law for the trial process and outside the trial, this authority is carried out for the benefit of the
state, government agencies, and the community. The DATUN field has the main tasks and
functions to provide legal assistance, legal considerations, legal services, law enforcement,
and other legal actions, to state institutions, government agencies, BUMN or BUMD as stated
in Attorney General Regulation No. 018/A/J.A/07/2014 concerning SOP at the Deputy
Attorney General for the DATUN Field (2014). To carry out its authority, duties, and
responsibilities as a JPN through the trial process and outside the trial in resolving disputes
starting from the preparation, implementation, and reporting stages (Jaya et al., 2021).
Indonesia has abundant natural resources such as forests, water, land, and others. This
natural wealth can be utilized for human life, as well as land has an important role. The land
is not only seen as a natural resource, but also as part of people's lives. This gave birth to a
new perspective that land is not only a place to live but also savings and valuable assets
(Fathurohman et al., n.d.). Land that is a place to live and agricultural land for livelihoods has
economic value, therefore people invest in land for the future as an asset that can be inherited
and bring profit. Article 33 paragraph (3) of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
(1945) explains that Indonesia's natural resources are under the control of the state which is
utilized to achieve the prosperity of the people, as emphasized in Article 2 paragraph (1) of
Law No. 5 concerning Basic Regulations on Agrarian Principles (UUPA) (1960). Furthermore,
the UUPA also explains the kinds of rights attached to land. The various types of land rights
can determine legal certainty for landowners. Basically, ownership of each plot of land must
be recorded in law, so as not to cause a dispute.
A land dispute is a conflict that occurs over the interests of a land. The subject of land
disputes does not only involve one party, but several parties, namely between individuals,
groups, organizations, and even state institutions such as government agencies, BUMN, or
BUMD (Alrasyid, 2021). Therefore, various land disputes can occur, both individual land and
government-owned land. In resolving land or asset disputes belonging to the government,
government agencies can request legal assistance from the prosecutor's office in the field of
DATUN, in the trial process and outside the trial to return the land or assets if it really belongs
to the government (Yusuf et al., 2018).
Based on the description above, the formulation of the problem obtained is; 1. How is
the existence of the State Attorney to the Government Agencies in handling Disputes? 2. How
are the efforts of the State Attorney in providing Legal Aid to Government Agencies related
to Land Disputes? Through this research, the author wants to reveal the existence of JPN in
handling DATUN disputes that are not widely known by the general public. The existence
includes the provision of legal aid, law enforcement, legal considerations, legal services, and
other legal actions.
Research Method
In this study, the method used is empirical juridical, to collect data, researchers examine
directly in the field, see the main tasks and functions of the prosecutor's office in the field of
DATUN at the Cirebon City District Attorney's Office related to land disputes with Case
Number: 27/Pdt.G/2023/PN.Cbn, in the dispute JPN acted to provide legal assistance
representing government agencies (Mayor of Cirebon) as the defendant, then conducted
interviews with relevant sources, and literature review from previous research, books,
repositories, websites, and relevant journals.