaints about
headaches, difficulty sleeping, looking anxious and irritable, and the occurrence of
disturbances in memory (Syarifa & Indrawati, 2017). On the other hand, Oman dkk
(2008) said that stress will affect depression and anxiety and can even encourage suicide
(Musabiq & Karimah, 2018)
Considering the results of Ambarwati’s study in 2019, the students of the Buddhist
Religious College of Kertarajasa must feel stress as well. Even though this is a campus
with regular programs and smaera/ahaslani. High hopes on campus came with
mandatory monastic regulations and activities for students.
In addition to being students at the STAB Kertarajasa, students are obliged to obey the
following monastic orders, as described by Ningsih (2018): All beginners must
consciously follow the ten silas and shikha; b) Aṭṭṭhasīlani must conscientiously follow
aṭṭhhasīla and the code of ethics of aṭṇhasílani, c) Sāmaera and sāmaera must follow
the disciplinary guidelines of Pabbajita Padepokan Dhammadipa Arama to life
discipline; d) Being a Pabhajita in particular must not relinquish the Samaera for four
years of college; and f) The Pabbahita is required to devote to local Buddhists under the
direction of the Board of Leaders of Sangha Theravada, the as a sign of grat
The STAB Kertarajasa Buddhist Education study program requires its students to
complete 144 credits over 4 years or 8 semesters of lectures. In addition to following
lectures in accordance with the specified curriculum, STAB students also follow
[Implementation of Art Therapy Through the Creative Process of
Creating Paintings to Reduce the Stress Levels of Students]
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
extracurricular activities, always including following religious organizations and
volunteering. Regular students work and study at the same time. Cohen (in Yenni 2007)
affirmed that part-time work is the most common type of job for students. Students who
work and learn do so for a variety of reasons, ranging from financial difficulties to a
simple desire to spend their free time (Lickona, 2022).
In 2022, there was a case of attempted suicide by E.D. (initial), one of STAB's students,
Kertarajasa. At the time, it was discovered that E.D. tried to end his life by drinking
mosquito drugs and many other kinds of drugs. His friend saw that E.D. had been
shaken and his mouth was foaming; fortunately, he was immediately taken to the
hospital to get help. The actions carried out relate to psychological aspects and decision-
making (Kartini & Nugraha, 2015)
Students’ stress is a significant problem. To increase the productivity and effectiveness
of teaching and learning activities, specialized management is required. The best way to
reduce students' stress levels is through art therapy. In situations of violence, art therapy
is often used as a psychological intervention to help people cope with anxiety or trauma.
(Mayang, 2020) In addition, art therapy is used to control emotional responses to stress
in school. (HP et al., 2022). Art therapy is a medium that can be used as a means of
communication (Mayang, 2020). The main objective of the art therapy approach is an
attempt to communicate a person’s thoughts or ideas through artistic creations
(Wardoyo, 2021). As in the study of Evi Sulistyanti, who utilized art therapy as a cure
for the trauma of children who were victims of bullying, it was further explained that
trauma can be reduced due to the presence of relaxation so that emotional tension can
decrease (Sulistyanti, 2017)
To provide fun activities, art therapy uses artistic media such as music, dance, and fine
art paintings (Sosani, 2020). The American Art Association describes art therapy as a
mental health profession that uses artistic processes to improve the psychological,
physical, mental, and emotional well-being of people of all ages. S. B. and 2016). In other
words, it makes sense to believe that art therapy can be used for patients of all ages.
Adrian Hill, a British scientist, first used art therapy by detailing the use of image-
making treatment, although this therapy originally occurred in history in the late 1940s
(Malchiodi, 2011). Adrian Hill stated that the benefits of art therapy include "completely
engrossing the mind (as well as the fingers) and [releasing the creative energy of the
frequently intoxicated patient'." Adrian Hill believes that drawing and painting therapy
can help him overcome TB. When psychologist Margaret Naumberg began to use the
phrase "art therapy" in her practice at the same time, art therapy began to develop into
what it is today (Wajahtera & Nurjannah, 2022)
Art therapy is widely applied to improve psychological well-being in individuals. Ryff
(Wulandari, 2016) states that psychological well-being is described as a situation that is
not only free from stress or mental health problems but also the condition of a person
who is able to accept himself and his previous life (self-acceptance), has the capacity to
effectively control his life and his environment (environmental mastery), believes that
life is important and has a purpose (personal growth), has positive relationships with
others, and has the ability to be responsible for his own actions. (otonomi).
The creative process is best used as a technique to combat depression, stress, and anxiety
(Khotimah, 2019). Because it has been proven that art has a good and effective impact on
relieving stress, The advantage of art activities is to maximize the development of early
childhood (Mayar et al., 2019). There are six components of early childhood
development, including personal awareness, emotional health, communication and
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
[Implementation of Art Therapy Through the Creative Process of
Creating Paintings to Reduce the Stress Levels of Students]
Kadek Jaya Sumanggala, Pujiyanto, Robby Hidayat
socialization, cognition, and motor skills, according to Catron and Allen. Being creative
is seen as an important part of a creative play setting rather than an additional
development (Waluyo, 2020)
The aim of the creative process in art therapy is to help the subject feel more focused and
happier rather than creating a beautiful work of art or trying to transform the person
into an artist (Pribadiningtyas, 2016). On the other hand, it also helps patients feel more
comfortable with themselves (Christiani, Y., Mulyanto, A. W., and Wahida, A. Many
people use art therapy to overcome emotional difficulties by expressing feelings and
non-verbal emotions (Hertinjung et al., 2020)
The work of art is a medium of aid and a property of creation because it can threaten a
person to create artwork (R. Hidayat, 2001); this is in line with the thinking, who said
that the means of art are able to express all mental impulses freely (Luthfi & Akmal,
2022). To facilitate the creative process, the object of art in the work is a real embodiment
of dreams, desires, and imaginations that have no place in the real world (Rustiyanti et
al., 2020) In addition, art serves as an open speech wahana, using its symbolic language
with the outside world (Ramadhan, 2021). Media can be interpreted as an intermediary;
in this case, art as a medium can be used to convey a message to the recipient (Pujiyanto,
The first study, "Art Therapy Through the Creative Process of Drawing Early Childhood
in Bandung," was conducted in 2021 by Nina Nursetia Ningrun, a student at Telkom
University, Bandung. Published in Journal of Education Research, 21(2) of 2021. The
study explores the use of the AOT concept to increase the self-esteem of children at the
An-Nur Bandung Foundation. This research methodology is descriptive, and the type of
sample used is a purposive sample, which involves the selection of informants using
their privileges in this rich case study. using observations, interviews, and
documentation to obtain data. Four children from the An-Nur Foundation in Bandung
were taken as samples. Data analysis strategies use strategies to analyze and describe
student data based on current circumstances. The findings of this study show how art
therapy can improve a child’s cognitive ability to respond to others and instill a sense of
The second journal, titled "The Effect of Art Therapy on Employee Stress and Anxiety,"
was written by Dace Visnola, Dagmâra Sprûda, Mârîte rija Bae, and Student Anita Pie
of the University of Riga Strajoo, Dzirciema iela, Latvia, Finland, and published in the
Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 64 and No. 1/2 (666/667),
According to the questionnaire results, neither the study participants nor the control
group experienced high levels of stress before or after art therapy (average values were
insignificant), but the study group studied the end stress level (160,2 3,2), which was
significantly lower (P 0.05) compared to the controlling group (172,7 3,3)
Primary School-Based Art Therapy: The Study of Social, Emotional, and Mental Health
Change Exploration in Children is the third publication by Alex McDonald, Sue Haltom,
and Nicholas St. Paul. J. Dreyfus Published in the International Journal of Art Therapy,
2019. The study aims to find out the effectiveness of art therapy in primary schools in
addressing social, emotional, and mental health problems in children. To perform
triangulation on each result, the study used descriptive qualitative techniques using pre-
post mixed methods. Based on the findings, there is a moderate and substantial impact
on the change in teacher rank. Peer difficulties and emotional stress measured by the
instructor revealed minor changes but did not reach statistical significance (McDonald
et al., 2019)
[Implementation of Art Therapy Through the Creative Process of
Creating Paintings to Reduce the Stress Levels of Students]
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
To avoid this problem, the researchers noticed that there were symptoms experienced
by the student, STAB Kertarajasa. Given that there are features mentioned by
Puspidasari et al. (symptoms experienced by the student, STAB Kertarajasa. Given that
there are features mentioned by Puspidasari et al. (2013), it seems that researchers find
even in the advisory data on STAB that there have been cases of suicide attempts in 2022.
The case recorded in the counseling section so far has never been prosecuted. Therefore,
the researchers intended to conduct in-depth studies for cases of students experiencing
From the background of the problems already outlined, then the formula of the problem,
how the level of students STAB Kertarajasa, how to overcome the feeling of
incompetence and loss of control in the students, How to facilitate the tranquility and
self-mastery of students; how to give students painting activities; how to produce real
and meaningful products in the creation of artworks; and how to increase the
effectiveness of art therapy through the creative process of art creation in reducing stress
in students. Whereas the purpose of this research is to know the level of students' STAB
Kertarajasa, overcome the feeling of incompetence and loss of control in students,
facilitate the tranquility and self-control of students, give students painting activities,
produce real and meaningful products in the creation of artworks, and determine the
effectiveness of art therapy through the creative process of art creation in reducing stress
on students.
Academic stress is a term used to describe the tension that occurs in the learning
environment (Barseli et al., 2020)
Academic stress is described as a condition in which one finds it difficult to deal with
academic expectations and sees them as a disruption. Barclays and colleagues (20 20).
Academic stress, according to Wiks (2008), is caused by encounters with high academic
demands and poor self-adjustment skills. It is consistent with the statements of
Kadapatti and Vijayalaxmi (2012) that academic stress is the result of a few academically
related demands that exceed the individual’s capacity to adapt.
According to Sarafino & Smith (2011), there are two factors that influence the assessment
of stress as a non-event: personal factors and situation factors, while external factors
include more dense learning, pressure for high performance, a social status boost, and
parent competition. On the other hand, factors of academic stress are caused by
mentality and personality (Puspitasari, W., 2013). Students who experience stress will
show emotional and physical symptoms, as listed below (Hernawati, N., 2006).
Art Therapy
The literal definition of art therapy is the unification of two scientific fields, in particular
psychology and art. As a result, although linguistically the word "art therapy" blends art
and therapy, it combines two different disciplines (Anoviyanti, S. R. from 2008). Later,
Edwards revealed that art therapy is a form of therapy that creates images and objects
that play an important role in the psychotherapeutic relationship between the therapist
and the client (by 2014).
Meanwhile, Naumburg and Edith Kramer claim to have different views on art in art
therapy. (Robbin, J.A., 2010). According to Margaret Naumberg, art is a form of symbolic
expression that arises from the subconscious, like dreams. On the one hand, according
to Edith Kramer, art is a method of sublimation, or a technique of reconciling emotions
and opposite impulses into beautiful forms.
According to the American Art Therapy Association (2013), art therapy is a method of
therapy that can help people with psychological disorders, health problems,
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
[Implementation of Art Therapy Through the Creative Process of
Creating Paintings to Reduce the Stress Levels of Students]
Kadek Jaya Sumanggala, Pujiyanto, Robby Hidayat
developmental problems, and social disorders. Those who experience trauma from
accidents, conflicts, or even natural disasters can take advantage of art therapy. Instead,
those who suffer from physical illnesses such as cancer, head injuries, or other health
problems (Natasya et al., 2022)
According to (Malchiodi, 2011), art therapy functions as follows: (a) Overcoming feelings
of incompetence and uncontrollability Individuals will gain meaning from art
therapeutic activities such as painting, which will enhance their sentiment and ability to
cope with situations and exercise self-control. (b) Art therapy, which is practiced under
supervision at the time of treatment, helps people maintain calm and self-control.
According to a study, self-confidence, problem-solving skills, and decision-making skills
are part of self-mastery. (c) Providing art therapy activities will strengthen the bond
between the patient and the therapist, increase confidence in building relationships, and
help the patient feel less isolated. (d) In creating a real and meaningful product, the
process of imagination used in creating artwork is very important. This process of
imagination should not only be communicated but also be seen in the development of
artistic creativity to create products that can be seen.
The creative process
The process of developing ideas that are fresh and appropriate to solve problems on the
communicator in visual form is known as creative planning in art. The creative element
of a plan is its key component. Themes, goals, and tactics are all part of creative planning.
The term "creative process" refers to all the steps an artist takes to choose the type of
work he wants to produce. The Wallas theory, which he first presented in his book The
Art Thought (A. Hidayat, 2021), is one that is often used to describe the creative process.
He claims that there are four stages in the creative process: preparation, incubation,
enlightenment, and verification. A person mentally prepares himself to solve difficulties
in the early stages by reflecting, looking for solutions, consulting others, and so on. The
search and collection of data and information activities are not continued during the
incubation period. At this point, the man seemed to distance himself for a moment.
These issues, in the sense that he "incubates" them in the pre-conscious world rather than
thinking about them consciously. The stage of enlightenment is when a fresh inspiration
or idea first appears. This is also known as the "insight" or "aha-erlebnis" stage. Nirmana
in two-dimensional visual art consists of a variety of basic components, such as points,
lines, fields, textures, and colors. Nirmana is used to knowing aspects of works of art.
Research Method
This type of research uses mixed methods with a one-group design, testing (pre- and
post-tests), and painting to collect data. So this research is a case study, in which there is
scientific activity in sequence on individuals in the form of a program, event, or activity.
The findings of the study are analytical-descriptive and derive from behavioral
observations, mainly related to stress. Quantitative information is used to enhance
qualitative information. The study was conducted at the Buddhist Religious College
(STAB) Kertarajasa, located on Road Ir. Soekarno No. 311, Stone 65322. The subjects in
this study totaled four people taken through a purposive sample with an age range of
18 to 24 years. Specification: two people, samera and Atthasilani, who have severe stress.
This research uses a few data collection techniques, including (a) observation, (b)
interview, (c) documentation, and (d) pre- and post-test. Primary data is collected from
the results of direct activity, from key informants who are observed and interviewed
using sampling techniques. The results are supplemented with quantitative data such as
student stress level comparisons and documentation of all research activities. It is used
to verify secondary data and the accuracy of information obtained from books, articles,
library sources, previous studies, and other sources related to the problem being
investigated. In this study, data analysis is carried out throughout a certain period of
[Implementation of Art Therapy Through the Creative Process of
Creating Paintings to Reduce the Stress Levels of Students]
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
data collection. To obtain more reliable data, an analysis of the responses given by the
source or informant is carried out at the time of the interview. If the analysis is
considered insufficient, then the question is continued until more credible data is
obtained. Procedures suggested by Milles and Huberman (1984) for data analysis used
in this study include (a) data collection, (b) data reduction, (c) data presentation, and (d)
drawing conclusions or verification. (conclusion). To verify the accuracy of the data, the
researchers used observations, interviews, initial and final tests, and student
documentation. Four key informants who were students of the STAB Buddhist Church
were interviewed as part of a triangulation of data sources. Then, so that the data that
has been obtained can be easily matched back, compare the interview results with the
content of the relevant document.
Result And Discussion
Stress levels of student
The results of research data obtained to describe student stress levels mention that the
stress variable has an empirical average, and the hypothetical average suggests that the
student stress level belongs to moderate stress. Based on the stress scale category, it is
known that there are 8.7% (8 students) have a normal condition, 17.5% (16 students) have
mild stress, 49.4% (45 students) in a moderate stress condition, and 24.1% (22) students
who belong to high levels of stress. This indicates that the average percentage is in a
moderately stressful position. The stress response depends on three aspects: physical,
emotional, and behavioral. The physical aspect was 27.6% of the total with a score of 553,
35.9% of the emotional responses with a total score of 717, and 36.4% of the stress
response to behavior with an overall score of 727. Stress in primary school students at a
percentage of 54.2%. Stress among final-level students had a 45.7 percent percentage.
The stress rate in male students was 63.7%, while in female students it was 36.2%. This
is because the number of male students (58) is higher than that of female students. (33).
Table of 1
Pre-test for stress levels
Number of
Total Score
Number of
From the data collection results, there were 4 students who chose to be the subject of
research. They are 2 samera and 2 atthasilani. The results of the spread of the stress scale
showed that all four of the students had stress levels above 25, which puts them in the
heavy category. Based on Table 1, E.D. subjects have the highest level of stress with a
total score of 33, with each aspect scoring as much as 8 physical aspects and 13 emotional
and behavioral aspects. S is at the second level with a total score of 31, with each aspect
totaling a total of 8 physical aspects, 10 emotional aspects, and 10 behavioral aspects.
Next P, with a total score of 30 for each aspect, has a total of 8 physical aspects, 12
emotional aspects, and 10 behavioral aspects. The latter is with the initials N.A., which
has the lowest level of stress compared to the other two subjects. The total score N.A has
a total of 29 with each score 9 physical aspects; 8 emotional; and 9 aspects.
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
[Implementation of Art Therapy Through the Creative Process of
Creating Paintings to Reduce the Stress Levels of Students]
Kadek Jaya Sumanggala, Pujiyanto, Robby Hidayat
Table of 2
Post-test for stress levels
Number of
Total Score
Number of
While post-test results can be seen in Table 2, S subjects had the lowest level of stress
with a total score of 17, with each aspect score of 6 for physical aspects, 5 for emotions,
and 6 for behavior. P is at the second level, with a total score of 18, with each aspect
totaling a total of 5 physical aspects, 6 emotional aspects, and 7 behavioral aspects. Next,
N.A. and E.D. have the same score of 20. N.A. scored eight physical aspects, six
emotional aspects, and eight behavioral aspects. E.D. scored six physical aspects, eight
emotional aspects, and six behavioral aspects.
The art therapy
Stages of art therapy intervention sessions based on the approach of Malcoidi (1999)
There are 4 approaches that are recommended in performing art therapy interventions,
among them as follows: The first session is the process of screening whether the research
subject has criteria that match the research category. In the second session, the
researchers provided information and consent to subjects experiencing stress by giving
the DASS-42 (Depression Anxiety Stress Scales) scale to see how high the stress levels of
STAB students were. (pre-test). The results of the researchers' work then introduced
tools and materials that would be used in the art therapy process through painting. The
third session is the first stage of art therapy intervention, that is, overcoming feelings of
incompetence and loss of control. The first phase aims to help the participant explain
what he felt during his education at STAB College and becoming a religious leader. The
participants express their feelings through the first painting, and after painting they
explain what they felt and what problems they experienced. The fourth session, is the
second stage of the art therapy intervention, dealing with calm and self-control. This
phase helps the participant to think clearly and be able to get out of the problems they
are experiencing, as well as provide positive things to strengthen insights so that
participants become confident and feel happy. In the fifth session, it is time for the
implementation of art therapy activities through painting. This stage gives the student
space to produce meaningful products. Before the execution, the researcher gave
instructions related to the practice of painting. Participants are also invited to paint
anywhere (outdoors) so that they can express their emotions on the canvas. In the sixth
session, the researchers enter the final stage and carry out an evaluation of the
implementation of intervention programs. The researchers used the DASS-42
(Depression Anxiety Stress Scale) scale to measure stress levels. (post-test). At this stage,
the researchers also asked participants to talk about positive experiences they had
during therapy.
Overcome the feeling of incompetence and loss of control in students. STAB
The study looked at the stress level of the student, STAB Kertarajasa, with 4 participants.
At the stage of identification of the problem through an interview that contains 15
questions and is given to two men and two women with different levels of semesters,
namely semesters 3, 5, and 7, there are two people from semester 3 as well as each person
[Implementation of Art Therapy Through the Creative Process of
Creating Paintings to Reduce the Stress Levels of Students]
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
from semesters 5 and 7. Students have different problems with themselves. Two out of
four people stated that they were not sure about themselves, and two others said they
were confident. Nevertheless, 4 out of 4 people stated that they have felt stress and
intensity very often. Three out of four people also said that their life was difficult,
especially the life they were living as students and paramitas, who had a lot of tasks.
Two out of four said it was difficult to divide time between being a student and living a
monastic life. So, the cause of the stress in them is dominated by the problems of life that
they perceive as living in two natures.
Furthermore, they reveal why they feel stressed with the life they are living. Based on
the results of interviews with STAB Kertarajasa students, as many as two of them
mentioned feeling a lot of pressure in their lives. Two of them said it was difficult to
divide time between tasks and duties as monks and students. Thus, the level of stress
that exists in the student STAB Kertarajasa is due to the various problems of life that he
faces as a monk and a student.
As a result of their own stress, the students of STAB Kertarajasa once felt that there were
consequences of the stress they experienced. Based on the results of interviews with
STAB Kertarajasa students, three out of four people have felt desperate in their lives. The
causes of the despair they experience are due to various motives. Some of them said they
were desperate to see their lives end. As P experienced, she said, "I was once desperate
when everything that happened in my life seemed so sad." Ed said that he was also
feeling desperate, even to do something harmful to himself.
Students of STAB Kertarajasa have their own experience of the level of stress they
experience. Four out of four informants stated many ways they devoted their hearts and
minds. NA said, "I usually write to pour the content of my heart into books in the form
of notes that contain the pleasures and memories as well as the sorrow I experienced."
Thus, it can be known that the student STAB Kertarajasa once felt desperate, and various
ways were done to devote content and thoughts.
Facilitate the calm and self-control of students. STAB Kertarajasa
This phase helps the participant get out of the problems they are facing. By positioning
researchers as story friends and becoming listeners, participants are able to solve the
problems they face. It is supported by a researcher as well as a religious leader so that
the existing problems can be solved according to the experience faced. From the
accompanying results to the participants, all participants have the same problem: the
need for a listening friend. This is because the participants are far from the parents, so
communication is limited online. Those who are listening to the Qur’an are more likely
to hear the truth than those who do not listen to the truth. The obstacle faced by
researchers in becoming facilities of tranquility and self-control lies in their lack of
knowledge of psychological sciences. In addition to being a researcher, they also give
positive things such as spirit, encouragement, and narrative while being students at
STAB Kertarajasa and becoming a religious leader. It aims to have a good influence on
people to always move forward and face existing problems. In the follow-up, the
researchers found that the participants felt happier and more joyful. Not only that, they
can also do their activities well and excitedly.
Painting Activities for Students
The purpose of painting is to produce artwork in the form of paintings that have
meaning. One of the most important things is how the participants emphasized freedom
of expression through painting activities. Therefore, the researchers gave instructions
related to this activity that the purpose of painting is not to make an artistic work but
rather a work full of meaning and emotions that are felt and then poured into the form
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
[Implementation of Art Therapy Through the Creative Process of
Creating Paintings to Reduce the Stress Levels of Students]
Kadek Jaya Sumanggala, Pujiyanto, Robby Hidayat
of a work of art. As for tools and materials used in making paintings: canvas, water paint,
brush, remover, pencil, pallet, and water.
In the process of painting, the four participants can comply took the longest to complete.
ete the project smoothly even though the time it takes each participant is different.
Student P completed his painting quickly, while student P. In the beginning, the three
participants (S, and N,) had trouble pouring ideas or feelings into the canvas. This is
experienced by P with frequently changing the session and the theme of the painting. P
(S, N, is not confident in the painting made and this is onto makes the obstacle in
finishing the phones. While changes a lot over time her paintings are about the ideas that
will paintings headed on the canvas. P and E.D. found no meaningful obstacle in finding
ideas. In the fourth painting process initially experienced anxiety in the process of the
first pending activity and after estivation, the participants did not expect the process,
participant anxieties and enjoyed the painting activities. Most participants' proactivity,
Butt outside Intervention, and the outdoors can reduce mental blocks, and thoroughly
enjoyed being able to unite with nature. From the results of the paint outside therefore
and after the four Incidents have already made progress in terms of allowing one color.
Real and meaningful products in the creation of student works of art STAB
Applying Art Therapy
After the art therapy
Picture of 1. Art Therapy by S. (Source: Private Documentation)
The emergence of horizontal lines of representation of calm, peace, calmness, and
positivity. While the curved line shows a strong and firm feeling, as well as a lush and
harmonious character, Subjects using mixed white and blue, have cold and bright
characters that indicate greatness, belief, firmness of faith, loyalty, truth, generosity,
intelligence, peace, the application of stability, harmony, unity, trust, and security. Green
characteristics are fresh, young, alive, and growing has meanings of loyalty, awakening,
freshness, humility, environment, and balance, and the black characteristic atmosphere
is deep, which symbolizes sadness, disaster, sorrow, depression, and darkness. The
subjects chose the color as a symbol of belief, generosity, harmony, revival, selfishness,
and depression. The texture that appears in the painting titled "Beauty of Nature" is
drawn in a semu texture, meaning it looks rough but is subtle. The rough texture gives
the impression of being strong, solid, heavy, and tough. Subjects like things whose forms
of activity are heavy, and stiff, appear to have a tall body shape, and are slightly
muscular. The color blend on the image before it appears pale and is dominated by dark
colors with a blue background. Objects in the image look abstract and fill almost all the
fields of the canvas, while in the image after there are many objects arranged
symmetrically. The color used is a concentrated color with a strong brush emphasis.
[Implementation of Art Therapy Through the Creative Process of
Creating Paintings to Reduce the Stress Levels of Students]
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
Applying Art Therapy
After the art therapy
Picture of 2. Art Therapy by N.A. (Source: Private Documentation)
The appearance of curved lines that form small circles is a representation of strong and
firm feelings, as well as harmonious and feminine characters. The subject is a woman
who likes to prioritize appearance, and characters such as humorous and feminine are
on her list of traits. Subjects using green have a fresh, young, alive character, and
growing has meanings of loyalty, resurrection, freshness, humility, environment, and
balance. Red has a character of anger, cruelty, and misery. Black is characterized by a
stunning, deep atmosphere, which symbolizes sadness, calamity, sorrow, depression,
and darkness. A little white and yellow symbolize light and joy. The subject has a
character of loyalty, environment, sadness, light, and excitement. The apparent texture
in the painting entitled "Behind Luck and Beauty" is drawn into a delicate texture,
meaning the subtle texture gives a gentle, lightweight, and calm impression. Subject is a
handsome woman who loves gentleness. The painting is quite complicated, with
attention to the details. The first image of an object is asymmetric, and the second object
is symmetric.
Applying Art Therapy
After the art therapy
Picture of 3. Art Therapy by P. (Source: Private Documentation)
The appearance of horizontal lines that form a cloud represents a sense of tranquility,
and calmness, as well as a calm and positive character. The subject is a woman who loves
silence and quiet. Subjects using green have a fresh, young, alive character, and growing
has meanings of loyalty, resurrection, freshness, humility, environment, and balance.
White has a potent and surrendering character while representing honesty, sincerity,
and peace. signifies majesty, belief, firmness of faith, loyalty, truth, generosity,
intelligence, peace, the application of stability, harmony, unity, trust, and security. The
subject prefers peace and silence. The texture that appears in the painting entitled
"Behind Luck and Beauty" is painted into a delicate texture, meaning the subtle texture
gives the impression of being soft, light, and calm. Subject is a handsome woman who
loves gentleness. Both pictures represent the same atmosphere somewhere. The first is a
forest, and the second is a beach with a lot of coconut trees. The object created in the
second image looks more organized.
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
[Implementation of Art Therapy Through the Creative Process of
Creating Paintings to Reduce the Stress Levels of Students]
Kadek Jaya Sumanggala, Pujiyanto, Robby Hidayat
Applying Art Therapy
After the art therapy
Picture of 4. Art Therapy by E.D. (Source: Private Documentation)
The appearance of curved lines that form the truss forms the arch, which represents
feelings of love, humor, and femininity. The subject is a man with a feministic and shy
character. Subjects using green have a fresh, young, alive character, and growing has
meanings of loyalty, resurrection, freshness, humility, environment, and balance. White
has a positive and surrendering character while representing honesty, sincerity, and
peace. indicates majesty, belief, firmness of faith, loyalty, truth, generosity, intelligence,
peace, the application of stability, harmony, unity, trust, and security. The subject prefers
peace and solitude. The texture that appears in the painting titled "Sunset and Beach" is
drawn into a rough texture, meaning it can give the impression of being strong, robust,
heavy, and tough. The comparison of the two pictures makes the difference very clear.
Starting from a dark image depicting a stressful mood to such a bright image It depicts
the expectation of the participant for something. View the image's atmosphere from dark
to light.
The effectiveness of art therapy in reducing stress
After the presence of the material on art therapy through painting and applying it,
students experience a transformation of their mindset, emotions, and behavior; not only
that, there is a change related to the way of understanding how to see the level of stress
one can remove in any way one paints. From the results of the interviews conducted
with four informants, it was observed that there were changes after the painting activity.
The initial transformation is the feeling that the informant likes and is pleased with the
activity. In other words, it is as if the knowledge of the truth is hidden from the ignorant.
At first, it was difficult to adjust to all life activities and academic fields, resulting in
stress that affected the difficulty of dividing time between teaching and being a monk in
everyday life. Too much feeling depressed with life is also a factor in the difficulty of
finding ideas, as NA says, "Yes, because sometimes I often have ideas in my head, but I
feel like I have a limitation to convey those ideas. So yes, I keep it in my head."
When the student of STAB Kertarajasa has been able to and clearly understood this,
gradually his pattern of thinking and his life will change, and the informants will strive
to stop doing "stupid" things and taking actions that can harm themselves. Based on the
results of research, it can be said that when a person is able to regulate emotions and all
the problems that exist within him, the tone of his conscious mindset changes in
whatever he does. In addition, it can be concluded that there are changes in the reactions
given by the participants before and after doing art therapy activities through a painting.
So, the application of art therapy can make a person able to process the emotions that
are in him into an artworka painting that represents his feelings.
From the tests already performed before the application of art therapy and after, it was
discovered that there was a change in the direction of the test results. Previously, all four
participants experienced severe stress after doing therapy for mild stress. This proves
that art therapy through creative processes can reduce student stress.
[Implementation of Art Therapy Through the Creative Process of
Creating Paintings to Reduce the Stress Levels of Students]
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
The value of the dependent rights contained in the APHT that has been registered
at the local land office and has been issued a certificate of dependent rights has the
function of determining the position of creditors. Aif the debtor defaults on a promise
can be carried out the execution of the object of the dependent right and prioritizes the
repayment of creditors. If the value of the dependent rights listed in the APHT has a
debt value greater than the debtor's debt, then the preferred right is attached to the
creditor r, and vice versa applies if the value The greater the debt, the creditor is
positioned as a concurrent creditor.
The determination of the position of creditors is not only assessed limited to the
value of the rights listed in the APHT but also influenced by the results of the auction
sale. If the proceeds from the sale of the liability are greater than the amount of the debt,
the creditor is entitled to the introduction of full repayment of the debt. If the proceeds
of the sale of the object of liability are less than the debtor's debt, then the creditor is
entitled to repayment of the debtor's debt from the proceeds of the sale, but The
remaining debtor positions the creditor no longer as a preferred creditor but as a
concurrent creditor.
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