Volume 3 Number 6 June 2024
p- ISSN 2963-3648- e-ISSN 2964-8653
Dhea Yulia Maharani
, Suparno
Universitas Borobudur, indonesia
Email: dheayulia[email protected]
The Industrial Revolution had a significant impact on human life, demonstrated by the quick use
of enormous amounts of information. The peculiarity is in this manner directed by Regulation
Number 27 of 2022 concerning Individual Information Assurance (UU PDP). The legal framework
and foundation for data are provided by the law and/or information exchange activities in
Indonesia. Article 58 Paragraph (2) of the UU PDP mandates the establishment of an institution
tasked with implementing security for individual data. Because of the powerful idea of
information and additional data exchanges, there is an earnestness to lay out a foundation for
individual information security. The research will focus on exploring the role and actions of the
Government thus far within the framework of individual information insurance before the
foundation of the individual information assurance establishment. Moreover, this concentrate
likewise assesses the criticalness of laying out an individual information security establishment
in keeping up with computerized world versatility. The technique utilized in this examination is
regularizing juridical, explained through a rule approach.
Keywords: Urgency; Personal Data Protection Institution; Personal Data Protection; Cyber Law.
The fourth industrial revolution has had a significant impact on human interaction
patterns. The fourth industrial revolution also reshaped government systems, education,
health services, and trade (Savitri, 2019). The development has resulted in massive data
collection so that governments and private companies compete to dominate data
management. This data collection is known as "Big Data" which has high economic
benefits. TechAmerica Foundation's Federal Big Data Commission defines Big Data as
"a term that describes large volumes of high velocity, complex and variable data that
require advanced techniques and technologies to enable the capture, storage,
distribution, management, and analysis of the information (Mills et al., 2012)."The rapid
development of technology has had positive and negative impacts because apart from
contributing to the welfare of human civilization, it has also become a means for
committing criminal acts known as "cybercrime."
Based on history, cybercrime developed rapidly in 2003, including carding,
ATM/EDC skimming, hacking, cracking, phishing, malware, online gambling, human
trafficking, and transnational crime (Rumlus & Hartadi, 2020). All of these criminal acts
can be carried out through accessing personal data. Janice Kall explains “Data, however,
is an object that can produce and govern effects at the same time. It is apparent in the
Vol. 3, No. 6 June 2024
Dhea Yulia Maharani
, Suparno
way that data is often collected to be repackaged as information about the consumers'
behavior to further nudge that behavior in a certain direction (Käll, 2020)."The idea has
prompted the international community to recognize a constitutional right to personal
data protection in the form of "habeas data," which refers to a person's right to obtain
protection for the data they possess and as a justification in the event that their data is
compromised (Nadia, 2020).
Conversations with respect to the security of individual information in Indonesia
started to be examined after private freedoms were perceived as basic liberties in Article
28G section (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Article 28G Section
(1) expresses that each individual has the privilege to insure himself, his family, honor,
nobility, and property under his influence, and has the option of a feeling of safety and
security from the danger of dread of doing or not accomplishing something which is a
common liberty. Even though the right to privacy, as well as the right to freedom of
thought, opinion, religion, and expression, are inextricably linked, there are distinct
characteristics that indicate that the right to protect personal data is a separate and
distinct right (McDermott, 2017).
The acknowledgment of legitimate sureness in regard to the security of individual
information in Indonesia is the death of Regulation Number 27 of 2022 concerning
Individual Information Assurance (UU PDP), and it goes about as a lawful umbrella for
the insurance of individual information in Indonesia. The execution of individual
information assurance can't be carried out ideally in light of the fact that there are no
establishments commanded by the PDP Regulation. In view of Article 58 of the PDP
Regulation, it is stressed that the Public authority plays a part in understanding the
execution of individual information security through a foundation that has been laid out
and is mindful to the President.
Before the death of the PDP Regulation, guidelines with respect to the insurance
of individual information were spread across a few government establishments, for
example, the Service of Correspondence and Data of the Republic of Indonesia, the
Overall Political Race Commission of the Republic of Indonesia, the Service of Home
Issues of the Republic of Indonesia, the Monetary Administrations Authority, Bank
Indonesia and the Police of the Republic of Indonesia. The abnormality of these
guidelines causes irreconcilable situations between foundations in executing individual
information assurance. Personal data protection will also be difficult to implement in
Indonesia because there are no law enforcement agencies to protect personal data.
Research Method
This examination utilizes standardizing juridical strategies which are done by
looking at library materials (auxiliary materials) connected with individual information
security organizations and the execution of individual information assurance in
Indonesia. The information utilized in this examination is essential to legitimate
materials such as legal guidelines, auxiliary lawful materials such as books, diaries,
reports, classes, and tertiary legitimate materials, to be specific word references as well
as reference books. The information that has been obtained is then examined utilizing a
subjective illustrative technique, to specifically portray the lawful realities found and
The Urgency Of Personal Data Protection Agencies In
Sustaining The Resilience Of The Digital World
Vol. 3, No. 6 June 2024
afterward connecting them to important positive legitimate standards (Syamsudin,
By examining and analyzing legislation and regulations related to the legal issues
under investigation, this research employs a statute approach. The resolution approach
in this exploration is utilized to survey the direness of an information security authority
and to exhaustively audit government activities connected with individual information
security in Indonesia.
Result and Discussion
Government Roles and Actions in Protecting Personal Data
The security of individual information is important for the insurance of protection
privileges, which is the right of an individual (individual) or a group to determine
whether or not information relating to themselves can be processed and communicated
to other parties (Syamsudin, 2021).The emergence of these rights is in line with the
various rights granted by law to humans, including:
1. Human rights, are natural rights that are inherent in humans from birth and cannot
be reduced, eliminated, or ignored for any reason. A person must be protected by his
natural rights by the state.
2. Material rights, these rights relate to a person's ownership or control of an object,
whether movable or immovable. Everyone is obliged to respect the existence of
material rights because they are absolute.
3. Individual rights, these rights relate to a person's right to sue and/or charge someone
and can only be defended against other people..
Assurance of individual information is firmly connected with Regulation Number
39 of 1999 concerning Basic liberties (Common freedoms Regulation) which is perceived
by the State. In view of Article 2 of the Human Rights Law, is to recognize and uphold
human rights and basic human freedoms as natural rights that are inherent in the self
and cannot be separated from humans, so they need to be protected, respected, and
upheld to increase human dignity, welfare, happiness, and intelligence and justice.
Security of individual information inside the system of the right to protection can be
found in the definition of Article 32 of the Basic Freedoms Regulation which makes sense
that autonomy and privacy in correspondence, including correspondences through
electronic means, should not be upset by request of an adjudicator or other genuine
power by the arrangements of legal guidelines. - greeting.
In light of the portrayal over, the State should safeguard individual information.
Before the issuance of the PDP Regulation, the commitment to safeguard individual
information was managed in Unofficial Law Number 80 of 2019 concerning Exchanging
through Electronic Frameworks. In light of Article 58 of the guideline, it makes sense to:
“(1) Any personal data is treated as the personal property of the person or Business
Actor concerned;
(2) Every Business Actor who obtains personal data as intended in paragraph (1) is
obliged to act as a mandate developer in storing and controlling personal data by the
provisions of statutory regulations."
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Dhea Yulia Maharani
, Suparno
Personal data is classified as property rights in the realm of Indonesian civil law
which does not limit personal data as objects, because its nature can be called an
intangible object. If it has been processed in such a way, personal data can become big
data that will have economic value to the owner and can be maintained by other parties
(Niffari, 2020). The state carries out its obligations to recognize and be considerate of the
rights and liberties of others in order to meet reasonable demands while taking security
and public order into account. In view of this, the government provided Regulation
Number 11 of 2008 concerning Data and Electronic Exchanges ("UU ITE") which
characterizes individual information as electronic data as in Article 1 number 1 of the ITE
Regulation which makes sense as follows:
“Electronic Information is one or a collection of electronic data, including but not
limited to writing, sound, images, maps, plans, photos, electronic data interchange (EDI),
electronic mail, telegram, telex, telecopy or the like, letters, signs, numbers, Access Codes,
symbols, or processed perforations that have meaning or can be understood by a person
capable of understanding them.”
The legitimate instruments as executing guidelines for the ITE Regulation were
then carried out in Unofficial law Number 71 of 2019 concerning the Execution of
Electronic Frameworks and Exchanges (PP PSTE). In view of Article 1 number 29 PP
PSTE makes sense that individual information is any information about an individual,
whether recognized or potentially recognizable exclusively or joined with other data,
either straightforwardly or in a roundabout way, through electronic as well as non-
electronic frameworks. Security of individual information in the ITE Regulation
incorporates security from unapproved use, assurance for electronic framework
administrators, as well as assurance from unlawful access (SAFIRA, 2021).
As stipulated in PP PSTE, the Ministry of Communication and Information
(Kemkominfo) fulfilled the government's obligations to safeguard personal data. The
Service of Correspondence and Information is given the task of carrying out supervision
as stated in Article 35 PP PSTE as follows:
“(1) The Minister is authorized to supervise the operation of Electronic Systems.
(2) The supervision referred to in paragraph (1) includes monitoring, controlling,
inspecting, investigating, and securing.
(3) Provisions regarding the supervision of the operation of Electronic Systems in certain
sectors must be established by the relevant Ministries or Agencies after coordinating
with the Minister.”
The ITE Law classifies electronic system operators into two categories: “Public
Scope Electronic System Operators” and “Private Scope Electronic System Operators.”
Public scope electronic system operators are those managed by state institutions or
institutions designated by state institutions. Private-scope electronic system operators
are those managed by people, business substances, and general society. In case of
framework disappointment or serious disturbance brought about by different
gatherings influencing the electronic framework, the electronic framework
administrator is expected to get the data as well as electronic archives and quickly report
it at the principal opportunity to police the Service of Correspondence and Data
Innovation, as specified in Article 24 passage (1) of the PP PSTE.
The Urgency Of Personal Data Protection Agencies In
Sustaining The Resilience Of The Digital World
Vol. 3, No. 6 June 2024
The government has a role in the PP PSTE as stated in Article 90 of the PP PSTE as
follows: “The Government's role in the operation of Electronic Systems and Transactions
a. Facilitate the use of Information Technology and Electronic Transactions by statutory
b. Protecting public interests from all types of disturbances resulting from misuse of
Electronic Information and Electronic Transactions which disrupt public order, under
the provisions of laws and regulations;
c. Prevent the dissemination and use of Electronic Information and/or Electronic
Documents which contain prohibited content under the provisions of laws and
regulations; And
d.Determine agencies or institutions that have strategic electronic data that must be
To fortify individual information security, the Public authority along with the Place
of Agents of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) authorized the Individual Information
Assurance Regulation (UU PDP) in 2022. The UU PDP is a gathering of dispersed
guidelines on private information, efficiently organized. The execution of individual
information assurance through the UU PDP depends on a few standards, including
(Faisal & Indriani, 2022):
a. Personal data must be obtained legally and honestly;
b. Personal data must be used for a specific and legitimate purpose, so processing
personal data in ways that do not align with the established purpose is not allowed;
c. Personal data must be adequate, relevant, and specific about the processing purpose;
d. Personal data must be accurate and up-to-date, ensuring that any inaccurate or
irrelevant data is deleted or corrected;
e. The processing of personal data must be by the rights of the data subjects as stipulated
by laws and regulations;
f. Security measures must be taken to anticipate unauthorized data processing and
prevent both expected and unexpected losses;
g. Data must not be stored for a long period or beyond the necessary duration for data
collection and processing purposes;
h. Organizations must be held accountable for the principles and rights of personal data
These principles are expressly regulated in Article 16 of the PDP Law so that the
implementation of personal data protection in carrying out roles and functions is guided
by the principles as stipulated in the PDP Law. In order to strengthen the government's
role in implementing personal data protection, the PDP Law mandates the establishment
of an institution that plays a role in implementing personal data protection as stipulated
in Article 58 of the PDP Law.
The Urgency of a Personal Data Protection Institution within the Framework of
Digital World Resilience
Article 58 of the Individual Information Security Regulation orders the foundation
of an establishment as a substantial sign of the Public authority's activity in executing
individual information assurance. The establishment of a personal data protection
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Dhea Yulia Maharani
, Suparno
institution is required to symbolize the State's presence in society and achieve legal
certainty in the area of personal data protection. Individual information security in
Indonesia preceding the issuance of the Individual Information Insurance Regulation
had a trademark highlight, to be specific being sectoral. Bank Indonesia and the Financial
Services Authority, for example, were responsible for personal data protection in the
banking industry. It prompted the execution of individual information assurance not
being done completely and comprehensively. Rules connected with individual
information security were as yet broad in nature, so the idea of individual information
assurance was not explicitly and obviously directed and carried out (Makarim, 2005).
Indonesia is one of the nations with the biggest number of web clients on the
planet, with a total of 212.9 million users. The Central Statistics Agency explains that
Indonesia's population in 2022 was 275 million, with a conclusion that 77 percent of
Indonesia's population has used the Internet (Utomo, Gultom, & Afriana, 2020). In light
of this information, it tends to be seen that the quantity of individual information
subjects in Indonesia is exceptionally high. The implementation of personal data
protection is affected by the high number of personal data subjects in Indonesia. As a
result, it is anticipated that the institution for the protection of personal data will be able
to address the concerns regarding personal data in Indonesia, which has a large number
of subjects.
Another nation with a high rate of personal data leaks is Indonesia. In light of
information delivered by network safety organization Surfshark, Indonesia is the third
country with the biggest number of information spill cases on the planet. It was recorded
that 12.74 million records experienced information spills in Indonesia during the second
from last quarter of 2022 (Yonatan, 2023). The high number of data leaks in Indonesia
reinforces the fact that the enforcement and supervision of Indonesia still lacks adequate
protections for personal data. Aside from that, this additionally makes sense of the way
that administration foundations, for this situation, the Service of Correspondence and
Data or related establishments, have not ideally completed their jobs and work in
overseeing and administering the flow of electronic information as well as data.
In the Southeast Asia locale, the country that has great individual information
security foundations is Singapore. Singapore has an individual information security
foundation, in particular the Individual Information Insurance Commission and
Organization which was framed by the Individual Information Assurance
Demonstration of 2012. This organization was framed by the applicable clergyman with
the accompanying obligations and capabilities (Annur, 2022a):
a. Empowering mindfulness in regards to the assurance of individual information for
the general population;
b. Get grumblings, discussion, backing, specialized, arranging, and different
administrations connected with individual information insurance;
c. Giving contribution to the public authority in regards to issues connecting with the
assurance of individual information;
d. representing the government in international forums regarding personal data
The Urgency Of Personal Data Protection Agencies In
Sustaining The Resilience Of The Digital World
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e. Doing studies, examinations, training, and investigation connected with the assurance
of individual information.
A legal regulation must be understandable and of concern to the public. So far,
public awareness regarding personal data protection tends to be low. Based on the
results of research between the Ministry of Communication and Information and the
Katadata Insight Center in 2021 with a survey sample of 10,000 respondents from 34
provinces and 514 districts/cities throughout Indonesia, it was concluded that 53.6
percent of Indonesian people had a low level of personal data protection (Doly, 2021).
The low level of awareness of the Indonesian people regarding the protection of personal
data should be a concern for the government. There is a need for an institution that
specifically provides intensive education to the public considering that in the current
era, personal data is a commodity with economic value (Annur, 2022b).
The PDP Law as a rule and legal umbrella for implementing personal data
protection requires the existence of a government regulation as an implementing
regulation of the law. Several articles in the PDP Law explain that further provisions
regarding an article in the PDP Law are regulated in government regulations. Until now,
there are still no government regulations as stated in the PDP Law. Substantial matters
regarding procedures for imposing compensation for violations of personal data
processing are further regulated in government regulations, but due to the absence of
government regulations, compensation efforts for violations of personal data processing
cannot yet be implemented. The principle of protecting personal data is that it can be
accounted for, so this principle cannot be implemented optimally.
The clarifications above are a portion of the issues in carrying out private
information security in Indonesia. The presence of the PDP Regulation can't tackle the
issue of safeguarding individual information as a whole but requires an institution that
specifically monitors and takes action if there is a violation of individual information
security according to the arrangements in the PDP Regulation. Given the significance of
providing education on personal data protection, institutions for personal data
protection are also required. Indonesian people with a low level of awareness.
In view of the depiction given, it tends to be reasoned that before the foundation
of the individual information security establishment, the execution of individual
information assurance was still sectoral in unambiguous fields. It resulted in regulations
regarding personal data protection being confined to narrow scopes, thus not
comprehensively and massively regulated. Additionally, the government's
implementation of personal data protection was conducted by relevant institutions,
namely the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kemkominfo),
which oversees the communication and information sector in Indonesia. The legitimate
structure for the execution of individual information security before the order of the
Individual Information Assurance Regulation (UU PDP) actually alluded to the Data
and Electronic Exchanges Regulation (UU ITE), which in a general sense didn't explicitly
and unequivocally manage individual information security in light of the standards of
individual information protection.
General institutions cannot immediately resolve the personal data management
issue in Indonesia. A specific foundation zeroed in on supervising the administration of
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Dhea Yulia Maharani
, Suparno
individual information is required, working as a device to smother infringement of
individual information security. The large number of web clients, the elevated degree of
information releases, the low familiarity with individual information security, and the
shortcomings of government foundations in tending to infringement of individual
information security highlight the direness of laying out an individual information
security organization in Indonesia.
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