binding force for the parties as long as they fulfill the legal requirements of the
agreement as stipulated in Article 1320 of the Civil Code. (Purwoko, 2011).
The form of a notarial deed or agreement under the hand will only affect the evidence
in the future if there are legal problems between the creditor and the debtor. Notarial
deeds provide more certainty, order and legal protection for the parties bound than
underhand agreements because notarial deeds make formal truths about the substance
of the deed such as the identity of the parties signing the deed, the date and place of
signing the deed, and the substances agreed upon by the parties and contained in the
deed of agreement.
The requirements for applying for credit are Photocopy of Marriage Certificate,
Photocopy of KK and KTP, Photocopy of Collateral that you want to guarantee. Credit
Application Procedure at the Bank The first process of customers submitting documents
and requirements to the marketing department, then marketing looks at the history of
customer data whether or not the customer is bad, after that if bad marketing can cancel
the submission but if good marketing can process it further and submit the document to
the Head of Subdivision for approval then submitted to the Branch Manager for
Signature and continued by being submitted to the Head of Cash for final approval, then
Marketing contacts the customer that the credit application can be disbursed and can be
taken on the specified date.
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