Volume 3 Number 6 June 2024
p- ISSN 2963-3648- e-ISSN 2964-8653
, Masyitoh
, Herwina Bahar
Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia
This research employs a descriptive qualitative approach to examine modern Islamic
boarding school management through Amin Abdullah's Interconnected Entities Theory,
aiming to address management problems with scientifically-based solutions to achieve
comprehensive targets. The theory addresses issues stemming from reliance solely on
leadership experience, such as educator competence imbalances, lack of vision, split
personality, and neglected values, which are fundamental to shaping the school's vision,
mission, goals, and activities. The study explores whether this theory can be a viable
solution for the Al-Amanah Al-Gontory Islamic boarding school in South Tangerang and
other similar institutions. The research concludes that Amin Abdullah's Interconnected
Entities Theory is an effective framework for developing eligible management by
targeting monotheism through good parenting (Hadharah an-nashi), enhancing teacher
competence through quality education (Hadharah al-ilmi), and fostering social ethics
through a balanced social and economic approach (Hadharah falsafiyah). Thus,
improving human resource competency is key to achieving comprehensive management
Keywords: Pesantren, Management, Interconnected Entities Theory.
Education is a system and way to improve the quality of life in all fields. Human
resources need education, with education a person will be dignified in living a better
life. Human culture must be accommodated with education to become a complete
human being. Islam as a religion revealed by Allah through His Messenger requires
intelligent human beings to strive hard to obtain happiness in life in this world and in
the afterlife, by the instructions of God's revelation. Education aims to develop people
who have skilled knowledge and attitudes. A good education will be obtained from
good management of educational institutions (Abdurrahim, 1999).
David Mc Clelland explains the importance of education for humans, the need for
humans to be intelligent is a necessity, he divides three needs, including the need for
power (Need of power), the need for society (need of affiliation) and the need for
intelligence (need of achievement) (Abdullah, 2004). Humans will continue to pursue
these needs so that they are fulfilled because they are part of life itself, so a person's need
Vol. 3, No. 6 June 2024
, Masyitoh
, Herwina Bahar
to be intelligent is a necessity in life, which can be achieved through education
(McClelland, 1961).
Intelligence is obtained through education, according to Jean Piaget's theory that
learning is a process of adapting students to their environment, by going through the
stages of assimilation, accommodation, and balance. The experiences and observations
they make will be balanced with logic (Hargraves, 2019). So a person's intelligence can
be influenced by stimuli in their environment, intelligence is obtained through teaching
and learning, while character and ethics are obtained through education (Abdullah,
A person's character can be formed through the environment, so a good
environment will shape a good personal character and vice versa. The environment can
be the basis of a person's character, Giyats Asyraf explained that a person's character can
be determined by the geographical location where they live because the environment
can give rise to customs, habits, and morality (Giyats Asyraf, 1997). An educational
environment is very important so that the formation of a person's character is in
accordance with human nature, both nature is created (mukhallaqah) and nature is
inherited (munazalah).
The United Nations through the UNESCO (United Nations, Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization) which operates in education, knowledge and culture, has
launched four (4) pillars of education, namely: First, Learning to Know, students are
encouraged to seek and obtain extensive knowledge, through experiences in life. This
will trigger the emergence of a critical attitude and students' learning motivation will
increase. Second, learning to do, learning to apply the knowledge gained to be applied
in real work, and being able to work together in a team to solve problems in various
situations and conditions. Usually learning to do is related to hard skills and soft skills.
Third, learning to be, Learning to be is related to the child's talents, interests, physical
and psychological development, and environmental conditions. So this pillar aims to
determine the identity of students. Fourth, learning to live together, habits of living
together, respecting each other, being open, working together, taking, and giving need
to be developed at school. With the abilities possessed by students, as a result of the
learning and education process, they can be used as provisions to be able to play a role
and work in life together, so fair education is needed (Sigit, 2016).
According to Paulo Freire, the education system must be fair, because if education
is unfair, it must be oppressive, because only through oppression can the powerful
group perpetuate its unfair system. Paulo Freire classically explained that education
must involve three elements at once in a dialectical relationship, (1) Teachers, (2)
Students or students (3). World reality. teachers and students are conscious subjects,
while the third (world reality) is an object that is realized or realized (Freire, 2021). This
kind of dialectical relationship has not existed in any educational system so far. Paulo
Freire said that education often makes the mistake of considering students as "banks"
(Banking concept of education), where students are only given the transfer of knowledge
so that later they can imitate and are oriented to bring in multiple results, not life
wisdom. So what happens is that students become investment objects and potential
sources of deposits. In fact, what is meant by education is a system of teaching
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Vol. 3, No. 6 June 2024
(pedagogy) and educating (andragogics), through a process of learning and thinking
together (sharing of knowledge) in a balanced and fair manner (Zaini, 2014).
The most important educational pattern is a methodology for developing
creativity and nature, this needs to be developed if punishment occurs to students, it
must be carried out in the process of developing students' identity. Naughty children
should not be given severe punishments under the pretext of deterring them, in fact,
severe punishments will actually result in children's mental disorders, because the
educational and cultural process is not only limited to schools in buildings, but the final
value of education is the school of life., where the teachers are the community, where the
facilities are the everyday environment (Mahmud Darwish, 1998). Because humans are
educated creatures, humans basically need education, this happens because humans are
rational creatures. John Dewey said that reason is a characteristic possessed by humans,
and with this reason, humans can carry out renewal in life. John Dewey called it: "Mind
as purely individual." Individual mind as the great of reorganization” (Rachman, 2011).
As educational beings, humans need good educational development and
management, educational institutions must carry out a massive development concept in
line with current developments. Implementation of the development of educational
institutions in development operations is based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 20 of 2003, concerning the National Education System in Chapter IV article 6
paragraph 2. Namely: "Every citizen is responsible for the continuity of the provision of
education" (Law of the Republic of Indonesia, 2003: 6).
The national education law emphasizes the importance of developing the
management of educational institutions. It is also contained in the Republic of Indonesia
Islamic Boarding School Law number 18 of 2019 article 4, that the scope of Islamic
boarding school functions includes: a. Education, b, Da'wah, and c. Community
empowerment. Referring to this law, the development and management of modern
Islamic boarding school management must be in accordance with the function of the
Islamic boarding school, so that the importance of developing and managing
management is eligible. The Islamic boarding school law explains that the development
of Islamic boarding school management must develop values, as stated in Article 8
paragraph 1:
"That the implementation of Islamic boarding schools is obliged to develop Islamic
values rahmatal lil 'alamin and be based on Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution of the
Republic of Indonesia, the unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and Bhinneka
Tunggal Ika."
The history of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia has been around for a long
time. The word "Islamic boarding school" means a place for santri or Islamic boarding
school students, while the word "santri" is thought to come from the Sanskrit term
"shastri" which means "literate", or from the Javanese word "cantrik" which means a
person who follows his teacher wherever he goes. Therefore, you will understand that
Islamic boarding schools have at least three elements, namely; Santri, and Dormitory
(Herman, 2013).
According to cultural terminology, it cannot be denied that the emergence of
modern Islamic boarding schools, as the identity of Islamic educational institutions by
Vol. 3, No. 6 June 2024
, Masyitoh
, Herwina Bahar
current developments, is a place for education and teaching in the pursuit of general and
religious knowledge with the application of technology in its implementation. In
recapitulation of the number of modern Islamic boarding schools as follows: the number
of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia is 26,975, the number of Salaf Islamic boarding
schools is 41.5%, the remaining number of modern Islamic boarding schools in Banten
is 4,579 (Indonesian Data. Id, 2022).
The data above is important for conducting research on the management of
modern Islamic boarding schools. The combined Islamic boarding schools in this data
are included in the category of modern Islamic boarding schools (Masnur, 2011). In
general, the quantitative development of Islamic boarding schools has increased
according to the data, especially modern Islamic boarding schools which are a
restructuring pattern of traditional/Salaf Islamic boarding schools. These Islamic
boarding schools implement education and teaching methods generally in the form of
TMI (Tarbiyah Mu'allimin Al-Islamiyah), with levels 6 years of study, as well as
extracurricular activities supporting the boarding school which adheres to the five souls,
the five terms of the boarding school, and active Arabic and English as its main
These data show that the reality in the development and management of modern
Islamic boarding schools is generally good, however, some modern Islamic boarding
schools in their implementation are still not in accordance with scientific theoretical
concepts. The management carried out is still complicated, especially the human
resources aspect, this happens because the main concept of values which is the basic
foundation of Islamic boarding schools has not been established. As in the data above,
the three value components are separate, so that each of these components, namely
Islam, science, and society, will develop independently, resulting in the emergence of
superior and inferior aspects of each component. If these components are not tied
together, a lack of vision will occur, what is worrying is that a split personality will occur,
and the target to be achieved will be hampered.
A split personality is a person's personality that is not complete, a split personality,
is a pattern of views and thoughts that differ from the level of practice. Someone who
masters good hadharah an-nashi, but is weak in hadharah al-ilmi and vice versa, then a
split personality like this must be changed into a complete personality, which can bind
together hadharah an-nashi, hadharah al-ilmi, hadharah falsafiyah, so that it can
harmoniously combine human relationships with Allah (hablu min Allah), relationships
with fellow humans (hablu min an-nas) and relationships with nature (hablu min 'alam)
(Mujamil, 2013).
The concept of good education will not ignore split personality, because it will
create instability of thought, in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 208. Muhammad Rashid Rida
explains that the meaning of Islam (As-Silmi) is an Islam that lives in peace and saves,
with the clear meaning being Islam is goodness, safety, surrender, and the religion of
Islam (Rashid Rida, 1898). Kaffah according to Ibnu Katsir is a state of Islam in all aspects
of a good life, covering several aspects that are comprehensive (Ibnu Katsir, 2015). So
according to the author, kaffah here can be interpreted in the concept of Islamic
Education management as three entities that are bound together in a management unit,
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Vol. 3, No. 6 June 2024
so that they are not separate and make human resource competencies in educational
institutions holistic.
It is important that reconstruction be carried out so that these components are
integrated, complement each other, and go hand in hand with development as a basis
for determining the vision, mission, goals, and activity programs of modern Islamic
boarding schools. A good vision will be determined by good values and is
interconnected in all components of the cottage's values. The relationship between the
lodge's values, towards vision, mission, goals, and programs is an attachment as a
system that must be maintained properly.
The reconstruction of Islamic boarding school values must be carried out through
theory that will be applied in management, especially human resources. And if this is
not done, then each entity will run independently, this will result in organizational
systems, prone to overlap, hampered by a lack of management competence, there will
be inequality between sections, and problems of lack of vision and split personality. This
lack of vision can occur because the vision based on the boarding school's values is not
in line with the existing human resource competencies.
Interconnected Entities Theory is a problem solution (problem-solving), when
there is an overlap in the policies of each section, especially human resources aspects of
management competency, what happens is that performance is not optimal. The
development of modern Islamic boarding school management from an Interconnected
Entities Theory perspective is one of the solutions to solving management problems in
modern Islamic boarding schools in terms of management competency, so researchers
will conduct research to contribute to modern Islamic boarding school management
from an Interconnected Entities Theory perspective.
The main problem that arises is how to develop and manage the management of
modern Islamic boarding schools using expert theory, because according to Abudin
Nata, current Islamic educational institutions, even though their names have Islamic
labels, in practice their management is not fully Islamic. Because its implementation has
not been imbued with Islamic values and in its development it has not implemented
Islam comprehensively, so in practice, its management has not departed from theories
and concepts (Abuddin, 2013). Prayitno in Fathor stated that Islamic educational
institutions including Islamic boarding schools have been running without design (Not
by Design), but many are managed based on pre-existing habits and traditions (just by
accident and tradition). In other words, the implementation of Islamic boarding schools
is carried out without expert theory (Fathor, 2021).
Libyan education expert Omar Mohammad As-Syaibani explained that good
management of Islamic education must be managed through experience and theory, in
addition to management based on experience, as well as using references to the Koran
and Sunnah, the importance of development through theory obtained from research,
seminars, empirical findings. All these processes are studied carefully and intelligently
to be applied in the management of educational institutions in accordance with tradition
and culture. In other words, the development of Islamic education management requires
managers who have extensive experience and deep knowledge (Omar As-Syaibani,
1985). So teacher competency in educational institutions is very important in advancing
Vol. 3, No. 6 June 2024
, Masyitoh
, Herwina Bahar
management to achieve quality institutional targets. However, sometimes
administrators of Islamic education institutions ignore the dimensions of teacher
competence so that the resulting outcomes become problematic.
Data on weaknesses in teacher competency in Islamic boarding schools has been
conveyed by Waryono Abdul Ghafur (Director of Diniyah Education and Islamic
Boarding Schools at the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia), that the
weakness of Islamic boarding schools is planning in management, the competency of
ustadz is needed in managing educational institutions in mentoring activities,
competency of ustadz in equality education (in the region Banten) on March 18, 2021.
Management competency is in accordance with what Waryonot said, according to
researchers as part of the pedagogical component, pedagogical aspects are needed apart
from teacher/administrator competence, professional aspects are also needed, having a
good personality and a social spirit. These aspects need to continue to be developed as a
forum for the formation of good management of educational institutions so that in the
end the main target will be achieved through full-skill outcomes.
The number of teacher competency test passes is as follows: Ministry of Religion
14,143, and Ministry of Education and Culture 30,838 (Kemenag, 2023). This data shows
that the comparison between teachers who graduated in professional teacher education
between the Ministry of Religion and the Ministry of National Education in 2023, for
madrasah and Islamic boarding school teachers who graduated is around 45% compared
to school teachers. This shows that the competency of madrasa and Islamic boarding
school teachers must continue to be improved, through expert theory in human resource
(HR) development. Teacher competency is a paradigmatic ijtihad as a way to develop
teacher competency in Islamic educational institutions.
Regarding reading literacy in madrasa and Islamic boarding school environments,
the order of the best libraries is as follows: MAN Buya Ma'rifat Mardjani Library, MAN
Al-Fatih Library, MAN IC Library Resource Center, MAN ACEH Library, MAN 2
Library (Ministry of Religion, 2023). The data above is the order of nominations for the
best libraries in Indonesia within the Ministry of Religion. The library is a forum for
improving the culture of reading literacy, which is part of the scientific competence of
teachers and students. This data shows that out of the top five, there is not a single
Islamic boarding school library, this is an indication that the Islamic boarding school
environment still lacks reading literacy, which is the core of the process of increasing the
competence of teachers and students. There is a need to develop reading literacy in
Islamic boarding schools through management patterns that must be developed using
expert theory. Scientific entities are an important part of developing Islamic boarding
schools so that educational goals can be achieved optimally.
This imbalance in teacher competence can result in problems in the transfer of
knowledge and values, whereas what is needed in education is the transformation of
knowledge and values. Incompetent teachers will result in discomfort in the relationship
between teachers and students, the relationship between teachers and parents, the
learning environment, and society. This relationship will be affected automatically due
to the effects of the imbalance in teacher competence in Islamic educational institutions.
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Vol. 3, No. 6 June 2024
In response to this, the development and management of modern Islamic boarding
schools management is a necessity, in Azyumardi Azra's view maintaining traditional
Islamic educational institutions will only prolong the misery of the Muslims'
helplessness in facing the progress of the modern world (Azyumardi, 2014). This
research was carried out with the aim of comprehensively examining the concept of
modern Islamic boarding school management from an Interconnected Entities Theory
perspective so that this research can provide new ideas on how the concept of Islamic
boarding school management through expert theory will produce eligible modern
Islamic boarding school management.
Based on the discourse on these problems, researchers are interested in conducting
in-depth research with the title: Management of modern Islamic boarding schools from
an Interconnected Entities Theory perspective, so that it can be a solution (Problem-
Solving) in the development and management of the management competency aspects
of administrators in Islamic boarding school educational institutions today.
Research Method
Miles and Huberman used previous data analysis techniques through data
reduction, which is a process of selecting or reducing, simplifying, and transforming
rough data that emerged from written notes in the field (Miles and Huberman, 1992).
Presenting data is conveying structured information and drawing conclusions
systematically, full of care, creativity must be carried out in order to successfully draw a
Interactive analysis is not just one way, but the analysis process of this research
includes a complementary process of several steps. Data collection will be carried out,
then the researcher will carry out the presentation or display process, then data
condensation is the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and
transforming the data into complete written data. By condensing the data it becomes
stronger and clearer (so this stage is not just the researcher coding and reducing the
amount of data). The condensation process was planned by the researcher before
collecting research data (although there will still be certain changes). This planning was
carried out by compiling a conceptual framework, research questions, and selected data
collection methods, then summarizing the main or important things relating to the core
or focus of the research, namely regarding the management of modern Islamic boarding
schools from the perspective of Interconnected Entities Theory in modern Islamic
boarding schools Al -Amanah Al-Gontory.
Result and Discussion
Amin Abdullah's thoughts on the integration-interconnection paradigm actually
want to show that the various scientific fields are actually interconnected because what
all scientific disciplines are targeting is the reality of the same universe, there is no
dichotomy in scientific disciplines, and each has a connection. Perhaps the dimensions
and focus of attention seen by each discipline are different. Therefore, a sense of
superiority, exclusivity, and dichotomous separation of the scientific fields in question,
will only result in self-harm, both psychologically and scientifically-academically.
Vol. 3, No. 6 June 2024
, Masyitoh
, Herwina Bahar
Amin Abdullah's thoughts on interconnected entity theory began with studying
the thoughts of Muhammad Arkoun from the Sorbonne, in his book Tarikhiyyah al-fikr
al-'Araby Al-Islamy, and Muhammad Abid Al-Jabiri on the theory of reason. According
to Amin, their thinking opened up the possibility of direct contact and meeting between
traditions of scientific thought in Islamic Studies, or what Imam Ghazali called 'ulum
ad-din in the 10th-11th centuries. Then integration will emerge, after that
interconnection, and Amin came up with the first way with the term scientific
interconnection integration in a book written entitled Islamic Studies (Parluhutan, 2014).
Amin Abdullah's theoretical perspective is a development of thought in
contributing to knowledge that will be applied to management in Islamic educational
institutions. Carol S explained the meaning of perspective, that perspective is a person's
way of looking at something which can be influenced by their background, knowledge,
experience, and positive values. Perspective can determine how a person understands
various situations, events, or certain problems (Carol S, 2006).
This first path will produce Interconnected Entities Theory, while the second path
is the Multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary (MIT) model consisting
of 'ulumuddin, Fikruddin, Dirosah Islamiyah. According to Amin Abdullah, the first
path and the second path will result in sustainable development (Amin Abdullah, 2007).
In response to this, the development and management of modern Islamic boarding
schools management is a necessity, in Azyumardi Azra's view maintaining traditional
Islamic educational institutions will only prolong the misery of the Muslims'
helplessness in facing the progress of the modern world (Azyumardi, 2014). This
research was carried out with the aim of comprehensively examining the concept of
modern Islamic boarding school management from an Interconnected Entities Theory
perspective so that this research can provide new ideas on how the concept of Islamic
boarding school management through expert theory will produce eligible modern
Islamic boarding school management.
Based on the discourse on these problems, researchers are interested in conducting
in-depth research with the title: Management of modern Islamic boarding schools from
an Interconnected Entities Theory perspective, so that it can be a solution (Problem-
Solving) in the development and management of the management competency aspects
of administrators in Islamic boarding school educational institutions today.
The final analysis at the conclusion stage of the research after it was carried out,
was that the final analysis formulated by Miles and Huberman found findings from the
research, in this research the management of modern Islamic boarding schools from an
Interconnected Entities Theory perspective, namely the aspect of human resource (HR)
Stages of human resources (HR) from the Interconnected Entities Theory
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Vol. 3, No. 6 June 2024
Figure 1
Stages of HR with Interconnected Entities Theory
The description of the HR stages is the stages carried out in the management of the
Al-Amanah Al-Gontory modern Islamic boarding school through 4 stages, including
Planning, placement, development, and evaluation. These stages are combined with
Amin Abdullah's theory of Interconnected Entities Theory which consists of hadharah
an-nashi, hadharah al-ilmi, and hadharah falsafiyah. From this combination of theories,
each hadharah will have a target, so that the program to be implemented can be well
controlled. The Interconnected Entities Theory carried out at the Al-Amanah Al-Gontory
modern Islamic boarding school, will produce human resource characteristics.
Islamic boarding school management from an Interconnected Entities Theory
Stages of Islamic boarding school management for human resources in the
competency aspects of teachers and administrators, according to research conducted at
Islamic institutions, results can be obtained with the following explanation: (1) Planning
with Interconnected Entities Theory standards, in accordance with the values of the
boarding school, will produce outcomes from hadharah an-nashi: Monotheism,
Visionary, initiative, discipline, responsibility, planning according to morals, legal basis
according to the Koran and Hadith. From hadharah al-ilmi: Productivity, quality of
work, initiative, competence, eligible progress. Hadharah falsafiyah: Punctuality, social
ethics, empathy, teamwork, existence, good character, organizational culture (2)
Placement, with standards in Interconnected Entities Theory, with hadharah an-nashi:
Tauhid, Visionary, leadership, initiative, discipline, responsibility responsible, law-
abiding, hadharah al-ilmi: Productivity, quality of work, initiative, Competent, mastery
of knowledge, hadharah falsafiyah: Tauhid, visionary, leadership, initiative, discipline,
responsibility, religious development. (3) Development with Interconnected Entities
Theory, with output from hadharah an-nashi: initiative, discipline, responsibility,
religious development., hadharah al-ilmi: Productivity, quality of work, initiative,
Entities Theory:
Hadharah An-Nashi,
Hadharah AL-Ilmi,
Hadaharah Al-Falsafi
Entities Theory:
Hadharah An-
Nashi, Hadharah
Hadaharah Al-
Entities Theory:
Hadharah An-Nashi,
Hadharah AL-Ilmi,
Hadaharah Al-Falsafi
Entities Theory:
Hadharah An-Nashi,
Hadharah AL-Ilmi,
Hadaharah Al-Falsafi
Vol. 3, No. 6 June 2024
, Masyitoh
, Herwina Bahar
Competent, insight development, hadharah falsafiyah: Punctuality, social ethics,
empathy, teamwork, existence, good character, organizational culture, coordination. (4)
Evaluation using Interconnected Entities Theory, with the output hadharah an-nashi:
Tauhid, Visionary, leadership, initiative, discipline, responsibility, good feedback,
hadharah al-ilmi: Productivity, work quality, initiative, Competent, sustainable
improvement and hadharah falsafiyah: Punctuality, social ethics, empathy, teamwork,
having existence, good character.
Development of a new theory from Amin Abdullah's Interconnected Entities Theory
Amin Abdullah's Interconnected Entities Theory which consists of three entities,
namely hadharah an-nashi, al-ilmi, and falsafiyah, when applied in human resource
management (HR), through the stages of planning, placement and development, and
evaluation, will produce real targets.
Amin Abdullah in paradigmatic ijtihad has two paths in the development of
atomistic non-dichotomous science, the first is through the integration