At least every day humans think about what clothes to wear from clothes to accessories.
This makes fashion a lifestyle. Lifestyle determination occurs due to the habit of
socializing or activities with the environment of his choice so that the choice of lifestyle
provisions with a group of people who have references, is the same as fashion (Çelebi et
al., 2017). The formation of characteristics in fashion because of the choice of a group. If
it is an individual then it will be called style not fashion (Hendariningrum & Susilo,
2014). There is a choice of style to become fashion when it is adopted by more than one
person. In addition, fashion can be used as a way to identify someone by how they dress.
The selection of clothes to accessories will appear depending on the purpose or event to
be addressed.
Modern society defines lifestyle regarding one's attitudes, values, wealth, and social
position (Sukirno, 2017). The connotation of the term lifestyle according to modern
society is individualism, self-expression, and self-awareness for style. Indicators of an
individualist are found in the body, clothing, way of speaking, entertainment during free
time, choices in food and drink, place of residence, vehicles, and information choices
(Rachmawati, 2013). The phenomenon of the lifestyle of the Indonesian people can be
explained by the fact that the Indonesian consumer society grows along with the history
of economic globalization and the transformation of consumer capitalism which is
marked by the proliferation of shopping centers (Hendariningrum & Susilo, 2008).
Research Method
The method used in this research is qualitative. Describe qualitative research as research
that aims to explain a phenomenon that is discussed in depth in the collection of data
that has been sought. Nawawi and Hadari, describe the definition of qualitative as a set
of activities or processes of network information in natural conditions in the life of an
object. The qualitative research carried out is inductive, where inductive reasoning flows
of thought originate from several specific facts and then become general (Wijaya, 2020).
Then it is connected with solving a problem both from a theoretical and practical
Furthermore, this study uses a semiotic theoretical approach such as Roland Barthes,
focusing on the idea of two-stage signification (two orders of signification) which
significance The first stage is the relationship between the signifier (marker) and
signified (sign) in a sign-to-external reality. The designation made by Barthes is
denotation, which is the most obvious meaning of the sign, and connotation is the term
used by Barthes to indicate the second stage of significance. On significance the second
stage is related to content, the sign works through myth (Wibisono & Sari, 2021).
In this study, the authors collected secondary data from several studies and library
research that had been filtered by selected authors that were similar to the research topic.
The selected literature studies and research are in the form of publication documents
and then used as research information data. In addition, the unit of analysis in this study