Volume 2 Number 11, November, 2023
p- ISSN 2963-3648- e-ISSN 2964-8653
Friko Rumadanu
, Benny Djaja
Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
Email: frikoruma[email protected]
Abstract :The phenomenon of authentic deeds in digital form which is a product of
cyber notary It is interesting for the author to analyze the aspects of legal certainty
that will be obtained by the parties listed in the deed and the extent to which the deed
has evidentiary power in the eyes of the law in force in Indonesia. The problem that
will be analyzed in this research is legal certainty and the strength of deed evidence
notary. This research aims to determine the legal certainty and evidentiary strength of
the deeds made by notary. The research method used in this research is normative
juridical research with a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The research
results show a contradiction between two regulations governing digital documents
such as deeds cyber notary. The UUJN clearly states that an authentic deed must be
made in the presence and presence of the parties concerned, whereas the ITE Law
pays attention to this element by replacing it with an online presence. The conclusion
from this research is the legal certainty of deeds cyber notary bias and evidentiary
strength of the deed Cyber notary weak because there is no legal umbrella to regulate
Keywords: Legal Certainty; Power of Proof; Cyber Notary
During the transition period from 1999 to 2000, countries in various parts of the world
entered a new era called the Millennium era, where there were lots of significant
updates taking place in various aspects of life and the scientific field, the most striking
progress is in the field technology and informatics. As time goes by development
development grows and continues to change very quickly. Until In the current era,
namely the 4.0 era, without realizing it, work is being carried out and integrated into a
system, that is global.
The information technology sector has grown so fast. To offer a variety of facilities,
what we can feel most is how easy it is today to weave communication with other
people over long distances, even between hemispheres Even on earth, we can
Vol. 2, No. 11, 2023
Friko Rumadanu, Benny Djaja
communicate. Related to conveniences There is also the impact of the threat of danger
caused by advances in technology and information.
Indonesia is one of the countries in the world. Those who experience developments in
technology and information do not escape feeling the consequences of progress and
entry into information technology. This makes Indonesia and all its elements must
immediately adapt and continue to follow developments that occur, especially in The
development of information technology is currently growing very rapidly to be able to
balance the development of the times so as not to be stamped again as a backward
country. The development of information technology has a positive as well as a
negative impact. One impact The, negative result is an increase in a person's
opportunities to carry out unlawful acts using technology and informatics.
These digital-based practices are quickly spreading to various fields of work.
Nowadays almost every profession is obliged to use computers and store all types of
work data in one system. Send letters and data via the internet, carrying out buying
and selling transactions electronically, and many other things that can be done involve
the use of information technology. The threat of crime that arises from the impact of
advances in technology and This information encourages the House of Representatives
(DPR) and the government as a legislator to form laws and regulations that can cover
every legal subject's rights, so that they are safe and not mutually exclusive conflict,
then on April 21 2008 Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and
Transactions which was later amended with Law Number 19 of 2016 (UU ITE).
In connection with the development of information and communication technology
that uses the internet, this affects the implementation of tasks and the authority of a
Notary. Notaries who have been carrying out their duties using traditional methods
(still implementing direct face-to-face-to-face in front of him and the fronting data is
given to the Notary, and then The notary makes minutes of the deed, and then a copy
of the deed is made for the presenters, the deed made and certified in the form of a
physical document) in making authentic deeds Where The deed has legal force perfect
by the parties who require perfect proof towards electronic Notary services in carrying
out notary functions known as a cyber notary. A cyber notary is someone who has
specialized skills in the fields of law and computers (Makarim, 2011), by starting to
develop a cyber notary the notary profession within its authority can make deed
products in digital form a new phenomenon. There is an authentic deed in
digital form which is a product of cyber notary becomes interesting in the
analysis from the aspect of the extent of legal certainty that will be obtained by
the parties listed in the deed and the extent to which the deed has the power of
proof in the eyes of the law that applies in Indonesia. Based on the phenomenon
background, the author tries to highlight questions about: Analysis of legal certainty
and Power of Proof Act Cyber Notary”.
[Analysis of Legal Certainty and Proof Strength of Deeds
Cyber Notary]
Vol. 2 No. 11, 2023
Based on the background description, the problem formulation will be researched and
analyzed in this research is How Legal certainty and strength of Evidence Act
which is made cyber notary.
It is hoped that the results of this research can be used as input for the development of
knowledge in the field of notarial law in Indonesia. It is hoped that this research can
also provide very valuable input for various parties involved in carrying out the office
of notary digital.
Framework Theory in this research are theories that are related to the variables
contained in the research title or included in the research paradigm according to the
results of the problem formulation. This theory is used as an analysis knife in
research on the variables to be studied to answer the problem formulation. The
theories used as analytical tools for this research are the theory of legal certainty
and the theory of evidence.
a. Legal Certainty Theory
In a legal regulation, there are legal principles on which it is formed. Satjipto Rahardjo
said that legal principles can be interpreted as the "heart" of legal regulations (Julyano
& Sulistyawan, 2019) so to understand a legal rule, a legal basis is required. In other
words, Karl Larenz in his book Methodology of the Juris prudence conveyed that legal
principles are ethical legal measures that provide direction to the formation of law
(Atmadja, 2018). Because legal principles contain ethical demands, legal principles
can be said to be a bridge between legal regulations social ideals, and the ethical views
of society. In forming legal rules, the main principle is established to create clarity
regarding legal regulations, this principle is legal certainty. The idea of the principle of
legal certainty was originally introduced by Gustav Radbruch in his book entitled
"Introduction to Law”. Radbruch wrote that in law there are 3 (three) basic values,
namely (Agiyanto, 2018): (1) Justice (justice); (2) Benefits (expediency); and (3) Legal
Certainty (Legal certainty). Returning to the discussion regarding the principle of legal
certainty the existence of this principle is interpreted as a situation where the law is
certain because of the concrete strength of the law in question (Julyano & Sulistyawan,
The existence of principle of legal certainty is a form of protection for justifiable
(seeking justice) against arbitrary actions, which means that someone will and can
obtain something that is expected under certain circumstances (Mertokusumo, 2014)
.This statement is in line with what Van Apeldoorn said that legal certainty has two
aspects, namely the ability to enact laws in concrete terms and legal security. Hal
means that the party seeking justice wants to know what the law is in a particular
matter before he starts a case and protection for those seeking justice. Furthermore,
regarding legal certainty, Lord Lloyd said that (Faried, 2022). “…law seems to require
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a certain minimum degree of regularity and certainty, for without that it would be
impossible to assert that what was operating in a given territory amounted to a legal
system” From this view, it can be understood that without legal certainty, people do
not know what to do and ultimately uncertainty arises (uncertainty) which will
ultimately lead to violence (chaos) due to the indecisiveness of the legal system. So,
legal certainty refers to the application of law that is clear, permanent, and consistent,
where its implementation cannot be influenced by subjective circumstances (Prayogo,
b. Proof Theory
Article 163 HIR (289)RBg) as well as Article 1865 of the Civil Code states that: "Every
person who postulates that he has a right, or to confirm his right or dispute another
person's right, refers to an event, is obliged to prove the existence of that right or
event." Therefore, proof can be defined as an effort to provide certainty in
meaningkehukuman, providing a sufficient basis for the judge regarding the validity
of an incident brought forward by the litigant in a formal manner, meaning it is limited
to the evidence presented at the trial (Saepullah, 2018).There are 3 (three) theories for
judges when justifying the evidence put forward by the parties:
1) Free Evidence Theory
The following theory wants as much freedom as possible for judges in justifying
evidence. Judges are not bound by legal provisions, or at least the amount of
binding by legal provisions must be limited to as small as possible. Wanting broad
freedom means giving trust to judges to be impartial, honest, full of responsibility,
act with expertise, and not be influenced by anything or anyone.
2) Negative Proof Theory
This theory wants binding provisions, which are negative. This provision limits
judges by prohibiting them from doing anything related to evidence. So judges are
prohibited by exception. (Article 306RBg/169 HIR, Article 1905 Civil Code)
(Amiruddin & Hasyim, 2014). Article 306 RBg/169 HIR states: "The testimony of a
single witness, without any other evidence, cannot be trusted in law." Article 1905 of
the Civil Code states: "The statement of a single witness, without any other
evidence, may not be trusted before a court."
3) Positive Proof Theory
Apart from the existence of prohibitions, the following theory is desirable presence
of an order to the judge. Judges are required but with conditions (Article
285RBg/165 HIR, Article 1870 Civil Code) (Putra & Yahya, 2022).
Article 285 RBg/165 HIR states:
"Authentic deed, namely a letter made according to the provisions of the law by or in
front of a public official who has the power to make the letter, providing sufficient
evidence for both parties and their heirs and all people who have rights from it,
regarding all matters what is stated in the letter, and also what is stated in the letter as
[Analysis of Legal Certainty and Proof Strength of Deeds
Cyber Notary]
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a notification only, but what is then only notified is directly related to the subject
matter mentioned in the deed."
Article 1870 of the Civil Code states: "An authentic deed provides between the parties
as well as his heirs or those who derive rights from them, a perfect proof of what is
contained in it.
From this explanation, it can be concluded that the law of evidence includes, among
other (Krisnawaty, 2015):
a) Formal proof, regulates procedures related to providing proof as stated in the
b) Material evidence, regulates whether or not evidence can be accepted with a certain
amount of evidence in the trial along with the evidentiary strength of that evidence.
Research Method
The research method used is a normative juridical research method. Normative
juridical research is also called doctrinal legal research, research Normative juridical is
a process of finding a legal rule, legal principles, and legal doctrines to answer legal
issues faced (Purwati, 2020).
The type of research used is normative legal research. Normative legal research is
research carried out by examining library materials or secondary data (Astuti, 2018) .
Generally, there are 5 approaches used in legal research, namely the statutory
approach(statute approach), case approach(case approach), historical
approach(historical approach), comparative approach(comparative approach), and
finally a conceptual approach(conceptual approach) (Suhaimi, 2018).The approach
used is a statutory approach (statute approach) and approach-conceptual (conceptual
Type The data in this research is secondary data, namely, data obtained from empirical
materials. In this research, the data analysis used is qualitative analysis. Qualitative
analysis is data analysis that does not use numbers, but rather provides verbal
descriptions of the findings, and therefore prioritizes the quality of the data, and not
quantity (Lubis, 2020).
Result And Discussion
Analysis of Deed Legal Certainty Cyber Notary
Discourse will cyber notary This has been discussed for a long time in Indonesia, but
has not been fully implemented because there is no more specific legal umbrella. Then,
after the ITE Law was formed, planning began notary This is discussed again, several
examples of activities that can be carried out by notary is holding a General Meeting of
Shareholders (GMS) teleconference and certifying electronic documents as has been
done by PT. Berlian Laju Tanker, Tbk at the Annual GMS and Extraordinary GMS last
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Friko Rumadanu, Benny Djaja
August 2020. Launching from the website official PT. Indonesian Central Securities
Depository, PT. From the beginning of April 2020, KSEI has started to facilitate issuers
who will hold a general meeting of shareholders (GMS) through the means of live
streaming (teleconference).
Cyber Notary itself is a concept that utilizes technological advances for notaries to
create authentic deeds in cyberspace and carry out their duties every day. For example:
the electronic signing of deeds and electronic General Meeting of Shareholders
teleconference (Amrullah, 2019).Cyber notary intended to facilitate or speed up the
implementation of the Notary's duties and authority in making authentic deeds
regarding all agreements or provisions that are required by law or that interested
parties wish to be stated in authentic deeds (Listiyani, 2022).
This is stated in Article 15 paragraph (3) of Law Number 30 2004 which has been
updated with Law Number 2 of the Year 2014 Concerning the Position of Notary
(UUJN). The article states that; "Besides the authority as intended in paragraph (1) and
paragraph (2), the Notary has other authorities regulated in statutory regulations.”3,
authority Other matters referred to in this article include, among other things, the
authority to certify transactions carried out electronically (cyber notary), make a deed
of pledge waqf, and airplane mortgages.
Formally, in the UUJN, Notaries are given the right to do so carry out certification
electronically. This authority is also regulated in law Number 11 of 2008 concerning
Electronic Information and Transactions. article 1 numbers 9 and 12 of the ITE Law
provide an understanding of electronic certificates and electronic signatures, with that
understanding implicitly going hand in hand with what is meant by article 15
paragraph 3 UUJN. The certification referred to in this article is a method by which The
notary provides a written guarantee for the document containing the results agreement
between the parties regarding the authority provided by law to her. Not only
certifying, but the Notary is also responsible for authentically content contained in the
document. This is a characteristic typical form of notary responsibility in countries
adhering to the legal system of civil law, different from notaries in countries that
adhere to the legal system of common law, Where notaries are usually called public
notaries and have no responsibility for perfect evidence.
In efforts to implement article 15 paragraph (3) UUJN, it is not as effective as imagined,
apart from the notary's ability to use it Electronic technology turns out that there are
also several formal rules that become an inhibiting factor in the implementation of
services cyber notary. The same law is in the next article, article 16 paragraph (1) letter
m UUJN explains the elements of how a document becomes an authentic deed. The
following is the sound of article 16 paragraph (1) letter m; "Reading the deed in front of
the audience with the least number of people present 2 (two) witnesses, or 4 (four)
[Analysis of Legal Certainty and Proof Strength of Deeds
Cyber Notary]
Vol. 2 No. 11, 2023
special witnesses for making the deed the will under the hand, and signed at that time
by the person present, witnesses, and Notaries.”
According to this article, the provisions for attending face-to-face are for the parties, to
read it directly, and the Notary and the parties signing the document at that time is an
absolute requirement the document changes its power to become an authentic deed.
From the description of the article, This author concludes the electronic certification of
a deed ignores the essence of Article 15 paragraph (3) regarding the authority to certify
documents electronically, where all certification processes are carried out electronically
which means eliminating physical meetings, not like the base in the explanation of
article 16 paragraph (1) letter m UUJN.
Legal certainty of authentic deeds Cyber notary According to the author, it is biased
because there are two mutually contradictory legal umbrellas. Law number 11 of 2008
concerning electronic information and transactions in Article 5 paragraphs 1, 2, and 3
of Law number 11 of 2008 concerning electronic information and transactions reads: (1)
Electronic Information and/or Electronic Documents and/or their printouts is valid
legal evidence. (2) Electronic Information and/or Electronic Documents and/or
printouts as intended in paragraph (1) are an extension of valid evidence by the
Procedural Law in force in Indonesia. (3) Electronic Information and/or Electronic
Documents are declared valid if the Electronic System is used by the provisions
regulated in this Law. Deed cyber notary Conceptually, it is included in the category
stated in Article 5 paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of Law number 11 of 2008, namely electronic
documents, and given legal certainty as legal evidence by the procedural law in force
in Indonesia.
If it is related to the theory of legal certainty where legal certainty has two aspects,
namely the ability to enact the law in concrete terms and legal security then the deed-
cyber notary does not yet have legal certainty because the deed-cyber notary becomes
less concrete and vulnerable to legal security for the parties. This is because a
document becomes an authentic deed by fulfilling the elements according to Article 16
paragraph (1) letter m of Law Number 30 of 2004 in conjunction with Law Number 2 of
2014. This article clearly states that the document will become a deed. authentic and
has legal certainty provided that it fulfills the following elements: "Reading the deed in
front of an audience in the presence of at least 2 (two) witnesses, or 4 (four) special
witnesses for making a testamentary deed under the hand, and signing it at that time.
by the presenter, witnesses, and Notary." In this article, the deed must be read in the
presence of the presenters, in front of the presenters this means being physically
present while the deed-cyber notary's in-person attendance is replaced by the online
presence and the signing of the deed is done in person digital signature.
Due to the contradiction between Law Number 11 of 2008 and Law Number 30 of 2004
together Law number 2 of 2014 regarding deed documents cyber notary If it is not
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Friko Rumadanu, Benny Djaja
explicitly in line then legal certainty can be said to still be biased because the concept of
legal certainty refers to the application of law that is clear, permanent and consistent
where its implementation cannot be influenced by subjective circumstances. Deed
cyber notary is vulnerable to subjectivity if they are still under legal umbrellas that
contradict each other.
Analysis of the Proof of Deed Cyber Notary
When reviewed more deeply about the authentic act done by cyber notary seen
through the lens of article 1868 of the Civil Code. Then the deed generated by a means
cyber notary cannot yet be declared as an authentic deed, because it does not fulfill the
elements of the authentic deed itself. Furthermore, Looking at Article 5 paragraph 1 of
Law Number 11 of 2008 which reads: Electronic Information and/or electronic
documents and/or printed results is valid legal evidence.That way, it explains what
the deed is resulting from the method of a cyber notary, its position is equated to
document electronics, electronic certificates, and others. The conflict between articles in
one Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning Notary Positions, namely article 15 paragraph
(3) and article 16 paragraph (1) letter m are more than enough to hinder Notary
services with the system notary.
The evidentiary power attached to electronic evidence is stated by the ITE Law which
states that electronic documents are equivalent to documents made on paper. In this
case, the idea can be drawn that the evidentiary power of electronic documents in civil
case practice is equated with the power of written evidence (letters). Even though
electronic evidence has so far been recognized as valid evidence, its evidentiary value
does not yet have perfect evidentiary value (Pratama, 2023) .
In concept cyber notary, there is the term electronic signature. In this case, the signing
of the deed is not carried out directly but uses an electronic signature or what is better
known as a digital signature (digital signature). The recognition of an electronic
signature as valid evidence can be seen from the provisions of Law No. 11 of 2008
concerning Information and Technology. Inside ITE Law (Electronic Information and
Transactions) Article 5 which reads:
(1) Electronic Information and/or Electronic Documents and/or printouts are valid legal
(2) Electronic Information and/or Electronic Documents and/or printouts as referred to
in paragraph (1) are an extension of valid evidence by the Procedural Law in force
in Indonesia.
(3) Electronic Information and/or Electronic Documents are declared valid if the
Electronic System is used by the provisions regulated in this Law.
(4) Provisions regarding Electronic Information and/or Electronic Documents as
intended in paragraph (1) do not apply to:
a. letters which according to the law must be made in written form; And
[Analysis of Legal Certainty and Proof Strength of Deeds
Cyber Notary]
Vol. 2 No. 11, 2023
b. letters and documents which according to the law must be made in the form of
a deed notarial or a deed made by the deed-making office.
So a form of electronic document can have the power of genuine and authentic
evidence if it uses an electronic system safely, reliably, and responsibly. Based on
positive law in Indonesia, related to electronic authentic deeds for enforcement cyber
notary This has not been recognized as electronic evidence. Because based on the
provisions of Law no. 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Technology, which
explains that electronic signatures have legal force so they can be used as valid
evidence in court, as long as they meet the applicable requirements. However, if it is
related to signing an electronic authentic deed with a concept cyber notary If the signer
uses an electronic signature, the power of the digitally signed notarial deed does not
have perfect proof like an authentic deed, this is because the notarial deed is based on
cyber notary where the authentic deed is in electronic form (electronic deed) and
signing the deed using an electronic signature does not meet the requirements for the
authenticity of a deed. So the deed cyber notary is equivalent to a private deed because
it does not have perfect proof like an authentic deed.
According to the author, this is because the authentic deed is based on a notary and
does not meet the element of authenticity, the deed will be authentic when it meets the
conditions according to the applicable rules. An authentic deed is said to be perfect
when the deed is made with the testimony of a public official. The form and content of
the deed must comply with the provisions of the law. The deed must be made by an
official who has authority by applicable regulations. Of these three conditions, the
deed-cyber notary cannot fulfill all the requirements for making an authentic deed,
because the deed-cyber notary is not made with direct testimony by authorized
officials or parties listed in the deed. The requirement for direct testimony in making a
deed by an official or the listed parties is an element that is regulated in Law Number 2
of the Year 2014 Concerning the Position of Notary (UUJN) article 16 paragraph (1)
letter m UUJN which states read the Deed in front of the presenter in the presence of at
least 2 (two) witnesses, or 4 (four) special witnesses for making a Deed of Will privately,
and signed at that time by the presenter, witness and Notary. The meaning in the article
Article 16 paragraph (1) letter m which states "in the presence of an audience and being
attended" clearly means physical presence, not presence that can be replaced online.
If it is connected to the theory of evidence where evidence is defined as an effort to
provide legal certainty, provide a sufficient basis for the judge regarding the validity of
an event, and evidence presented by the litigant party in a formal way to the judge in
the trial then it can be said to be a deed. cyber notary has weak evidentiary force.
Because the need for cyber notary does not yet have a clear legal umbrella either in the
law on notary positions or the law on information and electronic transactions.
Vol. 2, No. 11, 2023
Friko Rumadanu, Benny Djaja
Legal certainty of deeds cyber notary biased because there is a contradiction between
Law Number 11 of 2008 and Law Number 30 of 2004 together with Law number 2 of
2014 regarding deed documents cyber notary which is not yet explicitly aligned. The
concept of legal certainty refers to the application of law that is clear, permanent, and
consistent where its implementation cannot be influenced by subjective circumstances.
Deed cyber notary is vulnerable to subjectivity if they are still under legal umbrellas
that contradict each other. In Law, number 2 of 2014 (UUJN) article 16 paragraph 1
point m states that the deed must be read in front of the audience in the presence of
two or four witnesses in the sense of being physically present, whereas in Law number
11 of 2008 (UU ITE) the document Electronic documents such as deeds or electronic
certificates are declared valid with online presence and digital signature.
The strength of proof of deed cyber notary is weak because it does not fulfill the theory
of evidence which requires legal certainty, providing a sufficient basis for judges
regarding the validity of an incident and the evidence presented by the litigants in a
formal manner. Apart from that, the deed cyber notary does not yet have a clear legal
umbrella either in the law on notary positions or the law on information and electronic
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