deal with these changes because strategies are a way to achieve goals and accomplish
the desired changes. Change management strategies are needed to improve the quality
of education in educational institutions, including private schools. This involves
effective planning, good organization, and exploration of evaluation methods to
measure the impact of change and celebrate achievements (Rahayu, 2022).
According to (Arifin, 2017), Management is an action that directs human resources
and all available equipment to achieve what was previously intended. Management is
also understood as a process that involves the use of resources through management
functions, namely planning, organizing, mobilizing, and controlling, to achieve the
desired results effectively and efficiently. Meanwhile, change refers to the act of doing
work using new things such as flow, technology, systems, procedures, and so on that
significantly disrupt the pre-existing system. When applied in educational institutions,
such changes include modifications to the resources owned by the school, including
changes in human resources, educational equipment, and other aspects that are
prioritized to achieve the set educational goals (Baidowi, 2022).
Change management, according to (Wibowo, 2011) in (Menda et al., 2018), Change
management is defined as a systematic process of applying the necessary knowledge,
tools, and resources to effect change in individuals who will be affected by the change
process. According to a different view, change management is considered as tools,
processes, and techniques to manage individuals during the change process, to achieve
desired results, and to realize change effectively in a team, individual, or wider system.
In this case, proper planning to prepare, equip, and support individuals within the
organization to successfully adopt change is considered an integral part of change
management (Murti et al., 2021).
In addition, the effectiveness of an organizational change requires the
development of an effective organizational change strategy (Sugiyanto, 2018). The
implementation of a successful change management strategy in a private education
environment involves the following key aspects: first, open and continuous
communication among all parties involved is very important. Open and continuous
communication is key because changes in a private education environment can cause
discomfort and confusion among stakeholders, such as teachers, staff, students, and
parents. This uncertainty and confusion can hinder the change process and even cause
Based on the meaning of communication is a process in which messages are
transferred or passed from a source to a receiver through a channel, to change behavior,
knowledge, attitudes, or other behavior openly. Effective communication plays a crucial
role in the success of an organization as it enables the proper delivery of the desired
message. Organizations are in dire need of effective communication because, without it,
it will be difficult to achieve organizational goals optimally. Effective communication
ensures that all parties involved understand the information conveyed, have a uniform
understanding of the organization's goals and direction, and feel heard and involved in
the decision-making process (Hasmawati, 2020).
Effective communication should include an explanation of the rationale behind the
change, making it clear what the objectives are, and how the change will be