the Quran stipulates that women are equal to men outside of natural issues (Casanova,
2009), (Sandberg, 2013). Women are allowed to become scholars if they want and fulfil
the requirements (Al-Khatib, 1993).
In capitalism, male ulama are the owners of the means of production. Women ulama are
positioned as additional breadwinners. Ownership of the means of production is used
to increase power and dominance over women ulama. In fact, in the current era of
capitalism, women's demands for justice and recognition of identity are increasing
(Fraser, 2013), (Williams, 2014), (Sandberg, 2013). Ulama are people who have the
knowledge and ability to contribute to spreading Islam in society. The contribution of
the ulama in the spread of Islam is not determined by gender, but by their knowledge
and abilities. Hadith comes from the Prophet Muhammad SAW. He is a man. However,
the Prophet Muhammad did not forbid women to become a scholar. The proof was
Aisyah bint Abu Bakr, his wife, became a role model for Muslims. This condition shows
that both men and women are allowed to become ulama/scholars.
The existence of female ulama in the city of Cirebon-Indonesia is not exposed in the
midst of patriarchal culture. Its existence is not exposed that it is not known to the world
community. In fact, since Islam came to Cirebon, there have been many female ulama
who have contributed to the spread of hadith in society. Contrary to Tengku Fakinah
(1848-1908 AD) from Aceh and Nyai Hj. Sholihah Wahid Hasyim (L.1922 AD) from East
Java (Yafie, 2017). SK Trimukti (B.1912 AD), Fatmawati (B.1943 AD), Zuleika Rachman
Mansjhur Jasin, Gonowati Djaka Sutadiwiria, Oetari Soetarti, Yuliari Markoem,
Retnosedjati (Jonesy, 2020).
For Muslims, all activities must have a source, including conveying the study of the
Qur’an and hadith. Verses that become references on this issue include Q.S. Taha/20
verse 112. While from the hadith of which is contained in the book of Sahih Muslim
chapter will (Muslim, n.d.) whose translation reads: "If a child of Adam/human dies,
everything is cut off except for three (1) alms Jariyah (2) useful knowledge and (3) pious
children who always pray for their parents”. Contributions can be in various types and
matters related to life on earth, for example financial economy (Humaira & Sagoro,
2018), communication harmony (Pardede, 2019), non-timber forest products (Chairan &
Aidar, 2018), payment of donations (Apriliani et al. al., 2018), agents, family law
(Priscilla, 2020), agriculture (Haris Putra et al., 2018), marine (Listiyandra et al., 2016),
motor vehicle tax (karina, Nurul and Budiarso, 2016), women's politics (Gantina, 2018),
and sports (Rimasa & Sartono, 2020).
Ulama comes from Arabic 'ālimun 'ālimāni 'ulamā' or people who are knowledgeable /
knowledgeable / educated (Al-Munawwir, 1997). Mohammad Takdir (Takdir, 2015)
defines that those who are classified as ulama include: (1) having an Islamic boarding
school (pesantren) (2) having religious knowledge to be conveyed to the people (3)
having a high social spirit towards the people (4) being good at adapting to various