Volume 3 Number 7, July 2024
p- ISSN 2963-3648- e-ISSN 2964-8653
Qanitah Dzakiyyah Pariz
, Matin
, Suryadi
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
The Merdeka Curriculum is an education policy introduced in an effort to increase flexibility
and creativity in the learning process. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of the
Independent Curriculum Policy Program at Al Husna Tigaraksa Senior High School (SMAS)
using the Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP) Model. This research covers four
dimensions of evaluation, namely context, input, process, and product, in order to provide a
comprehensive picture of the impact and effectiveness of the independent curriculum policy
at this school. The research method used both qualitative and quantitative approaches,
including interviews with school officials, analysis of policy documents, classroom
observations, and surveys of teachers, students, and parents. Evaluation instruments were
developed based on the CIPP Model to measure the perception, academic achievement, and
impact of the independent curriculum implementation. The evaluation results will provide
in-depth insight into the understanding and implementation of the independent curriculum
policy at SMAS Al Husna Tigaraksa. From the results of this study, the researchers found
that the implementation of the independent curriculum at SMAS Al Husna is going well, the
researchers checked the curriculum documents with the situation and the implementation of
learning activities is appropriate, but there are still deeper adjustments in several aspects of
the needs of students.
Keywords: implementation evaluation; independent curriculum; CIPP model
Education is an activity that is carried out and always planned, preferably ending with
evaluation activities (Laksono & Izzulka, 2022). This evaluation aims to reflect on each
program that has been passed and implemented whether it is in accordance with the
planning or not as expected. Evaluation also has the aim of knowing the strengths and
weaknesses of the program that has been implemented so that in the future it can minimize
errors and maximize the components so that the program can run well. The evaluation will
measure the achievement of the success of a program that will determine whether the
program needs to be developed, repeated, or even if the program is not running effectively,
it will be stopped.
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
Curriculum change is a necessity and adjusts to the development and needs of the
times, not only adjusting to the needs of the current situation but also anticipating the
development of the needs of user groups. Explained by (Cholily, 2008) That message from
Ali Bin Abi Talib is "Educate your child according to his age". The message spoken has a
straightforward meaning which interprets that in the Curriculum Education program at
school, of course, it must be able to prepare students to be able to live life in the future. a
pleasant and dynamic learning atmosphere should continue to be developed following the
times of renewal which must always be pursued.
The condition of education in Indonesia is getting worse with the outbreak of the
COVID-19 pandemic. As revealed by Makarim (2022) Research results from the Ministry of
Education, Culture and Research show that the impact of the covid 19 pandemic has caused
significant gaps and learning losses (Makarim, 2022). Education organizers must move
quickly to prepare the next generation of the nation's future to adapt to the times, through
curriculum policies. A quality education of course starts from a well-planned and precise
curriculum so that the curriculum has an important role in the success of education
(Nurindah, et al., 2022). Education policy will focus on the use of a nationally enforced
curriculum, namely the independent curriculum.
When looking at the history of the previous curriculum, the education curriculum that
has been implemented in Indonesia has been in place since 1947 and has continuously
changed according to the times and is now the Merdeka learning curriculum. The presence
of this new curriculum is very relevant to the demands of 21st-century skills education,
which requires the importance of literacy and numerization skills and 4C competencies
(Critical thinking and problem solving, creative thinking communication, and collaboration),
which are competencies that must be mastered by students, especially in today's digital era.
According to the Ministry of Education and Culture (2002) cited by Azka (2022), it
reveals that based on an analysis of the last 20 years since the emergence of the 2000
curriculum (KBK), 2006 Curriculum (KTSP), 2013 curriculum (K13). There are several
advantages of the independent curriculum, among others: Simpler and deeper, More
independent or free in choosing subjects of interest, More relevant and interactive (Maulana,
Ubaedillah, & Rizqi, 2022).
Evaluation is an important part of the education curriculum with evaluation we get an
overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum developed in schools. The
success of an educational process is determined by a curriculum in which all components are
well-planned. Therefore, schools or educational institutions are obliged to mobilize all the
potential, assets, and resources they have to enter it. According to the explanation of Suafi
and Hambali (2019) which explains that curriculum development is not only strong in the
theoretical field but must also be reflected in the practical field (Akhmad & Hambali, 2019).
It is dynamic and changes from time to time according to the changing times and
dynamic communities. Curriculum development is a must to improve the development and
growth of learners. Therefore, several curriculum components which include structure,
objectives, content, methods, and evaluation in the curriculum itself must be developed in
the learning process to achieve educational goals.
Evaluation of the implementation of the independent curriculum in the school
environment is very important to analyze the objectives of the benefits of the impact of
Evaluation Of The Implementation Of The Independent Curriculum
Program At Smas Al Husna Tigaraksa
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
success and obstacles and strategic an effort that must be made to overcome the obstacles
arising from the implementation of the current independent curriculum. The evaluation
model used in this study is the CIPP model evaluation which evaluates the curriculum from
the aspects of context, input (input), process, and product (results) through this CIPP model
evaluation, it is hoped that it can help to gather information about the effectiveness of the
implementation of the Merdeka curriculum at Al Husna Tigaraksa High School.
The curriculum serves as a roadmap for implementing education to achieve its goals.
In order for the curriculum to also take the form of various disciplines, it also provides
experiences for students to use in practicing Education. The Education curriculum is not
created and set by the local population. Where the Indonesian National qualifications
framework and national standards of Education should be used as the main guidelines for
curriculum design and creation. The purpose of using these standards and guidelines is to
ensure consistency in curriculum production and implementation. It is possible to utilize
curriculum creation by knowing the standards to help guide and avoid activities that deviate
from what has been written.
It also serves as a set of rules to be followed to correct inappropriate curriculum
implementation and to create experiences and advance student learning. Many assessment
models are used in evaluation science when evaluating learning programs. The assessment
program should be carried out on all parts of learning, i.e. the contextual angle, including the
process and the product or learning outcome. The evaluation model is clearly not just an
evaluation based on the grades students achieve in the learning process. The CIPP
assessment model is one of the models created by experts that can be used to evaluate
curriculum programs in which the context dimension, input dimension, process dimension,
and product dimension are the 4 dimensions examined by the CIPP model. This
methodology is distinctive in that it links each form of assessment to an instrument for
making decisions about the design and administration of a program. The CIPP approach has
the benefit of offering a format for assessing extension workers at each stage of the
evaluation. The decision-oriented CIPP model was used in this evaluation exercise to assist
stakeholders in making informed choices. After collecting analyzing, and interpreting data
and data and making choices based on those interferences, the most important step in
conducting an assessment is to identify the elements that influence the conclusions.
The problem with implementing the independent curriculum program in general in
high schools is that the Merdeka curriculum only focuses on material of interest to students
and the development of student competencies according to their phase. Until now, there are
still many schools that are not ready to implement the Merdeka curriculum because they do
not have sufficient knowledge regarding their own curriculum program, the first second is
the lack of infrastructure, and the third is the large number of senior teachers who have
difficulty in technology to find references and training online and independently about the
Merdeka curriculum itself.
Based on the results of preliminary research conducted on September 18, 2023. With
Mr. Idris Suryana, M.M. as the deputy principal of the curriculum, he believes that the
Merdeka curriculum has been implemented at Al Husna Tigaraksa High School in the odd
semester of the 2022-2023 school year. Only for the implementation of their curriculum
program is still not well implemented. This is due to the lack of socialization or training for
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
teachers about the Merdeka curriculum. Their curriculum training was only attended by a
few new representatives.
This study aims to evaluate the readiness of SMA Al Husna Tigaraksa in implementing
the Merdeka Curriculum, identify alternative strategies or approaches that can be used in the
process, and understand how the Merdeka Curriculum program is implemented in the
school. In addition, this study also aims to assess the achievements that have been achieved
by schools during one semester of implementing the Merdeka Curriculum program.
This research is expected to provide benefits both theoretically and practically.
Theoretically, this research can provide information regarding the implementation of the
Merdeka Curriculum program at Al Husna Tigaraksa High School and generate data from
the evaluated components, which is useful for curriculum developers to make more effective
curriculum development. Practically, for schools, the results of this study can be a reference
for implementing the Merdeka Curriculum program in a sustainable manner, as well as a
reference and information for related parties to improve student achievement. For students,
this research can train their readiness to learn independently, apply critical thinking through
project-based learning, and create an adaptive generation that is able to face changing times
with a passion for learning to achieve the desired goals and apply them in life.
Research Method
This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach, namely research that provides a
description of factual and systematic situations and events regarding factors, as well as the
relationship between phenomena that are owned to find out the basics (Lexy J.: 2021). This
research presents descriptive data in the form of written or oral data and informants and
behavior to be observed, because researchers aim to provide a complete and in-depth view of
the subject under study.
The qualitative approach combined with CIPP is the right way according to the
researcher to reveal and interpret various interrelated activities in the implementation of the
independent curriculum at SMAS Al Husna Tigaraksa, which is closely related to efforts to
analyze: a) what is the context of the strategy for implementing the independent curriculum
at SMAS Al Husna Tigaraksa, b) what are the inputs that cause supporting and inhibiting
factors for implementing the independent curriculum at SMAS Al Husna Tigaraksa, 3) how
is the process of implementing the independent curriculum at SMAS Al Husna Tigaraksa, 4)
what are the results of implementing the independent curriculum at SMAS Al Husna
Meanwhile, the sample is part of the population. Arikunto (2019) states that the sample
is a part or representative of the population to be studied. Sampling in this study used a total
sampling technique so that it involved the Principal and Deputy Principal Bid. Curriculum,
Deputy Principal Bid. Student Affairs, subject teachers who taught in class X, and all active
students in class X.
Evaluation Of The Implementation Of The Independent Curriculum
Program At Smas Al Husna Tigaraksa
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
Result and Discussion
Aspel Context
According to the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and
Technology of the Republic of Indonesia No. 12 of 2024, concerning curriculum in early
childhood education, primary education, and secondary education.
The scope of the independent curriculum is:
a. Basic curriculum framework
The basic framework of the curriculum is a plan of the main foundation in the development
of curriculum structures, such as: having goals, principles, learning characteristics, and
philosophical foundations.
b. Curriculum structure.
The curriculum structure is an organization of competencies, learning content, and
learning load. The competencies in question are the unity of attitudes, skills, and
knowledge that show the ability of students as a result of the learning process and also
have a learning load as the allocation of learning time for the achievement of student
During observations and interviews, researchers obtained results where the context
aspect was in accordance with the Ministry of Education's rules, where the independent
curriculum was designed with principles:
1. centered on developing learners' character
2. flexible learning
3. educational content focuses on what learners need
4. carrying out assessment at the beginning, process, and end of learning
With which the objectives and principles of learning characters are in accordance
with what is in the school documents.
Input Aspect
The education unit develops an education unit curriculum that at least contains the
education unit characteristics, vision, mission, and objectives of the education unit, learning
organization, and learning planning. The development of the education unit curriculum is
carried out with the principle of diversification in accordance with the education unit, regional
potential, and students. It is determined by the head of the education unit.
When this Ministerial Regulation comes into force, the Regulation of the Minister of
Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia No. 12 of 2024,
concerning curriculum in early childhood education, primary education and secondary
education: Education Units in early childhood education, primary education, and secondary
education that have not implemented the Merdeka Curriculum can implement the 2013
Curriculum until the 2025/2026 school year and start implementing the Merdeka Curriculum
no later than the 2026/2027 school year; and Education Units in early childhood education,
primary education, and secondary education in disadvantaged, frontier, and outermost areas
that have not implemented the Merdeka Curriculum can implement the 2013 Curriculum
until the 2026/2027 school year and start implementing the Merdeka Curriculum no later than
the 2027/2028 school year. Researchers found data during the interview that SMAS AL Husna
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
has registered an independent learning curriculum for the 2023/2024 school year, as evidenced
by successfully registered documents, making the composition of the school's vision, mission,
and goals in the curriculum document change or adjust to school conditions and regulations.
Also registering the activities of the driver teacher, only for now it is still in the training stage
guided by the nearest driver school.
Process Aspect
The curriculum structure of senior high school, madrasah aliyah, or other equivalent
forms is as follows:
Based on (kepmendikbud ristek, 2022) about SMA / MA Curriculum Structure The SMA
curriculum structure consists of 2 (two) phases, namely: (a) phase E for grade X; and (b) phase
F for grades XI and grade XII. The curriculum structure for SMA/MA is divided into 2 (two),
namely: (a) intracurricular learning; and (b) the project of strengthening the profile of
Pancasila students is allocated around 30% (thirty percent) of the total JP per year. The
implementation of the Pancasila student profile strengthening project is carried out flexibly,
both in terms of content and implementation time. In terms of content, the profile project must
refer to the achievement of the Pancasila learner profile according to the phase of the learners
and does not have to be associated with the learning outcomes of the subjects. In terms of
implementation time management, projects can be implemented by adding up the allocation
of project lesson hours from all subjects and the total implementation time of each project does
not have to be the same.
Natural Science and Social Science subjects in grade X SMA/MA are not separated into
more specific subjects. However, education units can determine how the subject content is
organized. The organization of Natural Science and Social Science learning can be done
through several approaches as follows: (a) teaching the content of Natural Science or Social
Science in an integrated manner; (b) teaching the content of Natural Science or Social Science
alternately in separate time blocks; or (c) teaching the content of Natural Science or Social
Science in parallel, with separate JPs as different subjects, followed by inquiry learning units
that integrate the content of the Natural Science or Social Science subjects (Kepmendikbud
Ristek, 2022).
a. Curriculum structure
In the 2023/2024 academic year, SMAS Al Husna Tigaraksa uses 2 curriculum
structures, namely: the Merdeka curriculum with the Independent option to change and
the 2013 curriculum. This is because in the 2023/2024 academic year for the first time the
Merdeka curriculum. So in the previous academic year, SMAS Al Husna Tigaraksa
students received education using the 2013 curriculum. So that the learning process can
continue, SMAS Alusna Tigaraksa determines the curriculum implementation policy for
the 2023/2024 academic year, namely:
1) Class X - independent curriculum (independent charge)
2) Class XI & XII - 2013 Curriculum
The extracurricular structure in the implementation of the curriculum at SMAS Al
Husna Tigaraksa is as follows:
b. Intra curricular
Evaluation Of The Implementation Of The Independent Curriculum
Program At Smas Al Husna Tigaraksa
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
The extracurricular structure in the implementation of the curriculum at SMAS Al
Husna Tigaraksa is as follows:
1) Independent curriculum and 2013 curriculum
SMAS Al Husna Tigaraksa applies all the principles of the independent curriculum
in implementing learning and assessment. The structure of the Merdeka curriculum
consists of two phases, namely; phase E for grade X (Ten), and Phase F for grades XI
(eleven) and XII (twelve).
In this case, SMAS Al Husna Tigaraksa implements the phase E Merdeka
curriculum by implementing 70% intracurricular learning and the Project for
strengthening the Pancasila student profile with an allocation of 30% of the total learning
hours per year.
Table 1
Learning time allocation
Allocation Per
Year (Week)
Project Allocation for
Strengthening the Profile of
Pancasila Students Per Year
Total JP
per year
Islamic Religious
Education and Ethics*
27 (2)
Pancasila Education
54 (2)**
Indonesian Language
108 (3)
108 (3)
Natural Sciences:
Physics, Chemistry,
216 (6)
54 (2) **
Physical Education
Sports and Health
27 (2)
27 (2)
Arts and Crafts***:
1. Music Arts
2. Fine Arts
3. Theater Arts
4. Dance Art
54 (2) **
Local Content
72 (2) ****
1.098 (32)
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
Table 2
Class XI and XII Subject Allocation Curriculum 2013
Time Allocation
Group A (general)
Religious and ethical education
Pancasila and Civic Education
Indonesian language
Indonesian history
Group B (general)
Physical education, sports, and health
Cultural arts
Workshop and entrepreneurship
Local content
Arabic language
Read and write the Qur'an
Group C (specialization)
Science Math
Number of hours of Group A, B, and C lessons per week
The co-curricular activity referred to in the independent curriculum is the Pancasila
learning profile strengthening project. This is contained in the decision of the Ministry of
Education and Culture and Research number 262 / M / 2022 concerning changes to the decision
of the Minister of Education and Culture and Research and Research number 56 / M / 2022
concerning guidelines for implementing the curriculum in the context of learning recovery.
The project to strengthen the Pancasila learner profile is carried out flexibly, both in content
and implementation time.
SMAS Al Husna Tigaraksa provides flexibility to students to develop interests and
talents outside of intracurricular and co-curricular activities, namely through extracurricular
activities. Extracurricular activities are organized with reference to the potential of the school
environment, facilities owned by the school, supervisors, and the interests and talents of
students. Extracurricular activities are carried out outside of regular hours every appointed
coach receives a decision letter from the school principal.
Outcome Aspects
Based on the findings of researchers in observations and interviews, the achievement of
learning objectives at SMAS AL Husna is very good with the memorization of the Al Quran
at the time before the knowledge assessment is carried out, and the fulfillment of learning
needs is quite good, followed by the implementation of the project to strengthen the profile of
Evaluation Of The Implementation Of The Independent Curriculum
Program At Smas Al Husna Tigaraksa
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
Pancasila students (P5) by looking at documents and interviews has been well implemented,
as evidenced by photos of activities.
This study aims to evaluate the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum program at
SMAS Al Husna Tigaraksa using the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) evaluation
model. The evaluation results show that the Merdeka Curriculum program has been designed
by considering the needs of students and the demands of modern education, although it still
needs adjustments to better suit the local needs and aspirations of the local community.
Human resources, including teachers and support personnel, are adequate, but training and
professional development for teachers need to be improved. Facilities and infrastructure are
mostly supportive but still need improvement and additional facilities. Program
implementation is going quite well, with the active involvement of teachers and students
increasing motivation and participation. However, more structured monitoring and
evaluation are needed to ensure the process goes according to plan. Student learning
outcomes show significant improvements in some aspects of core competencies, such as
critical thinking skills and creativity, although these improvements have not been evenly
distributed across all subjects.
Based on the results of the above research, there are several suggestions that can be
conveyed to teachers to be more creative and innovative in providing classroom learning in
the Merdeka curriculum. For suggestions for schools, make more efforts to have adequate
infrastructure and also provide special training to improve the competencies needed by
teachers in implementing learning so that there are no teachers who are left behind because
they feel they have never participated in training or introduction-related to the Merdeka
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