Volume 2 Number 5, May 2023
p- ISSN 2963-3648- e-ISSN 2964-8653
YEAR 2022/2023
Lia Zannuba Adilah¹
, St. Rodliyah², Ubaidillah³
Postgraduate Program of Kiai State Islamic University Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember, Indonesia
Because teachers become facilitators and motivators who can serve, guide, and encourage
students to achieve expected success and provide simple learning opportunities to students so
that they can complete their education in a comfortable atmosphere, teachers play an important
role in education. full of levity. Internal motivation creates, ensures continuity, and directs
learning to achieve anticipated goals through motivation. Learning activities cannot be
completed without motivation. The formulation of this research problem is in line with the
phenomenon studied earlier, namely that teacher performance (X) and learning motivation (Y)
are affected. This study uses product moment, a quantitative descriptive method, in testing data
validity and to find data reliability. The alpha formula is used to find the reliability of the data.
Test the hypothesis using the F test, and the T test using a simple linear regression model. A
total of 190 educators and class XI female students from SMA Plus Al Azhar Jember participated
in the study. Researchers used questionnaires to measure student learning motivation and
teacher performance to measure variables. After analyzing the data collected from the research
findings, it was determined that (1) the performance of educators at SMA Plus Al Azhar Jember
was included in the sufficient category (88%), (2) student learning motivation at SMA Plus Al
Azhar Jember was very good (86%), and (3) educator performance affected student learning
motivation (57%).
Keywords: Educator Performance; learning motivation; Learners
This education is one of the pillars that sustain the development of a nation
towards modern civilization (Mulyana et al., 2022). In terms of human life, it also
supports a very important and strategic role because it allows humans to carry out
systematic and organized activities that include various components (Paramansyah et
al., 2021). The coach is one of them; He is an important and essential component of the
overall evaluated training system. As a guide and motivator whose job is to serve, guide,
and guide students to the desired success and provide learning facilities for students so
that all can learn comfortably and enthusiastically, educators play an important role in
education. All the skills that a teacher needs to be effective in his job are referred to as
teacher effectiveness. Good coach performance is one of the factors that greatly
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
[Educator Performance on Learning Motivation of Students SMA
Plus Al Azhar Jember Learning Year 2022/2023]
Lia Zannuba Adilah¹*, St. Rodliyah², Ubaidillah³
influences the success of coaches in carrying out their responsibilities, and good coach
performance is needed for the creation of quality training. (Sirait, 2021)
A learning process will be able to run well if the teacher does his job well. The
teacher is the principal and the first person to bring the curriculum. Regulation of the
Minister of National Education No. 16 of 2007 states that a teacher achieves good
performance if he has four skills as follows: 1) academic ability (the ability to coordinate
students which includes the ability to catch, organize and carry out students). students,
able to assess their own learning), (2) have character skills (i.e. with good, steady,
developed, intelligent, and definitive board character and be a good example for
students), (3) have social skills (must have the option to discuss properly with students,
other instructors or with employees, guardians or guardians of students, and the
surrounding environment, and (4) must also have proficient skills (i.e. the ability to gain
an understanding of the topic that broad and intensive to empower students to meet
proficiency prerequisites). The ineffectiveness of educators in the field of learning is one
of the problems that arise in the Indonesian education system (Sabrina et al., 2020). There
are gaps in the achievement of planned or set goals during the learning process
(Kunandar, 2017). This is the reality according to, which identifies a common
phenomenon among educators as follows: (1) there are still educators who are lazy to
prepare teaching materials so they look for direct teaching materials. Although what is
used is not always in accordance with the subjects studied, teachers still feel alienated
from innovations, such as copying curriculum, lesson plans, learning environments from
other teachers, and the internet. learning, and (3) students become bored of learning
because of the monotony of teacher teaching. 4) the instructor does not use
demonstration materials (5) does not know how to coordinate progress appropriately.
Because it determines the level of motivation of students to follow the lessons taught by
teachers, this problem should not arise in the world of Indonesian education. (Lestari,
The ability of an educator to carry out his responsibilities or perform his job is
known as educator performance. If the objectives are achieved in accordance with the
established standards, the performance can be considered satisfactory. As stated in
Surah Al Hashr verse 18 of the Qur'an.
ا ا
ا 5
ا 5
"It means: O believers, fear Allah and let everyone focus on what he has done for
tomorrow. Allah knows what you do, so be fearful of Him.
This verse postulates that the Qur'an holds that the performance of an educator is
the result of the quality and quantity of work he does in carrying out the responsibilities
imposed on him.
Gleitman and Reber make another statement (Mahmud & Idham, 2017): "The basic
concept of motivation is the internal state of an organism whether it is a human or an
animal that motivates it to do something," they write in 100. In this sense, motivation
refers to the energizer that encourages directed behavior and provides a definition for
[Educator Performance on Learning Motivation of Students SMA
Plus Al Azhar Jember Learning Year 2022/2023]
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
(Fathurrohman, 2007) "in learning activities, it can be said that motivation is the general
driving force of students who generate, guarantee consistency, and direct the learning
of the activities to be achieved. The following indicators or guidelines can be used as a
reference for student learning motivation: 1) There is a desire and desire to succeed in
learning, for example, the desire to learn and mood. 2) Desire, passion and need to learn,
such as the spirit of learning, working hard, and not easily discouraged, 3) future hopes
and desires, such as the desire to get something and the attitude to succeed, 4) There are
rewards in learning, such as rewards and punishments. 5) The existence of an
environment conducive to good learning, for example, family environment, school
environment, and peers. (Ayu et al., 2019)
Motivation acts as an internal motivator that generates, ensures continuity and
directs learning so as to achieve the expected goals. Without motivation, a person cannot
complete learning activities as a whole. Learning motivation is the drive that arises in a
person to complete learning so that he can learn well (Djamarah Bahri, 2002). Widoyoko
and Rinawati, "The Effect of Teacher Effectiveness on Student Learning Motivation",
(2012: 218). Note that aspects of teacher performance that affect student learning
motivation are: (1) mastery of teaching materials, (2) ability to lead lessons, (3) learning
strategies, (4) understanding of characteristics (5). ) mastery. assessment of learning
outcomes (Refer, 2018) . Low learning motivation is one of the problematic factors that
teachers often face in teaching, according to Hidayanto (2010), low student learning
motivation is: (1) lack of good attractiveness, so students show less enthusiasm, (2) less
enthusiasm. , (3) not ready to learn (4) passively accept lessons. Based on observations
made at SMA Plus Al Azhar Jember, this school is located in a residential school
environment where several school units provide quality education. So that the school
improves the quality of teaching through the work of pedagogues. (Hidayanto et al.,
The way teachers at SMA Plus Al Azhar Jember manage classes, provide teaching
materials, and fulfill learning tools shows that their performance is quite good. As a
result, students should be motivated, but the reality on the ground is that student
learning motivation still needs to be improved and more focused. This can be seen from
symptoms such as There are still students who do not complete the tasks given by the
teacher, do not focus when the teacher understands the material, hesitate to voice
feelings, and do not ask questions about learning. . problems with their instructors. The
statement mentioned above shows that student learning motivation is still low. In this
situation, we must be very careful about what the instructor's performance implies.
Therefore, the creators are interested in knowing the actual conditions to lead the
research by focusing on the title "The Effect of Teacher Execution on Student Learning
Inspiration at SMA Plus Al Azhar Jember for the 2022-2023 Academic Year". With the
following formulation of the problem: 1) How are teachers performing at Al Azhar Plus
High School during the 2022/23 school year? 2) What drives Al Azhar Plus High School
students in the January 2022February 2023 school year to study?, 3) Does teacher
performance affect students' motivation to study at Al Azhar Plus High School during
the 2022/23 school year? school year? 4) During the 2022/23 school year, how much
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
[Educator Performance on Learning Motivation of Students SMA
Plus Al Azhar Jember Learning Year 2022/2023]
Lia Zannuba Adilah¹*, St. Rodliyah², Ubaidillah³
influence does teacher performance have on students' learning motivation at Al Azhar
Jember Plus High School?
Research Method
This study used a quantitative approach characterized by the use of figures
collected from respondents. To test something that arises because of exploration
(Sugiyono, 2015). Quantitative descriptive research methods, or research whose
analytical activities focus on numerical data processed using statistical methods, are the
research methods used. This research uses a quantitative approach, namely data
collection in the form of numbers and statistical analysis. Quantitative research is a
method of knowledge expansion that utilizes numerical data as a tool to find information
about what we want to know. Participants in this study were 190 grade XI students of
SMA Plus Al Azhar Jember for the 2022 and 2023 academic years. The number of subjects
studied shows that research on the effect of teacher performance on learning motivation
is a sample study. Since this is a sample study, it is necessary to collect samples from the
entire population (Suharsimi, 2006). This is in line with Suharsimi's opinion from his
book Research Methods: If only estimates, all subjects should be used as research
samples if the number is not more than 100. It is then possible to draw the conclusion
that this study is not a population study. Based on this opinion, the author chose several
subjects studied because the number of subjects was greater than 100. 64 students, or a
portion of the total, will be included in the study. The following data collection methods
were used in this study: questionnaire, observation, and documentation. After the
questionnaire responses are analyzed, regression analysis, a data analysis technique, is
used to verify the normality, reliability, and validity of the data. using the SPSS version
23 program for tabulation and analysis of data from questionnaires.
Result And Discussion
Instrument Tester
The results of the data analysis test are taken from the results of the distribution of
questionnaires both from variable x and variable y or dependent variables processed
with SPSS using simple regression analysis which requires the right type of testing to
ensure that the relationship between the variables used is close. F and T tests are among
these tests.
a. Information check
The inferential measured test calculation was performed using normalized
recurrence involving programming SPSS for windows 22, and the result was:
[Educator Performance on Learning Motivation of Students SMA
Plus Al Azhar Jember Learning Year 2022/2023]
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
1) Test t
Table 1. Test t
Std. Error
a. Dependdent Variable: motivation
Based on the table 1 of t-test analysis results, conclusions can be explained, namely:
9.155 > 1.671 and sig 0.000 danlt; 0.005 then the hypothesis that states the efficiency of
teacher work has a significant effect on learning motivation which means the hypothesis
is accepted.
The results in the table above make it clear that teacher performance has a positive
and significant influence on learning motivation at SMA Plus Al Azhar Jember.
2) F Test
Table 2. Test f
Sum of Sauares
Mean Sqoare
a. Dependent Variable: learning motivation
b. Predictors: (Constant), teacher performance
Based on the results of the pool table data in duwor it is known that: F-number >
F-table (83.818 > 3.14) so it tends to be interpreted that Ho is omitted and Ha is
recognized which means the autonomous variable is. The dependent variable i.e.
learning motivation (Y) is influenced simultaneously by the teacher's performance
independent variable and the dependent variable learning motivation.(Asham, 2020)
It is known from the results of the F test obtained the F-number of 83.818 when
compared to F table N = 64, with a significance level of 5% = 3.14 and 1% = 4.98
respectively. If F count is greater than the F of the table, then Ha is accepted. This study
found that the learning motivation of SMA Plus Al Azhar Jember students was
influenced by teacher performance.
3) Test R 2 (coefficient of determination)
The value of the coefficient is used to determine how much the percentage value
of the independent variable's contribution to the dependent variable.
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
[Educator Performance on Learning Motivation of Students SMA
Plus Al Azhar Jember Learning Year 2022/2023]
Lia Zannuba Adilah¹*, St. Rodliyah², Ubaidillah³
SPSS software for windows 22, As for knowing the magnitude of the influence of all
variables between independent (X) and dependent variables (Y) using the following
regression model summary model output:
Table 3. Test R
R Sqare
Adjosted R
Std. Eor of
the Esmate
a. Predictors: (Constant), teacher performance, learning motivation
From the results in the table above, the R-value is known to be 0.756, while the R-
squared of the R-value or the coefficient of determination (CD) squared is 0.571 which
means that the contributor to the influence of the independent variable X is 57.1%, which
is rounded to 57% of variable Y and 43% of other factors outside variable X that are not
studied by researchers.
So, the results of the table above show that the magnitude of the influence of
teacher performance on learning motivation at SMA Plus Al Azhar Jember is 57%, the
rest is influenced by other variables that are not studied by researchers.
Discussion and Interpretation
1. Teacher Performance As per the previous description, the first question raised by this
study is how teachers at SMA Plus Al Azhar Jember performed during the 2022/23
school year. Based on these data, the percentage rate of variable X that was
successfully achieved was 88%, according to the findings of this study. The
percentage rate of variable X successfully achieved is as follows:
%=n/N x100%=4303/4875×100%=8.882=88%
The confirmation index table shows that questionnaire scores are in the range of 81
percent to 100 percent, with very strong categories. The results showed that the
implementation performance of SMA Plus Al Azhar Jember educators was
considered very good.
2. Student Learning Motivation In accordance with the previous section, the second
problem examined in this study is how the motivation of educators of SMA Plus Al
Azhar Jember to learn during the 20222023 academic year. The findings of this study
show that the percentage level of variable Y was successfully achieved as follows:
% = n/Nx 100%= 4201/4875x 100%= 0.861 = 0.86%
The data showed that 86 percent of the Y variable level was successfully achieved.
The confirmation index table shows that questionnaire scores are in the range of 81
percent to 100 percent, with very strong categories. The results showed that students
of SMA Plus Al Azhar Jember used learning motivation very effectively.
3. The effect of teacher implementation (X) on student learning inspiration (Y) The third
problem to be answered in this study is the effect of teacher implementation (X) on
student learning inspiration (Y). Judging from the results of the F test, it is known that
F counts 83.818 compared to F table with N = 65, importance level 5% = 3.14 and
importance level 1% = 4.98 so that it causes the follow-up effect of the test from F
[Educator Performance on Learning Motivation of Students SMA
Plus Al Azhar Jember Learning Year 2022/2023]
Vol. 2, No. 5, 2023
count > from F table then Ha is recognized. Thus, the findings of this study show that
the learning motivation of SMA Plus Al Azhar Jember students is influenced by the
performance of educators.
4. How much influence does teacher performance (X) have on student learning
motivation (Y)? The fourth question that will be answered in this study is how much
influence teacher performance (X) has on student learning motivation (Y). The results
showed that the effect of implementing educator performance on student learning
motivation was 57.1 percent or 57%, and the remaining 43% was influenced by other
Based on the results of the research description that has been described in the
previous chapter, the author can draw the following conclusions: 1. The performance of
coaches at SMA Plus Al Azhar Jember can be classified as very good. Based on the survey
results obtained from variable X trainer performance of 88% who fall into the range
(81%-100%) in the very good category. The learning motivation of SMA Plus Al Azhar
Jember students can be classified as very good. Based on the survey results obtained
from variable Y, student learning motivation of 86% is in the very good category between
(81% - 100%). The F-score calculated from the results of the F-test is 83.818 compared to
the f-table where N = 65 at a significance level of 5% = 3.14 and a significance level of 1%
= 4.98. So it can be concluded that if Fcalculate is greater than Ftabel (83.818 > 3.14), then
Ha is accepted. so it can be concluded that teacher performance affects student learning
motivation at SMA Plus Al Azhar Jember.4. Based on calculations using a simple linear
regression formula, a t-score of 9.155 was obtained with a significance level of 0.000 and
lt; 0.05 which means a significant effect is obtained with a regression coefficient of 0.571,
which is a percentage of 57.1%. Thus, the magnitude of the influence of teacher work on
student learning motivation is 57.1% rounded to 57%, the remaining 43% is the influence
of other factors.
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