Volume 2 Number 11, November 2023
p- ISSN 2963-3648- e-ISSN 2964-8653
Baeti Inna Nur Janah
, Sugiyono
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to find out the method of group tutors can improve
children's ability to read the Qur'an according to tajwid in Sidoharjo village to find out the extent
to which the group tutor method can improve the ability of children to read the Qur'an according
to tajwid in Sidoharjo village. This type of research uses quantitative methods. Meanwhile, data
analysis uses cumulative frequency analysis. The subjects in the study were children in Sidoharjo
village based the results of the study showed that the group tutor method in the learning process
that by using the group tutor method to increased the effectiveness of learning the Qu'ran. The
increase in effectiveness occurs due to the management of the learning process in groups with
heterogeneous backgrounds of children with abilities Learning using the group tutor method
can increase the effectiveness of children, the average effectiveness time reaches 71.9%.
Keywords: Learning Effectiveness; Studying The Qur'an; Group Tutor Method
Education is an important element in human life, the presence of education in the realm
of life can provide values in dignifying humans (Setyaningsih, Putri, Sari, & Huda, 2020).
Learning effectiveness is the achievement of goals between learning planning and
learning outcomes where in choosing the goals to be achieved with satisfactory results
so that learning effectiveness is achieved, teachers should be able to plan, assemble, or
use various media in accordance with learning materials, information presentation,
student participation, assessment, and follow-up (Jannah, Hidayati, & Badrudin, 2023).
In the implementation of learning, it is necessary to carry out the right learning strategy
so that the most effective learning is used both on current and future occasions (Jefrijal,
2021). In addition, another important element is also needed, namely teachers as the
main figures in learning at school have an important role in providing the right
treatment to students in delivering the material to be taught by innovating, of course, it
will produce a more creative learning treatment by teachers (Ramaina, 2022). The low
effectiveness of students in the teaching and learning process can result in the learning
process being less optimal so that the material presented becomes incomplete (Yuliana,
[Efforts to Increase the Effectiveness of Learning the Qur'an By
Using the Group Tutor Method]
Today the era of globalization and information technology is very rapidly developing so
that it indirectly affects the habits of parents in educating their children, they generally
emphasize more so that children excel more in academics than the ability to read the
Qur'an, therefore there are many children and even adults, the ability to read the Qur'an
the letter is very low and cannot even pronounce the sounds of hijaiah letters according
to the place where the letters come out (Makhrojnya) (Aekah, 2019). The growth and
development of mankind can be grown continuously by providing encouragement and
direction as well as good education including the basic study of the Qur'an is the
identity of Muslims who are ideally known, understood and lived by every individual
who claims to be a Muslim (Qur'an et al n.d. And also the Qur'an It is a basic guideline
of life for Muslims. The Qur'an regulates the entire order of life, both regarding the law,
man's relationship with Allah and the relationship between man and other creatures
created by Allah (Al-Qur'an et al., n.d.). And also the Qur'an is a basic guide to life for
Muslims. The Qur'an regulates the entire order of life, both regarding law, man's
relationship with Allah and the relationship between man and other creatures created
by Allah SWT (Hattarina, Dwiyanti, Chemo, Sahar, & Haryanti, 2023). Thus, it is
necessary to develop at the level of quality and touch the needs of both mental, spiritual
and physical, material needs (Ismail, 2019).
The ability to read the Qur'an properly and correctly in accordance with the tajweed of
discipline is a competency that must be possessed by every Muslim (Hanafi, Murtadho,
Ikhsan, Diyana, & Sultoni, 2019). Qur'an learning activities are behaviors that grow on
the will and desire of oneself or from others (Mahendra & Darmawan, 2020). Thus, to be
able to improve the ability of students, especially in the ability to read the Qur'an
(tajweed), teachers must be able to apply various strategies, methodical approaches in
the learning process, so that students do not feel burdened in learning it (Nasution,
With communicative delivery is more respected by students, although learning the
Qur'an is less very interesting for children. The interest of the Muslim community to
learn and read the Qur'an is declining, if in the past in every house often heard the sound
of chanting the Qur'an in contrast to current conditions which on average are more often
heard the sound of television, radio, music dvds, and so on (Neng Lutfi Maspupah,
2019). The Qur'an education park is the right choice in order to prevent Qur'anic
illiteracy from increasing. The implementation of TPA as a non-formal institution in the
community is expected to help parents in educating children and deepening Islamic
religious education (Labaso, 2019). Preparing the next generation who carry the future
of nation building is an important role held by TPA (Fatkhiyati, 2021). Instead, they
prefer to play or do things they like rather than learning the Qur'an. Therefore, proper
application greatly affects success in the learning process. Conversely, errors in applying
the method will be fatal for learners. "According to Mr. Muhammad Wahyudi, as a TPA
Vol. 2, No. 11, 2023
[Efforts to Increase the Effectiveness of Learning the Qur'an By
Using the Group Tutor Method]
Baeti Inna Nur Janah, Sugiyono
teacher stated that "in the TPA for the Qur'an learning method still uses the lecture
method, and has not tested other methods such as the tutor method of this group because
it feels that it has not been understand or know about the steps and have never been
tried in the landfill to implement them". Conditions in the landfill, there are still often
problems related to the method of learning to read the Qur'an. During this time the
learning process of students is passive, students ignore the learning of the Qur'an
delivered, there are even some students joking with their other friends in the learning
The Quran is part of Islamic religious education can contribute to the education of the
children themselves. The task of education is not only to provide some information into
the minds of children, but also to work on how to make concepts important and very
useful for these children. For children, to really understand and apply the knowledge
they get, they must try to solve problems, be able to find something for themselves and
find the right method, which can be used and can increase the effectiveness of learning
the Qur'an in TPA (Guru, n.d.). Almost the average child when in school gets Islamic
religious education even though only 10%, but in fact many of the children still have
difficulty reading the Quran and there are even some of them who cannot read the Quran
properly and correctly in accordance with the laws of tajweed. It can be concluded that
learning the science of tajweed properly and correctly is an important part for students
to be able to read the Qur'an properly and correctly, in other words understanding the
science of tajweed well, should be material or included in the scope of studying the
Qur'an (Khamid, Prasmanita, Zamroni, & Nasitoh, 2020).
As we already know, basically children are unique individuals, who have characteristics
that vary from one another. In the learning process, each child has a different absorption
capacity and for TPA educators need to have adequate knowledge in terms of increasing
the effectiveness of learning the Qur'an at TPA. It is time for children, from an early age
we must be educated to be able to read the Qur'an as it has been applied to Muslim
children. A learning model is a plan or a pattern that is used as a guideline in planning
learning in class or learning in tutorials (Permatasari & Wahyudi, 2022).
To be able to carry out these duties and responsibilities, teachers are required to have
abilities and skills as part of teacher professionalism competencies (Herawati, Retnowati,
& Harijanto, 2021). The task of educators is to raise awareness and develop habits in each
child to feel needy, willing and happy to learn and have different Qur'an learning styles,
therefore every child needs to get different tutoring services from one another. Learning
using the group tutor method focuses on the development of knowledge,
understanding, skills of learners, and also contextual understanding of learners about
the relationship of the subjects studied.
[Efforts to Increase the Effectiveness of Learning the Qur'an By
Using the Group Tutor Method]
The basic principle of group tutoring is that learners form small groups and one of them
becomes his tutor to achieve common goals. According to Suherman quoted from Ischak
Warji, the group tutor method is a method that uses a group of students who have
completed the subject, providing assistance to students who have difficulty in
understanding the material they are learning. (Suherman Erman, 2003, p. 276) This
method is assumed to improve the learning outcomes of students in reading the Qur'an
because it makes the learning process fun and students can be handled individually
(Kania Dewi Sopia, 2020).
According to Safrudin 2014 in Arjanggi, the peer tutoring method or peer tutor method
is known as peer education or providing education between students or students.
Students who are better able to complete their own work, and then help other students,
who are less able. This is a strategy to support teaching, fellow students in the classroom
(Oktavia, 2022). The application of the group tutor model provides a very large
opportunity for students to talk, argue, and communicate with fellow friends, especially
those who are in charge of being tutors. This provides an opportunity for students to
process information and then communicate it in the learning process, so that it is
expected that students' understanding can increase and be able to practice it correctly in
everyday life (Rahayu, Rahminawati, & Asikin, 2023).
In this case, students who become tutors replace the role of teachers in the Qur'an
learning process, it is expected that the process runs effectively, and creactively, students
learn fun, exciting, and not boring, group tutor learning becomes relevant to be used as
a learning method to improve the effectiveness of Qur'an learning in TPA will be
interesting because the Qur'an learning process is not boring.
Research Method
This research method uses a research method that is used in classroom action research,
taking this action is based on the reason that the researcher participates directly from the
beginning to the end of the action. The subjects of this study were TPA students, with a
total of 32 students. The subjects of this study are heterogeneous in terms of their
abilities, namely, some students havehigh, medium, and low abilities. In this class action
research, the research data used is through security during learning activities that
highlight the effectiveness of students in reading the Qur'an and group tutor methods in
the form of presentation results of learning time effectiveness. The validity of this data
is used to measure or uncover the truth about the results of the effectiveness of learning
the Qur'an by conducting tests on students. To find out the percentage using the
cumulative frequency formula:
Vol. 2, No. 11, 2023
[Efforts to Increase the Effectiveness of Learning the Qur'an By
Using the Group Tutor Method]
Baeti Inna Nur Janah, Sugiyono
P: Presentation figures
f: the frequency for which the percentage is being searched
n: the number of frequencies or the number of individuals, respondents
Data analysis techniques that researchers use to analyze data that have been collected
include comparative descriptive techniques (Comparative Descriptive Statistics) and
critical analysis techniques.
Result And Discussion
Description of Initial Conditions
Before carrying out the study, researchers carry out the stages before starting. In order
to be able to carry out stages to find out the initial condition of a research subject. At this
stage, researchers observe how the course of a teaching and learning process in the TPA
takes place and analyze what causes weaknesses such as less effective time in the
learning process.
Initial conditions of student effectiveness in children (n = 32)
Table 1. Description of Initial Conditions
Observed Aspects
Effective amount of
Courage to ask a friend who is appointed as a
The courage to ask questions to the tutor
Convey difficulties faced by tutors
Depositing memorization
Conduct memorization and recitation tests of
the Qur'an
Average student effectiveness
22,5 %
Based on the table above, it is known that all the time used by students in the learning
process runs quite effectively. But there is also a weakness in the learning process,
namely the lack of time in learning.
First Stage
The material provided is memorizing Amma' juice. In this stage is divided into several
stages in the learning process. The planning process in this stage is in the form of
activities to compare and select efforts made to solve difficulties in the learning process.
Consideration and selection in solving the problem are then poured into the concept of
planning which includes: preparing implementation designs in the learning process,
preparing learning materials. Researchers carried out learning activities that had been
arranged in the TPA procedure, researchers divided children into 5 groups, each group
consisting of 5 children, one of whom became a tutor. Each child gets one letter and then
reads one by one.
This observation is done to determine the effectiveness of children and is used to observe
the way the learning process is taking place. In stage 1, the effectiveness of improvement
[Efforts to Increase the Effectiveness of Learning the Qur'an By
Using the Group Tutor Method]
is compared to the initial conditions before the implementation of the action, but still
does not reach the indicator of success in achieving classical completeness of 75%. The
results of observations at stage 1, only reached 22.5%.
Table 2 Student Effectiveness in the Learning Process
Observed Aspects
Amount of Effective
Courage to ask a friend who is appointed as a
Convey difficulties encountered to tutors
Depositing rote results
Conduct memorization tests and Qur'an
recitation tests
Doing imaan to students who have eaten
Average student effectiveness
62,5 %
The results of the observations were used to determine the effectiveness of time before
and after applying the group tutor method to the learning process but also used to
compare the enthusiasm of children to learn the Qur'an.
Based on the results of observations made in stage 1, researchers have carried out the
learning process by the planned learning scenario even though there are still
shortcomings in bringing order to children in the learning process and a lack in
motivating children. During the learning process children are enthusiastically involved
in the learning process. However, there are still some students who chat individually,
disturb other friends, and pay less attention to their friends who are reading the Qur'an.
Based on the analysis of the results of stage 1 research, then a reflection is carried out on
the steps that have been implemented. The results of the reflection are as follows:
1. Teachers are expected to be able to improve time management in learning activities.
2. Teachers must be more active in motivating and guiding children to interact with
children in learning so that learning is more fun and satisfied children are motivated
to be more enthusiastic in learning.
3. The teacher should give a clear direction on the method to be used, namely the group
tutor method.
4. To overcome children who are still noisy and like to chat with other friends, teachers
can change their sitting position or move to another place.
5. The effectiveness of time felt by children has not reached predetermined indicators
so it is necessary to improve to increase the effectiveness of better time.
Second Stage
In this second stage with the material taught is "memorizing juz amma and other short
letters" the activities carried out in the second stage are as follows: Some improvements
were made in the form of considering activities and choosing efforts that can be done to
solve the problems found in the first stage. Consideration and problem solving are
Vol. 2, No. 11, 2023
[Efforts to Increase the Effectiveness of Learning the Qur'an By
Using the Group Tutor Method]
Baeti Inna Nur Janah, Sugiyono
poured into planning for the second stage of action activities. Based on the problems
encountered in the first stage, the plan is to prepare a learning plan that is compiled with
the ngaji teacher, namely:
1. Prepare lesson materials with ngaji teachers that contain learning objectives, learning
steps, which are used in the learning process using the group tutor method.
2. Prepare memorization to be deposited with the teacher.
3. Compile questions for discussion.
4. Create an observation sheet.
5. Make a grid of rote questions for the test.
6. Before starting the lesson, the teacher explains again about the learning process using
the group tutor method.
7. Designing learning method steps with the right time allocation.
8. Designing seating arrangements and helping to organize children in arranging them.
Implementation based on learning scenarios that have been prepared at the planning
stage. Researchers provide direction so that children can carry out their duties well.
Including briefly explaining the learning objectives to be achieved and the steps that
must be implemented by children, the delivery of goals is intended so that children are
more focused in discussing learning material. While the delivery of work steps is
intended so that children know what must be done so that work becomes more effective.
The actions taken in the second stage are in the form of implementing actions from the
plan that has been prepared in the second stage of planning. Each observation is carried
out a test to measure the effectiveness of children in following learning, while the results
of research observations on TPA can be seen in the table as follows:
Table 3. The effectiveness of children in learning to memorize short letters at stage
II (n = 32)
Observed aspects
Amount of
Courage to ask a friend who is appointed as a
Deliver difficulty that at Face to the tutor
Depositing memorization
Conducting rote tests and reading tests
Doing imaan to students who have hatam
Average prsesntase
In this second stage, the effectiveness of children increased compared to the effectiveness
in the previous stage, namely the average effective time was 71.9% with a completeness
criterion of 71.9%, meaning that at that stage the effectiveness of time had met the
completeness criteria.
[Efforts to Increase the Effectiveness of Learning the Qur'an By
Using the Group Tutor Method]
The results of observations have shown that time has been more effective and regular in
the learning process. Children work together with groups, the learning process is more
fun and can make it easier for children to understand learning that they do not yet
understand. Children are also no longer seen doing their own effectiveness, such as
chatting alone or other things that interfere with the learning process.
The results of field notes conducted by researchers show that the atmosphere of
activities, the time of activities in the learning process is better than the first stage, and
children look closer, helping each other to listen to memorization, so that children are
not bored because this learning system uses the group tutor method, so that children are
more relaxed in the learning process.
But what is different in the learning process here lies in the material that becomes their
chat, which becomes a chat here is the subject matter that they are facing or that they do
not understand. In this case, the active role of children during learning is increasing and
negative indicators such as chatting alone or things that interfere with the learning
process that takes place are greatly reduced.
Based on research in the first stage, then reflection was carried out on the steps that have
been implemented at the landfill. The results of the reflection of the second stage which
is considered sufficient in increasing the effectiveness of time in learning, show an
increase in time effectiveness that is better than the first stage.
This is shown from the average effectiveness of time in the first stage reaching 71.9%.
Classical completeness has been achieved at 75%. This shows that the effectiveness of
the time can be known by the occurrence of cooperation between children and other
children in one group, as well as attention and enthusiasm of children in following
lessons using the group tutor method.
Based on the results of the study consisting of two stages, it appears that after using the
group tutor method students become more active and more time effective in learning.
This can be seen from the improvement of the first and second stages. Data on the
effectiveness of time in the Qur'an learning process using the overall group tutor method
are as follows:
Vol. 2, No. 11, 2023
[Efforts to Increase the Effectiveness of Learning the Qur'an By
Using the Group Tutor Method]
Baeti Inna Nur Janah, Sugiyono
Table 4 Effective time in the learning process in the first and second stages (n = 32 )
Observed aspects
Cycl I
Cycle II
Courage to ask a friend who is
appointed as a tutor
Convey difficulties encountered
to tutors
Depositing memorization
Do test memorization and
Qur'an recitation
Doing imaan to students who
have hatam
Average Percentage
Based on the description of the table above, it shows that the effectiveness of children's
learning in stage 1 is included in the category of less than enough with a percentage of
22.5%. In stage 1, children's learning effectiveness increased by 62.5%, included in the
good category. While in stage II the effectiveness of children's learning is increasing with
a percentage reaching 71.95% has been included in the good category.
There is an increase in effectiveness in the learning process in stage II because children
better understand ongoing learning compared to stage I where students still tend to be
confused with the methods applied in TPA, in the cycle of stage II this is an improvement
from stage I, so that children can adjust. In this stage II, time is more effective in the
optimal learning process.
This is explained by observations that have changed in effectiveness indicators that are
more efficient and increased. Based on reflection on stage I, the implementation of stage
II carried out by the teacher is good enough with a better learning plan with evidence of
time management and TPA management that is in accordance with the lesson plan, in
addition, the children have been able to follow the learning process with the group tutor
method. The corrective steps taken in stage II have an impact on effectiveness in the
learning process.
Success by using the group tutor method in learning has a very positive impact on
children, namely children are more active and more efficient time in the learning process,
so that children better understand the material provided, children are more motivated
by the existence of groups so as to create harmony and familiarity between children with
one another, which causes children to no longer be awkward to ask about difficulties in
learning Qur'an.
[Efforts to Increase the Effectiveness of Learning the Qur'an By
Using the Group Tutor Method]
Observation Results of Phase I
Based on the observation activities carried out by researchers in stage I, researchers
observe things that occur during observation. Researchers focused on observing five
indicators, namely the courage to ask friends appointed as tutors, convey difficulties
faced to tutors, deposit memorization, conduct memorization tests and recitation of the
Qur'an, do imaan to students who have hatam. Of the five indicators, researchers
observed that the development of sensitivity capabilities in stage I was running quite
well but still not optimal. The children still look less enthusiastic or reluctant in the
process of learning. This is shown by the presence of children who chat individually.
Researchers make careful observations of the effectiveness of the learning process using
observation sheets that have been prepared. Researchers conducted tests on children at
the end to determine the reading ability of TPA children. The test at the end of the first
stage went well and smoothly (Mafruhah et al., 2023).
The results of the study are supported by a theory that states that "group tutor learning
is an effective way to produce the teaching ability of his own friends". The group tutor
is an intelligent child who helps other children learn at the same level of learning. The
essence of using this group tutor learning method is learning which is carried out by
dividing several small groups, whose learning resources are not only teachers but group
mates. In this learning, children who become tutors should have more abilities than
other friends, so that by the time he provides learning he has mastered the material to
be delivered (Ismail, 2019).
The premise of group tutors is that a clever child can provide help to other children. This
assistance can be provided when the learning process takes place even outside the
learning process itself. Although the group tutor method in stage I children need to
adjust to the method so that the effectiveness of learning has not shown improvement.
There are still children who are still adjusting to the method and guessing what to do,
but on the teacher's explanation, the child can adapt to the group tutor's method well.
Observation Results of Phase II
During the stage II learning process activities, researchers observe things that occur
during the implementation of observations. The researchers' observations focused on
five indicators, namely: the courage to ask friends who were appointed as tutors, convey
the difficulties faced to tutors, deposit memorization, conduct memorization tests and
recitation of the Qur'an, perform Imaan to children who have haram. From the five
indicators observed by researchers, it has been seen that the development of the ability
to implement stage II is better. This can be seen in the results of field notes that show an
increase in effectiveness in the learning process. Children are more excited and more
orderly in the learning process.
Vol. 2, No. 11, 2023
[Efforts to Increase the Effectiveness of Learning the Qur'an By
Using the Group Tutor Method]
Baeti Inna Nur Janah, Sugiyono
In stage II, the application of learning the Qur'an using the group tutor method has been
running according to the planned action plan. As an action plan it has been implemented
quite well. The problem of grouping that caused an uproar in the Qur'anic learning
process was well controlled. In this stage II, children can adapt and understand the
learning mechanism process using the group tutor method so that the learning process
runs very well (Mahpur, 2022).
Based on research conducted by researchers in stage I, then reflection has been carried
out on the steps that have been taken. The result of the reflection of the effectiveness of
the learning process in stage I is stage II which is considered to be better and has
increased the effectiveness of the learning process in improving Qur'an learning.
This has been proven by data from observations made by researchers in stage II, showing
changes and increasing the effectiveness of the learning process from stage I. This is
shown in the first stage of the average learning effectiveness reaching 62.5%. While in
phase II it increased to 71.9%. This shows that the effectiveness of learning increases, the
increase in learning effectiveness can be seen by seeing many children who are able to
read the Qur'an and memorize well in accordance with tajweed.
Through the tutor group learning method, children can listen to each other's
memorization, remind each other, and reduce awkwardness towards other friends. This
method is one method that can motivate children so that the process of learning the
Qur'an is more fun and not boring. Thus the group tutor method can be used as a Qur'an
learning method to increase the effectiveness of the learning process
Based on the results of classroom action research that has been carried out using the
group tutor method to increase the effectiveness of learning the Qur'an is concluded as
follows: The group tutor method is a way of learning that is carried out by utilizing the ability
of their peers to exchange abilities, thoughts, and opinions to solve problems faced in the
learning process. Each group of one of them becomes a tutor to help other students in the
learning process. In this method the teacher is only a supervisor.
The application of the group tutor method can improve the effectiveness of learning the Qur'an
in the landfill in children. It is proven at the end of the cycle I, the effectiveness of which learning
progress achieves. With 32 students, the effectiveness of the pre-cycle only reached 22.5%, the
second cycle achieved 62.5% effectiveness, and in the second cycle achieved an increase in the
effectiveness of learning the Qur'an reached 71.9%. It can be said that the group tutor
method can increase the effectiveness of learning the Qur'an in TPA.
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Vol. 2, No. 11, 2023
[Efforts to Increase the Effectiveness of Learning the Qur'an By
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