Commitment, with a sig value of 0.001 and a rcount of 3.409, greater than the rtable of
1.672. Variable (X3) Organizational Support has no effect on Organizational
Commitment, shown by a sig value of 0.127 and a rcount of 1.549, which is less than the
rtable of 1.672. The F test indicates a sig value of 0.000, meaning that simultaneously,
Person-Job Fit, Person-Organization Fit, and Organizational Support significantly
influence Organizational Commitment. The Adjusted R2 value of 0.750 indicates that
75% of the variation in Organizational Commitment can be explained by Person-Job Fit,
Person-Organization Fit, and Organizational Support, with the remaining 25%
influenced by other variables.
According to research results, Person-Organization Fit has a significant positive
influence on organizational commitment. This shows that the higher the Person-
Organization Fit felt by employees, the higher the level of employee organizational
commitment to staying at Boyolali University. Boyolali University is expected to
improve Person-Organization Fit by fulfilling employee rights, maintaining trust,
creating a family, creating a comfortable work environment, and involving employees
in decision-making. By implementing this strategy, Boyolali University can increase
Person-Organization Fit so that it can strengthen employee commitment to the
For further research, it is hoped that there will be additional variables that might
also influence research with the same theme. By including other variables, researchers
can gain a more complete understanding of organizational commitment. Also,
considering additional variables can enrich the analysis and provide deeper insights in
the same research context.
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