Volume 3 Number 6, Juny 2024
p- ISSN 2963-3648- e-ISSN 2964-8653
M. Alfi Wahyudi
, Andri Irfan Rifai
*, Ade Jaya Saputra
, Joewono Prasetijo
Universitas Internasional Batam, Indonesia
Floods are a frequent and challenging disaster, caused by factors such as heavy rainfall and
improper waste disposal in drainage systems, leading to significant material and non-material
losses. Effective measures are needed to mitigate flood impacts. This study uses bibliometric
analysis to explore methods for flood disaster management, employing Publish or Perish software
to filter relevant journals from Crossref. The data, including research titles, authors, publication
years, and journal sources, is processed using VOSViewer software. The analysis shows that
keywords like rainfall, drainage, and flood mitigation are central to the research, highlighting
strong interconnections. The diversity of publishers and research types contributes to a global
perspective, forming a solid research foundation. The study also tracks the growth of research on
flood management in drainage channels from 2016 to 2023 and identifies diverse geographical
case study regions. This analysis underscores the continued relevance and potential of this
research to support effective global flood mitigation strategies.
Keywords: Flood; Mitigation Flood; Rainfall; Drainage
At this time, floods have become one of the disasters that often occur and have not
been resolved properly. Flooding is a condition where overflowing rainwater inundates
the road surface. Flooding can occur in areas that do not have a good drainage system
so that rainwater that falls cannot be accommodated by drainage (Abdul Muin &
Rakuasa, 2023). Flood disasters always cause many losses, both material and non-
material losses. Floods can cause damage to residential areas, damage to the
environment, and can cause casualties (Sisi Febriyanti Muin, Boer, & Suharnoto, 2015).
Flood disasters can be caused by many factors, ranging from rainfall factors to the
habits of people who throw garbage in drainage channels. High rainfall is the most
important factor in causing floods (Prabawadhani, Harsoyo, Seto, & Prayoga, 2016).
High rainfall increases the amount of water that falls to the ground surface in large
quantities and results in a flow of water so fast that it can not be accommodated by the
normal capacity of drainage (Adiwangsa, Lukito, & Irawan, 2023).
Another cause that can cause flooding is land use shift (Tollan, 2002). Along with
the population growth that always increases every year, the need for housing,
transportation, and resources also increases following the increasing population. This
has caused many changes in land use, which initially turned into forests or green land,
Vol. 3, No. 6 June 2024
M. Alfi Wahyudi
, Andri Irfan Rifai
, Ade Jaya Saputra
, Joewono Prasetijo
converted into roads and settlements (Akhirul, Witra, Umar, & Erianjoni, 2020). As a
result of the large amount of land use change, the catchment area for rainwater is
decreasing. When it rains, rainwater is not absorbed into the soil so the flow above the
ground surface is greater which will have an impact on the normal capacity of drainage
channels (Rohyanti, Ridwan, & Nurlina, n.d.).
The existing design of the wrong drainage channel can also cause flooding, the
existing size of drainage that is not by rainfall will cause falling water cannot be
accommodated drainage (Augustine & Akinlolu, 2015). Not only that, garbage that
accumulates and sedimentation in drainage channels can make the size of drainage
smaller, which causes drainage to decrease capacity (Septian et al., 2020). Topographic
factors can also cause an area to be flooded. Lowlands and basin areas are the most prone
areas to flooding (Annisa, 2023).
Therefore, to reduce the impact of flooding, there needs to be proper handling in
overcoming floods. Flood management can be done in various ways, including
analyzing the potential distribution of flood areas (Zope, Eldho, & Jothiprakash, 2016).
Analysis of flood areas was carried out using topographic, rainfall, land use, and river
flow patterns (van Duin et al., 2021). In addition, normalizing drainage can prevent
flooding from occurring (Adi, 2013). This study used bibliometric analysis to determine
methods that can be used in flood disaster management. This study used VOS Viewer
software, which was used to help analyze previous research. By using VOS Viewer
software, researchers can visualize bibliometric networks that can help in developing
this research.
Literatur Review
Flood Disaster
In general, flooding can be interpreted as an event where water capacity increases
and cannot be accommodated by drainage channels (Nurdiawan, 2018). Floods can be
grouped based on two main factors, namely the mechanism of occurrence and the
location of flood sources in inundated areas. In terms of the mechanism of occurrence,
there are two main types, namely ordinary floods and unusual floods. Flooding is
common when rainfall is very high, exceeding the ability of the sewerage system to
contain it. Floods are unusual, on the other hand, caused by external factors such as
tsunamis, tidal waves, river overflows, shipments, or tidal floods (Arif, 2019).
The types of floods that often occur are ordinary floods, shipping floods, flash
floods, tidal floods, and cold lava floods. Shipment flood is an event when river water
overflows due to heavy rain that occurs in other regions (Adi, 2013). A flash flood is a
type of flood disaster that contains mud, stone, and wood materials, has a great potential
for damage, and occurs quickly when passing through an area (Napitupulu & Makfi,
2023). Rob flooding is a type of flood that occurs when sea water rises or high waves
flood an area that has a lower elevation than sea level (Putri et al., 2023). Cold lava floods
are floods that occur as a result of volcanic eruptions, where the eruption produces cold
lava that causes rivers to overflow, allowing muddy water to flood the surrounding area
(Salim, 2018).
Bibliometric Analysis Of Urban Drainage Flood Management
Vol. 3, No. 6 June 2024
Floods can cause many material and non-material losses that affect the community
(Louw, Olanrewaju, Olanrewaju, & Chitakira, 2019). Floods cause damage to
infrastructure, settlements, and public facilities. Damaged infrastructure will require
enormous costs for repairs (Paterson, Wright, & Harris, 2018). Not only flood disasters
can also cause residential damage, but buildings that are flooded will experience damage
to parts of the building so the building becomes unsafe to live in.
In addition, floods have an impact on health. This flood disaster can cause serious
impacts on human health, resulting in disease outbreaks being the most common thing
(Nurdiantoro & Arsandrie, 2020). Flood water polluted by bacteria and viruses will
cause skin and digestive diseases. Not only that, floods also have an impact on mental
health. People affected by floods will lose their homes and property, which can lead to
stress, depression, and anxiety (Hu, Zhang, Shi, Chen, & Fang, 2018).
Causes of Flooding
Rainfall is a common event in Indonesia, considering that Indonesia is located in
the tropics. High-intensity rainfall is the main factor affecting the occurrence of floods
(Ginting, 2021). Floods caused by rainfall usually occur due to the inability of drainage
channels to accommodate large volumes of water that come suddenly (Merten et al.,
2020). When drainage channels cannot collect rainwater, rainwater will overflow into
the streets causing catastrophic flooding
This condition can be exacerbated by the large urbanized area and irregular land
use. Improper land use, such as deforestation and wetland conversion, can reduce the
natural ability to absorb and store rainwater (Rizkiah, 2015). In cities, rapid urbanization
often leads to surfaces that cannot absorb water, such as concrete and asphalt, the
increase in concrete and asphalt-coated surfaces inhibits groundwater absorption, which
then causes rapid water flow towards drainage channels (Rahayu et al., 2023).
The topography of an area also affects the risk of flooding (KAHARAP, 2023).
Topography is a form of the earth's surface that includes the slope and height of an area,
which is in the form of slopes or plains. Areas with steep slopes tend to be more prone
to flash floods, where heavy rainwater rushes into rivers and causes high-intensity
flooding. In flat areas, regular flooding can occur because water is difficult to flow and
stagnant on the ground surface (Fikri, Tjendani, & Oetomo, 2023).
Poor drainage infrastructure or ineffective drainage design are also factors that can
cause floods when it rains. Clogged or poorly maintained drainage channels can result
in water not being able to flow smoothly, causing waterlogging and increasing the risk
of flooding (Min & Tashiro, 2024). Drainage channels often experience ineffectiveness
due to garbage accumulation and sedimentation. Garbage that accumulates can impede
the flow of water, cause waterlogging during heavy rainfall, and damage the physical
structure of channels. Sedimentation can also reduce the capacity of channels to hold
excess water (Zakaria et al., 2017).
Flood Disaster Mitigation
To reduce the risk of damage to settlements due to flooding, preventive and
mitigation measures need to be implemented. Action can be in the form of mapping
flood-prone areas (Hidayat, Darnila, & Afrillia, 2023). Mapping of flood-prone areas is
Vol. 3, No. 6 June 2024
M. Alfi Wahyudi
, Andri Irfan Rifai
, Ade Jaya Saputra
, Joewono Prasetijo
needed as a reference to implement flood disaster mitigation measures. Through this
mapping, flood-prone points and ineffective drainage channels can be identified, so that
drainage canal improvements can be carried out more efficiently (Sari et al., 2021).
To reduce the frequency of floods, infrastructure improvement measures are
needed. This action involves improving drainage and normalizing drainage.
Improvement and normalization of drainage can increase the capacity of drainage
channels to be wider. By ensuring the channel has sufficient capacity to hold a high
volume of water, the risk of flooding can be reduced as the channel can handle a larger
water load (Soeryamassoeka, Gunarto, Rahmanto, & Nurcahyo, 2023).
To prevent and reduce the adverse effects caused by floods, the role of flood
control buildings is very important. These buildings, which are often dams,
embankments, or infiltration wells, have several crucial functions that can reduce the
risk of flooding. Flood control buildings can control water discharge to minimize
overflow of water and flood control buildings in the form of infiltration wells can collect
water from rainwater (OKTAVIYANI, 2023).
The role of the community is also very important in reducing the impact of floods.
The community needs to get an education program to increase public understanding of
the impact of flood disasters how to deal with flood threats and how to overcome floods.
The education provided can be in the form of the importance of maintaining drainage
channels and the risks that can occur due to drainage channels that cannot work
effectively. Thus, the community can also play an active role in reducing the impact of
floods (Lestary, Zulfah, & Astuti, 2023).
Research Method
In this study, the methodology used was the bibliometric approach method.
Bibliometric analysis is a method carried out by analyzing scientific literature belonging
to previous researchers (Hanifah, Abdillah, & Wachyudi, 2022). Bibliometric analysis
can be done by identifying research trends and publication characteristics related to
keywords related to the research discussed. In this study, the journals that will be
identified based on the topic discussed are flood management in drainage channels. The
collection of articles and sources in this study uses Publish or Perish software. Publish
or Perish software is used to filter journals using keywords according to the topic
discussed, namely handling floods in drainage channels. Journals are filtered using
sources from Crossref and then the results are presented in the form of research title,
researcher name, year of research, and journal source. After obtaining the data, the data
is processed using VOSViewer software. The function of VOSViewer software is to map
the data that has been obtained from the Publish or Perish software in visual form [38].
Result And Discussion
In this study, the results and discussion were based on data obtained through
Publish or Perish and VOSViewer software. Keywords used in Publish or Perish
software for this study include flooding, flood mitigation, drainage channel capacity,
and rainfall. The data obtained is in the form of research title, researcher name, year of
Bibliometric Analysis Of Urban Drainage Flood Management
Vol. 3, No. 6 June 2024
research, and journal source which is then mapped using VOSViewer software.
Keywords Connection
Figure 1
VOSViewer Network Visualization
Based on the analysis of VOSViewer software using data from Software Publish or
Perish, a visualization map as shown in Figure 1 was obtained. Based on the
visualization results from Figure 1, it was found that the keywords drainage, rainfall,
and flood mitigation have the most related connections between topics.
Figure 2
Keywords Graph According to Occurrence
The data graph of Figure 2 shows keywords based on events. The picture shows
that the keywords drainage, rainfall, and flood mitigation are the keywords based on
events. These keywords are the main keywords in researching flood management
analysis in drainage channels. Although these keywords are the main keywords, other
keywords are still a reference.
Research Keywords Density
Vol. 3, No. 6 June 2024
M. Alfi Wahyudi
, Andri Irfan Rifai
, Ade Jaya Saputra
, Joewono Prasetijo
Based on Figure 3 which is the result of analysis using VOSViewer, some keywords
have brighter colors than other keywords that indicate the level of keyword density.
Figure 3
Density Visualization Keyword
The keyword density level refers to how closely related the elements in the
network are. In network analysis, density is calculated as the ratio between the actual
number of connections and the number of possible connections in a network. If the
network has many connections between elements, then the density is high. In this study,
3 keywords have a high level of density, namely rainfall, drainage, and flood mitigation.
This shows a close relationship between flood mitigation, rainfall distribution, drainage,
and other keywords
Research per Year
Based on the results of journal networking using Publish or Perish software, there
are increases and decreases in research every year. The vulnerable journal year used in
this screening starts from 2000 to 2023.
Figure 4
Research Data Yearly
Based on figure 4, from 2000 to 2010 the number of studies on flood management
was still low, indicating that the topic of research on floods in that year was still less
relevant. But from 2011 to 2015, the number of studies on the topic began to be widely
researched and from 2016 to 2023, the number of studies on floods was very much
studied by researchers. This indicates that research on flood management has
Bibliometric Analysis Of Urban Drainage Flood Management
Vol. 3, No. 6 June 2024
experienced consistent and significant growth. The increase in research in flood
management every year reflects that this research topic is still interesting to research.
Research Publisher and Type
Table 1
Journal Publisher
CRC Press
Copernicus GmbH
American Society of Civil Engineers
Springer International Publishing
ICE Publishing
Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
Springer Science and Business Media
Based on Table 1, in research on the topic of flood management, there are shares
of journal publishers from journals that are netted at the time of journal collection.
Various publishers have an important role to play in gathering references. With a variety
of publishers who have very high-quality research results, article writing will have
diverse content globally.
Figure 5
Resarch Type
Not only that, research on these topics also has references from various types of
research. Not only through research articles, but research also takes references from
other sources such as posted content, books, book chapters, reports, proceedings,
datasets, and monographs. Various types of research that become references in making
articles, will provide an understanding of the relevance, comparison, and continuation
of the research to be made. Thus, the diverse use of references provides a solid basis and
validity for the article.
Vol. 3, No. 6 June 2024
M. Alfi Wahyudi
, Andri Irfan Rifai
, Ade Jaya Saputra
, Joewono Prasetijo
Research Case Studies
Table 2
Case Study
Case Study
Korea Selatan
Pantai Gading
Based on table 2 which is the result of a case study analysis of journals netted in
VOSViewer software, research on the topic of flood management has case studies in
various countries in Asia to Europe. References from leading journals containing case
studies in different countries with different drainage conditions provide a solid basis for
looking at how different countries are dealing with flood challenges and designing
solutions that are appropriate to local conditions. Therefore, further research on this
topic is still relevant and can provide deeper insights to support the development of
effective flood mitigation strategies around the world.
This study uses bibliometric methods to analyze research trends on the topic of
flood management in drainage channels. Journal data collection using Publish or Perish
software, then mapped using VOSViewer by entering keywords related to flood
management in drainage channels. The results of the analysis show that keywords such
as rainfall, drainage, and flood mitigation have a close relationship between keywords,
indicating that these keywords are the main focus of the research. In addition, this study
also displays the publisher for each study and type of research. The journals collected by
Publish or Perish software come from various publishers and have various types of
research. With the diversity of publishers and types of research, the articles produced
become globally diverse and provide a solid foundation for research. This study also
Bibliometric Analysis Of Urban Drainage Flood Management
Vol. 3, No. 6 June 2024
analyzed the publication year of the research that has been collected. Research on the
topic of flood management in drainage channels shows consistent growth from 2016 to
2023. Analysis of case studies in collected journals shows a wide variety of case study
areas. Through this analysis, it can be concluded that research on the topic of flood
management in drainage channels remains relevant and can provide deep insights to
support the development of effective flood mitigation strategies around the world.
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