

Volume 2 Number 4, April 2023

p- ISSN 2963-3648-  e-ISSN 2964-8653







Joko Pamungkas Lecturer1*, Ad Dieni Maulana Rizka2

Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia  

Email: [email protected]1, [email protected]2


Article history:

Received April 9, 2023

Revised April 15, 2023

Accepted April 25, 2023




Abstract: Learning for early childhood aims to develop various abilities and train children in meeting their needs. One of the needs of children is self-actualization which can be stimulated through learning at school. Learning activities at school can be done with various activities. One of them is angklung learning activities. Where these activities are extracurricular activities at school with the aim of increasing children's talents and interests. This study aims to determine how to implement angklung learning patterns in schools as a form of early childhood actualization. This research was conducted with qualitative descriptive research methods with data collection through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this research were analyzed to find out what kind of angklung learning can realize early childhood self-actualization.

Keywords: Learning; Angklung; Self-actualization; Early Childhood



Aspects of early childhood development are aspects of religious and moral values, physical-motor, cognitive, language, social-emotional, and art. Early childhood development is included in the urgency . This early childhood development can be improved through education. This is because education is the initial foundation for further growth and development. Early childhood education is education designed with the aim of encouraging the overall growth and development of children in the development of all aspects of personality. The basis of early childhood education is contained in the needs of children, which are adapted to the values contained in the environment and implemented in accordance with the early development of early childhood. The purpose of learning is to lead to development. Learning is an activity between teachers and learners in order to achieve learning objectives. Therefore, early childhood learning must use suitable methods to improve child development. The appropriate methods applied since childhood are the method of playing, the method of telling stories, the method of singing, the method of talking and the method of field trips. This method of playing and singing activities can be done in angklung activities.(Hesti Wulandari & Purwanta, 2020)(Anggraeni & Na'imah, 2022)(Arum & Dyahningtyas, 2022)(Goddess, Mayasarokh, & Gustiana, 2020)(Yaswinda, Yulsyofriend, & Sari, 2020)(Ramansyah, 2013)(Amelia Putri Wulandari, Salsabila, Cahyani, Nurazizah, & Ulfiah, 2023)(Siswanto, Zaelansyah, Susanti, &; Fransiska, 2019)

Etymologically, Angklung comes from the word "number" which means sound and "lung" which means broken. So, Angklung refers to a broken tone or an incomplete tone. The word angklung comes from the way the instrument is played. According to Karuhun Urang Sunda in ancient times, human life was likened to an angklung pipe. The ball represents the person himself . Angklung game is a game that is done with up and down movements of players such as swimming on the surface of the water and also the sound of the klung from the musical instrument. The world of education plays an important role in transmitting the values contained in this angklung art to the next generation. As one of the activities that can encourage children's growth and development is angklung learning. Angklung learning is an effort to increase success in achieving learning objectives. As already explained, that learning both in intra-and-extracurricular learning such as angklung learning aims to improve the development and fulfillment of children's needs.(Widiastuti & Watini, 2022)(Fitriah & The Ultimate, 2023)(Sumaludin, 2022)(Nursanti, Mulyana, & ..., 2021)

In Maslow's theory, there is a hierarchy of needs that people need in general. Needs in this hierarchy show that people tend to feel satisfied when meeting needs from the lowest to the highest. Needs include physiological, love, security and emotional needs . Physiological needs are the core of efforts to meet children's needs, both physical and psychological. Physiological needs are also the starting point for the fulfillment of children's rights, including the right to life and development.(Haki, 2021)(Effendi, 2020)

This self-actualization of a person has the freedom and ability to choose the field of work and specialization he likes and they get satisfaction for his work and expertise. Human needs are divided into 5 levels, namely physiological needs, security needs, social needs, self-esteem needs and self-actualization needs.  In general, perceptive people really enjoy interaction with the world around them. They can think logically, can draw conclusions about objectivity and a picture of reality or reality they face. (Haki, 2021)(Full & Pusposari, 2021)(Lestari1), Dau, & Januru, 2021)

One of the schools in Sleman Yogayakrta is ABA Ngabean 2 Kindergarten. Where the kindergarten uses an independent curriculum in carrying out learning activities. In the learning process from the results of interviews with teachers and observations in the classroom, it shows that in this learning continues to be carried out learning innovation in order to improve children's self-actualization. On the child's self-confidence attitude is quite difficult to improve. This can also be seen in the observation that there are still many children who are awaited by parents and guardians while at school. In this case, the school provides facilities in the form of extracurricular in schools in order to improve children's self-actualization, one of which is through angklung learning. Based on this statement, this study aims to determine the implementation of angklung learning in early childhood self-actualization.


Research Method

This study used a descriptive qualitative approach. The research was conducted at ABA Ngabean 2 Kindergarten. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation, documentation and interviews with teachers, principals, angklung trainers, and representatives of parents. Data analysis focused on the implementation of angklung learning in ABA Ngabean 2 Kindergarten.


Result And Discussion

Observations made at ABA Ngabean 2 Kindergarten for three months from December 2022 to February 2023 about angklung learning obtained various information that can be researched. Observations made ranging from planning to appreciation of angklung learning. Based on the results of interviews with school principals, angklung learning is expected to foster children's values and abilities in finding talents for everyone. The results of this study can be obtained the following information.


Angklung learning planning

In angklung learning at ABA Ngabean 2 Kindergarten, it has been planned by the school with a decision taken that the angklung trainer comes from non-teacher angklung experts. Based on the results of interviews with school principals, angklung planning was carried out based on improving the quality of learning on a cultural basis. In addition, because it supports the vision and mission of the school where the vision of the school is to create a healthy, intelligent, cheerful, cultured, and noble moral generation. Therefore, the school wants to introduce the culture in Indonesia through angklung learning.

Implementation of Angklung Learning

Learning angklung musical instruments for children in ABA Ngabean 2 Kindergarten is not mandatory. This is because the school gives the decision to include angklung learning in the extra school. This is from the explanation of ABA Ngabean 2 kindergarten teachers revealed that through angklung activities are included in extras so that children can choose what extra schools are interested in children and are carried out based on children's preferences. This angklung learning is carried out every Monday after the learning activities (KBM) are completed.

Angklung learning at this school is introduced to children with several special methods to make children interested and happy with angklung. This method is carried out based on the results of a trainer's experience supported by motivation and input by teachers and principals. The following are the learning methods used in the angklung learning pattern at ABA Ngabean 2 Kindergarten to be effective in self-actualization of students. The data was obtained from interviews with the development of research instruments and processed as follows.

Figure 1. The Effectiveness of Angklung Learning Method in Early Childhood Self-Actualization

The data above shows that the most effective method in learning angklung in children's self-actualization is the playing method, as well as the conversation method and the singing method. Explanation of the method of playing according to the results of the interview to the teacher because this angklung is a game. This is supported by the opinion of previous researchers that angklung is a game in learning for children. The method of conversing and singing is also a series of methods carried out by ABA Ngabean 2 Kindergarten in learning angklung for early childhood. Below is the angklung learning method in ABA Ngabean 2 Kindergarten which is the result of the researcher's observation complemented by interviews.(Fitriah & The Ultimate, 2023)

1.    Exploring Children's Songs

Children are invited to sing several songs with various musical accompaniments. The songs taught are national songs, children's songs, and folk songs. National songs introduced such as my homeland, bandung lautan api, my ancestors, and garuda Pancasila. Then in the children's song, the song see my garden, my dear teacher, and mother's love. The folk songs taught are padang bulan song and bald bald pacul

2.    Talking about songs

In angklung activities, to introduce songs to children begins with talking about the songs sung. This is so that children can find out what the meaning of the song is. New vocabulary that is unfamiliar to children is also introduced so that children can understand the meaning of the song. In addition to interpreting songs, conversation activities are also carried out to find out children's feelings and children's news when doing angklung learning activities.



3.    How to properly hold angklung

The initial training in playing angklung is by providing knowledge on how to hold angklung properly. This activity is carried out with the child being asked to advance one by one by justifying how to hold it. In the left hand the child holds the upper left part of the angklung. While the child's right hand is asked to make a finger like a gun and aims to make the trainer easy to teach the child to insert the child's index finger into the right part of the angklung by holding it with two fingers, namely index and thumb.

4.    Play songs to the beat of the music

This activity is carried out by the child following the rhythm of the music according to the child's choice by moving the angklung to the right, left, up, and down compactly. This activity is carried out to train children's cohesiveness and concentration. Another goal is to get children to learn to move angklung according to music. In this activity, the trainer gives directions by raising the hand up so that the child moves the angklung up, then the coach's hand moves to the left, then the child moves to the right as well as for the movement to the kiti. In this right and left movement, the trainer uses the concept of mirror, where the child follows the movement according to what is seen.

5.    Practice to restore the angklung in order

After the activity is over, the child is invited to return the angklung. Because this angklung has a sequence in tone, the arrangement of angklung is also carried out by being arranged according to the order of tone. For this reason, in the process of returning, children are called one by one starting from the lowest note to the largest. This can train children in patience.

6.    Introduced trainer tone symbol

In this angklung learning, the trainer does not need to use the sound that comes out of the mouth. This is because angklung is done with children following instructions from the trainer by being introduced to tone symbols in the form of finger and hand movements from the trainer. At this stage the child must concentrate and memorize with the movement symbols from the coach.

Figure 2. The child practices understanding the movement symbols of the trainer

7.    Gesture addition

Giving movement to children provides its own attraction so that children do not get bored to stand while playing angklung. This is because children always feel bored when the feet are just still and must pay attention to the coach. For this reason, both hands and feet are given when playing angklung.

Figure 3. Additional movements of angklung

8.    Practice marching on stage

Angklung learning in class is carried out with children sitting in rows according to the sequence of notes ranging from do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, and high do. For this reason, on stage it is also done according to the sequence of tones but in the second row it is between the bodies of the children in front of it.

9.    Appreciation of angklung learning

Angklung learning is not only done in class. However, as a form of appreciation of angklung and the learning carried out, children are invited to take part in competitions. The activity was the result of deliberation between the school and the trainer and parents. This year, ABA Ngabean 2 Kindergarten consists of two angklung groups in categories A and B. in 2023, ABA Ngabean 2 Kindergarten won 2nd place for both categories participated. The appreciation given was by displaying and introducing angklung to the surrounding community, and children were given an award trophy for the results of learning to play angklung at school.

Figure 4. Children participate in angklung competition

The angklung learning in ABA Ngabean 2 Kindergarten received support from various parties. In addition to teachers and principals who always motivate children to participate in activities, schools also provide facilities that are constantly updated so that angklung learning can attract more children. Of course, support from parents or parents is very influential on children's motivation. Parents and guardians are involved in planning angklung activities during parenting activities in skeolah, and parents are involved in school events and competition preparation by being included as the competition committee.


            Evaluation activities on angklung learning are carried out by principals, teachers, and angklung trainers which are then conveyed to parents and guardians during guardian and parenting meetings. The evaluation carried out is about the time of implementation of angklung activities that are adjusted to the trainer's schedule, what facilities need to be updated, input and suggestions received by the school about angklung learning, and what strategies can be given so that children are able to increase their talents and interest in angklung learning.

Human needs have many things, one of which is self-actualization . This self-actualization can be done and grown from an early age. In early childhood the process of self-actualization can be done by exploring talents and interests in children . As is the case with angklung in ABA Ngabean 2 Kindergarten, this is also a form of learning that can improve children's self-actualization. This is because angklung in the school is an extra school where the activity is carried out on the basis of interest, stability, and things that are liked. This means that when children participate in these activities is an encouragement that arises from within the child himself and this is a child's talent. In self-actualization, this can bring up several influences related to child development. Self-confidence can also be generated from activities that encourage self-actualization . Looking at the results of observations made at ABA Ngabean 2 Kindergarten, several self-actualizations can be obtained that can increase children's confidence in angklung embalming. The following is a table of the impact of children's self-actualization through angklung learning.(Full & Pusposari, 2021)(Ariana, 2016)(Effendi, 2020)


Table 1. Child's confident self-actualization attitude through angklung learning

at ABA Ngabean 2 Kindergarten



Self-actualization attitude


Explore songs by singing along

Confident in singing along


Talking about the meaning of the song and asking how the child is doing

Confident in public speaking


Introduction to how to hold angklung by advancing one by one

Brave and confident to advance in front of schoolmates


Play angklung together following the coach's instructions

Practice concentration in public and confidence even when seen by many people


Follow the movement symbols of the trainer

Confidence when making mistakes in seeing symbols


Race forward

Confidence when performing in front of unknown people


Actualization is needed for children to be able to foster self-confidence, broaden horizons and bring out creativity in children. Self-actualization, starting from early childhood, the child must be introduced to the potential he has and help the child to develop the potential he has and through that he can actualize himself from an early age until he is an adult. Support from parents to children to provide opportunities in development is one form of support for children's self-actualization. Based on the explanation above, it shows that angklung learning activities can increase self-actualization in accordance with existing theories, especially in self-confidence. Self-confidence is important for meeting the needs of children's lives. Because through this confident attitude the child becomes not easy to give up and can solve when faced with a problem .(Effendi, 2020)(Ariana, 2016)(Shaiful, 2020)(Manurung, Wulan, &; Purwanto, 2021)



Judging from the description above, it can be concluded that implementing angkung learning in early childhood can increase development in students. This can be seen from angklung learning as early childhood self-actualization, especially in children's self-confidence. This is an important attitude to get used to from an early age as to be applied in the next life. Self-actualization in early childhood through angklung learning in this case is children's self-confidence, which can be seen from the initial introduction of angklung learning from the introduction of munik, musical instruments, to angklung appreciation can be seen and is very useful for children's needs.



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