Indonesia. Strengthening the Pancasila student profile has a focus on instilling character
and individual competencies or skills in the daily lives of students. This is carried out
through extracurricular learning, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities. The three
elements are then united into a school culture which is the climate or atmosphere of the
school in interacting and communicating (Nahdiyah, Arifin, & Juharyanto, 2022).
The concept of the Pancasila student profile is believed to be one of the
government's alternatives for fixing various national problems through education. The
improvement starts from developing the actualization of students, in this case, the
character of students. However, character problems in students in Indonesia are still a
major problem. Moreover, the decline in values and morals in students was caused by
the Covid-19 pandemic. According to a survey conducted by the Research and
Development Agency of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
(Balitbang Kemenag RI), the average character index of students at the secondary
education level has decreased. In 2021, the student character index was 69.52, down two
points from the previous year's indicative figure of 71.41 (Murtadlo, Basri, & Alia, 2021).
The reason for this decline is thought to be due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
This was because the character survey was conducted when the world of education was
facing the COVID-19 pandemic, so this situation is thought to have affected the level of
the character index of students that year.
According to (Muchtarom, 2017), the existence of moral decadence and the loss of
national character from society have led to the decline of the life of the nation and state
in Indonesia. Conversely, the existence of good morals and character can realize the good
personality of the nation. This will have an impact on the welfare of society. In addition,
according to (Lickona, 1992), the character is the result of a harmonious combination of
goodness recognized by religious traditions, literary stories, wise figures, and leading
thinkers in history. Meanwhile, morality is one of the components of good character
(Wueste, 2018). Therefore, the current curriculum component, in this case, the Pancasila
learner profile, must be able to fix and develop the character of Indonesian students as
it should be, namely the spirit of Pancasila.
The implementation of the Pancasila student profile has not been well
implemented until now. With the situation that has just recovered from the COVID-19
pandemic, technical implementation in the field, and other obstacles are some of the
factors that can translate the process of implementing the Pancasila student profile.
Through research by (Kahfi, 2022), it is stated that several implementation barriers in
implementation such as the limited duration of teaching and learning activities in
schools, mastery of technical skills from teachers such as educational technology, and
variations in developing learning strategies. Then, parenting patterns that do not pay
attention to children's learning development are also one of the factors. In addition, the
same thing was also contained in the results of research conducted by (Rudiawan &
Cahyono, 2022) which states that the ability factor of teachers and education personnel
seen from certification is also an obstacle in implementing the implementation of the
Pancasila student profile.
The Pancasila Student Profile has six main criteria, namely faith, fear of God and
noble character, global diversity, cooperation, independence, critical thinking, and