Jurnal Edunity: Kajian Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan

Volume 1 Number 04, Desember, 2022

p- ISSN 2963-3648- e-ISSN 2964-8653




Heru Saputra1, Heru Prastyo2

Universitas Islam Negeri Salatiga1,2

E-mail: [email protected]1, [email protected]2




Diterima: 08 Desember 2022

Direvisi: 09 Desember 2022

Disetujui: 10 Desember 2022




Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan sumber belajar bahasa Inggris mana yang menurut siswa paling membantu saat belajar bahasa di perangkat Android. Untuk melakukan penelitian ini, peneliti mengadopsi metodologi penelitian kualitatif. Melalui wawancara dan kuesioner, data dikumpulkan. Pada semester pertama, sebanyak 35 mahasiswa Fakultas Syariah UIN Salatiga mengikuti penelitian ini. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan kuesioner. Melalui prosedur kualitatif, data dianalisis dan diinterpretasikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Menurut data, 28% siswa mengatakan bahwa mereka paling tertarik mempelajari hukum umum ketika mempelajari bahasa Inggris. Sedangkan TOEFL 25% dan syariat Islam menjadi pilihan kedua. Selain itu, 22% responden memilih bahasa Inggris untuk kehidupan sehari-hari. Saat belajar bahasa Inggris, siswa lebih suka membaca teks naratif (74%), teks deskriptif (24%), dan artikel berita (2%). Menurut tanggapan dari fakultas syariah, 94% mahasiswa menginginkan percakapan yang lugas dan 6% menginginkan ekspresi sebagai input pembelajaran. Menurut responden, mereka lebih menyukai teks otentik (22%), teks bacaan sederhana (38%), dan definisi kosakata (40%) sebagai bahan input bacaan. Terkait dengan sumber belajar siswa, 80% siswa menginginkan cerita pendek, sedangkan 18% menginginkan buku. Hanya 2% responden menyatakan bahwa mereka ingin membaca novel untuk pembelajaran pada pilihan akhir.

Kata kunci: Penilaian kebutuhan; berbasis android; bahasa Inggris untuk syariah


This study's objective was to discover which English learning resources students found most helpful while learning the language on an Android device. To conduct this research, the researcher adopted a qualitative research methodology. Through interviews and a questionnaire, the data was gathered. In the first semester, 35 students from the Sharia Faculty at UIN Salatiga took part in this study. The data was gathered using an interview and a questionnaire. Through a qualitative procedure, the data was analyzed and interpreted. The results showed that According to the data, 28% of students said they were most interested in learning about general law when it came to learning English. While TOEFL 25% and Islamic law are the second options. In addition, 22% of respondents choose English for daily life. While learning English, the students preferred reading narrative texts (74%), descriptive texts (24%), and news articles (2%). According to the responses from the sharia faculty, 94% of students wanted a straightforward conversation and 6% wanted expression as learning input. According to the respondents, they preferred authentic text (22%), simple reading texts (38%), and vocabulary definitions (40%) as reading input materials. In relation to the students' learning resources, 80% of the students wanted short stories, while 18% wanted books. Only 2% of respondents indicated that they would like to read a novel for learning in the final choice.

Keywords: Need assessment; android-based; English for sharia

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International



Today's technological advancements have a significant impact on educational life; indirectly, these advancements alter students' learning habits, particularly those of university students. Learning used to be done in a classroom with a teacher, but thanks to the various facilities now available, it can be done independently. One of the many amenities is the availability of an android learning application, which makes it simpler for students to learn wherever they are and whenever they want.

As they combine innovative learning with fundamental knowledge, educational apps, according to (Papadakis & Orfanakis, 2017), continue to be a significant asset to one's learning. Today, students' universities are already accustomed to teaching English to students using an Android application. This is now commonplace in academic life. This is evident from the growing number of Android applications for English learning. Additionally, it shows that students' needs for using the Android app to learn English are growing (Aziz, Hassan, Dzakiria, & Mahmood, 2018).

(Jati & Dewi, 2018) asserts that the variety of mobile applications provides the flexibility to guarantee a fun and simple learning process on various facets of language learning. Learning a language involves many different skills, such as speaking, writing, listening, and reading.

Numerous factors need to be examined, including traits, features, and learning resources, in order to fully explore the function of the Android learning application. The learning materials can also be examined through a needs analysis (Paraskeva, Mysirlaki, & Papagianni, 2010). Despite the fact that learning English is a process of connecting the four English skills, a teacher must be able to identify the skills that students need the most (Saputra, 2022)

According to (Destianingsih & Satria, 2017), needs analysis is a crucial method of investigation before developing and assessing lessons, materials, and curricula. It also aids in creating a profile of students and courses to identify and rank the needs for which students need English.

Studies on student needs analysis have advanced quickly in recent decades. Today, there are numerous studies being conducted about students' needs in various contexts, such as a classroom or web-based learning, but the student's need for materials in an Android application has not received as much attention (Shute & Rahimi, 2017).

The development of the English language module for sharia economic law was the subject of research by (Hakim, Kurniawan, & Saputra, 2020). The lecturer and students still struggle with the teaching and learning process in the English subject, according to the findings of a preliminary study conducted by researchers in the Sharia economics study program at Sharia Economics Studies College of Nahdlatul Ulama (STIESNU) Bengkulu. The main issue that they frequently encounter is that, despite the lecturer's and students' expectations, they continue to find it challenging to locate the teaching materials (Burde, Kapit, Wahl, Guven, & Skarpeteig, 2017). So they must use development research to address the issues based on the findings of the researchers' analysis. The findings of this study are a module that can be used as teaching materials for the English subject based on the principles of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and with the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach that was developed by using the ASSURE model that followed the stages of analyzing learners, stating objectives, choosing, modifying media, or designing materials, utilizing technology, media, and materials, and requiring learner participation. Additionally, this instructional product was validated by two experts at the very end (Berger, 2015).

In STAI Diponegoro Tulungagung, an analysis of the English requirements for students studying Islamic economics has been completed. The purpose of this study is to analyze the English course requirements for students majoring in Islamic economics. based on goals for vocational students, with a focus on target analysis and educational requirements. Students from STAI Diponegoro Tulungagung's Department of Islamic Economics served as the study's subjects. This study's methodology used qualitative research techniques. techniques for gathering data from surveys, interviews, and documentation. According to the research's findings in the form of target analysis, students majoring in Islamic economics should learn English in order to be able to actively communicate in English. According to the findings of the learning needs analysis, students must possess fluent and communicative speaking skills in order to be ready to handle the demands of their future profession. This demonstrates how the desire of students for speaking abilities is very much in line with the demands of the job market, which calls for proficiency in English communication. According to (Hidayati & Nur’aini, 2020), the outcomes of this reference are anticipated to be used as a guide when creating curricula and instructional materials.

(Saputra, 2018) also conducted a study on the demand for English-speaking students for a particular purpose. For campus radio to continue to exist and be of high quality, English broadcasts should be conducted in a communicative language. The broadcasters of IAIN Salatiga campus radio do not originate from the Department of English Education, which makes it challenging for them to do English broadcasts and necessitates a solution. Twenty (20) broadcasters on the IAIN Salatiga campus radio are the subjects of empowerment research, which is qualitative in nature. Three methods are used to gather the data: observation, questionnaire, and focus group discussions (FGD). According to the data collected, 100% of broadcasters have never received English language training for broadcast, 80% have trouble producing communicative English broadcasts, and 100% frequently struggle to find relevant content to air (Zhang & Ho, 2013). The following describes how English learning for broadcast is structured: seeing actual circumstances, learning using the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) method, and producing (implementation of communicative English in broadcasting).

Speaking English out loud is not only a crucial component of learning the language, but also an important one. Voice feedback that is both effective and meaningful is crucial for non-native English speakers. Most of the conventional error-correction and recognition systems for oral English training are still in the theoretical stages at this time (Hassan Al-Ahdal, Al-Hattami, Al-Awaid, & Al-Mashaqba, 2015). The corresponding high-end experimental prototype, however, also has the drawbacks of a big, complicated system. Traditional speech recognition technology relies too much on speech content recognition, which is easily influenced by a noisy environment and is therefore not perfect in terms of recognition ability and accuracy. Based on this, the paper will develop and design an Android smartphone-based system for teaching spoken English assistant pronunciation. This paper proposes a lip motion judgment algorithm based on ultrasonic detection, which is used to support the conventional speech recognition algorithm in double feedback judgment. It is based on a thorough study and analysis of spoken English speech correction algorithm and speech feedback mechanism. To thoroughly assess the speech of the speech trainer and timely correct the speaker's speech, a double benchmark scoring mechanism is added to the intelligent speech training feedback mechanism. The experimental results indicate that the system's speech accuracy is 85%, which raises the bar for oral English trainers to some extent (Chao & Hao, 2021).

In light of the explanation provided above, the authora are considering conducting research on the topic: an analysis of students' needs for English-language resources while learning the language using an Android application.



To carry out this study, the researchers adopted a qualitative research methodology. The goal of qualitative research is to comprehend phenomena relating to what the research subject experiences, such as behavior, perception, and motivation, in a general analytical manner that may be expressed in the form of words and language, in a particular natural setting, and by using a natural method.

Defines a qualitative approach as a method of working that places an emphasis on data-deepening aspects in order to improve the quality and outcomes of a study. In other words, a qualitative approach relies on the description of words and sentences that are organized carefully and methodically, starting with data collection and ending with reporting and research reporting.

As a result, this research requires some pertinent theories to be supported. In order to determine the English materials that students need the most and the challenges they encounter when trying to understand the material while learning English using an Android application, the researcher has chosen a qualitative approach.

Data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification are the three stages of the technique of data analysis, according to (Miles & Huberman, 1994)


The information that was gleaned from the questionnaire's findings regarding teacher training and education students' needs for English materials while teaching English to students using an Android application is listed in the table below. According to (Destianingsih & Satria, 2020) there are various aspects of need analysis, such as wants, lacks, and necessities. The instrument and analysis also refer to the theory and readiness indicators. However, the researchers in this study only consider the point of want.

Tabel 1. Studi Only Consider





What topics do you like to study most?

General law

Islamic law


Daily life





28 %

25 %

25 %

22 %

What type of text you want to learn?

Narrative text

Descriptive text

News item




74 %

24 %

2 %

What form do you want to speak?

Simple dialogue




94 %

6 %

What input do you want to improve?

Vocabulary definition Simple reading text

Authentic text




40 %

38 %

22 %

What media do you want to use?

Short stories






80 %

18 %

2 %

      (Sumber Data: )

According to the collected data, the topic of general law was the one that students desired to learn about the most when it came to English language instruction. While the second set of options includes Islamic law and a 25% score on the TOEFL. In addition, English as a tool for everyday life is chosen by 22% of respondents.

When it came to studying English, the students' top choices for the kind of text they wanted to read were narrative texts (74%), descriptive texts (24%), and news items (2%).

In relation to the students' desires, 94% of respondents from the Sharia faculty wanted a simple dialogue, and 6% of them wanted expression as the input for their learning.

As reading input materials, the respondents indicated that they desired vocabulary definitions at a rate of 40%, simple reading texts at a rate of 38%, and authentic texts at a rate of 22%.

Short stories made up 80% of what the students wanted, while books made up 18%. Only two percent of respondents selected the option to read a novel as part of their educational experience.


The researchers came to the conclusion that, in the android module, students would like to learn general English for law by using narrative text. This conclusion was reached on the basis of the data presented above. In addition to that, the Android module will include straightforward conversations accompanied by definitions of various terms. The students will find the short story to be not only helpful but also delightful.



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