Community radio as a product of Community radio as a product of the reformation still
faces various problems, namely management, funding, community participation, and support
from third parties. These problems arise from the technical limitations of community radio
managers, as well as government regulations that are considered to limit the movement of
community radio to exist and develop (Sanjaya & Pandiangan, 2019).
As a community radio, although However, the participation/role of community
members in terms of organising the radio is very minimal, only a few people are active
continuously in the management of the radio and the sustainability of radio. In the beginning,
Community Radio Merapi FM was originally an electronic hobbyist's dark radio in Cluntang
village, according to the needs, then with the help of an independent non-governmental
organisation (NGO), it was turned into a community radio, especially for information and
news on volcanic disasters. Further development of Radio Merapi FM became Karya Tani
farmer community radio and was utilised as a source of information in the field of agriculture.
During this time, the community really needs this information to improve their knowledge in
agriculture which is expected to have an impact on increasing agricultural yields.
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