One method to measure the participation, democratization, and legitimacy of the
citizens of the Republic of Indonesia is through evaluating the political behavior of novices.
Novice political behavior can be observed in various contexts, one of which is the level of
participation and enthusiasm of youth in visiting polling stations (TPS). This interest is an
important indicator for analyzing novice political participation in Cirebon City, including in
the context of the 2024 presidential election. Data from the General Election Commission
(KPU) of Cirebon City shows that the participation of novice voters in the 2024 presidential
election has fluctuated.
In every election process, there are often challenges that need to be overcome. For
example, in the 2024 presidential election in Cirebon City, some challenges include the
complexity of the election process and the lack of socialization from the Regional General
Election Commission (KPUD) regarding the procedures for the 2024 presidential election.
Regarding the presidential election, provisions have been regulated in the General Election
Commission Regulation Number 25 of 2023 concerning Voting and Vote Counting in General
Elections. This regulation is the legal basis for organizing presidential elections and aims to
ensure quality elections, by ensuring healthy competition, participatory, evenly
representative, and having a clear accountability mechanism. General elections can only be
conducted in a manner that is direct, public, free, secret, honest and fair.
In organizing the 2024 elections, it is expected that the community will participate in
politics constructively. This political participation is manifested through the electoral process,
which is a principle of democracy (Wardhani & Sukma, 2018). Given that development does
not solely depend on the efforts of the government alone, it also requires the support of the
entire community, especially in casting their votes.
Furthermore, the author feels interested in conducting further research on the political
participation of beginners in the 2024 General Election in Cirebon City. This research aims to
gain a deeper understanding of how young voters engage in political activities in the city. This
research will investigate (I) How is the political participation of beginners in Cirebon city, (II)
Factors that influence the level of political involvement of beginners and, (III) What are the
efforts in overcoming obstacles. This effort is expected to provide a broader understanding of
the dynamics of politics at the local level and the potential contribution of young voters in
shaping the political future of Cirebon City. Furthermore, the author feels interested in
conducting further research on the political participation of beginners in the 2024 General
Election in Cirebon City. With the title “Beginner Political Participation in the 2024 General
Election in Cirebon City”
Research Method
Cirebon City is gearing up for the 2024 General Election, with a new group of voters
ready to voice their aspirations. This research, with a focus on novice political participation
in Cirebon, dives into the reality of the field through a qualitative approach. Qualitative
methods, as explained by Moleong (2008), open the gates to understand individual
experiences and perspectives in depth (Silmi, 2017). Descriptive data, both written and oral,
were collected directly from novice voters through interviews, documentation, and
observation. Descriptive research, as Whitney describes, plays an important role in building
a systematic, accurate and factual narrative. This narrative not only describes the
phenomenon of beginner political participation, but also reveals the relationship between
various aspects that influence it. The phenomenological paradigm is the foundation of this
research. Its objectivity lies in understanding the situation faced by first-time voters, a reality
that is unique and rich in meaning. This research is not just a collection of data, but an
attempt to understand the voices and experiences of first-time voters in Cirebon.