heir has no children, this is based on Article 852a of the Criminal Code which contains:
"In the case of inheritance and a husband or wife who has died earlier, a husband or wife
who has been left behind, in applying the provisions of this chapter, is equated with a
legitimate child and a deceased person, with the understanding that if the husband and
wife's marriage is a second or subsequent marriage, and from the previous marriage
there were children or descendants -the offspring of the children, the new husband or
wife may not inherit more and the smallest share received by one of the children, or by
all of the successor's descendants if he dies first, and in any case the inheritance of the
wife or husband may not exceed a quarter and the heir's inheritance.
If for the happiness of husband or wife and second marriage or marriage, the next
testamentary has been issued, then if the amount of the portion acquired and inherited
at death and the portion obtained and the will exceeds the limits and amount outlined
in the first paragraph, the share, and inheritance at death must be reduced in such a way
that the joint amount remains within the limits -that limit. If the determination of the
will, wholly or partly, consists of usufructuary rights, then the price and usufructuary
rights must be estimated, and the amount together including in the previous paragraph
must be calculated based on the estimated price. What the following husband or wife
enjoys according to this Article must be deducted in calculating what the husband or
wife may receive or what has been agreed upon according to Chapter VIII of the First
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