Volume 2 Number 10, October 2023
p- ISSN 2963-3648- e-ISSN 2964-8653
Ratna Wati
, Wahyu Tri Putranto
Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen STIAMI, Indonesia
Abstract: This article aims to explain the implementation of bureaucratic democratization in
Metro City, especially in public information disclosure services. The background to this writing
is that the implementation of public information disclosure is still low in accordance with the
mandate of Law Number 14 of 2008 at the Regional Government level. One of them is the Metro
City Government which only issued a guardian in 2016 which was previously required 2 years
after it was stipulated, namely in 2010. This research was conducted using a mixed method by
simultaneously carrying out qualitative methods and quantitative methods with a focus on
understanding the apparatus, provision of facilities, and commitment of the Guardian. Metro
City in openness of public information. The research used interviews, survey, observation, and
document study methods to collect data. This research finds that bureaucratic democratization
in public information disclosure services in the Metro City government is already underway,
although not yet optimal. This is because the knowledge and understanding of the bureaucratic
apparatus still do not fully understand Law Number 14 of 2008 and the contents contained in it.
The provision of public services in the form of the formation of PPIDs in each Regional
Apparatus Organization (OPD) has still not reached 50%, namely only 36%, and the Metro
Mayor's commitment is not yet complete, this is indicated by the slow issuance of Perwali and
the low trust of OPD representation in this commitment.
Keywords: Public Openness; Democratic; Bureaucracy
Good government must prioritize the public interest. This is in line with the opinion of
Denhardt and Denhardt (2003;3) that public organizations should be managed in a
democratic system. By implementing this system, the public can be actively involved in
providing public services. Bureaucracy as the driving engine of government is important
for implementing democratic principles. As a democratic country, the administration of
government in Indonesia must be based on democratic principles which are the main
basis for the government in carrying out its duties.
Keban (2008:248) explains that a bureaucracy must be built by paying attention to several
important things, such as prioritizing citizen services, prioritizing the public interest,
involving the community, thinking strategically and acting democratically, paying
[Public Openness Services in the Framework of
Bureaucratic Democratization in the Metro City of
Lampung Province]
attention to existing norms, values and standards, and respecting the community. In an
effort to build a better bureaucracy, it is necessary to pay attention to structural
improvements regarding differentiation arrangements (vertical and horizontal).
Bureaucracy in building structures must consider the environmental context, the
complexity of each field, and the capabilities of the organization itself. According to
Keban (2008), in Indonesia structural improvements in the government bureaucracy
often consider the basis of desires rather than existing needs, the impact of which causes
new problems. Often positions in new structures are created to accommodate senior
officials who do not obtain tenure. Furthermore, implementing appropriate strategies
that are able to adapt to the dynamics of the economic, technological and social
environment will be the key to the bureaucracy's success in facing changes and
developing challenges.
The application of adaptive strategies to the bureaucracy's external and internal
capabilities is important as a priority agenda in efforts to strengthen the government
system in Indonesia for the future. Furthermore, improving organizational culture
which involves values, norms and beliefs, is very important because it helps every
employee understand the proper function of the organization, and the values and beliefs
they have in shaping organizational behavior.
Bureaucracy that is not based on democratization will result in the implementation of a
government that does not side with the people. Without the use of participation in public
services, improvements in government performance will not be realized in accordance
with democratic principles and mandates (Karningsih 2019).
Indonesia has experienced many significant changes in the democratic system of
government since Indonesia entered the Reform Order era. Shifting from a centralized
system to a decentralized system, as well as strengthening regulations through the Law
on Regional Government. Apart from that, government management is no longer as
closed as in the pre-reform era. After that, openness of public information became a
principle that must be upheld (Hardiman 2018).
This openness of public information is a mandate of the 1945 Constitution of the
Republic of Indonesia in article 28F which explains that every person has the right to
obtain information and communicate in the context of personal development and his
social environment, and has the right to obtain, own, search, process, store and convey
information by utilizing all types of channels available. Furthermore, it is more
specifically regulated in the Public Information Openness Law no. 14 of 2008. This law
further requires every public institution to create officials. Manager. Information. and
Documentation (PPID) which has been contained in article 13 of the KIP Law (Public
Information Openness) whose task is to create and develop a system for providing
Vol. 2, No. 10, 2023
[Public Openness Services in the Framework of
Bureaucratic Democratization in the Metro City of
Lampung Province]
Ratna Wati, Wahyu Tri Putranto
information services quickly, easily and fairly on the basis of technical instructions for
public information service standards that are applied nationally.
The right to obtain information from each Agency. The public, which is then made an
obligation of every Public Body to provide information services to the public, as
explained and regulated in the 1945 Constitution and the KIP Law. Furthermore, this
provision is regulated technically and operationally through Government Regulation
Number 61 of 2010 and Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 35 of 2010 as well
as through Information Commission Regulation Number 1 of 2010 which regulates
Public Information Service Standards and Perki Number. 1 of 2013 which regulates
procedures for resolving public information disputes.
The object of this research is for every public institution, in this case the Metro City
government of Lampung Province, to provide public information at any time. In a search
effort to analyze the democratization of bureaucracy in the Metro City of Lampung
Province through strategic policies that have been made by the Metro City Government
of Lampung Province, namely the Mayor of Metro Lampung Province. So it is important
to understand the bureaucratic work system from a democratization perspective which
is based on the principles and values of democracy itself, especially in the
democratization of the bureaucracy in the Metro City Government of Lampung
Province, especially in the transparency of public information services. So it is important
to know the commitment and implementation of bureaucratic democratization on public
information transparency in the Metro City of Lampung Province.
Research Method
This research was conducted using mixed methods by simultaneously carrying out
qualitative methods and quantitative methods. This mixed method was carried out to
obtain comprehensive data regarding the phenomenon of the application of public
information disclosure as part of democratic values in bureaucratic practices. This
research focuses on the process of bureaucratic democratization in public information
disclosure services in the Metro City Government of Lampung Province.
This research also focuses on policies made by the Lampung Province Metro City
Government relating to public information. Apart from that, this research will examine
the readiness of Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) and the commitment of the
Mayor of Metro Lampung Province to the bureaucratic democratization process that is
taking place.
The research used interview, survey, observation and document study methods to
collect data. For interviews, researchers interviewed 57 informants consisting of 3 key
informants and 54 respondents. For the 3 key informants, deep interviews were
conducted using the Metro City of Lampung Province, the secretary of the Metro City of
Lampung Province, and the former Assistant for General Administration and Personnel
[Public Openness Services in the Framework of
Bureaucratic Democratization in the Metro City of
Lampung Province]
for Metro City of Lampung Province and the survey was conducted using non-
probability sampling with a quota method where each respondent represented the OPD.
which is involved in public information. The survey was carried out by distributing
questionnaires which were successfully filled in by 50 respondents representing OPDs
within the Metro City of Lampung Province. The 50 respondents are the parties
responsible for implementing policies related to openness of public information services.
Next, the data is analyzed through the following four stages. First, by collecting relevant
and accurate data according to research needs, based on operational definition
boundaries. Furthermore, this data can be obtained from the results of the interview
process, observation, document search and literature review. Second, the data that has
been collected will be reduced as needed based on the level of relevance and urgency of
the data that has been obtained. In other words, not all data that has been obtained will
be used as analytical data, but data reduction is carried out first. Third, presenting data
from analysis as a result of research in the form of data construction results that provide
explanations and interpretations in the formation of new understanding based on the
results of data analysis on research objects. Then fourth, drawing research conclusions,
namely in the form of data presentation stages at the final level in the form of answers
to a number of research questions that have been asked, as well as answers to the
research objectives.
Result And Discussion
Democratization of Bureaucracy in Public Information Services in Metro Cities
From the data analysis, it was found that the phenomenon of bureaucratic
democratization was related to the understanding of Metro City Government employees
regarding the openness of public information, provision of public information services,
and the Metro Mayor's commitment to bureaucratic democratization. The specific
analysis is as follows:
Implementer's Knowledge and Understanding of Information Disclosure
The implementation of bureaucratic democratization can be realized if policy
implementers know the existing regulations well. This is because regulations serve as
guidelines for their implementation in every government institution. So the first thing to
be measured is the extent to which Metro City Government employees understand the
Public Information Openness Law. The understanding of implementing information
disclosure services is as follows:
Vol. 2, No. 10, 2023
[Public Openness Services in the Framework of
Bureaucratic Democratization in the Metro City of
Lampung Province]
Ratna Wati, Wahyu Tri Putranto
Diagram1. Respondent's Opinion on Knowledge of Law No. 14 of 2008
Source: Research Primary Data, 2023
Based on this data, it shows that 33 (65%) respondents knew about the Freedom of
Information Law. There are still 17 (35%) informants who do not or do not know. This
diagram identifies that more than 50% of employees know about Law no. 14 of 2008,
where this law is the legal basis for issuing every existing policy of the Metro City
Government relating to public information services. Although basically ideally, if we
look at it from the aspect that the Law on KIP was issued in 2008, practically all
employees within the City Government should already know about it.
Thus, there are still around 35% of employees who do not know, which indicates that
socialization regarding public information disclosure regulations has not been optimal
within the scope of the Metro City Government. New policy implementers can
implement them well if public officials not only know but also understand existing
regulations. This is important in providing services and implementing the principle of
openness of public information. The following is the number of Regional Work Units
(SKPD) that understand the law regarding public information disclosure.
Diagram 2. Respondents' opinions on understanding of Law No.14 of 2008
[Public Openness Services in the Framework of
Bureaucratic Democratization in the Metro City of
Lampung Province]
Source: Research Primary Data, 2023
This data indicates that the number of employees who understand the IP Law well is
still below 50 percent. This shows that the majority of officials within the City
Government do not fully understand the KIP Law. Therefore, further outreach is needed
within the Metro City Government's internal scope to increase understanding of the KIP
The data results for each SKPD are also in line with the Metro City government's
explanation. This is as explained by the RA informant who is also a leader in the field of
general administration and personnel, that:
"The apparatus in the Metro City Government does not yet have above average overall capabilities
in improving the performance and image of the Metro City Government as an open government.
The promotion of openness that has so far been carried out is still limited to responding to
demands for openness sporadically."
This explanation shows that the apparatus in the Metro City government does not yet
have in-depth knowledge and understanding regarding information disclosure. So
efforts to improve the performance and image of the Metro City Government as an open
institution have not been running optimally. This is because officials carry out
information disclosure which is still a formality and sporadic. The provision of Public
Information Services in Metro City for each public institution in accordance with Law
No. 14 of 2008 mandates the formation of officials appointed to manage public
information. Each institution and OPD is required to form an information management
Provision of Public Information Services in Metro Cities
Every public institution in accordance with Law no. 14 of 2008 mandates the formation
of officials appointed to manage public information. Meanwhile, every institution and
OPD is required to form an information and documentation management officer (PPID)
Vol. 2, No. 10, 2023
[Public Openness Services in the Framework of
Bureaucratic Democratization in the Metro City of
Lampung Province]
Ratna Wati, Wahyu Tri Putranto
in their agency. The following is the percentage of OPDs within the Metro City
government that have formed PPID.
Diagram 3. Respondents' opinions on the formation of PPID in OPD Metro
Source: Research Primary Data, 2023
This data shows that there are still 35 percent of Metro City Government OPDs that form
PPID. This data indicates that it is still relatively minimal because the number of OPDs
that have not yet formed a PPID is still above 50 percent, namely around 65 percent of
the total OPDs within the Metro City government. Ideally, according to the mandate of
the KIP Law, all OPDs must each have a PPID as an assistant PPID who is responsible
to the main PPID in providing public information services. In fact, the mandate related
to the formation of PPID has been regulated and contained in the Perwali regarding
information services regarding public information disclosure.
The formation of PPID in every OPD within the Metro City Government is very
important. This is because the public needs a variety of information from each existing
OPD. Apart from that, the increasing capacity and public participation in monitoring
bureaucratic performance has caused demand for access to public information services
related to the performance of each OPD to also increase. Therefore, they must provide
services in accordance with standard operational procedures for public information
services as regulated in the authority of the PPID concerned. The existence of PPID in
each OPD will prevent information service systems that are not synergistic. there is no
overlap or mutual expectations and shifting of responsibilities when required to respond
to urgent requests for public information services.
Furthermore, after the PPID is formed in the OPD, a further issue is to what extent the
PPID that has been formed has functioned in accordance with the rules and Standard
Operating Procedures (SOP) that have been agreed upon within the Metro City
Government. PPID is expected to more optimally disseminate accurate information to
[Public Openness Services in the Framework of
Bureaucratic Democratization in the Metro City of
Lampung Province]
the public. Technically, the mayor of Metro City gives targets to each public information
management official. This is as explained by the Mayor of Metro, Wahdi:
"The performance of Public Information Management Officers (PPID) is implemented by
disseminating at least five news stories a day, and each Metro City state civil servant (ASN) must
take action to disseminate information on their respective social media, by having a minimum of
This explanation shows that PPIDs which have been formed in 35% of OPDs within the
Metro City Government are given a target to disseminate information at least five news
stories a day and encourage every ASN to be active on social media. However, there are
still 65% of OPDs that have not yet formed a PPID, indicating that the provision of
information services within the Metro City Government is not running optimally. Even
what is formed is still below 50%. This means that the bureaucratic democratization
process is not considered to be going well.
Metro Mayor's Commitment to Sustaining Public Information Openness
One of the determining factors for the success of bureaucratic democratization is the
commitment of regional heads to the openness of public information. This commitment
is measured based on each OPD within the Metro City Government.
Diagram 4. Respondents' Opinions on the Metro Mayor's Commitment to Openness of
Public Information
Source: Research Primary Data, 2023
This data shows that 42 informants or around 84% stated that the Metro Mayor was
committed and 8 informants or 16% thought that the Metro Mayor was not serious about
implementing public information disclosure. Thus, there are 84 percent who think that
the Mayor of Metro has demonstrated his commitment to being open, so it can be
Vol. 2, No. 10, 2023
[Public Openness Services in the Framework of
Bureaucratic Democratization in the Metro City of
Lampung Province]
Ratna Wati, Wahyu Tri Putranto
considered that this commitment is sufficient to be used to increase trust (trust) for
officials within the Metro City Government to carry out their responsibilities
wholeheartedly based on what has been mandated by Metro Mayor Wahdi in
implementing the principles of open information services.
The Mayor as the leader and main person responsible for the Metro City Government
must show his commitment to openness of public information. This is important because
the bureaucracy is very dependent on the policies of the mayor. The commitment of the
Mayor of Metro, Wahdi, is as explained as follows:
"The Metro City Government as a public institution, in carrying out its role in managing public
information, should understand the principles contained in the KIP (Public Information
Openness) Law, especially information that is exempt, strict and limited or requires a
consequence test. "Our hope is that in the future, coordination between the main PPID and the
Assistant PPID can be improved, and the Metro City Government's public complaint service can
run effectively in order to create a better Metro City."
This explanation shows that the Mayor of Metro City is encouraging the implementation
of the principle of openness of public information in Metro City. This is marked by
strengthening coordination between the main PPID and the supporting PPID in public
complaint services which is in line with the Metro Mayor's vision of creating a better
Metro City.
Based on data and explanations from the Mayor of Metro City, it shows that the process
of bureaucratic democratization is already underway in the implementation of Metro
City government. However, this level of democratization has not been fully
implemented optimally if seen from the indicators or variables of democracy studied,
the variables in question are transparency, community participation, public
accountability, rule-based policies and service actions (rule of Law).
The implementation of bureaucratic democratization in the Metro City Government has
been implemented, as can be seen from the existence of a Perwali regarding the
formation and function of PPID within the Metro City Government which resulted in
changes to the structure and system of public information management. This is the
implementation of the mandate of Law Number 14 of 2008 concerning KIP. However,
the implementation of democratization has not taken place evenly and optimally in all
Metro City OPDs. The reason is that there is still uneven understanding and knowledge
among bureaucratic officials regarding the importance of public bodies being
transparent. Therefore, maximum efforts are still needed to convey appropriate
information and understanding so that the need for transparency can be understood
properly and correctly by all bureaucratic officials. This is in line with the results of this
research which found that there were still 36 percent of Metro City Government
employees who did not know about the Information Openness Law.
[Public Openness Services in the Framework of
Bureaucratic Democratization in the Metro City of
Lampung Province]
Another weakness is that the Metro City government is not quick enough to carry out
the mandate of Law No. 14 of 2008 concerning KIP. This is marked by the new
publication of a public information openness policy within the Metro City Government,
namely Perwali No. 5v of 2023 concerning One Indonesian Data at the Depok City Level
in the context of transparency in public information services in September 2016.
Ideally, this Perwali should have been issued no later than 2010 or 2 years after the KIP
Law was passed. This indicates that the Metro City government seems half-hearted and
less serious about responding proactively to the implementation of the Public
Information Openness Law.
Democratization of bureaucracy in public information services in Metro City is still
among the perspectives of Public Administration and the perspective of New Public
Management. To achieve a stage of bureaucratic democratization that is in line with the
perspective of Public Services simultaneously and totally in the Metro City Government
is still a public discourse and hope. This means that transparency has indeed been
carried out in accordance with what was planned by the Mayor of Metro. However, its
implementation has not yet reached the target. In fact, in reality, it should be a theoretical
perspective of Public Services- that is what should happen and be implemented, then if it
is linked to the consequences of bureaucratic democratization which occurs as a result
of the obligation to be transparent in order to fulfill the public's right to know and be
served to fulfill their rights as citizens (citizenship).
Overall bureaucratic democratization within the Metro City Government still requires a
long process and time. Especially in the internalization of democratic values,
institutional formation, increasing the commitment of regional leaders and
implementing a transparent culture for each apparatus in carrying out their duties. As
well as encouraging changes in the mindset of all stakeholders to think and act
democratically. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the structure and change culture
and mental attitudes in the form of democratic bureaucratic behavior.
Democratization of bureaucracy in public information services in the Metro City
Government is already underway, although not yet optimal. This is measured in three
aspects, namely first, the knowledge and understanding of the bureaucratic apparatus
in the Metro City Government still do not fully understand Law Number 14 of 2008 and
the contents contained therein. The low level of understanding of public information
disclosure, which only reaches 40%, indicates that public officials do not yet have
comprehensive capabilities to carry out democratization in public information services.
Second, the provision of public services in the form of establishing PPIDs in each OPD
has still not reached 50%, namely only 36%. This shows that public information
transparency services are inadequate in every OPD. Third, the Metro Mayor's
commitment is not yet complete, this is indicated by the slow issuance of the Perwali on
the Formation of PPID in the context of transparency of public information services,
Vol. 2, No. 10, 2023
[Public Openness Services in the Framework of
Bureaucratic Democratization in the Metro City of
Lampung Province]
Ratna Wati, Wahyu Tri Putranto
which was only carried out in 2016 even though it should have been no later than 2010.
This is in line with the finding that only 16% of OPD representatives stated that the Metro
Mayor is committed to implementing the Public Information Openness Law.
Therefore, it is recommended that democratization of the bureaucracy related to public
information transparency must be carried out by increasing socialization regarding
regulations related to public information disclosure, establishing PPIDs in all OPDs and
increasing public encouragement so that Metro Mayors increase their commitment and
consistency in implementing public information transparency. within the scope of the
Metro City Government.
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