Volume 2 Number 10, October, 2023
p- ISSN 2963-3648- e-ISSN 2964-8653
Akbar Maulana Pujangga
Universitas Pramita Indonesia, Indonesia
Abstract: This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of ethics, and organizational culture
on the work environment on civil servants of the State Office of Karawaci District Office in Tangerang.
In this study, the sample used was 60 employees of the State Civil Apparatus at the Karawaci District
Office in Tangerang. Data collection is carried out through direct observation and library research
obtained through interviews and internal organization data collection and relevant references. This
study uses a model of validity analysis, reliability analysis, analysis of the coefficient of determination,
and correlation analysis. From the results obtained by the influence of ethics and organizational culture
on the work environment as evidenced by a positive relationship aimed at calculating the probability
value obtained at a significant level of 0.000 because 0.000 <0.005, then it can be ascertained for ethical
variables (X1) and organizational culture (X2) together affect the work environment variable (Y). While
the analysis of the coefficient of determination (KD) is produced from the value of Adjusted R Square of
0.857. This shows that as much as 85.7% of ethics and organizational culture simultaneously affect the
work environment and the remaining 14.3% affect other factors not examined in this study.
Keywords: Ethics, Organizational Culture; Work Environment
In the work environment, because it will be surrounded by ethics and organizational
culture in various places it is very important for us to have good organizational ethics
and culture. Because all of that will coexist and influence each other. humans are the
most important element in an organization. Without the role of humans even though the
various factors needed are already available, the organization will not run. Because
humans are the driving force and determine the course of an organization. Therefore,
the organization should provide positive direction in order to achieve organizational
goals (Sugiharto & Mulyono, 2023).
The work environment of employees tends to be influenced by the prevailing
organizational ethics and culture. Organizational culture relates to the cultural
characteristics of an organization that must be followed by employees in an organization
[The Influence of Ethics and Organizational Culture on
the Work Environment on Employees State Civil
Apparatus Sub-District Office Karawaci in Tangerang]
whether or not employees like the ethics and culture (Bahri & SE, 2018). Organizational
ethics and culture are influenced by the owner of the organization. Organizational
identity can be seen from the organizational culture itself. Regarding organizational
culture in an organization, it will not develop into a developed organization without
strengthening its ethical and cultural foundations, after ethics and culture are strong, it
will have a major influence on the strategies carried out to achieve predetermined goals.
Organizational culture will affect the work environment which can increase
coordination between employees (Nurhasanah, Jufrizen, & Tupti, 2022).
As is known, in accordance with their respective authorities and responsibilities in order
to achieve the objectives of the organization concerned legally that does not violate the
law and in accordance with morals and ethics. Apart from culture, the work
environment also affects the performance of employees of an organization. The work
environment is a condition both physical and psychological that employees receive
when carrying out their work. How to assess that the company or agency has paid
attention and support to create a comfortable, conducive, and safe environment, so that
it can work better, is a challenge for the company. With an adequate environment. All
activity processes at work will ultimately produce the desired work environment in
accordance with the objectives (Firnanda & Wijayati, 2021).
According to (Sunambela, 2016), employee performance is defined as the ability of
employees to perform certain skills. Employee performance is very necessary because
with this performance it will be known how far the ability of employees to carry out the
tasks assigned to them. For this reason, it is necessary to determine clear and measurable
criteria and determine jointly which is used as a reference.
Tangerang City is a city located in Tatar Pasundan, Banten Province, Indonesia. It is
located just west of the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta. Tangerang City borders
Tangerang Regency to the north and west, South Tangerang City to the south, and the
Special Capital Region of Jakarta to the east. Tangerang is the largest city in Banten
Province and the third largest in the Jabodetabek area after Jakarta and Bekasi in West
Java province and is traversed by the National Route. Tangerang City consists of 13 sub-
districts, which are further divided into 104 urban villages. Tangerang was formerly part
of the Tangerang Regency, then upgraded to the status of an administrative city, and
finally established as a municipality on February 28, 1993. The term 'municipality' was
replaced with 'city' in 2001. And of the 13 sub-district offices in Kota Tangerang
Tangerang, namely the Karawaci District Office which is located on Jl. Proclamation
No.09 RT.01/03, Cimone Jaya, Karawaci, Tangerang.
The work environment is one of the important factors in creating employee performance.
Because the work environment has a direct influence on employees in completing work
which will ultimately improve organizational performance (Yantika, Herlambang, &
Rozzaid, 2018). A work environment condition is said to be good if employees can carry
Vol. 2, No. 10, 2023
[The Influence of Ethics and Organizational Culture on the Work
Environment on Employees State Civil Apparatus Sub-District
Office Karawaci in Tangerang]
Akbar Maulana Pujangga
out activities optimally, healthily, safely, and comfortably. Therefore, determining and
creating a good work environment will greatly determine the success of achieving
organizational goals. Conversely, if the work environment is not good, it will reduce
motivation and morale and ultimately reduce employee performance.
The condition and atmosphere of the work environmentn
Good work will be created with the preparation of the organization properly and
correctly as said by (Sarwoto & Damanik, 2022) that a good working atmosphere is
produced mainly in a well-organized organization, while a poor working atmosphere is
caused by an organization that is not well-organized either. From this opinion, it can be
explained that the creation of a work atmosphere is greatly influenced by the
organizational structure that exists in the organization.
Research Method
Research Design
This research is based on Human Resource Management Science, especially related to
Ethics and Organizational Culture on the Work Environment.
Research design is a guideline or procedure and technique in research planning that is
useful as a guide to building a strategy that produces a research model or blue print. In
this study using the Survey Research method, because it is included in quantitative
research to examine the behavior of an individual or group.
The associative quantitative analysis method was chosen in this study, namely
researchers emphasize more on analyzing data obtained by statistical methods.
(Ramadhan & Sugiyono, 2015) states "Quantitative research methods are research
models based on the philosophy of positivism, used to research on certain populations
or samples, data collection using instruments, data analysis is quantitative / statistical,
with the aim of testing the hypothesis set".
Meanwhile, the associative definition according to (Erwanto, Yuny;Sugiyono
Sugiyono;Rohman, Abdul;Abidin, Mohammad Zainal;Ariyani, 2013) is to describe an
assessment that aims to determine the effect or relationship between two or more
[The Influence of Ethics and Organizational Culture on
the Work Environment on Employees State Civil
Apparatus Sub-District Office Karawaci in Tangerang]
1.2. Description:
1.3. Variable (X1): Ethics
1.4. Variable (X2): Organizational Culture
1.5. Variable (Y): Employee performance
1.6. : Epsilon
1.7. r2x1y : Partial influence (X1) on (Y)
1.8. r2x2y : Partial effect (X2) on (Y)
1.9. r2x1 x2y : Simultaneous effect (X1) and (X2) on (Y)
Result and Discussion
Nomality Test Results
The residual normality test results aim to determine whether the data distribution
follows or approaches the normal distribution or not. In this study, researchers used
graph analysis and also used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test by looking at the Test
Statistic and Asymp.Sig values (Mardiatmoko, 2020).
The next residual normality test uses a statistical test using the Test Statistic, by looking
at the Test Statistic and Asymp.Sig values which can be seen in table
Tabel 1 Residual Normality Test Results
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Normal Parameters
Std. Deviation
Vol. 2, No. 10, 2023
[The Influence of Ethics and Organizational Culture on the Work
Environment on Employees State Civil Apparatus Sub-District
Office Karawaci in Tangerang]
Akbar Maulana Pujangga
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Most Extreme Differences
Test Statistic
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.
c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.
d. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
Sumber : which is processed with, SPSS Versi 23.0 For Windows
Judging from Table 1, it can be seen that the Test Statistic is 0.088 and the Asymp.sig.
value is 0.200. based on the results of the decision that the Asymp.sig value needs to be
divided by 2, so that 0.200/2 = 0.100, then the value of the significant level is divided by
2 0.05/2 = 0.025. from these results it can be concluded that 0.100> 0.025 so it can be said
that the distribution of residual data is normal. In addition, thus the residual normality
test carried out by graph analysis and test with Test Statistic, it can be concluded that
these two methods show good results and the data that has been calculated can be said
to be normal residual data distribution.
Results of Simple Correlation Coefficient Analysis
The simple correlation coefficient is used to see the relationship between the
independent variable and the dependent variable, namely between the Discipline
variable (X1) and Occupational Safety and Health (X2) and the Performance variable (Y)
in the following table:
Table 2 Simple Correlation Coefficient Analysis Results Ethics towards Work
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
Change Statistics
R Square
F Change
Sig. F
a. Predictors: (Constant), Etika
b. Dependent Variable: Lingkungan Kerja
Sumber : which is processed with, SPSS Versi 23.0 For Windows
Based on the results of the simple correlation coefficient analysis in the table above, the
R value of 0.850 is obtained. So that between the two variables there is a very strong
correlation (in the range of 0.80 - 1.00 in the table) the coefficient value is positive, so
[The Influence of Ethics and Organizational Culture on
the Work Environment on Employees State Civil
Apparatus Sub-District Office Karawaci in Tangerang]
there is a positive correlation (in the same direction) between the ethics variable (X1) and
the work environment variable (Y). Based on the data above, it can be concluded that the
independent variable that has a major positive influence on the work environment is
Tabel 3 Simple Correlation Coefficient Analysis Results Organizational Culture to
Work Environment
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
Change Statistics
R Square
F Change
Sig. F
a. Predictors: (Constant), Budaya Organisasi
b. Dependent Variable: Lingkungan Kerja
Sumber : which is processed with, SPSS Versi 23.0 For Windows
Based on the results of the simple correlation coefficient analysis in the table above, the
R value of 0.825 is obtained. So that between the two variables there is a very strong
correlation (in the range of 0.80 - 1.00 in the table) the coefficient value is positive, so
there is a positive correlation (in the same direction) between the organizational culture
variable (X2) and the work environment variable (Y). Based on the data above, it can be
concluded that the independent variable that has a major positive influence on the work
environment is organizational culture.
Results of Multiple Correlation Coefficient Analysis The results of multiple correlation
testing (R) can be seen in table 4.18 below:
Table 4 Results of Multiple Correlation Coefficient Analysis
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
Change Statistics
R Square
F Change
Sig. F
a. Predictors: (Constant), Budaya Organisasi, Etika
b. Dependent Variable: Lingkungan Kerja
Sumber : which is processed with, SPSS Versi 23.0 For Windows
Based on table 4.18 above, the R number is 0.926. This shows that there is a moderate
relationship between ethics and organizational culture on the work environment for
employees of the Karawaci District Office State Civil Apparatus in Tangerang.
Results of Determination Coefficient Analysis
The definition of the coefficient of determination according to Andi (Fang et al., 2010)
is: "The coefficient of determination is a quantity to show the level of strength of the
Vol. 2, No. 10, 2023
[The Influence of Ethics and Organizational Culture on the Work
Environment on Employees State Civil Apparatus Sub-District
Office Karawaci in Tangerang]
Akbar Maulana Pujangga
relationship between two or more variables in the form of percentages showing how
much the percentage of diversity (Y) can be explained by diversity (X), or in other words
how much (X) can contribute to (Y)". The magnitude of the coefficient of determination
can be seen in the adjusted R square multiplied by 100% and the results can be seen in
the following table:
Tabel 5 Results of Determination Coefficient Analysis
Ethics to Work Environment
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
Change Statistics
R Square
F Change
Sig. F
a. Predictors: (Constant), Etika
b. Dependent Variable: Lingkungan Kerja
Sumber : which is processed with, SPSS Versi 23.0 For Windows
Determinance is the square measure of the correlation coefficient, to determine the size
of the relationship between ethical variables and the work environment. Based on the
table above, the Summary model produces an R value of 0.850, this shows that the
relationship level is 85.00%, whereas with the work environment and results the R2
value is 0.723. This shows that it is 72.30%. Ethics has a positive influence on the work
environment. Meanwhile, the remaining 27.70% is estimated by other variables, namely
employee performance.
Table 6 Results of Determination Coefficient Analysis
Organizational Culture on Work Environment
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
Change Statistics
R Square
F Change
Sig. F
a. Predictors: (Constant), Budaya Organisasi
b. Dependent Variable: Lingkungan Kerja
Sumber : which is processed with, SPSS Versi 23.0 For Windows
Determinance is the square amount of the correlation coefficient, to determine the size
of the relationship between the ethics variable and the work environment. Based on the
table above, namely the Summary model which produces an R value of 0.825, this shows
that the level of relationship is 82.50%, while with the work environment and the results
[The Influence of Ethics and Organizational Culture on
the Work Environment on Employees State Civil
Apparatus Sub-District Office Karawaci in Tangerang]
of the R2 value of 0.681. This shows that it is 68.10%. Ethics and organizational culture
have a positive influence on the work environment. While the remaining 31.90% is
estimated by other variables, namely employee performance.
Table 7 Results of Determination Coefficient Analysis
Ethics and Organizational Culture on the Work Environment
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
Change Statistics
R Square
F Change
Sig. F
a. Predictors: (Constant), Budaya Organisasi, Etika
b. Dependent Variable: Lingkungan Kerja
Sumber : Data yang diolah dengan, SPSS Versi 23.0 For Windows
Determinance is the square amount of the correlation coefficient, to determine the size
of the relationship between the ethics variable and the work environment (Anggawira
& Hedrian, 2023). Based on the table above, namely the Summary model which produces
an R value of 0.926, this shows that the level of relationship is 92.60%, while with the
work environment and the results of the R2 value of 0.857. This shows that it is 85.70%.
Organizational culture has a positive influence on the work environment. While the
remaining 14.30% is estimated by other variables, namely employee performance.
Hypothesis Test Results
T Test Results (Partially)
To find out the ethics variable (X1), organizational culture (X2) and whether there is an
influence on the work environment variable (Y) by comparing the results of t count with
t table, which has the respective values as follows: (Wahyono, 2019)
Table 8 T Test Results T
Ethics towards the Work Environment
Unstandardized Coefficients
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: Lingkungan Kerja
Source: Data processed with SPSS Version 23.0 For Windows
Hypothesis Testing between Ethics variables (X1) on Work Environment (Y).
Ho = partially there is no significant influence between Ethics on the Work Environment
Vol. 2, No. 10, 2023
[The Influence of Ethics and Organizational Culture on the Work
Environment on Employees State Civil Apparatus Sub-District
Office Karawaci in Tangerang]
Akbar Maulana Pujangga
Ha = partially there is a significant influence between Ethics on the Work Environment.
Thus, the significant level of 5% and df = n-3 then df = 60 - = 57, so the t table value is
1.67203. Based on the partial test results for Ethics, the t value is 12.295. This means t
count> t table (12.295> 1.67203). And it can be seen that the significant value of Ethics is
0.000 <0.05.
So, it can be said that there is an influence between Ethics on the Work Environment and
the Hypothesis proposed in this study is accepted.
Tabel 9 T Test Results
Organizational Culture on Work Environment
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: Lingkungan Kerja
Source: Data processed with SPSS Version 23.0 For Windows
Hypothesis Testing between Organizational Culture variables (X2) on Work
Environment (Y).
Ho = partially there is no significant influence between organizational culture on the
work environment
Ha = partially there is a significant influence between organizational culture on the work
Thus the significant level of 5% and df = n-3 then df = 60 - 3 = 57, so the t table value is
1.67203. Based on the partial test results for Organizational Culture, the t value is 11.134.
This means t count> t table (11.134> 1.67203). And it can be seen that the significant value
of Organizational Culture is 0.000 <0.05. So it can be said that there is an influence
between Organizational Culture on the Work Environment and the Hypothesis
proposed in this study is accepted.
F Test Results (Simultaneously)
Test f
is used to determine the effect of independent variables simultaneously on the
dependent variable. The results of the analysis are as follows:
Table 10 F Test Results
[The Influence of Ethics and Organizational Culture on
the Work Environment on Employees State Civil
Apparatus Sub-District Office Karawaci in Tangerang]
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable: Lingkungan Kerja
b. Predictors: (Constant), Budaya Organisasi, Etika
Sumber : Data yang diolah dengan, SPSS Versi 23.0 For Windows
Ho = partially there is no significant influence between Ethics and Organizational
Culture simultaneously on the Work Environment.
Ha = partially there is a significant influence between Ethics and Organizational Culture
simultaneously on the Work Environment.
Thus the significant level of 5%, df 1 = k-1 = 3-1 = 2, and df 2 n-k = 60 - 3 = 57 obtained f
table is 2.77. Based on the results of the analysis of the data above, it can be seen that the
Ethics and Organizational Culture variables are simultaneously 171.385, this means that
f count> f table (171.385> 2.77). And it can be seen that the significant value of Ethics and
Organizational Culture is 0.000 <0.05. So it can be said that there is an influence between
Ethics and Organizational Culture simultaneously on the Working Environment, the
thesis proposed in this study is accepted.
Based on the results of statistical testing, it can also be seen that simultaneously or
partially all independent variables (ethics and organizational culture) can affect the
dependent variable (work environment) in State Civil Servants of Karawaci District
Office Apparatus in Tangerang (Munfarikhah, 2020). The relationship of ethics and
organizational culture to the work environment is positive, where every increase in
ethics and organizational culture is always followed by an increase in the work
environment, for more details can be seen in the following discussion:
a. Correlation Analysis of Ethics (X1) on the Work Environment (Y) in State Civil
Servants of the Karawaci District Office Apparatus in Tangerang.
From the research results, the R (correlation) value between the Ethics variable and
the Work Environment is 0.850 so that between the two variables there is a moderate
correlation, the direction coefficient value is positive, so there is a positive correlation
(in the same direction) between the Ethics variable (X1) and the Work Environment
(Y). obtained the R square value of 0.723, it can be seen that Ethics has an influence of
72.30% on the Work Environment and the remaining 27.70% is influenced by other
factors outside the Ethics variable. And the results showed that the t value was 12.295,
thus the significant level of 5% and df = n-3 then df 60-3 = 57, so the t table value was
1.67203 t count> t table (12.295> 1.67203) and a significant value of 0.0000. Thus
significant (0.000) < (0.05), so the hypothesis proposed in this study is accepted. That
way the ethical factor has a positive effect on the work environment, which means
Vol. 2, No. 10, 2023
[The Influence of Ethics and Organizational Culture on the Work
Environment on Employees State Civil Apparatus Sub-District
Office Karawaci in Tangerang]
Akbar Maulana Pujangga
that the increase in the value of the work environment variable of the State Civil
Service Apparatus of the Karawaci District Office in Tangerang.
b. Correlation analysis of Organizational Culture (X2) on Work Environment (Y) on
(Madjidu, Usu, & Yakup, 2022).
From the research results, it can be seen that the R value (correlation) between the
organizational culture variable and the work environment is 0.825 so that between
the two variables there is a moderate correlation, the direction coefficient value is
positive, so there is a positive correlation (in the same direction) between the
organizational culture variable (X2) and the work environment (Y). obtained R square
value of 0.681, it can be seen that organizational culture has an influence of 68.1% on
the work environment and the remaining 31.9% is influenced by other factors outside
the organizational culture variable. And the results showed that the t value was
11.134, thus the significant level of 5% and df = n-3, then df 60-3 = 57, so the t table
value was 1.67203 t count> t table (11.134> 1.67203) and a significant value of 0.0000.
Thus significant (0.000) < (0.05), so the hypothesis proposed in this study is accepted.
That way the organizational culture factor has a positive effect on the work
environment, which means an increase in the value of the work environment variable.
Analisis korelasi Etika (X1) Budaya Organisasi (X2) terhadap Lingkungan Kerja (Y)
pada pegawai Sipil Negara Aparatur Kantor Kecamatan Karawaci di Tangerang.
c. From the results of the study obtained the value of R (correlation) between the
variables of ethics and organizational culture on the work environment of 0.926 all
variables there is a strong correlation, the value of the direction coefficient is positive,
so there is a positive correlation (unidirectional) between the variables of ethics (X1)
organizational culture (X2) with the work environment (Y). obtained the value of R
square 0.857, it can be seen that ethics and organizational culture have an influence
of 85.7% on the work environment and the remaining 14.3% is influenced by other
factors outside the variables of ethics and organizational culture. And the results
showed an F value of 171.385 with a significant level of 5%, df 1 = k-1 = 3-1 = 2, and df
2 n-k = 60-3 = 57 obtained f table is 2.77. So the calculated F value is 171.385 and the F
table is 2.77, thus F count> F table (171.385> 2.77) and a significant value of 0.000. Thus
significant (0.000) < (0.05), so the hypothesis proposed in this study is accepted. That
way it shows that ethical factors and organizational culture have a positive effect on
the work environment in State Civil Servants of the Karawaci District Office
Apparatus in Tangerang, an increase in the value of ethical variables and
organizational culture is always followed by an increase in the value of work
environment variables.
From the results of research conducted by the author, the authors draw conclusions that
are adjusted to the determination of the objectives of this study. The influence of ethics
and organizational culture on the work environment has a positive and significant
influence as follows:Berdasarkan perhitungan secara parsial pada variabel X1 (Etika)
[The Influence of Ethics and Organizational Culture on
the Work Environment on Employees State Civil
Apparatus Sub-District Office Karawaci in Tangerang]
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> 1,67203) sehingga Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima maka terdapat korelasi antara etika dan
budaya organisasi. di dapat nilai R square 0,850 maka dapat diketahui bahwa etika
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