Volume 3 Number 3 March 2024
p- ISSN 2963-3648- e-ISSN 2964-8653
Khalifachri Albi
, Ermalina
, Sulistyo Seti Utami
, Siti Maryama
, Berlianingsih
Universitas Tangerang Raya
, ITB Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta, Indonesia
Berlianingsihk[email protected]
Education is a sector that is constantly changing. These changes can be in the form of changes in
curriculum, technology, policies, and so on. Schools as educational institutions need to have
effective change management strategies to adapt to changes and improve the quality of education.
This research aims to analyze effective change management strategies in the context of education
using a case study of a private school. This research uses qualitative research methods. The data
collection techniques in this research are literature review, observation, and interviews. The data
that has been collected is then analyzed in three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation,
and conclusion drawing. The results showed effective change management strategies in private
education at SMK X include communication, stakeholder participation, training and mentoring,
and adaptive culture. Effective change management strategies can help schools to adapt to
changes and improve the quality of education.
Keywords: Change Management, Education, Private Schools
Education is a field that is constantly undergoing dynamic and unavoidable
changes. These changes cover a variety of aspects, from curriculum adjustments to the
integration of technology in learning, as well as the renewal of educational policies
(Danugroho, 2022). This dynamic requires schools and educational institutions to always
be ready to adapt to the changes that occur to meet the demands of the times and the
needs of students. For example, changes in the curriculum require new strategies in the
preparation of learning materials to be relevant to the development of science and
technology (Fatimah, 2021).
Similarly, technological advances open up new opportunities in teaching methods,
enabling the adoption of various interactive and inclusive online learning platforms. In
addition, changes in education policies, both at the national and local levels, also affect
the governance and practice of education in various institutions (Sakti, 2023). Therefore,
awareness of these changing dynamics is important for stakeholders in education to
develop responsive and sustainable strategies and policies.
Vol. 3, No. 3 March 2024
Schools must have an effective change management strategy as an educational
institution that plays an important role in shaping future generations. Change
management is a series of processes, activities, and strategies designed and implemented
to manage change in an organization or work environment. The main objective of change
management is to facilitate the transition from current conditions to desired or expected
conditions (Bairizki et al., 2021). This is necessary so that schools can adapt to the
dynamics of change that continuously occur around them and to continuously improve
the quality of education they provide.
Kurt Lewin introduced a planned change model that consists of three stages,
namely the Unfreeze Stage, the Movement Stage, and the Refreeze Stage. The first stage
in Lewin's change model is the unfreeze stage, where current conditions are identified
and prepared for change. This involves reducing resistance to change by identifying
problems or dissatisfaction with the current status quo and creating awareness of the
need for change. In this stage, individuals or organizations prepare themselves to accept
change by opening their minds and increasing mental readiness.
The second stage is the change stage, where the desired changes are introduced
and implemented. This involves developing and implementing a change strategy that
fits the desired goals. During this stage, individuals or organizations are actively
engaged in adopting new behaviors or working methods that fit the vision of the desired
change. The final stage in Lewin's model is the refreezing stage, where the changes that
have been implemented are maintained and applied consistently. This involves
reinforcing the new change, integrating it into the organizational culture or individual
routines, and ensuring that the change is ongoing and sustainable over time. During this
stage, the individual or organization ensures that the changes become part of the new
norms and accepted routines.
Previous research (Arifin, 2017) found that change management is very important
in improving discipline, especially in the university environment. Changes in
organizations always bring good and bad consequences, depending on various factors
that can come from internal and external to the organization. Therefore, change
management is a process, tool, and technique used to direct people through the change
process to improve discipline, so that organizational goals can be achieved.
Another study (Munandar, 2021) found that SLB Negeri A, located on Jalan
Sukarasa, Citeureup, Cimahi City, West Java Province, is currently implementing
inclusive education by paying attention to the role of SLB as a Resource Center (RC) for
inclusive education. The participants in this study consisted of (1) school principal, (2)
vice principal, (3) special school teachers, (4) school committee members, (5) special
school students who are the object of research, and (6) school administration staff.
This research contributes to the understanding of the importance of change
management strategies in the context of private education. The findings of this study can
be used as a basis for the development of new theories or the re-testing of existing
theories in the field of change management and education. This research aims to analyze
effective change management strategies in an educational context using a case study of
a private school.
Change Management Strategies In The Context Of Education: A Case
Study Of Private School SMK X
Vol. 3, No. 3 March 2024
Research Method
Education occupies an important position in a stage of human history, this is due
to the dimensions of education that centrally strengthen aspects of individual
personality, knowledge, and skills. Education plays a role in preparing humans to face
increasingly complex challenges by providing a strong foundation in terms of attitudes,
knowledge, and skills. As the interests and obstacles in human life grow, the role of
education in providing a deep understanding of science and technology as a means to
overcome various aspects of life becomes more important. In this context, it means that
education has a significant impact on the nation's development efforts to respond to
ongoing changes (Nuridin et al., 2019).
Meanwhile, globalization and rapid technological advancements have resulted in
a significant level of competition in various sectors, plus sometimes disruption forces
organizations to re-evaluate their business models to compete in the market and
maintain their business (Wijayanti et al., 2024). This phenomenon is no exception for
educational institutions where the increasing number of educational institutions shows
that competition is becoming increasingly inevitable. One of the evidences of this intense
competition is the effort to create new things for schools to find the characteristics and
advantages of their education delivery, to attract the interest and needs of prospective
students and parents as consumers of education services (Wahyuny, 2019). According
to (Marginson & Van der Wende, 2007) in (Aji, 2018), linking the concept of
competitiveness in education with elements such as excellence, reputation, and status.
Educational institutions as providers of educational services strive to pay attention to
how to create a sense of satisfaction for customers and fulfill what students need through
improving the quality of education in their schools.
Educational institutions, including private schools, have a primary focus on
improving the quality of their education. Private schools are educational institutions run
by community organizations or legally valid foundations. They operate independently,
meaning that they are not dependent on the local or national government like public
schools. The establishment of private schools can be done by individuals, groups, or
foundations with various objectives, ranging from religious, and cultural to regional
aspects. Private school management is geared towards meeting the challenges and needs
of the market, in other words, private schools seek to meet the needs of the community
or service users for the education they offer. This means that private schools must be
responsive to the dynamics and changes in society and committed to providing quality
education to the needs and expectations of parents and students (Hidayatsyah Noor &
Ali, 2017).
Change is an unavoidable phenomenon in life and develops continuously. But
even though change for the sake of change has been going on unnoticed for a long time,
the degree of its force is currently increasing. Experts say that the only thing that does
not change in this world is change itself. So, based on this, change can occur at any time,
according to the situational needs that arise (Widayani, 2020).
As private schools operate independently, the challenge of keeping up with the
unavoidable changes in education becomes more significant. Strategies are needed to
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deal with these changes because strategies are a way to achieve goals and accomplish
the desired changes. Change management strategies are needed to improve the quality
of education in educational institutions, including private schools. This involves
effective planning, good organization, and exploration of evaluation methods to
measure the impact of change and celebrate achievements (Rahayu, 2022).
According to (Arifin, 2017), Management is an action that directs human resources
and all available equipment to achieve what was previously intended. Management is
also understood as a process that involves the use of resources through management
functions, namely planning, organizing, mobilizing, and controlling, to achieve the
desired results effectively and efficiently. Meanwhile, change refers to the act of doing
work using new things such as flow, technology, systems, procedures, and so on that
significantly disrupt the pre-existing system. When applied in educational institutions,
such changes include modifications to the resources owned by the school, including
changes in human resources, educational equipment, and other aspects that are
prioritized to achieve the set educational goals (Baidowi, 2022).
Change management, according to (Wibowo, 2011) in (Menda et al., 2018), Change
management is defined as a systematic process of applying the necessary knowledge,
tools, and resources to effect change in individuals who will be affected by the change
process. According to a different view, change management is considered as tools,
processes, and techniques to manage individuals during the change process, to achieve
desired results, and to realize change effectively in a team, individual, or wider system.
In this case, proper planning to prepare, equip, and support individuals within the
organization to successfully adopt change is considered an integral part of change
management (Murti et al., 2021).
In addition, the effectiveness of an organizational change requires the
development of an effective organizational change strategy (Sugiyanto, 2018). The
implementation of a successful change management strategy in a private education
environment involves the following key aspects: first, open and continuous
communication among all parties involved is very important. Open and continuous
communication is key because changes in a private education environment can cause
discomfort and confusion among stakeholders, such as teachers, staff, students, and
parents. This uncertainty and confusion can hinder the change process and even cause
Based on the meaning of communication is a process in which messages are
transferred or passed from a source to a receiver through a channel, to change behavior,
knowledge, attitudes, or other behavior openly. Effective communication plays a crucial
role in the success of an organization as it enables the proper delivery of the desired
message. Organizations are in dire need of effective communication because, without it,
it will be difficult to achieve organizational goals optimally. Effective communication
ensures that all parties involved understand the information conveyed, have a uniform
understanding of the organization's goals and direction, and feel heard and involved in
the decision-making process (Hasmawati, 2020).
Effective communication should include an explanation of the rationale behind the
change, making it clear what the objectives are, and how the change will be
Change Management Strategies In The Context Of Education: A Case
Study Of Private School SMK X
Vol. 3, No. 3 March 2024
implemented. Secondly, open communication allows stakeholders to raise any concerns,
issues, or questions they have so that any issues that may arise can be promptly
addressed and resolved. The goal is to provide accurate and complete information about
the change to all stakeholders involved. In addition, a clear and logical explanation of
why the change is needed provides a clear picture of what the change is intended to
achieve. Furthermore, communication provides opportunities for stakeholders to
provide input, ask questions, and discuss the change so that each individual involved
feels heard and valued, and can feel more involved in the change process. The support
and commitment from all stakeholders to support the change results in active
participation from all parties/stakeholders involved.
Involving stakeholders in a private school's change management strategy is an
important step that can provide valuable lessons for change management. One of the
lessons learned is that involving stakeholders in almost all school activities can increase
their level of ownership of the school. When school committees, parents, and other
community members feel valued for being involved in school activities, it builds a sense
of ownership of the school (Kholis et al., 2014)
Stakeholders as defined by (Rokhlinasari, 2016) in (Zain et al., 2021), is any group
or person who can influence or be influenced by the achievement of organizational goals.
In the context of private schools, stakeholders may include the school committee,
parents, teaching staff, administrative staff, students, and members of the local
community. The active participation of all stakeholders in the change process has proven
to be very important. This is because such participation increases the sense of ownership
of the change and encourages greater acceptance and support for the changes to be
made. When stakeholders feel that they are involved in the decision-making process and
have a say in the changes that will take place, they are more likely to be supportive and
committed to the changes.
Some of the benefits of active participation of all stakeholders in the change process
such as feeling an active role in the change process and tend to be more committed to
the achievement of change goals, feeling more ownership and responsibility for the
results of the change, building trust and better cooperation in the future, finally
increasing the chances of successful change due to the support of various parties
The next change management strategy in improving private school change is
through improving the quality of human resources through training and mentoring.
This is because changes in the school environment often cause anxiety and uncertainty
among stakeholders, especially teachers and staff. Therefore, improving the quality of
human resources is key to overcoming these challenges. Human resources are explained
by (Samsuni, 2017), are people who are ready, willing, and able to contribute to efforts
to achieve organizational goals. They play an important role in the achievement of
organizational goals, and this success is highly dependent on their ability to carry out
their duties and functions.
Human Resources (HR) plays a key role in the success of an organization.
Therefore, management should pay more attention to HR development through various
Vol. 3, No. 3 March 2024
policies (Saputra & Ong, 2024). Training and mentoring are two important methods that
can be applied to improve the capabilities and skills of human resources, especially
teachers and staff so that they can better cope with changes. Here are some ways that
can be done such as:
a. Training in the use of new technologies, new learning media, or new systems
Through this training, teachers and staff are provided with the new knowledge and
skills needed to use newly introduced technologies or learning methods in the school
environment. This helps them to be better prepared and competent in dealing with
changes in technology or learning approaches.
b. Assistance on dealing with anxiety and stress, building effective communication, and
teamwork The assistance aims to help teachers and staff manage emotions and stress
that may arise due to change. In addition, they will also be trained in building
effective communication with fellow staff, students, parents, and other stakeholders,
as well as working with teams productively in the face of change.
c. Providing financial support for training, professional development, or resources
needed to evolve change Financial support can be provided to finance the training
and professional development of teachers and staff, or to acquire the resources
needed to better adapt to change. This includes training costs, the purchase of new
tools or equipment, or other necessary resources.
Through these steps, it is expected that teachers and staff as human resources in
schools will be better prepared and able to adapt to the changes that occur. They will
have the necessary knowledge, skills, and support to face the challenges that arise, thus
increasing the chances of success in carrying out the desired changes in the school
environment, especially in private schools.
Finally, the development of a school culture that is adaptive and responsive to
change is a key factor in the successful implementation of change management
strategies. School culture is a very important element because fundamentally, it reflects
various aspects of school life, such as the philosophy, ideology, values, beliefs,
expectations, attitudes, and norms shared by the school community. Specifically, school
culture is determined by various factors, such as the state of leadership, teamwork,
organizational characteristics, and evolving administrative processes. Strong and
proactive leadership, collaborative teamwork, and administrative processes that are
flexible and responsive to change are factors that influence the formation of a school
culture that is adaptive to change (Kholis et al., 2014).
The development of school culture is highly dependent on the role of the principal
(Ridho, 2019). Principals have a great responsibility in ensuring the success and quality
of the school. They must have specific competencies to be able to lead the school in
accordance with the rules and to face and adapt to rapid changes. A good principal
should be able to first lead the school in accordance with the applicable rules and manage
all aspects of school life effectively. Second, face and adapt to various kinds of
developments or changes, such as curriculum changes or new policies both at the district
and national levels. Third, leading by good example and being able to inspire staff and
students to actively participate in the change process. Fourth, creating a school culture
and atmosphere conducive to learning, cooperation, and innovation. Fifth, having
Change Management Strategies In The Context Of Education: A Case
Study Of Private School SMK X
Vol. 3, No. 3 March 2024
leadership skills that are superior to their subordinates, especially in terms of motivating
and guiding staff.
But in reality, there are still principals who have not been able to create a conducive
school culture and atmosphere (Rahayuningsih & Iskandar, 2022). This shows that there
are still challenges in developing effective and adaptive school leadership. Therefore, it
is important for school principals to continue to develop themselves, improve their
leadership competencies, and actively strive to create a dynamic school environment
that is responsive to changes that will come in accordance with the times so that schools
can remain relevant and successful in achieving the stated educational goals.
Based on this, it can be concluded that change management for private schools is
very important given their independent nature and the inevitability of change.
Therefore, it is necessary to implement effective change management strategies, such as
effective communication, active participation from stakeholders, improving the quality
of human resources, especially teachers and staff, and developing an adaptive and
responsive school culture by the principal. Thus, these strategies help private schools to
adapt to the changing environment and improve the quality of education they provide
for students.
The application of Lewin's theory in the school context has proven to make a
significant contribution to managing change and improving the quality of education.
The first stage, Unfreeze, has proven to be important in opening minds and increasing
mental readiness to accept change. The identification of problems or dissatisfaction with
the current status quo helps prepare individuals and organizations to better accept
change. Furthermore, the effective change management strategies implemented, such as
good communication, stakeholder participation, provision of training and mentoring,
and development of an adaptive culture, directly support the Movement stage in
Lewin's model. These strategies help the school to adapt to change, involve all relevant
parties, and increase effectiveness in implementing the desired changes. Finally, the
Refreeze stage requires efforts to ensure that the changes that have been made are
sustained and become a permanent part of the organizational culture. By implementing
effective change management strategies, schools can successfully reach this stage,
maintain consistency in implementing changes, and optimize educational outcomes.
Thus, the conclusion of this study is that the application of Kurt Lewin's theory in
educational change management has helped School X to manage change more
effectively, improve the quality of education, and create an environment that is adaptive
and responsive to the ongoing dynamics of change.
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