Volume 3 Number 6 June 2024
p- ISSN 2963-3648- e-ISSN 2964-8653
Meida Rachmawati
Universitas Ngudi Waluyo, Indonesia
Email: meidalea[email protected]
The implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in improving the quality of
Human Resources in Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) is an important effort to
strengthen organizational integrity, accountability, and performance at the local level.
Although faced with constraints such as limited resources and resistance to change, effective
GCG implementation can improve the transparency, responsibility, and independence of
BUMDes. Strategies such as establishing a clear code of conduct, regular training, and
building an independent oversight mechanism are necessary to overcome such obstacles.
Successful implementation of GCG can provide great benefits in improving the quality of
human resources and performance of BUMDes, and contribute positively to the development
and welfare of rural communities. Qualitative research methods will be used to understand
stakeholders' experiences, perceptions, and attitudes regarding the implementation of GCG
in improving human resources in BUMDes.
Keywords: Good Corporate Governance, Human Resources, Village Owned Enterprises
The village government plays a crucial role in providing support for economic growth
in Indonesia (Huda, 2015). So, in improving the economy in Indonesia, the first step that must
be reviewed is economic growth in the village. Villages have a crucial position in improving
the community's economy by implementing economic development plans. Therefore, they
can provide opportunities for the community to develop businesses. In the village itself, there
is a lot of potentials that can be developed, however, it is often not well developed (Melia,
Regional potential is the original resources owned by a region that can be developed
and maximized. By giving priority to existing local potential, it will provide benefits to the
quality of life of the community. Village governments can explore and empower village
potentials, such as natural potential and the resources contained, as well as human resources.
The potential of a village can be done by empowering the community. Natural resources and
human resources are factors for carrying out sustainable economic development (Afandi,
The village is a self-government whose management is carried out autonomously
without any structural hierarchical ties with higher structures. A village is a legal community
Vol. 3, No. 6, June 2024
Meida Rachmawati
unit that has an original structure based on original rights that have a special nature. The
village economy is a community environment that tries to fulfill the needs of daily life and
what is available in the natural surroundings. In processing this potential, of course, the
village is expected to be able to establish an economic institution that is fully managed by the
village community. Economic institutions are one way to build the economic strength of
village communities, for example, Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) (Handoko, 2000).
BUMDes is a form of institution that can advance the economy of the village community.
BUMDes are regulated in Article 87 of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages (Village
Law) where in fulfilling the needs and potential that exist within the village, the village can
establish BUMDes. BUMDes is an institution established by the village government whose
capital ownership and management are carried out by the community and village
government (Kurniawati, 2021). In establishing BUMDes, villages are obliged to hold village
deliberations. The village meeting is an effort to determine the establishment of BUMDes and
the BUMDes Articles of Association including capital participation. BUMDes is an institution
built to explore village potential and fulfill the needs of village communities. BUMDes is a
village government institution where the community is the owner of capital and capital
manager. Of course, BUMDes activities cannot be separated from the various occurred
problems. One example is the problem of inadequate and uneven distribution of human
resources (HR). This problem can be minimized by implementing good business management
by applying the principles of good corporate governance (Njatrijani et al., 2019).
The formation of BUMDes itself with HR problems must be by the 5 (five) principles of
good corporate governance: transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, and
fairness. The principle of good corporate governance with the formation of BUMDes is carried
out to make BUMDes an independent legal entity and prosperous village (Alfinur, 2016). In
filling positions and managing BUMDES, community empowerment in terms of human
resources is crucial. Village community empowerment is an effort to develop community
independence and welfare by increasing knowledge, attitudes, skills, actions, competencies,
and awareness and also utilizing resources through establishing policies, programs, activities,
and assistance that follow the essence of the problems and priority needs of village
communities. However, in reality, there are many problems where the existing resources lack
competence and quality which has an impact on the development and improvement of
BUMDes under the principles of good corporate governance (Aprianingsih & Yushita, 2016).
Good implementation of good corporate governance can minimize bad credit, and
empower human resources or bank financing risks. The principles of good corporate
governance can control existing problems (Hasibuan, 2003). Human resources are the
potential competencies possessed by humans which consist of the competence to think,
communicate, take action, and have morals so that they can carry out activities that have a
technical or managerial nature. The problem in BUMDes is the inadequacy and incompetence
of human resources in BUMDes. Good human resources for an organization or corporation
are competent resources in carrying out their duties and responsibilities (Murwadji et al.,
This problem is not in line with one of the principles of good corporate governance,
namely the principle of accountability. Accountability is an explanation of the function,
Implementation Of Good Corporate Governance To Improve The
Quality Of Human Resources In Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes)
Vol. 3, No. 7, June 2024
implementation, and responsibility of management of an organization or corporation with the
aim of managing the organization or corporation to run effectively. Accountability means
individual responsibility for performance in organizational units within a corporation. The
practice of good corporate governance principles is the basis for improving company
performance, namely financial and non-financial performance. So, the application of the
principles of good corporate governance has obstacles or constraints that need to be corrected
in order to improve the human resources of BUMDEs so that they can achieve sustainable
economic efforts. Moreover, a strategy for implementing good corporate governance is
needed to improve human resources in BUMDes which can advance and improve the
economy of local village communities.
Research Method
In this research, qualitative research methods will be used to understand in depth the
experiences, perceptions, and attitudes of stakeholders related to the implementation of GCG
in improving human resources in BUMDes. A qualitative approach allows researchers to
explore the complexity of the social, cultural, and organizational context involving BUMDes,
with an emphasis on in-depth analysis of descriptive and interpretive data. This research will
involve in-depth interviews with various related parties, including BUMDes administrators,
members of the HR management team, as well as representatives from regional government
and local communities. Apart from that, document analysis and participatory observation will
also be carried out to obtain a holistic understanding of the dynamics of GCG implementation
and its impact on the quality of human resources and the performance of BUMDes.
Result And Discussion
Challenges Faced in Implementing Good Corporate Governance in HR Development in
The implementation of Good Corporate Governance to improve the quality of Human
Resources (HR) and the performance of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) marks a
significant paradigm shift in organizational management at the village level. The human
resource problem in BUMDes is inadequate which has a major impact on achieving
development and sustainability goals at the village level. One of the main problems is the lack
of qualifications and skills needed to manage BUMDes effectively. Many employees at
BUMDes do not have formal education or adequate training in the fields of management,
finance, marketing, or business development, which can hinder their ability to manage
BUMDes activities efficiently and optimize their business potential. Apart from that, a lack of
understanding of the concepts of good governance and modern management practices can
also lead to a lack of transparency, accountability, and participation in decision-making and
resource management in BUMDes. This condition can lead to ineffective decision-making,
inappropriate resource allocation, and a lack of development of sustainable initiatives. As a
result, the performance and sustainability of BUMDes can be hampered, and their potential
contribution to local development and community welfare can be limited.
The implementation of Good Corporate Governance is a framework for managing
human resources in BUMDes which has various challenges which include:
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Meida Rachmawati
a. Limited financial and technical resources
In BUMDes, there are challenges in implementing GCG in human resource
development, namely limited financial resources. BUMDes often operate with limited
budgets, which may not be sufficient to support comprehensive GCG initiatives. Effective
HR development requires investment in training, career development, and incentives for
employees, but this is often difficult when financial resources are limited.
Apart from financial limitations, limited infrastructure and technical resources are also
obstacles to implementing GCG in BUMDes. Inadequate infrastructure, such as limited
access to information and communication technology, can hamper the communication and
coordination process between management, employees, and other stakeholders. Lack of
access to training and technical resources can also hinder BUMDes' ability to implement an
effective HR management system.
b. Lack of understanding and awareness
The level of understanding of the concepts and principles of Good Corporate
Governance (GCG) among management, employees, and other stakeholders in Village-
Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) is often a major concern in efforts to increase management
effectiveness. In many cases, there is a gap in understanding what GCG actually is and how
its principles should be applied. BUMDes administrators may have a better understanding
of GCG due to their responsibilities in managing the organization, but employees and other
stakeholders may have a limited or even incorrect understanding of this concept.
A lack of understanding of GCG can result in non-transparent, unaccountable, and
unsustainable management practices in BUMDes. For example, decisions taken
inconsistently with GCG principles can lead to unfairness in the treatment of employees,
inefficient use of resources, or even abuse of power. In the context of Human Resources
(HR) development, a lack of understanding of GCG can also lead to non-objective
recruitment policies, a lack of employee training and development, as well as a lack of
effective reward and supervision mechanisms.
c. Lack of level of participation and involvement of community members
Lack of community participation can be a serious obstacle in implementing GCG in
BUMDes. When community members are not actively involved in the decision-making and
monitoring process, the risk of ambiguity, abuse of power and corrupt practices is higher.
Apart from that, a lack of community participation can also lead to a low sense of
ownership of BUMDes, which in turn can hinder efforts to improve the quality of human
The impact of a lack of community participation can be felt in various aspects. First,
the decisions taken may not reflect the true needs and interests of all community members,
thereby affecting the effectiveness of programs and policies implemented by BUMDes.
Second, a lack of supervision from the community can open up opportunities for unethical
or unlawful practices in HR management, such as nepotism or discrimination.
d. Barriers in cultural and traditional aspects
Cultural and traditional aspects are often important factors that influence the
implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in Village-Owned Enterprises
(BUMDes). Local cultural values and traditions can become obstacles in implementing
Implementation Of Good Corporate Governance To Improve The
Quality Of Human Resources In Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes)
Vol. 3, No. 7, June 2024
GCG principles which may be considered contrary to established norms and practices in
village communities. For example, in a highly hierarchical village culture, transparency
and participation may not always be considered core values. Additionally, local customs
and value systems may result in different views of responsibility, fairness and
accountability that may not be aligned with universally recognized GCG principles.
e. Barriers to social change
Social and political changes at the local level have the potential to become significant
obstacles in the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in the development
of Human Resources (HR) in Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes). When changes occur
in political and social dynamics, this can affect the stability and consistency of GCG
implementation in BUMDes. For example, changes in leadership or changes in local
government policy can cause uncertainty and changes in development priorities, which in
turn can disrupt the process of implementing GCG principles. In addition, political or
social conflicts at the local level can also divert attention and resources from efforts to
implement GCG well.
The Impact of Implementing Good Corporate Governance on Improving Human Resource
Quality in BUMDes Performance
Implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in BUMDes has a significant
impact on improving the quality of Human Resources (HR) and overall organizational
performance. One of the key aspects of implementing GCG is increasing transparency and
accountability in the HR management process. By ensuring that policies, procedures, and
decisions related to HR in BUMDes can be accessed and well understood by all relevant
parties, BUMDes can build greater trust and involvement from members and stakeholders.
Greater transparency can also help reduce nepotism and corruption practices that can harm
human resource development and organizational performance. In addition, increased
accountability in HR management can encourage BUMDes leaders to make more appropriate
and responsible decisions, as well as provide constructive feedback to team members to
improve their performance.
The implementation of GCG, especially transparency and accountability, has a
significant impact on HR management in BUMDes. Transparency in BUMDes refers to the
availability of clear and open information about policies, procedures, and decisions related to
HR to all related parties, including village community members and other stakeholders.
Meanwhile, accountability emphasizes clear and responsible responsibilities in managing
human resources and implementing fair and consistent decisions. Increasing transparency in
the recruitment process at BUMDes can ensure that recruitment decisions are carried out
objectively and fairly. By openly publishing selection criteria and recruitment procedures,
BUMDes can guarantee that every individual has an equal opportunity to obtain certain
positions or responsibilities based on their qualifications and competencies, not personal
connections or nepotism.
In addition, transparency in performance appraisals provides a strong basis for
evaluating individual contributions and achievements objectively. By providing clear and
measurable parameters for assessing performance, BUMDes can motivate team members to
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improve their performance and identify areas where they can develop further. In addition,
openly disclosing performance evaluation results can help strengthen trust and
communication between management and employees, which in turn can improve the quality
of working relationships and motivation.
Implementation of GCG in BUMDes is not only related to formal aspects of management
but is also closely related to the development of a healthy organizational culture. Through the
application of GCG principles, BUMDes can encourage the formation of an organizational
culture oriented towards integrity, ethics, and professionalism. GCG emphasizes the
importance of integrity and ethics in all aspects of BUMDes operations. By upholding these
values, BUMDes builds a strong foundation for an organizational culture of integrity, where
team members are expected to act honestly, fairly, and responsibly in every interaction and
decision they make. This not only creates a more transparent and trustworthy work
environment but also strengthens trust between team members, administrators, and external
Furthermore, orientation towards professionalism is an important aspect of
organizational culture pursued by BUMDes that implement GCG. By setting high-
performance standards and rewarding competence and dedication, BUMDes motivates team
members to continuously improve the quality of their work. This creates an environment
where HR feels valued and recognized for their contributions, thereby increasing their
motivation and involvement in achieving organizational goals.
The impact of a healthy organizational culture is very significant on the motivation,
involvement and productivity of human resources in BUMDes. When team members feel that
values such as integrity, ethics, and professionalism are valued and consistently implemented,
they tend to be more motivated to give their best in their work. In addition, their involvement
in the decision-making process and implementation of organizational strategies also
increases, because they feel that their contributions are valued and heard. As a result, the
overall productivity of BUMDes increases because a supportive, collaborative and
enthusiastic work environment is created.
The implementation of GCG helps in establishing a fair and consistent reward and
sanction system for HR in BUMDes. With GCG principles that prioritize transparency,
accountability and fairness, BUMDes can develop clear and objective guidelines for
rewarding team members who excel and impose sanctions for ethical violations or poor
performance. For example, by ensuring that reward and sanction criteria are based on
measurable and verifiable performance, BUMDes can minimize the potential for arbitrariness
or favoritism in the process.
The impact of an appropriate reward and sanction system can be very significant for
motivation, work ethic and the application of discipline in BUMDes. When team members
feel that rewards are given fairly and consistently according to their contributions, this can
increase their motivation to deliver the best results. In addition, a clear and consistent
sanctions system can be an effective tool to encourage compliance with BUMDes policies and
procedures, as well as promote a disciplined and responsible work culture.
Apart from influencing motivation and work ethic, implementing an appropriate
reward and sanction system can also have a positive impact on the quality of performance
Implementation Of Good Corporate Governance To Improve The
Quality Of Human Resources In Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes)
Vol. 3, No. 7, June 2024
and sustainability of BUMDes as a whole. By encouraging and maintaining high standards of
performance through appropriate rewards and applying proportional sanctions, BUMDes can
ensure that team members continue to work to achieve organizational goals effectively and
efficiently. This can also help build BUMDes' reputation as a professional, transparent and
integrity entity in the eyes of the community and other stakeholders. As a result, an
appropriate reward and sanction system is an important tool in efforts to improve the quality
of human resources and the overall performance of BUMDes.
Appropriate Strategy in Implementing Good Corporate Governance to Improve Human
Resource Quality for BUMDes Performance
Given the various obstacles and impacts that occur in the quality of human resources in
BUMDes, it is necessary to implement Good Corporate Governance (GCG), which of course
must develop the principles of transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence,
and fairness. GCG is a set of principles, practices, and procedures that aim to manage and
direct an organization in a transparent, accountable, and responsible manner while taking into
account the interests of all stakeholders. In BUMDes, the implementation of GCG is crucial
because it provides a framework that ensures good governance and integrity. The quality of
human resources in BUMDes is very important because they are the key to success in
implementing GCG principles. Quality human resources will be able to implement GCG
principles well, manage risks, optimize resources, and improve overall performance, which
in turn will contribute to the development and sustainability of BUMDes and the welfare of
village communities.
The principle of transparency in HR management in BUMDes involves providing clear,
open, and easily accessible information related to the HR recruitment, development, and
evaluation process. It includes openly publishing recruitment criteria and procedures,
providing open feedback to employees about their performance, and implementing a
transparent and objective performance evaluation process. Strategies to increase transparency
in communication and decision-making related to HR in BUMDes include creating policies
that prioritize transparency, providing open access to relevant information to all members of
the organization, and encouraging participation and feedback from employees in the
decision-making process related to HR. Thus, the principle of transparency can be applied
effectively to ensure integrity, accountability, and fairness in HR management in BUMDes.
In the context of HR management in BUMDes, the application of accountability and
responsibility can be realized through various steps. BUMDes can introduce a clear and
measurable process for setting responsibilities and performance targets for each individual
and team. This can include creating detailed job descriptions, setting measurable KPIs (Key
Performance Indicators), and training to ensure a clear understanding of the tasks at hand. In
addition, BUMDes needs to encourage a work culture that respects individual and team
responsibility for achieving organizational goals by providing awards or incentives for the
achievements produced and conducting regular performance evaluations to evaluate the level
of performance and commitment to the responsibilities that have been determined. Thus,
through this approach, BUMDes can ensure that accountability and responsibility are
effectively integrated into HR management, which in turn will support the achievement of
goals and improve the overall performance of the organization.
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Meida Rachmawati
Independence in decision-making regarding HR in BUMDes is a key element to ensure
fairness and transparency in the management process. In the context of performance
evaluation, promotion, and conflict of interest management, the measures implemented must
ensure that decisions are made objectively, without any pressure or undue influence. The
principle of fairness is also important in HR management, which ensures that each individual
is treated fairly and proportionally according to their contribution. To achieve this, it is
important to avoid bias and promote an environment where fairness and fairness are a top
priority in every decision taken.
As part of the GCG implementation strategy to improve the quality of human resources)
in BUMDes, a concrete action plan could include steps such as preparing a clear code of ethics
for HR, regular training on GCG principles for all BUMDes members, establishing a
committee or independent monitoring mechanism to ensure compliance with GCG principles,
and development of a competency and ethics-based performance evaluation system. To
measure the effectiveness of GCG implementation, evaluation steps can include employee
satisfaction surveys, analysis of BUMDes performance data before and after GCG
implementation, as well as the use of specific performance indicators related to GCG
principles such as the level of transparency, level of compliance, and level of accountability.
Through this effort, it is hoped that BUMDes can improve both the quality of human resources
and their overall performance, providing greater benefits for village communities.
The implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in improving the quality of
Human Resources (HR) in Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) is not without challenges.
Various obstacles such as limited resources, lack of understanding of GCG, and resistance to
change can hinder this process. However, the impact of effective GCG implementation is very
significant, especially in improving the integrity, accountability, and overall performance of
BUMDes. Appropriate strategies, such as preparing a clear code of ethics, regular training,
establishing an independent monitoring mechanism, and comprehensive performance
evaluation, can help overcome these obstacles and ensure that GCG implementation provides
maximum benefits in improving the quality of human resources and the overall performance
of BUMDes., as well as providing a significant positive impact on the development and
welfare of village communities. With a strong commitment and structured approach,
BUMDes can become a more professional, transparent, and efficient institution in providing
services and benefits to local communities, creating a more inclusive and sustainable
ecosystem for village development.
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