Transport Law (UU LLAJ). Harsher and more stringent sanctions should be considered to
provide a stronger deterrent effect for violators. Additionally, consistent and professional law
enforcement needs to be enhanced, along with increasing public awareness of the importance
of compliance with traffic regulations for collective safety. With these steps, it is hoped that a
fairer and more effective legal system can be established in handling traffic violation cases
resulting in the death of victims.
Reforms in criminal accountability regarding traffic violation cases resulting in the death
of victims are needed to create a more effective and fair legal system. These reforms need to
include changes in imposing heavier and stricter sanctions to provide a stronger deterrent
effect for violators. Additionally, consistent and professional law enforcement is also key to
achieving this goal, requiring concrete steps to enhance law enforcement in the field.
Furthermore, reforms also need to involve efforts to increase public awareness of the
importance of compliance with traffic regulations for collective safety. By undertaking
comprehensive reforms in criminal accountability, it is expected that a more effective legal
system can be established in handling traffic violation cases resulting in the death of victims
and provide justice for all parties involved.
Although the Traffic and Road Transport Law (UU LLAJ) has regulated criminal
accountability for traffic violators resulting in the death of victims, there are still shortcomings
in the existing system. The sanctions stipulated tend to be considered too lenient and
insufficient in providing a significant deterrent effect for the perpetrators. Additionally,
inconsistent and unprofessional law enforcement also poses a barrier to creating an effective
legal system in handling such cases. Therefore, reforms in the system of criminal
accountability are needed to enhance fairness and effectiveness in handling cases of traffic
violations resulting in the death of victims. These reforms need to include changes in imposing
heavier and stricter sanctions, enhancing consistent and professional law enforcement, and
efforts to increase public awareness of the importance of compliance with traffic regulations.
By undertaking these reforms, it is hoped that a more fair and effective legal system can be
created for handling cases of traffic violations resulting in the death of victims.
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