Volume 3 Number 7 July 2024
p- ISSN 2963-3648- e-ISSN 2964-8653
Topan Setiawan
, Sri Hartini
, Fanny Hendro Aryo Putro
, Wahyuning Chumaeson
Universitas Boyolali, indonesia
wahyuningchum[email protected]
The purpose of this study was to determine the role of Merapi FM community radio in reducing
disaster risk in the potential disaster exposure area of the Musuk Boyolali sub-district. This research
method is empirical research or field research with a qualitative approach. Qualitative research is
research that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and
behaviour that can be understood. This approach is data collection in the form of oral, written, and
also in the form of image documentation. Data from a qualitative descriptive approach can come from
interviews, photographs, field notes, video recordings, memos and official documents. The results
showed that the community plays an active role in disaster risk reduction efforts in the Cluntang area,
namely through disaster response training, environmental preservation, trauma healing, and regional
arts and culture. Based on the results of the research, the role of Merapi FM community radio in
mitigation and disaster risk reduction in the Cluntang area is (1) Carrying out its role and function by
facilitating the needs of the community to reduce the risk of the Merapi disaster, (2) Mobilising the
community to be directly involved in all activities, starting from on-air and off-air activities.
Keywords: Community, Radio, Mitigation, Disaster.
Since legalising their presence in the Indonesian Broadcasting System through the
enactment of Law 32/2002 on Broadcasting, Community Broadcasting Organisations (CBOs)
have increasingly established their presence in the social, political and cultural world of
Indonesia. In accordance with the law, Community Broadcasting Organisations consist of
Community Radio Broadcasting Organisations and Community Television Broadcasting
Organisations. Especially Community Radio Broadcasting Organisations (LPK Radio), its
increasingly important role has attracted the attention of scholars to measure the effectiveness
of its presence in Indonesian politics (Sjuchro & Gustini, 2017).
Mount Merapi is a mountain that is administratively located in 3 regencies, namely the
regencies of Magelang, Sleman, and Boyolali regencies. According to the Geological Agency
of Mount Merapi, Merapi eruptions often occur, suspected of them due to internal geometry
factors of the volcanic system. Based on Merapi seismicity data, in 1991 there were many
volcanic earthquakes of various types, it can be seen that the distribution of lateral Merapi
earthquakes will not be far from the vertical line of the Merapi peak downward and not
widely spread. The danger of the eruption of the Merapi volcano lies not only from lava, cold
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
lava, and earthquakes but also from hot clouds. People around Merapi call hot clouds wedhus
gembel, which in Javanese can be interpreted as sheep because the appearance of hot clouds
is like sheep passing through the slopes. The use of this word is thought to have been used
since centuries ago by the local population (older than the term nuee-ardente). Overcoming
the disastrous conditions lurking from Mount Merapi, the people of Merapi slopes have a way
in the disaster mitigation process, namely through the Indonesian community radio network
(Muhammad Alif Alauddin et al., 2019).
The Indonesian Community Radio Network, abbreviated as JRKI, is a network that has
developed in various regions in Indonesia. Indonesia, this also happened on the slopes of
Mount Merapi. The use of JRKI on the slopes of Mount Merapi is unique and has an interesting
function, namely as an information centre for Mount Merapi disasters, which has been carried
out until now, the radio is then known as Radio Merapi FM. Seeing the uniqueness of the JRKI
which is used as a disaster mitigation information centre, this researcher examines the
optimisation of the role of local communities in the development of emergency radio for
disaster mitigation in Boyolali Regency (Muhammad Alif Alauddin et al., 2019).
In this research, we will analyse the strategic function of radio media in the field of
disaster mitigation. It would be an interesting activity, because of the unique relation between
nature (represented by Merapi mountain) and possible damage to the village due to the
eruption of Mount Merapi. This research will comprehensively portray the role of Merapi FM
community radio in mitigating the disaster.
Research Method
This research employs a qualitative method with a case study approach to explore the
role of Merapi FM Community Radio in disaster mitigation in the residential area on the
slopes of Merapi, Cluntang, Musuk, and Boyolali. Data are collected through in-depth
interviews with radio managers, local residents, and relevant authorities, as well as
participatory observation to understand the dynamics of interaction between the radio and
the community in the context of disaster preparedness. Additionally, document analysis is
conducted on various broadcast materials and radioactivity reports related to disaster
mitigation. Data analysis uses thematic techniques, where findings from interviews,
observations, and documents are coded and categorized to identify the role and impact of
community radio in educating and mobilizing the community in facing potential threats from
Mount Merapi eruptions. Data triangulation is performed to ensure the validity and reliability
of the findings by comparing information from various sources and different data collection
Result And Discussion
In disaster communication, according to West and Turner, communication is a process,
an interconnected, dynamic event with no end in sight. process, which is an interconnected,
dynamic event without an end. Social means that humans always have a reciprocal
relationship with other humans in a particular group. Symbols are labels given to an existing
phenomenon. Symbols are divided into two, concrete symbols that represent an object and
abstract symbols that represent an idea, idea or thought. Meaning is a meaning that a person
takes from a message that is conveyed. Gema Merapi community radio conducts a
The Role Of Merapi Fm Community Radio In Disaster Mitigation At
Merapi Slope Residential Area Cluntang, Musuk, Boyolali
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
communication process through the distribution of information to the community
environment by approaching through On-air and Off-air programmes that entertain and
educate the community in handling natural disasters. From the communication process,
Gema Merapi community radio also makes the community do a lot of social activities in
carrying out its role through several activities with the community, such as environmental
preservation, community training on disaster, first aid simulations, economic activities, and
entertainment (Ramadhan Wiratama, 2019).
Community radio is not established for the benefit of managers, but to serve the interests
of members to serve the interests of its members. Therefore, community radio plays a role that
is needed by its community. The role of mass media in disaster risk reduction is inseparable
from information. The role of information, according to Green III (2001, 176-177), is that in a
disaster situation kinds of data or inputs become diverse, and individuals can explore or gain
various knowledge about one or something (Budi, 2011: 09). Community radio has an
important role in raising awareness and improving the ability to deal with a disaster.
Community radio becomes a central actor in the community to socialise and improve the
ability and skills to deal with disasters. Community radio can be used for socialisation,
providing information and disaster communication. Even before and after a disaster,
community radio continues to socialise the community on how to deal with disasters
(Ramadhan Wiratama, 2019).
Community broadcasters are referred to as community broadcasting organisations.
Community radio is also often referred to as social radio, educational radio, or alternative
radio. According to Tobing, community radio is a radio station operated in a particular
neighbourhood, region, or area that is intended specifically for local residents, and contains
programmes with local content, processed and managed by local residents. Community radio
is unique from other broadcasters because of its specialised audience segment or only certain
communities and provides limited information, not just commercial radio in general.
However, this makes community radio have loyal listeners. Currently, there are more than
300 community radios in Indonesia. These community radios are scattered throughout
Indonesia, especially in rural or remote areas. Some of them are members of community
radio organisations, such as Jaringan Radio Komunitas Indonesia (JRKI) and Jaringan
Independent Radio Komunitas. According to the provisions of the Minister of Transport
Decree No. 15 of 2002 and No. 15A of 2003, community radio is broadcast on FM frequencies
107.7 Mhz; 107.8 Mhz; 107.9 Mhz, with a limited range of maximum power of 50 watts and a
maximum service range of 2.5 km (Laksono, 2022).
Typology of community radio in Indonesia using indicators: founder/pioneer,
institution, programme formulation and monitoring, programme content/materials,
transmission coverage and quality of management. Based on these indicators, the developing
radio stations can be categorised according to their type. Community Radio is the media focus
of community radio to make the audience/community the main actors through their
involvement in all aspects of radio operations. The focus of community radio is to make the
audience/community the protagonist through their involvement in all aspects of radio
organisation. Therefore, the community must be involved in all aspects of radio
establishment, radio funding, radio management and radio broadcast production (Panutra &
Atmojo, 2012).
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
Community radio is initially needed as a medium for information, entertainment, and
education in communities living in rural or remote areas. Through community radio, people
can also express their opinions and interests, because community radio is able to answer or
touch the needs of the community or community in accordance with their locality. Radio
Petani Merapi FM is community radio for farmers working independently in Cluntang
village, Musuk sub-district, Boyolali district. This radio was established on 10 April 2006.
Initially, Merapi FM Farmers Radio was established by individuals as an entertainment radio
and at the same time as a medium of information about the danger of the Mount Merapi
disaster, but gradually the community radio became a radio that provides a lot of information
about agriculture (Laksono, 2022).
Along with its development, this radio developed into a farming community radio. This
is because most of the Cluntang community are farmers. Many residents need information
related to agricultural information, to increase their knowledge about agriculture which will
have an impact on increasing their agricultural yields. In 2007, Radio Petani Merapi FM
changed its frequency to 107.5 FM(Laksono, 2022).
This radio then became a farmer community radio with LESMAN (Lembaga
Masyarakat Mandiri) as its companion. Radio Petani Merapai FM has been an alternative
source of information and entertainment for the community. The information delivered is
usually in the form of agricultural information and information about the Merapi volcano
disaster. Radio Petani Merapi FM has been functioning as a medium of information and
entertainment for farm workers and local residents (Panutra & Atmojo, 2012).
With the existence of Radio Petani Merapi FM, the community at least has a medium to
accommodate the interests of the community and a medium for self-actualisation, especially
farmworkers as a farming community in Cluntang village, Musuk sub-district, Boyolali
district. As required by community media, the management and broadcasting of media both
in the management of radio management, broadcast production, wisdom in decision making
and presentation of broadcasts both material and content should be in the hands of the
community(Laksono, 2022).
Emergency radio is simply set up by the community so that the management process is
carried out by the community and utilised to the greatest extent for the community itself. and
utilised to the greatest extent for the community itself. The Standard Operating Procedure
(SOP) requires each radio transmitter to have a distance of about 2.5 km with a power of 50
watts and members of 250 people or half the population + 1. Cluntang village, which is 4.5 km
from the top of Mount Merapi, has 5 RW, 18 RT and 13 dukuh which are spread out from each
other (Muhammad Alif Alauddin et al., 2019).
Further development of Merapi FM Farmer Radio became Karya Tani farmer
community radio and was utilised as a source of information in agriculture. During this time,
the community really needs this information to improve their knowledge in agriculture which
is expected to have an impact on increasing agricultural yields. As a community radio,
although it has given a wide space for the community to participate in the establishment,
planning, management and evaluation of the existence of Community Radio, the
participation/role of community members in terms of radio operations is very minimal, only
a few people are active continuously in radio management and broadcasting.
The Role Of Merapi Fm Community Radio In Disaster Mitigation At
Merapi Slope Residential Area Cluntang, Musuk, Boyolali
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
This is due to the limited time and ability of the members of the radio community. In
addition, the problem of funding has been an obstacle to the sustainability of the Merapi FM
Farmer community radio. The initial establishment of Merapi FM radio was pioneered by
Selam and Sriyanto who initially had the initiative to make a radio. They then together with
the local youth established Merapi FM radio, which was initially used as entertainment and
then developed as a communication tool for the community to disseminate information
related to the Merapi disaster. Those selected are people who are really interested and able
to run the radio well(Laksono, 2022).
It's just that so far what has happened is that only a few communities have participated.
There has been a division of labour in the management of radio Petani Merapi FM so that the
radio can really broadcast to entertain the community and provide information. Each member
of the community has a task according to their position. However, what has happened so far
is that many communities are not active in managing the Merapi FM Farmer Radio
Community. They only manage the radio according to their free time(Laksono, 2022).
So far, Sriyanto and Selam are the ones who mostly manage Merapi FM Farmer Radio
with the help of local youths although their participation is very minimal. All decisions
regarding radio policies related to the implementation of broadcasts and other policies are the
authority of the management. The management is given freedom in making programmes and
programmes on the radio. However, all decisions made must be in accordance with the
wishes of the community. The decisions and policies taken so far have been suggestions from
community members. Usually, they provide input regarding broadcast schedules or other
issues regarding the implementation of broadcasts so that they are appropriate and right on
target. So the existence of radio can provide real benefits. In terms of supervision at Radio
Petani Merapi, there is not much attention. So far, what has happened is that supervision is
only in the form of evaluations held by the management every month(Laksono, 2022).
This evaluation is intended so that the broadcast of Petani Merapi FM is truly in
accordance with the original purpose of its establishment, namely as a community radio for
Merapi Farmers. By involving all members of the community both in terms of
implementation and supervision, it is hoped that the implementation of the Merapi FM
Farmer Community Radio can contribute to the development of the community. However,
most communities lack a sense of ownership of the radio. They only surrender to the
administrators who have been given the trust to manage the Merapi FM Farmer Community
radio, especially Sriyanto and Salam, assisted by several local youths. This is what causes the
supervisory function to not run well. In this study, the thesis writer sees from the background
above will take the title: Optimisation of Broadcast Management of Merapi Farmer
Community Radio 107.5 FM Cluntang Village, Boyolali Regency(Laksono, 2022).
Despite the many obstacles faced by community radio in general, community radio
Lintas Merapi FM can show its existence until now and get various awards from both
government agencies and private institutions. Therefore, this research tries to find out what
kind of marketing communication strategies and activities are carried out to get active
participation from its community and to know the activities carried out by Lintas Merapi FM
community radio to overcome the basic problems of community radio, such as financial
problems, human resources, programme concepts and production are also the objectives of
this research (Sa’diyah, 2016).
Vol. 3, No. 7, July 2024
Community radio as a product of Community radio as a product of the reformation still
faces various problems, namely management, funding, community participation, and support
from third parties. These problems arise from the technical limitations of community radio
managers, as well as government regulations that are considered to limit the movement of
community radio to exist and develop (Sanjaya & Pandiangan, 2019).
As a community radio, although However, the participation/role of community
members in terms of organising the radio is very minimal, only a few people are active
continuously in the management of the radio and the sustainability of radio. In the beginning,
Community Radio Merapi FM was originally an electronic hobbyist's dark radio in Cluntang
village, according to the needs, then with the help of an independent non-governmental
organisation (NGO), it was turned into a community radio, especially for information and
news on volcanic disasters. Further development of Radio Merapi FM became Karya Tani
farmer community radio and was utilised as a source of information in the field of agriculture.
During this time, the community really needs this information to improve their knowledge in
agriculture which is expected to have an impact on increasing agricultural yields.
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