Jurnal Edunity: Kajian Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan

Volume 1 Number 05, Januari, 2023

p- ISSN 2963-3648- e-ISSN 2964-8653




Dodi Irama1, Zudan Arief Fakrulloh2, Ahmad Redi3

Universitas Borobudur1,2,3

E-mail: [email protected]1, [email protected]2, [email protected]3


Diterima: 01 Januari 2023

Direvisi: 05 Januari 2023

Disetujui: 15

Januari 2023




Marriage according to Law no. 1 of 1974 concerning marriage is an inner and outer bond between a man and a woman to live a happy and eternal household based on Belief in the One and Only God. Marriage is a high honor and respect for the dignity given by Islam specifically for humans. Marriage is a process that must be followed by everyone to preserve offspring. In addition, marriage, as a process of perfecting half of religion, is also carried out as an effort to prevent adultery, to create peace and tranquility for the soul concerned, and peace for the family and society. A qualitative approach was used in this study to know the quality of services provided by the KUA Wonosalam in the registration and registration of marriages to achieve excellent service. The efforts of the Demak City Government to improve marriage management services at the Wonosalam Religious Affairs Office (KUA) are by trying to apply excellent service quality to every officer at the Wonosalam KUA. The Quality of Administrative Services for marriage registration at KUA Eonosalam is based on wholehearted service provided to the community, namely by applying the Tangible, Reliability, and Assurance dimensions in the indicators of infrastructure facilities and guarantees on time because there are still inadequate facilities and there are obstacles that hinder the administrative service process this KUA. Service has been said to be good in the Responsiveness and Empathy dimensions in terms of speed and accuracy of service and ease of good communication. Even though there are still some obstacles, the efforts that have been made are to improve the network they had.

Keywords: Quality of Service; Marriage; KUA

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International


   The main basic functions of government are development, empowerment, and serving functions, one of which is the service of rights and self-identity, and citizenship (Coetzer et al., 2017). The community always demands quality public services from bureaucrats, even though these demands are often not in line with expectations because empirically the public services that have occurred so far are characterized by: convoluted, slow, expensive, and tiring. Community service is a pure main task of the figure of the apparatus as a servant of the state and a servant of the community. The government, which acts as a Service Provider for the community, is required to provide quality services (Mukarom & Laksana, 2015)

The higher the community's need for public services, must be balanced by the higher the professionalism and quality provided (Einstein & Glick, 2017). This public service is dynamic, whose needs adjust to the situation and conditions, and also requires the dynamic performance of the service apparatus in carrying out their duties. Public services are the spearhead of the administration of the government system from the lower level to the central level because public services relate to the community (Hairat & Suyuti, 2020)

Marriage according to Law no. 1 of 1974 concerning marriage is an inner and outer bond between a man and a woman to live a happy and eternal household based on Belief in the One and Only God(No, 1 C.E.) Marriage is a high honor and respect for the dignity given by Islam specifically for humans. Marriage is a process that must be followed by everyone to preserve offspring. In addition, marriage, as a process of perfecting half of religion, is also carried out as an effort to prevent adultery, to create peace and tranquility for the soul concerned, and peace for the family and society (Einstein & Glick, 2017).

The marriage process is considered valid in Islam when it fulfills the legal requirements and the pillars of faith. Meanwhile, juridically, a new marriage is considered legal and is not said to be an underhand marriage when the marriage has been officially registered through a government agency Click or tap here to enter text.(Muflihah et al., 2021). As explained in the law article 2 of Law no. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage reads "Marriage is considered valid if it is carried out based on religious law and beliefs and is registered according to the applicable laws and regulations." (Hanifah, 2019)

The state wants all the legal relations of its citizens to run in an orderly and certain manner. This is where marriage registration becomes important for the State. The institution authorized to register marriages is the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA). The Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) is an institution authorized to carry out government duties in the field of Islamic religious affairs. The Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) is part of the structure of the Ministry of Religion, as confirmed in Decree of the Minister of Religion Number 517 of 2001 that the Office of Religious Affairs is tasked with carrying out some of the tasks of the Office of the Regency/City Ministry of Religion in the field of Islamic Religious Affairs within the District area. (Khoiri et al., 2019)

As an agency that records and reports marriages, the KUA has made a significant contribution to the marriage process in the local community. By registering a marriage, the bride and groom will obtain a marriage book which can be authentic proof of the validity of their marriage. With the registration of the marriage as well, a clear relationship between family law, inheritance, property status in a family, as well as public legal relations, such as relations with society and the State, will be born.

The role of KUA is very strategic when viewed from its presence in direct contact with the community, especially those requiring services in the field of Islamic Religious Affairs (Urais). Because of the consequences of this role, KUA officials are automatically required to be able to manage and organize archives management, administration of correspondence, and statistics as well as independent documentation. The KUA is also required to be truly capable of carrying out its duties in the field of marriage registration and reconciliation properly. In addition, the KUA as the spearhead of services at the sub-district level is seen by the community as a reflection of the quality of service from the Ministry of Religion, so it is only natural that the religious affairs office is required to provide quality services to the community as mandated in Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services. (Indonesia, 2009) In assessing the performance of KUA agencies, it can be seen how much the level of community satisfaction is. Community satisfaction is a factor that needs attention because community satisfaction can be a determining indicator of the success of an agency or institution in providing services. By knowing how the level of community satisfaction, the KUA will automatically be able to make improvements or improve quality in terms of providing services to the community.

Service quality or service quality, which is often abbreviated as SERVQUAL, as stated by Zeithaml et. al (1996) has five dimensions, namely tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. (Ismail, 2021)

Direct evidence (tangibles) in the form of physical evidence of services, reliability (reliability) in the form of the company's or institution's ability to provide services as promised accurately, responsiveness (responsiveness) is a form of staff efforts in helping customers and providing the best service and responsibility, assurance (assurance) is a form of politeness and efforts from staff to gain the trust and confidence of customers, and empathy (empathy) is a form of effort made by employees in paying attention to customers by trying to understand the desires and attract the hearts of consumers Click or tap here to enter text.(Prakoso et al., 2017).

Based on initial observations made by researchers at the Office of Religious Affairs, researchers still found that the service process was unsatisfactory and seemed slow. This statement is relevant to the results of previous research by Adilawati Taufiq that the organizational communication process at the Office of Religious Affairs at the level of complexity is going well so that it affects the quality of service. (Ahmad & Khoridatul, 2014) Therefore, based on the opinions above, the researcher considers it necessary to conduct research on the quality of marriage services at the KUA Wonosalam Demak District through five aspects, namely direct evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy.

According to Moenir, "service is a process of fulfilling needs through the activities of other people who are immediately received." Click or tap here to enter text.(Moenir, 2010)  In other words, it can be said that service is an action taken by other people so that each one gets the expected benefits and gets satisfaction. According to Ratminto, service is any profitable activity in a group or unit, that offers satisfaction even though the result is not physically tied to a product (Ratminto, 2006)

Ratminto and Winarsih in Hardiyansyah argued that public services or public services can be defined as all forms of services, both in the form of public goods and public services which in principle are the responsibility and are carried out by government agencies at the center, in the regions and within the Owned Enterprises. State or Regional Owned Enterprises, to meet the needs of the community and in the context of implementing the provisions of laws and regulations (Ratminto, 2006) Public service or public service according to Wasistiono is the provision of services either by the government, private parties on behalf of the government, or private parties to the community with or without payment to meet the needs and or interests of the community.

Minister of Administrative Decree Number 63 of 2003:

"The principles of public service according to the Minister of Administrative Decree Number 63 of 2003 are: a. Transparency. It is open, easy, and accessible to all parties who need it and is provided adequately and easily understood. b. Accountability. Can be accounted for by statutory provisions. c. Conditional. By the conditions and capabilities of service providers and recipients while adhering to the principles of efficiency and effectiveness. d. participatory. Encouraging the equal role of the community in the delivery of public services by taking into account the aspirations, needs, and expectations of the community. e. Equal rights. Not discriminatory in the sense of not discriminating against ethnicity, race, religion, class, gender, and economic status. f. Balance of rights and obligations. Givers and recipients of public services must fulfill the rights and obligations of each party” (Negara, 2003)




The study uses a qualitative approach. [12] A qualitative approach in research to know the quality of services provided by the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) to achieve excellent service. This research is located at the KUA Office, Wonosalam District, Demak, as the executor of central and regional policies that provide direct services to the community.

The data used in this study are

1.    Primary Data

Data obtained directly from the results of interviews with informants or informants who are considered to have the potential to provide relevant and appropriate information in the field, namely the people who arrange marriages at the KUA Wonosalam Demak District

2.    Secondary Data

Secondary data sourced from the processed results of a particular agency or institution is not only for the benefit of the institution but also for other parties who need it. This aims to obtain a basis or framework of thought used to discuss research results. In this study, secondary data sources were reports and documents from the Wonosalam Demak Religious Affairs Office.


The analysis technique used in this study is qualitative analysis, namely by describing and analyzing more deeply the research data obtained through direct interviews, observation, and documentation, by organizing data into categories, describing them into units, synthesizing, compiling into patterns, choosing which ones are important and which will be studied, and make conclusions so that they are easily understood by oneself and others.



A.  Profile of KUA Wonosalam, Demak Regency

The Wonosalam District Religious Affairs Office is one of the fourteen District Religious Affairs Offices in the Demak Regency area. The Sub-District Office of Religious Affairs is the spearhead in coordinating religious activities in the villages.

1.    Vision

The realization of Islamic values as a moral and spiritual foundation in social life within the Wonosalam District.


2.      Mission

Improving the quality of marriage administration services and reconciliation. Improving the quality of understanding and developing sakinah families and dissemination of halal food products. Improving the quality of social-religious worship services and developing the empowerment of zakat, infaq, and almsgiving

Optimization of waqf land certification

Empowerment of religious institutions in the development process

Strengthening religious harmony based on mutual respect.

Improve the development of pilgrims.

Encouraging the development of civil society based on religious values and noble regional cultural values.

The functions of the KUA Wonosalam Demak District are:

3.      Organizing statistics and documentation

Organizing correspondence, documentation, KUA filings, and households, conducting managerial training, sakinah families, social worship, halal food, partnerships, reckoning ru'yat, zakat, waqf, pilgrimage, and family welfare by policies set by the Director General of Islamic Community Guidance and Organizing Hajj and Umrah based on applicable laws and regulations.

4.      Regulate the work pattern of the principals who are in their working area.

Geographically, the KUA of Wonosalam District is located to the north of Demak Regency with an area of approximately: 4,418 ha, with the following boundaries:

To the east it is bordered by the DempetKab District. Demak

To the west, it is bordered by the District of Demak, Kab. Demak.

In the north it is bordered by the Gajah District, Kab. Demak.

In the south, it is bordered by the Karang Tengah District, Demak Regency.

5.      Service Quality at the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) Wonosalam

Service regulations can be in the form of Standard Operating Procedures which contain legal basis, service procedures, service requirements, service time, service fees, and also  complaint procedures. To provide services for recording birth certificates, the population served is based on the Regional Regulation of Semarang Regency Number 7 of 2009 concerning the Implementation of Population Administration. This regulation contains the Minimum Service Standards for the Semarang City Population and Civil Registration Service which contains SOPs that must be complied with in the service of registering birth certificates starting from service procedures, service fees, service requirements, service time, and complaint procedures.

To improve the quality of administrative services for residents of Demak City, the Demak City Government is improving the quality of services in obtaining marriage certificates at the Office of Religious Affairs in Wonosalam District. then to calculate the quality of marriage services at the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) Wonosalam District, we use the theory from Zeithaml in Hardiansyah. The theory has 5 indicators in measuring service quality, namely Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy. The discussion can be seen in the following sub-chapters:

6.      Tangible Dimension (direct evidence)

Tangibles are concrete evidence of the ability of a service provider to present the best for the community, both in terms of the physical appearance of the building, facilities, and supporting technological equipment, to the appearance of employees. The tangible dimension in this study will be measured from: the appearance of officers or apparatus in serving the community, the convenience of the place to perform services, the ease of service processes, the discipline of officers or apparatus in performing services, and the ease of access of the community in requesting services.

Based on the observations of researchers and data collection at the KUA Wonosalam

7.       District, it was found that

Appearance of officers or apparatus in serving customers Appearance of self / good personnel from the employees, is something that can not be avoided. The appearance of a convincing officer will be able to create a good impression in the eyes of service users. In addition, the neat appearance of employees can bring respect to anyone who comes and visits.

Convenience of office space where service is provided. Convenience in the service process is one of the determining factors for the quality of service. Based on the observations of researchers, most of the places where KUA services take place at the Wonosalam District Religious Affairs Office are sufficient, there are sofas provided for people who are waiting, and also the room is quite clean.

Ease of Service Process is one indicator that determines the quality of service. It is a mandate in Law Number 25 of 2009 that executors in administering public services must behave one of which is not to make things difficult.

Discipline in providing services Discipline is an important element that affects the quality of service.

Ease of Access to Services Ease of access is one of the principles in the Decree of the State Minister for Empowerment of State Apparatuses Number 63 of 2003 concerning Guidelines for Public Service Providers. A service will be easy to reach if it has good or easy access.


8.      Reliability Dimension

Reliability is the ability to provide reliable and accurate service. The level of reliability of service in the eyes of the community includes the ability to provide the promised service promptly and on time. In this study, the dimensions of the reliability of marriage services will be assessed or measured by the existence of clear service standards, services according to promises, timely service delivery, and the ability of employees to use assistive devices in the service process.

Clear Service Standards Service standards are benchmarks used as guidelines for service delivery and a reference for assessing service quality as an obligation and promise of administrators to the community in the framework of quality, fast, easy, affordable and regular services. This component of public service standards is designed to provide the widest possible access to information to the public so that it is easier for the public to reach basic services that lead to people's welfare. In addition, by fulfilling these service standards, maladministration actions such as illegal fees, procedural deviations, protracted delays, and so on can be minimized which are loopholes for acts of corruption. The existence of public service standards provides open access to information to the public so that in a good service requirements, procedures, costs, and timeframes can be measured and known to the public without experiencing confusion and demanding public oversight in its implementation.

Based on the observations of researchers, most respondents answered well because the Wonosalam District Office of Religious Affairs already has service standards which include the legal basis, statutory regulations which form the basis of service delivery; requirements that must be met in managing a type of service, both technical and administrative requirements; mechanisms and procedures; completion period, fees/tariffs, fees charged to service recipients in managing and/or obtaining services from the operator, the amount of which is determined. However, it turned out that among the 40 (forty) respondents there were 2.5% responded less well. Based on the observations of researchers, some respondents gave these responses due to the installation of service standard boards that were less strategic or lack of socialization on the part of service providers.


9.      Responsiveness Dimension

Responsiveness is the willingness to help people provide appropriate, fast, and accurate services. The dimensions of responsiveness in this study will be measured or assessed by responding to the community to be served, providing services quickly, accurately, and precisely, providing services at the right time, responding to people who have complaints, showing patience in service, and readiness to help the community. if experiencing difficulties and the ability of employees to resolve complaints.

Responding to the people who want to be served One of the things that are very crucial for public service providers to pay attention to is responding to complaints from the public who use the service. The community will say that the service provider has succeeded in providing quality services if the service provider can respond to complaints from the people served.

10.  Assurance

Assurance includes the knowledge, ability, courtesy, and trustworthiness of staff free from harm, risk, or doubt. Employees are required to be more competent in providing services and of course employees must have good competence. Service activities that occur at the Semarang City Population and Civil Registration Service (Disdukcapil) run according to the time specified for the Population Document Completion Period, the fastest is 1 (one) hour and the longest is 24 (twenty \-four) hours after the application file is declared complete and correct. Then when the document has been made, it is continued with sending the document that has been made to the address of the applicant. This shipping process takes 2-3 days and a maximum of 5 days.


11.  Empathy Dimension (Empathy)

Empathy is the attention given to service applicants, the willingness to put the applicant's interests first, a friendly, courteous, and non-discriminatory attitude, and respect for each service applicant. The dimensions of empathy in this study are assessed or measured by the friendliness of employees in providing services, non-discrimination in providing services, and respect for every community that gets marriage services.

One of the things that need to be considered by public service providers in improving the quality of their services is to show a friendly attitude towards the community who use the service. From observations made at the KUA Wonosalam, it was found that the service provided by officers was very good without discriminating against caste, race, and religion, which only prioritized people who had physical deficiencies (disabilities).



The efforts of the Demak City Government to improve marriage management services at the Wonosalam Religious Affairs Office (KUA) are by trying to apply excellent service quality to every officer at the Wonosalam KUA. The Quality of Administrative Services for marriage registration at KUA Eonosalam is based on wholehearted service provided to the community, namely by applying the Tangible, Reliability, and Assurance dimensions in the indicators of infrastructure and guarantees on time because there are still inadequate facilities and there are obstacles that hinder the Administration service process this KUA. Service has been said to be good in the Responsiveness and Empathy dimensions in terms of speed and accuracy of service and ease of good communication. Even though there are still some obstacles, the efforts that have been made are to improve the network they have.




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