Volume 3 Number 4 April 2024
p- ISSN 2963-3648- e-ISSN 2964-8653
Anang Estu Pribadi
, Marzuki
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, indonesia
Abstract: This research aims to: 1) Analyze the implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile
Project in strengthening the critical thinking character of students, and 2) analyze the inhibiting
factors in the implementation of the Pancasila Learner Profile Strengthening Project in
strengthening the critical thinking character of students at SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta. This research
deploys a qualitative research approach with a case study method. The purposeful sampling
technique is used in recruiting research participants, and the data collection strategy encompasses
observations, interviews, and documentation. The data gathered is validated through triangulation
techniques and multiple-source triangulation. The data gathered is analyzed using Miles and
Huberman’s models of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of
this study show: 1) the implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5)
in strengthening the character of critical thinking is integrated with the use of project-based and
problem-based learning methods in P5 comprehensive themes. The combination of learning from
all themes can develop students’ skills in critical citizenship characteristics; and 2) P5
implementation, internal and external obstacles are miscommunications affecting coordination
and implementation. These miscommunications are caused by various factors. Thus, increasing
awareness and strong collaboration among each school element are crucial.
Keywords: Critical Thinking; Implementation; Pancasila Student Profile
In the last few years, Indonesia has always prioritized character education as the
main competency that must be raised by students. The presence of the Pancasila Student
Profile in the 2022 Merdeka Belajar Curriculum draft is proof that the Indonesian
government is serious about implementing and prioritizing character education. Long
before that, character education was made the goal of National Education as stated in
Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System in Article 3 which
states that education is a process carried out to develop the potential of students in terms
of spiritual, cognitive, skills, and character. This process is then poured through the
realization of the process of learning and the learning atmosphere.
After the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum, an important part of the
curriculum is the Pancasila Student Profile. This concept is believed to be a design to
answer the debate about the competencies produced by the education process in
Vol. 3, No. 4 April 2024
Indonesia. Strengthening the Pancasila student profile has a focus on instilling character
and individual competencies or skills in the daily lives of students. This is carried out
through extracurricular learning, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities. The three
elements are then united into a school culture which is the climate or atmosphere of the
school in interacting and communicating (Nahdiyah, Arifin, & Juharyanto, 2022).
The concept of the Pancasila student profile is believed to be one of the
government's alternatives for fixing various national problems through education. The
improvement starts from developing the actualization of students, in this case, the
character of students. However, character problems in students in Indonesia are still a
major problem. Moreover, the decline in values and morals in students was caused by
the Covid-19 pandemic. According to a survey conducted by the Research and
Development Agency of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
(Balitbang Kemenag RI), the average character index of students at the secondary
education level has decreased. In 2021, the student character index was 69.52, down two
points from the previous year's indicative figure of 71.41 (Murtadlo, Basri, & Alia, 2021).
The reason for this decline is thought to be due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
This was because the character survey was conducted when the world of education was
facing the COVID-19 pandemic, so this situation is thought to have affected the level of
the character index of students that year.
According to (Muchtarom, 2017), the existence of moral decadence and the loss of
national character from society have led to the decline of the life of the nation and state
in Indonesia. Conversely, the existence of good morals and character can realize the good
personality of the nation. This will have an impact on the welfare of society. In addition,
according to (Lickona, 1992), the character is the result of a harmonious combination of
goodness recognized by religious traditions, literary stories, wise figures, and leading
thinkers in history. Meanwhile, morality is one of the components of good character
(Wueste, 2018). Therefore, the current curriculum component, in this case, the Pancasila
learner profile, must be able to fix and develop the character of Indonesian students as
it should be, namely the spirit of Pancasila.
The implementation of the Pancasila student profile has not been well
implemented until now. With the situation that has just recovered from the COVID-19
pandemic, technical implementation in the field, and other obstacles are some of the
factors that can translate the process of implementing the Pancasila student profile.
Through research by (Kahfi, 2022), it is stated that several implementation barriers in
implementation such as the limited duration of teaching and learning activities in
schools, mastery of technical skills from teachers such as educational technology, and
variations in developing learning strategies. Then, parenting patterns that do not pay
attention to children's learning development are also one of the factors. In addition, the
same thing was also contained in the results of research conducted by (Rudiawan &
Cahyono, 2022) which states that the ability factor of teachers and education personnel
seen from certification is also an obstacle in implementing the implementation of the
Pancasila student profile.
The Pancasila Student Profile has six main criteria, namely faith, fear of God and
noble character, global diversity, cooperation, independence, critical thinking, and
Enhancing Students Critical Thinking Skills Through Pancasila
Student Profile Strengthening Project At SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta
Vol. 3, No. 4 April 2024
creativity. Based on these six main characteristics, critical thinking is one of the
characteristics. Cultivating the character of critical thinking in every learner needs to be
done. Students need the character of critical thinking to solve and overcome a problem.
Critical thinking is a cognitive process that involves the specific and systematic analysis
of problems, accuracy in separating problems and determining information to develop
problem-solving strategies (Azizah, Sulianto, & Cintang, 2018). Critical thinking skills
and characters are something that must be taught, instilled, and developed in schools.
This should be done so that students can face and solve the problems around them
critically and skillfully.
According to the results of the Global Index of Cognitive Skills and Educational
Attainment-overall Results program in 2012, the cognitive abilities of Indonesian people
were ranked at the bottom of the 40 countries that participated in the program survey
(Sulistyanto, 2014). Additionally, in 2018 the results of the Program for International
Student Assessment (PISA) by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD), about 27 percent of Indonesian students have 1b competency in
literacy. This means that the level of Indonesian students can only comprehend the
easiest texts, such as capturing the information given explicitly, for example, the title text
of a simple article or a simple list text. Similarly, in the fields of science and mathematics,
each obtained 35 percent and 71 percent at the lowest level, respectively (Wuryanto &
Abduh, 2022). In 2022 Indonesia's PISA score also declined, although its ranking rose.
This year's PISA score was also heavily influenced by the impact of the pandemic
(Kemendikbudristek, 2023).
In addition, another research entitled World's Most Literate Nations Ranked by
Central Connecticut State University in 2016 shows that Indonesia's literacy level is
ranked 60th out of 61 countries (Anisa, Ipungkarti, & Saffanah, 2021). This indicates that
the literacy and critical thinking skills of Indonesian people are already low, even from
an early age. Therefore, it is important for Indonesian national education to improve,
especially at the cognitive level in the form of critical thinking character.
One of the ways to strengthen character in Indonesia today is through an
independent curriculum with the ultimate goal of forming the character of the Pancasila
student profile. One of the characters formed is the character of critical thinking.
Strengthening this character is important because the quality of critical thinking of
students in Indonesia is still weak. On the other hand, the implementation of the
Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project has encountered many obstacles. In
addition, the application of the independent curriculum in the Pancasila Student Profile
Strengthening Project is still newly implemented and has many obstacles. This indicates
the need for scientific strengthening through research that can map the shortcomings,
advantages, urgency, and meaningfulness of the implementation of the project. The
purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile
Strengthening Project which will focus on strengthening the critical thinking character
of students. This research is expected to contribute to strengthening theoretically and
practically the implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project.
Vol. 3, No. 4 April 2024
Research Method
This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study research method.
Based on the opinion (Ibrahim, 2017), a case study is a series of scientific activities whose
implementation is carried out in in-depth, detail, intensity, and detail regarding a
program, activity, or event. This research was conducted at the State Vocational High
School (SMK) 3 Yogyakarta. The research site was chosen because SMK Negeri 3
Yogyakarta is one of the oldest schools in Indonesia. This brings an indication that this
school is one of the schools that has a strong school culture. This is because the school
system and culture have certainly undergone many developments. In addition, SMK
Negeri 3 Yogyakarta is a school with a cadet-based school culture that can build a solid
character for students.
Determination of research subjects using purposive techniques. Data collection
techniques used in this research are observation, interview, and documentation. Data
collection used interview guides, observation sheets, and document checklists. Data
validity checks used triangulation techniques and source triangulation. Data analysis
used the interactive analysis technique of the Miles and Huberman model with the steps
of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing (Miles & Matthew, 2014).
This study will focus on the implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile
Strengthening Project and the concept of critical thinking. The Pancasila Student Profile
Strengthening Project is a form of interdisciplinary learning that aims to observe and
find solutions to problems that occur in the surrounding environment. Through the
Project-Based Learning method, the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5)
provides space for students to participate actively, interactively, and contextually and
can draw from experiences with the surrounding environment that can strengthen
character values in accordance with the Pancasila Student Profile (Aditomo et al., 2021).
Critical thinking can be defined as a metacognitive process that involves several
sub-skills such as analysis, evaluation, and inference. This application if done correctly
will increase the likelihood of a reasonable conclusion in an argument or solution to a
problem (Dwyer, Hogan, & Stewart, 2014). Based on the understanding of some of the
literature, critical thinking skills are not just logical thinking but develop into how
thinking can be used to resolve conflicts and make decisions.
In general, critical thinking skills are cognitive processes that involve a specific and
systematic analysis of problems, rigour in separating problems and determining
information to develop problem-solving strategies (Azizah et al., 2018). In addition,
according to Purnomo, critical learners are Pancasila learners who are able to obtain
good information objectively. This is done in both quantitative and qualitative ways,
able to relate, analyze, evaluate, and conclude various information (Purnomo & Pratiwi,
There are several indicators of critical thinking character that show the main
characteristics of the growth of critical thinking character in students. These indicators
consist of several main points including obtaining and processing information and ideas
by asking questions, identifying, and clarifying. Then, processing information and ideas;
Enhancing Students Critical Thinking Skills Through Pancasila
Student Profile Strengthening Project At SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta
Vol. 3, No. 4 April 2024
analyze and evaluating reasoning; reflect and evaluate their own thinking (Felicia, 2021).
Then the indicators are summarised again by (Ernawati & Rahmawati, 2022)with
indicator points in the following table.
Table 1
Indicators of Critical Thinking
Indicators of Critical Thinking.
Sub Indicator.
Acquire and process information and
a. Identifying, clarifying, and processing
information and ideas
b. Asking questions
c. Reading critically
d. Develop observation skills
e. Enhancing curiosity
f. Productive discussion
Analyse and evaluate reasoning
a. Reasoning and analysing information
b. Increase analytical power
c. Relate various information obtained
d. Skills to analyze a problem
Reflecting and evaluating
a. Summarise and present information
well, clearly, and systematically
b. Evaluation skills
c. Ability to give an argument
d. Evaluate the results of analysis and
In addition, in the context of critical thinking as a citizen, (Johnson & Morris, 2010)
formulated a conceptual framework called critical citizenship. The framework was born
from the intersection between the concepts of critical thinking and critical pedagogy. The
four categories are ideology, collectivity, subjectivity, and praxis. Some of these elements
are then translated into several discussion points that are more related to the civic
education curriculum, namely politics; society and interaction; the self; and reflection,
action, engagement, and possibility.
Result And Discussion
Enhancing Students' Critical Thinking Skills through Pancasila Student Profile
Strengthening Project
The implementation of P5 in the tenth grade with the theme of sustainable
lifestyles is done by utilizing used items such as plastic bottles, paper, cloth, etc. into
useful and reusable items. This aims to reduce waste and utilize existing resources. One
example of materials used by tenth-grade students is mineral water bottles. Grade ten
students can make various items from mineral water bottles, such as flower vases,
decorative lamps, toys, and others.
Vol. 3, No. 4 April 2024
The utilization of used goods refers to the learners' understanding of the influence
of human activities, both in the short and longer term, on the sustainability of life in the
world and the surrounding environment. The existence of waste caused by the
accumulation of used or unused goods is an impact of human activity. Therefore, the
utilization of used goods is one of the efforts to build awareness in students to be
environmentally friendly. In addition, students are also given an understanding of the
potential environmental crisis that can be sustained because of the accumulation of
This increased understanding of the environment can certainly increase learners'
commitment, participation, and responsibility as citizens. (Cogan & Derricott, 2014)
mentions that a citizen who is committed to participating in public life, who plays an
active role in it, and who is responsible is the definition of a good citizen. Therefore, to
make students good citizens, learning is not only based on learning to know, but also on
learning to do, learning to be, and learning to live together (Delors, 2013). The
implementation of P5 in grade ten with the theme of sustainable lifestyles seems to have
started using these principles. The lessons have been applied to the practice that learners
must do by looking at the surrounding environment which implies learning to do and
learning to be, as well as working on tasks in groups which implies learning to live
Grade twelve in the implementation of P5 has the theme of Work Culture and
Employment which is related to the development of abilities in accordance with the field
of expertise, based on an understanding of employment conditions, employment
opportunities, and work readiness, to adapt to the needs of the current world of work.
Then, related to the theme of work culture that forms positive attitudes and behavior as
a work culture in accordance with the standards demanded in the world of work. The
implementation of P5 in grade twelve is carried out by prioritizing practices that will be
useful for them in finding work. In its implementation, teachers provide a basic
understanding of work ethics, ethics, and values in the workplace. This understanding
is important so that students know how important the knowledge, skills, and character
or attitude must be when working. This is because, in the 21st century, the skills needed
tend to be abilities such as creativity, innovation, curiosity, intelligence, and adaptability
to improve personal quality (Care, Griffin, & McGaw, 2012).
In the practical implementation, grade twelve students are given assignments such
as making job interview videos, practicing psychological tests, making CVs, making job
application letters, and so on. This is done with the aim of including the preparation of
students in facing the competitive world of work, building self-confidence, motivation
to achieve the desired career, real experience in the job selection process, and self-
evaluation of students to identify strengths, weaknesses, and potential and interests that
need to be developed. The existence of these objectives is an elaboration of the
framework for 21st-century learning, which is based on three main categories (Trilling
& Fadel, 2009). Primarily, learning and innovation skills include learning innovative
skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving, creativity and innovation,
communication, and collaboration.
Enhancing Students Critical Thinking Skills Through Pancasila
Student Profile Strengthening Project At SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta
Vol. 3, No. 4 April 2024
Eleventh grade implemented P5 with the theme Voice of Democracy which relates
to students' understanding of the meaning of democracy, its relationship with
government systems in Indonesia, the role of individuals in the sustainability of
Pancasila democracy, and so on. One of the implementations includes several activities,
such as providing material related to the meaning of democracy including elections and
its history. In conveying the meaning of democracy, students are asked to see an
explanation through a video which is then summarized and then presented.
The same process is applied to the election material, which is carried out by
delivering the material and assigning a concept map which is a way of analyzing
information carried out by students. This activity represents an indicator of critical
thinking as described by (Ernawati & Rahmawati, 2022) that learners obtain information
that involves identification, critical reading, observing, and so on. In this activity,
learners observe video materials and teacher explanations. Then, learners analyze the
information they have obtained, which is related to reasoning and skills in analyzing
information. Details can be seen in the following table.
Table 2
Implementation of Critical Thinking Indicators
Indicators of Critical
Sub Indicator.
Acquire and process
information and ideas
a. Identifying, clarifying,
and processing
information and ideas
b. Asking questions
c. Reading critically
d. Develop observation
e. Enhancing curiosity
f. Productive discussion
g. Observe video
materials on
democracy and
h. Observing the teacher's
i. Asking questions
Analyse and evaluate
a. Reasoning and
analysing information
b. Increase analytical
c. Relate various
information obtained
d. Skills to analyze a
e. Summarize the content
of the video material
on the meaning of
democracy and
f. Analyzing the
summary material
g. Working on summaries
into presentation
h. Using concept maps on
election material
Vol. 3, No. 4 April 2024
i. Discussion process
involving questions
and answers
Reflecting and evaluating
a. Summarise and
present information
well, clearly, and
b. Evaluation skills
c. Ability to give an
d. Evaluate the results of
analysis and reflection
e. Provide conclusions
f. Providing arguments
or opinions
Supporting Factors and Constraints of the Implementation of the Pancasila Student
Profile Strengthening Project in Strengthening Critical Thinking Character
The implementation of a program cannot be separated from the driving factors
that support the implementation of the program, as well as the obstacles that hinder the
program. The existence of driving factors is caused by several things that are internal,
such as the motivation and awareness of students, teachers, and other school residents.
Then, external supporting factors such as the influence of family and society. Some of
these factors also support and influence each other in the implementation of this
In the internal factors supporting the implementation of P5, students' participation
in the implementation of P5 at SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta is driven by self-motivation.
Motivation is also an example of Performance Virtue which characterizes character that
has instrumental value in realizing intellectual, moral, and civic virtues (Jubilee Centre
for Character and Virtues, 2017, p. 5).
External factors driving the implementation of P5 are the influence of the family
and community environment. The emphasis in this explanation is on the central role of
parents as drivers of students in terms of morality and material. This means that parents
play a role in providing assistance to students in P5 from various aspects, such as
morality and material. Morality is an attitude and behavior that is in accordance with
the norms and ethics prevailing in society. Meanwhile, materials are the resources
needed to implement P5, such as money, tools, materials, and so on. This can be
attributed to the opinion of (Guastello, Guastello, & Briggs, 2014) who asserts the
importance of positive parenting for the development of social behavior in children,
including moral judgment, responsibility, self-regulation, and mastery motivation.
Based on this opinion, it can be said that parental involvement is important in
encouraging the development of students' character.
There are also obstacles that hinder the implementation of P5. First, from an
internal school perspective, teacher coordination is still considered lacking. The cause of
this is the number of teachers that must be coordinated by the coordinator. This lack of
coordination between teachers eventually led to a lot of miscommunications so some
Enhancing Students Critical Thinking Skills Through Pancasila
Student Profile Strengthening Project At SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta
Vol. 3, No. 4 April 2024
teachers did not know what to do. In addition, the involvement of teachers in preparing
for P5 is still considered lacking. It is hoped that the inhibiting factors that have been
described can be used as evaluation material for the school.
Miscommunication is a common problem that can occur in any activity. Especially,
if miscommunication occurs in activities that involve many people such as at SMK
Negeri 3 Yogyakarta. Based on data from the teacher profile of SMK Negeri 3
Yogyakarta, the number of teachers there is 117, the education personnel is 34, and the
students are in 1998. Therefore, it is natural that there are communication problems in
the implementation of an activity. However, this can be minimized by developing a
more systemic and comprehensive plan.
Another obstacle that is also the center of attention in the implementation of P5 is
budgeting. In the implementation of P5, there is no special budget at all, relying solely
on school funds. The guidebook also does not mention the budget at all. In fact, the
implementation of P5 with project-based learning requires a large budget. For example,
the implementation of the election and the practice of election situations require funds
for tools that support the learning.
In the absence of special funds, the school uses its own funds, which are also
assisted by the committee. On the other hand, not a few teachers donated a little money
for the implementation of this P5 activity. This is an added value to the quality of a
teacher. Teacher quality means a teacher's specific contribution to learner outcomes that
is independent of other components of the educational process (Corriveau & Winters,
2019). In this case, SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta teachers have proven their quality as
teachers who contribute to students' learning outcomes.
Based on the explanation throughout this paper, several points of conclusion can
be drawn. First, the implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening
Project (P5) in strengthening critical thinking character is in the form of learning through
assignments and practice using problem-based and project-based learning methods. The
implementation was carried out on the subject matter of utilization of used goods, the
electoral system and democracy in Indonesia, as well as work ethics and culture. Each
material represents the themes of sustainable lifestyles, democratic voices, and
employment that lead to awareness of the environment, democracy, and the ability to
work. Learning is carried out on the basis of critical thinking characteristics such as
identifying, analyzing, evaluating, and concluding information, as well as habituation
in presenting arguments in solving a problem.
Second, the driving factors and constraints on the implementation of P5 are
divided into two parts, namely internal and external factors. Internal factors in the form
of self-motivation of students and teachers. This encourages other forms of internal
factors such as learner participation in P5, as well as continuous habituation that is
continued in the implementation of school culture. The obstacles in this implementation
are miscommunication and budget. In external factors related to the family environment,
through interactions with friends, teachers, and families who are supportive of students
Vol. 3, No. 4 April 2024
in implementing P5. The obstacles in this implementation refer more to the family and
community environment which is constrained by differences in background and culture.
We would like to sincerely thank the Principal of SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta, the
Vice Principal for Curriculum, and the Vice Principal for Student Affairs, as well as all
the teachers who have provided invaluable support and assistance during our research
process. Thank you also to the students who have been our research subjects, for their
outstanding participation and dedication. All the contributions and assistance provided
have helped us carry out our research well.
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