Volume 3 Number 7 July 2024
p- ISSN 2963-3648- e-ISSN 2964-8653
Kadek Budi Indrayana
, I Wayan Santika
Universitas Udayana, Denpasar Indonesia
Purchase intention is a form of consumer behavior that wishes to own a product based on the
experience, use, and attractiveness of a product. Purchase intention arises because of stimuli that come
from within consumers and provide encouragement or motivation to own a product. This study aims
to examine the role of brand awareness in mediating the effect of social media marketing on the
purchase intention of Spotify premium services for people in Denpasar City. The population of this
study is people in Denpasar City who have never purchased Spotify premium services, the number of
which is not known with certainty (infinite). The sample was determined using a non-probability
sampling method with a purposive sampling technique. Data collection was carried out by distributing
questionnaires to 108 respondents. The analysis techniques used are descriptive statistical analysis,
classical assumption test, path analysis, Sobel test, and VAF test. The results showed that social media
marketing has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention. Social media marketing has a
positive and significant effect on brand awareness. Brand awareness has a positive and significant
effect on purchase intention. Brand awareness is able to partially mediate and increase the total
influence of social media marketing on purchase intention. The results of this study provide
implications for marketing strategies, especially in company management can develop marketing
strategies by paying attention to social media marketing indicators and brand awareness that have
good performance in this study in order to increase the purchase intention of Spotify premium
Keywords: Social Media Marketing, Brand Awareness, Purchase Intention
The influence of globalization has a huge impact on human life, and one of the positive
impacts is the advancement of technology which is growing rapidly and changing people's
lifestyles to be more practical. The use of internet technology that is present in the middle of
people's lives has a significant impact in facilitating and helping all community activities in
everyday life. Indonesia is one of the countries with increasing technological development,
this is evidenced by the increasing number of internet users in Indonesia.
The increase in the number of internet users in Indonesia is shown in the survey results
from the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers (APJII) in 2023 which noted that
internet penetration in Indonesia has reached 78.19 percent or penetrated 215,626,156 people
from a total population of 275,773,901 people According to the Association of Indonesian
Internet Service Providers (APJII), states that 35.5% of the population of internet users in
Indonesia, or around 46.9 million Indonesians listen to music online (APJII, 2023).
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
Digital music services that offer users to listen to music online or stream are increasingly
popular as one of the impacts of technological development. Music streaming applications
earn revenue from users who choose or purchase premium services. Many digital music
service companies have grown along with the development of the digital music industry in
Indonesia (Astawa, 2022).
In Indonesia, there are many growing music streaming platforms, one of which is
Spotify. As a digital music service platform founded by Daniel Ek and Martin Lorentzon in
Sweden in 2006, Spotify is a technology company that provides users with music, podcast,
and video streaming services that can be enjoyed through applications or websites available
on various mobile and desktop devices (Spotify, 2023).
Spotify offers two types of services: non-premium and premium. The non-premium or
free service allows users to listen to music online but has limited access to its features, such as
when listening to music there are ads that suddenly appear, cannot download music to listen
to without an internet connection (offline), cannot play music if the application is closed, and
can only play songs randomly in a playlist (playlist). While the Spotify premium service offers
various advantages compared to the free version such as not showing ads when listening to
music, offering additional features such as the ability to download and enjoy music without
an internet connection (offline), clearer sound quality, and can play music on devices
connected to the same Spotify account (Spotify, 2023).
Spotify offers several variants of premium plans that can be chosen by free users who
want to enjoy premium services. Some of the Spotify premium plans available are the one-
day mini subscription plan for Rp 2,500, the one-month individual subscription plan for Rp
54,990, the one-month duo subscription plan with two premium service access accounts for
Rp 71,490, and the one-month family subscription plan with six premium service access
accounts for Rp 86,900. Spotify created content detailing the benefits and features offered by
each premium plan variant. This content was shared on various social media platforms, such
as Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. Spotify also offers special discounts or promotions to
free users who want to subscribe to premium plans (Spotify, 2023).
Purchase intention is a form of behavior from consumers who wish to buy or choose a
product based on their experience, use, and desire for a product (Kotler and Keller, 2016: 198).
Purchase intention arises because of stimuli that come from within consumers and provide
encouragement or motivation to own a product (Candra and Suparna, 2019). One of the things
that can encourage consumer buying intentions is social media marketing.
Social media marketing can influence consumer purchase intention, where uploads
from companies about a product on social media can influence consumers' desire to buy
products or services offered by the company (Jati, 2017). Purchase intentions can be formed
from consumer attitudes towards a product because consumers feel confident in the quality
of the product. Kottler and Keller (2016: 642) define social media as a tool or method used by
companies or consumers to share information in the form of text, images, video, and audio
with others or vice versa. Therefore, the higher the consumer's confidence in the quality of a
product, the higher the consumer's purchase intention.
Social media marketing utilized by companies can increase purchase intention in
various effective ways. One of the advantages of social media marketing is that companies
can interact directly with consumers continuously. Through social media platforms such as
The Role Of Brand Awareness Mediates The Influence Of Social Media
Marketing On The Purchase Intention Of Spotify Premium Services
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
Instagram, TikTok, Youtube, and others. Social media marketing is used by business owners
or companies to strengthen brand awareness and increase the purchase intention of a product
(Putra and Aristana, 2020).
Digital marketing through social media, commonly referred to as social media
marketing, is one of the best alternatives for companies to increase their product purchase
intention (Primawardani and Rahanatha, 2023). Social media marketing that is well managed
by companies can increase consumer purchase intention by displaying the value and
advantages of their products or services, as well as providing incentives and motivation for
consumers to make purchases.
The results of previous research conducted by Saputra and Wardana (2023) found that
social media marketing has a positive and signicant eect on purchase intention. This shows
that the beer social media marketing is implemented, the purchase intention will increase.
Research with similar results was shown by Upadana and Pramudana (2020), Tauk et al.
(2022), Priatni et al. (2019), and Sabella et al, (2022). On the other hand, research conducted by
Vidyanata (2022) and Putra and Aristana (2020) found that social media marketing does not
have a signicant inuence on purchase intention. The dierence in ndings indicates a
research gap in research, so this study is interested in re-evaluating the impact of social media
marketing on purchase intention by using mediating variables that will connect the
independent variables in this study.
Research conducted by Kalbuadi et al. (2022) shows that there is a positive and
signicant inuence between social media marketing on brand awareness, while research
conducted by Setiawan and Aksari (2020) shows a positive and signicant inuence between
brand awareness on purchase intention. Based on the results of this study, this study chose
the brand awareness variable as a mediating variable that can strengthen the relationship
between the dependent and independent variables.
Based on the phenomena previously described and various dierences related to the
results of previous research (research gap), a deeper study was conducted to determine the
role of Brand Awareness in Mediating the Eect of Social Media Marketing on the Purchase
Intention of Spotify Premium Services.
Based on the background and problem formulation that has been described, the purpose
of this study is to test and explain several things related to Spotify premium services in
Denpasar City. First, the effect of social media marketing on purchase intention. Second, the
effect of social media marketing on brand awareness. Third, the effect of brand awareness on
purchase intention. Fourth, the role of brand awareness in mediating the effect of social media
marketing on purchase intention.
The benefits of this research include theoretical and practical benefits. Theoretically, the
results of this study are expected to add empirical evidence regarding the role of brand
awareness in mediating the influence of social media marketing on purchase intention, as well
as being a reference and reference material for future related research. Practically, this
research is expected to provide useful information for companies to increase people's
purchase intention for products, and become a reference for similar companies in measuring
the role of brand awareness in mediating the influence of social media marketing on purchase
intention on Spotify Premium services.
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
Research Method
This research uses a quantitative approach that is associative in nature. Associative
research is research that aims to determine the relationship between two or more variables
(Sugiyono, 2019: 65). This study aims to determine how the influence of social media
marketing variables on purchase intention through brand awareness of Spotify premium
The research targeted users of the Spotify music streaming application or service who
live in Denpasar City. The researcher chose Denpasar as the research location because based
on data from the Central Bureau of Statistics of Bali Province which shows that this city has
the highest percentage of cell phone, computer, and internet users in 2022, namely 91.32
percent for cell phone users, 20.84 percent for computer users, and 84.51 percent for internet
The research object is an attribute of a person, object, or activity that has certain
variations determined by the researcher to be studied and then draw conclusions (Sugiyono,
2019). The object of this research is the behavior of potential customers regarding the role of
brand awareness in mediating the influence of social media marketing on the purchase
intention of Spotify premium service customers.
Research variables
a. Variable identification
According to Sugiyono (2019: 55) research variables are basically anything in the form
of anything that is determined by researchers to study so that information is obtained about
it, then conclusions are drawn.
The variable identification in this study is as follows:
1) Independent variables are variables that affect or cause changes or the emergence of
dependent variables. The independent variable in this study is social media marketing
which is given the symbol X.
2) The dependent variable is the variable that is influenced or that is the result of the
independent variable. The dependent variable in this study is purchase intention which
is given the symbol Y.
3) Mediating variables are variables that will systematically strengthen or weaken the
direct relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable. The
mediating variable in this study is brand awareness which is given the symbol M.
b. Operational definition of variables
The operational definition of a variable is an attribute or value of an object or activity
that has certain variations that have been determined by the researcher to study and then
draw conclusions. The operational definition of variables in this study is as follows:
1) Social Media Marketing (X)
Social media marketing is a form of marketing that uses social media to build
awareness of Spotify's premium services by utilizing audiences who participate in social
media. This variable is measured using indicators adopted and modified from the
results of research by As'ad and Alhadid (2014), Zanjabila and Hidayat (2017), and
Satriyo et al. (2017) as follows:
a) Content creation, i.e. attractive Spotify premium service promotional content
becomes the cornerstone of the strategy in conducting marketing on social media.
The Role Of Brand Awareness Mediates The Influence Of Social Media
Marketing On The Purchase Intention Of Spotify Premium Services
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
b) Interaction, on social media allows greater interaction with the online community
through up-to-date information about Spotify's premium services.
c) Sharing of content, sharing relevant content about Spotify's premium services.
d) Accessibility, which refers to the ease of accessing the services available on Spotify.
e) Promotion, which is usually done through advertisements that are shared with
potential consumers who intend to subscribe to Spotify's premium services.
2) Purchase Intention (Y)
Purchase intention is the willingness or desire of consumers to buy or choose
Spotify premium services in the future based on their observation, learning, and desire
for a product. This variable is measured using indicators adopted and modified from
the results of Putra and Aristana's research (2020), namely:
a) Attention, a situation where Spotify's premium service attracts the attention of a
consumer through various promotional methods, making him want to find out more
about the Spotify premium service.
b) Interest, is the stage where consumers' intention to find out more about Spotify's
premium service emerges.
c) Desire, the next stage where consumers' intentions become stronger towards Spotify
premium services. At this stage, psychological drives and consumer emotions are
very influential.
d) Action, the final stage where consumers finally decide to buy Spotify premium
3) Brand Awareness (M)
Brand awareness is the ability of consumers to recognize or remember Spotify's
premium services compared to other brands from a particular product category. This
variable is measured using indicators adopted and modified from the results of research
by Upadana and Pramudana (2020), Utami and Ekawati (2019), and Eliasari and
Sukaatmadja (2017), namely:
a) Brand knowledge, consumers are able to recognize and identify Spotify premium
b) Brands that are easy to remember, consumers are able to remember a brand when
they see Spotify's premium services.
c) Brands that can be distinguished from other brands, consumers are able to
distinguish Spotify premium services in a certain product category. Population
According to Sugiyono (2019: 126) the sample is part of the number and characteristics
possessed by a population. This study uses multivariate analysis, namely the sample size of
respondents used can be determined at least 5 to 10 times the number of indicators used. The
indicators used in this study are 12, so by using estimation based on the number of
parameters, a research sample of 9 x 12 = 108 respondents can be obtained. The sample is
considered to represent all Spotify users and provide equal opportunities for each element.
Sampling method
The sampling method used in this study is non-probability sampling, which is a
sampling technique that does not provide equal opportunities or opportunities for each
element or member of the population to be selected as a sample. The non-probability sampling
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technique chosen was purposive sampling, which is a sampling technique with certain
considerations using a questionnaire (Sugiyono, 2019: 128). The criteria used in determining
the sample in this study are as follows:
1) Respondents are at least 17 years old.
2) Respondents reside in Denpasar City.
3) Respondents have social media such as Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, or YouTube.
4) Respondents are Spotify music streaming service users.
5) Respondents have never used Spotify premium services.
Data collection method
The data collection method used in this research is the survey method, to obtain data
from respondents using questionnaires through Google form media distributed online. Before
answering the questionnaire, prospective respondents will be given screening questions to
select respondents according to predetermined sample criteria. The questionnaire consists of
open questions and closed questions. Open questions in the form of respondent identity such
as name, age, gender, respondent's occupation, and monthly income, and closed questions
related to research variable indicators with predetermined answer options.
Validity test
Validity testing aims to measure whether a questionnaire is valid or not. The
questionnaire is said to be valid if the questionnaire statement is able to reveal something that
will be measured by the questionnaire. The instrument is said to be valid if the Product
Moment r-count correlation value is greater (>) than the r-table or greater than 0.3 which is
the minimum comparison value to get a valid correlation (Sugiyono, 2019: 188). The validity
test has the aim of checking whether the questionnaire as a research instrument is appropriate
to measure the data indicators obtained through the questionnaire for use in research. The
results of this research validity test are shown in Table 1 below:
Table 1
Validity Test Results
Pearson Correlation
Social Media
Marketing (X)
Purchase Intention
Brand Awareness (M)
Source: Appendix 3, Primary Data (data processed), 2024
The Role Of Brand Awareness Mediates The Influence Of Social Media
Marketing On The Purchase Intention Of Spotify Premium Services
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
The validity test results in Table 1 show that all research variable instruments in the
form of social media marketing, purchase intention, and brand awareness have met the
validity test requirements with the Pearson correlation total score value of each instrument
being above 0.30, so the instrument is suitable for use as a measuring instrument for these
Reliability test
A reliability test is a statistical technique to measure the consistency of a research
instrument. Reliability testing is important to ensure that research instruments can produce
consistent results if used repeatedly. In this study, data reliability testing used the Cronbach
Alpha formula technique through SPSS software. The instrument can be declared reliable for
measuring variables if it has a Cronbach alpha value> 0.6 (Sugiyono, 2019). The results of this
research reliability test are shown in Table 2 below:
Table 2
Reliability Test Results
Cronbach’s Alpha
Social Media Marketing (X)
Purchase Intention (Y)
Brand Awareness (M)
Source: Appendix 3, Primary Data (data processed), 2024
Based on the reliability test results in Table 2, shows that all research instruments have
a Cronbach's Alpha value of more than 0.6, so it can be said that all instruments have met the
reliability requirements.
Descriptive statistical analysis
According to Sugiyono (2019), descriptive statistics are statistics used to analyze data by
describing or using the data that has been collected as it is without intending to make general
conclusions or generalizations.
Descriptive analysis is also used to describe respondents' perceptions of the indicators
of each research variable, based on the tendency of respondents' responses to the statement
items in the research instrument. This analysis is carried out quantitatively by providing
numbers both in the form of numbers and percentages. The use of this analysis aims to
provide an overview of each of the variables studied, namely social media marketing
variables, brand awareness, and purchase intention.
Inferential statistical analysis
Inferential statistical analysis is a statistical technique used to analyze sample data and
the results are applied to the population (Sugiyono, 2019: 206). This statistic will be suitable
for use if the sample is taken from a clear population, and the sampling technique and
population are randomized. Inferential statistics are used to answer hypotheses. The
inferential statistical analysis used in this study includes the classic assumption test, path
analysis, Sobel test, and VAF test.
Classical assumption test
The classical assumption test aims to provide certainty that the regression equation
obtained has accuracy in estimation, and is unbiased and consistent. The regression model is
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
said to be a good model if the model is free from statistical classical assumptions. The classic
regression assumption test includes normality, multicollinearity, and heteroscedasticity tests.
a) Normality test
The normality test aims to test whether the residuals from the regression model made
are normally distributed or not (Utama, 2016: 99). A good regression model has a normal
or near normal residual distribution. If it is not normal, then predictions made with the
model will not be good or can give deviant (biased) prediction results. One way to detect
normality in this study was to test the normality of residuals using the Kolmogorov-
Smirnov statistical test.
b) Multicollinearity test
The multicollinearity test aims to test whether the regression model found a
correlation between independent variables (Utama, 2016: 111). A good regression model
should not have a correlation between independent variables or be free from multicollinear
symptoms. The way to be able to detect the presence or absence of multicollinearity can be
seen from the tolerance value and the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) value. If the tolerance
value> 0.10 or the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) < 10, it is said that there is no
c) Heteroscedasticity test
The heteroscedasticity test aims to test whether, in the regression model, there is an
inequality of variance from the residuals of one observation to another (Utama, 2016: 112).
A good regression model is one that does not contain symptoms of heteroscedasticity or
has a homogeneous variance. If a regression model that contains heteroscedastic symptoms
will give deviant prediction results.
Result and Discussion
Spotify is a digital music streaming platform founded in Stockholm, Sweden in 2006 by
Daniel Ek and Martin Lorentzon. Officially launched on October 7, 2008, Spotify covers
Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, the UK, and France. The platform later expanded to the
United States in 2011, marking the beginning of its global expansion (Soundiiz, 2024).
Spotify offers a digital music, podcast, and video service that gives access to millions of
songs and other content from creators around the world. Spotify continues to evolve and bring
new features, such as Discover Weekly and Release Radar to help users discover new music,
and a podcast platform for creators and listeners. Spotify also works with record labels, music
distributors, and copyright holders to bring diverse and quality music content to its users.
Spotify has social features that allow users to share music with friends, create playlists
together, and follow their favorite artists. Its multi-device access ensures users can enjoy
music anywhere, anytime, through smartphones, computers, tablets, smart speakers, and TVs
(Spotify, 2023).
Spotify has a freemium business model, where users can choose between a free service
with ads or a premium subscription for an ad-free experience and more features. Spotify
continues to innovate, bringing video streaming services in 2016. Today, Spotify has reached
over 422 million monthly active users, making it the largest music streaming platform in the
world. Overall, Spotify has become a popular and innovative music streaming platform with
The Role Of Brand Awareness Mediates The Influence Of Social Media
Marketing On The Purchase Intention Of Spotify Premium Services
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
global reach. The platform offers a wide range of features and services that appeal to music
lovers and continues to evolve to meet the needs of its users in the digital age.
Respondent Characteristics
Respondent characteristic data is respondent data collected to determine the profile of
research respondents. This study used 108 community respondents in Denpasar City with the
characteristics of respondents including gender, age, occupation, and monthly expenditure
described in Table 3.
Table 3
Respondent Characteristics
Number (people)
Percentage (%)
17 - 22 Years
23 - 28 Years
29 - 34 Years
> 35 Years
Number (people)
Percentage (%)
Monthly Expenses
≤ Rp. 1.000.000
> Rp. 1.000.000,- s/d Rp.
> Rp. 2.000.000,- s/d Rp.
> Rp. 3.000.000,- s/d Rp.
> Rp. 4.000.000
Source: Data processed in 2024
Table 3 shows that the profile of community respondents in Denpasar City who were
sampled was 108 people. The respondent profile includes four demographic variables, namely
gender, age, occupation, and monthly income. When viewed from gender, the male gender
dominates in this study with a percentage of 74.1 percent. The second respondent profile is
age, the age of respondents is dominated by people aged 17-22 years as many as 95 people
with a percentage of 87.9 percent of the total number of respondents. The third respondent
profile is occupation, student/student jobs dominate in this study with a total of 93 people
with a percentage of 86.1 percent of the total number of respondents. The fourth respondent
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
profile is monthly expenditure, expenditure Rp. 1,000,000 dominates in this study with a
total of 46 people with a percentage of 42.6 percent of the total number of respondents.
Descriptive Statistical Analysis Results
Descriptive analysis is used to describe respondents' perceptions of the indicators of
each research variable, based on the tendency of respondents' responses to the statement items
in the research questionnaire. This analysis is done quantitatively by giving numbers both in
the form of numbers and percentages. The provisions for determining the measurement scale
interval are as follows:
Intervals =
highest score− lowest score
number of intervals
The value for each answer to the questionnaire statement is a minimum of one and a
maximum of five. With the number of classes of five, the interval can be calculated as follows:
Intervals =
= 0,8
Based on the interval values that have been obtained, the assessment of the research
variables can be seen based on the following criteria:
1) 1,00 1,80 = Not very good;
2) 1,81 2,60 = Not good;
3) 2,61 3,40 = Enough;
4) 3,41 4,20 = Good;
5) 4,21 5,00 = Very Good.
The results of the description of social media marketing variables
The social media marketing variable in this study is measured using 5 (five) statements
equipped with a 5 (five) 5-point Likert scale.
Table 4
Description of Respondents' Answers to Social Media Marketing
Frekuensi Jawaban Responden
Content about
Spotify's premium
service on social
media is interesting.
Spotify's premium
service content on
social media
increases interaction
with the audience.
Frequency of Respondents'
The content Spotify
shares on social
media provides
relevant information
The Role Of Brand Awareness Mediates The Influence Of Social Media
Marketing On The Purchase Intention Of Spotify Premium Services
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
related to premium
I easily access
Spotify's premium
service from social
Informative ads were
shared on social
media regarding
Spotify's premium
Overall average of social media marketing variables
Source: Appendix 4, Primary Data (data processed), 2024
Based on Table 4, it is known that respondents' perceptions of social media marketing
variables which have the highest, lowest, and overall averages are as follows:
a. The social media marketing variable that has the lowest average is the statement "Spotify
premium service content on social media increases interaction with the audience.",
obtained an average value of 3.91 which is included in the good criteria but has the lowest
average compared to other statements. This means that in general respondents consider
Spotify's premium service content to be ineffective for increasing interaction with the
b. The social media marketing variable that has the highest average is the statement "The
content shared by Spotify on social media provides relevant information regarding
premium services.", obtained an average value of 4.20 which is included in the good
criteria. This shows that in general respondents consider the content shared by Spotify on
social media to provide relevant information regarding premium services.
c. The average value of the social media marketing variable is 4.08. This value is in a good
category, which shows that respondents think that Spotify's social media marketing is
good, one of which is the existence of relevant information through content shared on social
media by Spotify.
The results of the description of the purchase intention variable
The purchase intention variable in this study is measured using 4 (four) statements
equipped with a 5 (five) point Likert scale.
Table 5
Description of Respondents' Answers to Purchase Intention
Frequency of Respondents'
I wanted to know
more about Spotify's
premium service.
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
I'm interested in
purchasing Spotify's
premium service.
I want to buy
Spotify's premium
I will buy Spotify's
premium service.
Overall average purchase intention variable
Source: Appendix 4, Primary Data (data processed), 2024
Based on Table 5, it is known that the respondents' perceptions of the purchase intention
variable which has the highest and lowest averages are as follows:
a. The purchase intention variable that has the lowest average is the statement "I want to
know more about Spotify premium services.", obtained an average value of 4.06 which is
included in the good criteria but has the lowest average compared to other statements. This
means that in general respondents are not fully interested in knowing more about Spotify's
premium services.
b. The purchase intention variable that has the highest average is the statement "I am
interested in buying Spotify premium services.", obtained an average value of 4.41 which
is included in the very good criteria. This shows that in general respondents are interested
in buying Spotify premium services.
c. The average value of the purchase intention variable is 4.30. This value is in the very good
category, which shows that respondents have an interest in Spotify premium services but
do not want to buy or will buy Spotify premium services.
The results of the description of brand awareness variables
The brand awareness variable in this study is measured using 3 (three) statements
equipped with a 5 (five) point Likert scale.
Table 6
Description of Respondents' Answers to Brand Awareness
Frequency of Respondents'
I know about the
premium service
oered by Spotify.
I can easily recall
anything related to
Spotify's premium
I can easily
distinguish Spotify's
premium service
The Role Of Brand Awareness Mediates The Influence Of Social Media
Marketing On The Purchase Intention Of Spotify Premium Services
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
from other music
streaming services.
The overall average of brand awareness variables
Source: Appendix 4, Primary Data (data processed), 2024
Based on Table 6, it is known that the respondents' perceptions regarding the brand
awareness variable which has the highest and lowest averages are as follows:
a. The brand awareness variable that has the lowest average is the statement "I can easily
remember things related to Spotify premium services.", obtained an average value of 4.03
which is included in the good criteria but has the lowest average compared to other
statements. This means that in general respondents still have difficulty remembering
things related to Spotify premium services.
b. The brand awareness variable that has the highest average is the statement "I know about
the premium services offered by Spotify.", obtained an average value of 4.31 which is
included in the excellent criteria. This shows that in general respondents know about the
premium services offered by Spotify.
c. The average value of the brand awareness variable is 4.21, which shows that the brand
awareness of Spotify's premium service is classified as very good in the eyes of
respondents, this right is indicated by the respondents already knowing Spotify's premium
service and they can distinguish it from other music streaming services.
Classical Assumption Test Results
The regression model can be said to be good if the model is free from statistical classical
assumptions. The regression model will produce supporting parameters if it can fulfill the
classical assumption requirements which include normality, multicollinearity, and
heteroscedasticity tests.
Normality test results
The normality test aims to test whether the residuals from the regression model are
normally distributed or not. A good regression model has a normal or near-normal residual
distribution. The normality test in this study uses the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical test, the
data is normally distributed if the sig (2 sides) is greater than 0.05. The results of the One-
Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test are shown in Table 7 below:
Table 7
Normality Test (One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov)
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)
Structure 1
Structure 2
Source: Appendix 5, Primary Data (data processed), 2024
Based on Table 7, the One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test shows that the
value of Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) Kolmogorov-Smirnov is 0.071 and 0.200. Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)
Kolmogorov-Smirnov value is greater than the alpha value of 0.05, indicating that the data
used in this study are normally distributed and fulfill the normality assumption model.
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
Discussion of Research Results
The influence of social media marketing on purchase intention
The effect of social media marketing on purchase intention from the results of the
analysis in this study resulted in a positive beta value of 0.428 with a significance of 0.001, a
significance value of 0.001 <0.05 states that H1 is accepted, so it can be concluded that social
media marketing has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention. This means that
the better the social media marketing, the more people's purchase intention for Spotify
premium services will increase. Potential customers are more inclined to make Spotify's
premium service their first choice when Spotify consistently presents interesting and
informative content on social media,
The results of this study support previous research conducted by Primawardani and
Rahanatha (2023) with the results of social media marketing having a positive and significant
effect on purchase intention. Similar research was also conducted by Aji et al. (2020), Priatni
et al. (2020), Aileen et al. (2021), Taufik et al. (2022), Sabella et al. (2022), Utami et al. (2023),
Aprilianti et al. (2023), and Saputra and Wardana (2023) who found that social media
marketing has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention.
The influence of social media marketing on brand awareness
The effect of social media marketing on brand awareness from the results of the analysis
in this study resulted in a positive beta value of 0.542 with a significance of 0.001, a significance
value of 0.001 <0.05 states that H2 is accepted, so it can be concluded that social media
marketing has a positive and significant effect on brand awareness. This means that the better
the social media marketing, the more brand awareness of Spotify's premium services will
increase. Prospective consumers find it easier to remember and distinguish Spotify premium
services from similar products when viewing related content on social media.
The results of this study support previous research conducted by Kalbuadi et al. (2022)
shows that social media marketing has a positive and significant effect on brand awareness.
Research conducted by Bilgin (2018) also found that social media marketing has a significant
positive effect on brand awareness. Similar research was conducted by Priatni et al. (2020),
Upadana and Pramudana (2020), Putra and Aristana (2020), Aileen et al. (2021), Taufik et al.
(2022), Aprilianti et al. (2023), and Saputra and Wardana (2023) who obtained the results that
social media marketing has a positive and significant effect on brand awareness.
The effect of brand awareness on purchase intention
The effect of brand awareness on purchase intention from the results of the analysis in
this study resulted in a positive beta value of 0.264 with a significance of 0.005, a significance
value of 0.005 <0.05 states that H3 is accepted, so it can be concluded that brand awareness
has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention. This means that the better the brand
awareness, the more people's purchase intention for Spotify premium services will increase.
Potential consumers will make Spotify premium services their first choice if these potential
consumers are familiar with and easily compare Spotify premium services with other similar
The results of this study support previous research conducted by Yuda and Giantari
(2023) which shows that brand awareness has a positive and significant effect on purchase
intention. Research conducted by Krisnawa and Jatra (2021) also found that brand awareness
has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention. Similar research was conducted by
The Role Of Brand Awareness Mediates The Influence Of Social Media
Marketing On The Purchase Intention Of Spotify Premium Services
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
Eliasari and Sukaatmadja (2017), Priatni et al. (2020), Putra and Aristana (2020), Aileen et al.
(2021), Taufik et al. (2022), and Pangestoe and Purwianti (2022) who found that brand
awareness has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention.
The role of brand awareness mediates social media marketing on purchase intention
The results of the Sobel test regarding the role of brand awareness in mediating the effect
of social media marketing on purchase intention, obtained a Z value of 2.73> 1.96, indicating
that brand awareness is able to significantly mediate the effect of social media marketing on
purchase intention. This means that H4 is accepted, which means that social media marketing
has an indirect effect on purchase intention through brand awareness. These results are
supported by the results of the VAF test of 0.250 or 25 percent which can be categorized as
persial mediation. These results explain that brand awareness can increase the total effect of
the influence of social media marketing on purchase intention.
Good social media marketing of Spotify premium services, then supported by high
brand awareness, will be able to influence the purchase intention of Spotify premium services.
The influence of social media will create positive or negative perceptions depending on user
experience, which then affects the brand awareness of a product, if a product has high
awareness, it will create an advantage over other brands, which in turn can increase the
purchase intention of Spotify premium services.
The results of this study support previous research conducted by Primawardani and
Rahanatha (2023) which found that brand awareness has a positive and significant effect on
mediating the influence of social media marketing on purchase intention. If social media
marketing is well implemented, it will increase the brand awareness of the brand. High-value
brand awareness will ultimately directly increase product purchase intention. Research
conducted by Aprilianti et al. (2023) found that brand awareness significantly mediates the
effect of social media marketing on purchase intention. Similar research was conducted by
Priatni et al. (2020) and Saputra and Wardana (2023) found that brand awareness mediates
the influence of social media marketing on Purchase Intention.
Based on the research results obtained, there are several main conclusions. First, social
media marketing has a positive and significant effect on the purchase intention of Spotify
premium services in Denpasar City, which means that the better the social media marketing,
the higher the purchase intention. Second, social media marketing also has a positive and
significant impact on brand awareness of Spotify premium services in Denpasar City, which
indicates that improving the quality of social media marketing will increase brand awareness.
Third, brand awareness itself has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention,
indicating that the better the brand awareness, the higher the purchase intention. Finally,
brand awareness is able to partially mediate the effect of social media marketing on purchase
intention, which means that increasing social media marketing will increase brand awareness,
which in turn increases the purchase intention of Spotify premium services in Denpasar City.
Based on the research results, there are several suggestions that can be given. First, to
increase interaction with audiences, Spotify should not only use social media as a promotional
tool, but also maximize the available communication features, such as answering comments,
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
creating polls, and using question boxes. This is expected to increase purchase intention on
Spotify's premium service. Second, to increase brand awareness, Spotify should create a
tagline or slogan that is easy for people to remember. Finally, for future researchers, it is
recommended to improve the quality of research by expanding the scope and adding new
variables such as brand image, price perception, and repurchase intention, as well as testing
this model in different companies or industries.
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