Volume 2 Number 8, August, 2023
p- ISSN 2963-3648- e-ISSN 2964-8653
Doi: 10.57096/edunity.v2i9.150
Yanto Heryanto
, Agus Dimyati
, Wendy Rivansah
Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati Cirebon, Indonesia
Abstract: Human Resource Development is any effort to improve the implementation of current
and future work, by providing information, influencing attitudes, or adding skills, in other words,
development is any activity intended to change behavior consisting of knowledge, skills, and
attitudes. One of the objectives of human resource development according to Hasibuan is to
improve services. The focus of the research conducted by the author is on the service of making
birth certificates. The method used is a qualitative research method which is a method for
exploring and understanding the meaning that a number of individuals or groups of people
ascribe to problems. The informant retrieval technique uses Purposive Sampling which is a
sampling technique with certain considerations. This technique includes people who are selected
on the basis of certain criteria that are considered capable of providing information in accordance
with the focus of the research. The results of this study are based on the dimensions of the
research that in terms of knowledge it is still said to be not optimal due to formal education that
does not meet the criteria and also lack of participation in non-formal education. For the skill
dimension, it is also still not optimal because there is no special training on making birth
certificates. However, the attitude and behavior dimensions are optimal. The factors that become
obstacles are the rapid development of technology and the lack of discipline of employees. In
addition, the efforts made are to carry out direction, supervision, and as well as sharing
knowledge between fellow employees
Keywords: Human Resource Development; Services; Birth Certificate.
Human resources are productive individuals who act as the driving force of an
organization, either institution or company (Susan, 2019), The mission of human
resources is to become an asset whose talents must be trained and developed. Therefore,
an employee or employee is not just a resource, but capital or assets for an institution or
company, which can be invested through development (Subyantoro & Suwarto, 2020).
An organization can run well if there are human resources who act as its driving force.
Here the importance of the role of leaders in human resource management in order to
be able to move the organization in achieving goals. One of them is how does a leader
improve the quality of his employees or employees by doing development (Supardi,
[Human Resource Development in Birth Certificate Making
Services at The Service of Population and Civil Registration
of Kuningan District]
Vol 2, No. 8, 2023
In a strong organization must have quality human resources. To manage these resources,
organizations need to accelerate them, one of which is by developing human resources.
This development is important because it is enabled to carry out the duties and
responsibilities given by the organization (Riniwati, 2016).
Development of human resources is any activity intended to develop knowledge, skills,
and attitudes, in order to help carry out work properly (Solong, 2020). Investment in
human resource development is an expenditure aimed at improving the productive
capacity of employees so that they are able to face the demands of tasks, especially
responding to the ever-changing demands of the future. In general, human resource
development is a kind of activity carried out by companies or institutions to improve
human resource skills (Suprihanto & Putri, 2021).
According to Rivai and Basri, (Sinambela & Sinambela, 2019) "that performance
is the result or level of success of a person or whole during a certain period in
carrying out tasks compared in advance and agreed upon". This means that the
results of the performance of the apparatus depend on how superiors or agencies
empower existing human resources during a certain period. Employee
performance is also a benchmark for how successful leaders are in developing
human resources (Susilowati & Farida, 2019).
The government has stipulated Law no. 5 of 2014 concerning the State Civil
Apparatus was structured as a bureaucratic reform program which is a solution
to changing the Indonesian government's bureaucratic order. In accordance with
the management of the State Civil Apparatus, it must also change from personnel
administration to the development of human capital. This is the policy and
management of the State Civil Apparatus which is based on qualifications,
competence, and performance that is fair and without tendencies and regulates
issues of promotion, transfer, and even dismissal of the state civil servants. The
Government Regulation Number 101 of 2000 concerning the Education and
Training of Civil Servants, on this basis, it is necessary to build a state civil
apparatus that has integrity, is professional, neutral, and free from political
intervention, free from corruption, collusion and nepotism practices, and is able
to organize public service for the community and able to carry out the role as an
adhesive element for the unity and integrity of the nation (Wicaksana, 2014).
According to (Hasibuan & Hasibuan, 2021) one of the objectives of developing
human resources is to improve service to the community. Service is basically an
activity that provides benefits by one party to another but does not have a
physical form and without any change in ownership (Hardiyansyah, 2018).
Vol. 2, No. 8, 2023
[Human Resource Development in Birth Certificate Making
Services at The Service of Population and Civil Registration
of Kuningan District]
Yanto Heryanto
*, Agus Dimyati
, Wendy Rivansah
Service according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary has 3 meanings, namely: How
how to serve, efforts to meet the needs of others by getting rewards, and the
facilities provided in connection with the sale and purchase of goods or services.
An organization, especially an organization that is directly related to the
community, of course it willgive the best service. In order to realize the best
service, competent employees are needed in carrying out their duties. This
indicates the importance of developing human resources in order to improve the
ability of employees so that they are able to provide the best service to the
The Department of Population and Civil Registration of Kuningan Regency is a
government agency that has the task of carrying out household affairs for the
Regional Government and duties in the field of Population and Civil
Registration. Office of the Department of Population andRecording Kuningan
Regency Civil Servants has a vision, namely "Prime in Population and Civil
Registration Services" meaning that it must be able to realize maximum service
to the community in administrationpopulation and civil registration. So as to
create effective and efficient services in the process of population and civil
registration services. Therefore, to improve the desired quality of the apparatus,
it is necessary to have a good human resource development process.
The Department of Population and Civil Registration has several fields in charge
of providing services, one of which is the Civil Registration Services Division.
Civil Registration Service is an activity of service and development regarding the
legal status of a person at a time which can be used as authentic evidence for the
party concerned or a third party. The forms of civil registration services are:
making birth certificates, death certificates, marriage certificates, and divorce
certificates, and others. The focus of the research conducted by the author is
regarding services for making birth certificates. In initial observations, here the
authors found several problems, where employees oftendifficulty in carrying out
some of his duties so that the service to the community, especially in the
manufacture of birth certificates, is disrupted. As according to the author's
observations of the problems thatfaced the field of Civil Registration Servicesis
as follows :
1. The still low level of officer education causes there to be some officers who do
not yet understand the rules and procedures for making a birth certificate.
2. There is still a lack of employee skills in handling the making of birth
certificates seen from their accuracy and also the ability to use equipment so
that service to the community is not optimal,
[Human Resource Development in Birth Certificate Making
Services at The Service of Population and Civil Registration
of Kuningan District]
Vol 2, No. 8, 2023
The above problems are certainly often encountered by employees specifically in
the field of Civil Registration Services, however, until now there has not been any
improvement or increase in the ability of employees to complete problem the. Yet
according to research earlier namely (Misran, 2021) in a study entitled "Analysis
of Human Resource Development on Service Quality at the Office of the
Population and Civil Registration Office of Enrekang Regency." Stating that the
development of human resources is able to improve services to the community.
Thus, on this basis it is deemed necessary to conduct research with the title
"Development of Human Resources in Services for Making Birth Certificates
at the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Kuningan Regency."
Research Method
Object of research
This research took place at the Department of Population and Civil Registration, located
on Jl. RE. Martadinata No. 256, RW. 02, Ancaran, Kec. Kuningan, Kuningan Regency,
West Java 45513.
Research methods
The method used is a qualitative method, using a descriptive research design. The
research technique used is purposive sampling technique. Data research techniques
used include observation, interviews, and documentation. As well as testing its validity
using data triangulation techniques.
Result And Discussion
Research result
Research results are assessments that contain a complete description and analysis of the
data and its interpretation. Research resultis the process of properly organizing and
grouping information about an activity based on facts through the efforts of the
researcher's mind in processing and analyzing research objects or topics in a systematic
and objective manner to solve a problem or test a hypothesis so thatformed a general
principle or theory.
In this chapter the researcher explains the results of the study entitled "Development of
Human Resources in Services for Making Birth Certificates at the Office of Population
and Civil Registration of Kuningan Regency". The results of this study will be poured
into several
different sections so as to obtain specific research results regarding the correlation of
research dimensions with problems in the field. As for the first part is:
1. How is Human Resource Development in the service of making Birth Certificates at
the Kuningan Regency Population and Civil Registration Service?
2. What factors impede Human Resource Development in the service of making birth
certificates at the Kuningan Regency Population and Civil Registration Service?
Vol. 2, No. 8, 2023
[Human Resource Development in Birth Certificate Making
Services at The Service of Population and Civil Registration
of Kuningan District]
Yanto Heryanto
*, Agus Dimyati
, Wendy Rivansah
3. What efforts have been made by the Kuningan Regency Population and Civil Registry
Office in carrying out Human Resource Developmentspecifically in the service of
making Birth Certificates?
This study uses a qualitative method in which the data obtained comes from interviews
and observations with informants, as well as existing documentation if necessary. The
interviews were conducted with informants who knew about the problems under study.
The informants consist ofreport the key is the Head of Civil Registration Services, as well
asreport supporters consisting of Civil Registration Service Officers who handle services
for making birth certificates andpublic general. The informants needed in this study are:
Table 1. List of Key Informants and Supporters
Informant Name
Nono Sumartono, Sos
Head of Civil Registration Service Division
Informant Name
Teti Tresnawati, SE
Head of Birth and Death Section,
Administration of Birth & Death Certificates
Tita Novita
Administration of Birth & Death Certificates
General public
General public
(Source: 2023 Research Results)
Development of Human Resources in Services for Making Birth Certificates
During the observations and interviews, the results of the research obtained from the
title "Development of Human Resources in Services for Making Birth Certificates at the
Population and Civil Registration Office of Kuningan Regency". By using the indicators
put forward by Solong regarding Human Resource Development as an analysis are as
1. Knowledge
According to (Solong, 2020), knowledge is defined as something that is known
(intelligence) and everything related to what has been learned so that it is able to
support it in its work. Knowledge is related to education, education here means
formal education and non-formal education followed by employees. From the
knowledge dimension based on the existing parameters, it is still not optimal, this is
because seen from the formal education it is still not fulfilled criteria, both level of
education and educational background, in terms of non-formal activities, in this case
Dukcapil learns that many employees do not participate in these activities, causing
employees to still not understand the procedures for servicing certain birth
certificates, which these employees have not been able to complete, so they require
help other employees in solving it.
[Human Resource Development in Birth Certificate Making
Services at The Service of Population and Civil Registration
of Kuningan District]
Vol 2, No. 8, 2023
2. Skills
According to (Solong, 2020) an understanding of the meaning of skills comes from
the word "skilled" which means proficient in completing tasks, capable and agile, so
that skills are defined as the ability to complete tasks. Skills are the ability of
employees to carry out tasks/technical work using the available equipment. Skill
parameter consists of 1). Training, 2). understand the main tasks and functions, 3).
complete the work on time and, 4). Don't procrastinate either. From the Skills
Dimension, based on the existing parameters, it is still said to be not optimal, this can
be seen from training activities that have not been maximized, such as online service
training, and also the absence of special training activities regarding services the
creation of birth certificates which the official who finally has to practice himself.
From the perspective of understanding the Basic Tasks and Functions, the officers
already understand even though some need to learn more because they have just been
transferred. For punctuality in completing the task is also quite good even though it
is a bit late even though the officer still when there is a given task is immediately done
without delay.
3. Attitude/Behavior
According to (Solong, 2020) Attitude is the regularity of one's feelings, thoughts and
predisposition to act according to environmental aspects. The parameters of
attitude/behavior include: 1). loyalty to the leadership, 2). innovative and high
creativity, 3). love work, 4). like to work together, 5). very communicative towards
the implementation of work assignments. From the Attitude/Behavior Dimension
based on the existing parameters it can be said to be good/optimal, this can be seen
from employee loyalty to every leader's directives, employees also try to develop
creativity and innovation through the latest services to help the community, this is
supported by a sense of belonging andlove employees towards their work and are
also able to work well together, besides that employees are also communicative in
their work.
Factors Inhibiting Human Resource Development in Birth Certificate Making
One of the inhibiting factors is the rapid development of technology which causes some
employees to have difficulty adaptingtoo late services, especially services for making
application birth certificatesSNAP. Sofactor furthermoreis lessthe discipline employees
in participating in human resource development, where the Kuningan Regency
Population and Civil Registration Office has provided development activities in the form
of Dukcapil Learning but employees rarely participate in these activities (Rosnaeni,
Vol. 2, No. 8, 2023
[Human Resource Development in Birth Certificate Making
Services at The Service of Population and Civil Registration
of Kuningan District]
Yanto Heryanto
*, Agus Dimyati
, Wendy Rivansah
Efforts That Have Been Made In Developing Human Resources In Birth Certificate
Making Services
Efforts have been made by the Department of Population and Civil Registration in the
Development of Human Resources through direct supervision by the Head of Civil
Registration in order to minimize the mistakes of employees in the service of making
birth certificates. Apart from that, I gave directions so that the employees were not
confused and knew what I needed to do. And lastis sharing knowledge between
employees who already understand to employees who still don't understand (Amalia,
In sectionfurthermore the writer also found the results of research on the deedBirth. The
definition of a birth certificate in terms of legal essence is one of the concrete forms of
human rights, apart from that it is part of the population administration in which the
state recognizes the personal status or status of a person on the registration of his birth
based on law.positive (Ningrum, 2022). primary lawRegarding birth certificates, it is
regulated in: 1). Law Number: 23 of 2003 Concerning the Protection of Children and
Women, 2). the law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 23 of
2002 concerning Child Protection, 3). Law Number: 23 of 2006 concerning Population
Administration, 4). Law Number: I4 of 2013 Concerning the First Amendment to Law
Number: 23 of 2006.
Birth certificates are one of the services provided by the Kuningan Population and Civil
Registration Service to the public, which is this task charged to the Service Sector. The
flow and mechanism of self-made birth certificate services are as follows (Gunawan
Nabilah Suci, 2023):
1. The applicant/community directly goes to the Kuningan Population and Civil
Registration Office while bringing the required documents for making a birth
2. Then the applicant takes the queue number while waiting until the queue number is
called, after being called by the applicant/community immediately submits the file
to the employee in charge of the service department.
3. The service officer will receive the file while checking the completeness of the file, if
the file is incomplete then the service officer will return the file to be completed again.
4. If the file for making a birth certificate is correct, the officer will input the data and
print a quote from the birth certificate.
5. The birth certificate extract that has been printed will be checked by the officer in
charge of verification to be checked again, if there is an error then the birth certificate
extract will be returned to the officer to be corrected.
6. After the quotation of the birth certificate passes the check, it will be submitted for
signature by the Head of Service, then after receiving the signature, the quotation of
the Birth Certificate is returned to the product delivery officer to be handed over to
the applicant/community.
[Human Resource Development in Birth Certificate Making
Services at The Service of Population and Civil Registration
of Kuningan District]
Vol 2, No. 8, 2023
In the Birth Certificate it is subdivided into 4 types based on the status and condition of
the parents, namely:
1. A Father's Son.
2. Couple's Children from Husband and Wife
3. A Mother's Son.
4. The child's origin is unknown.
Figure 1
Types of birth certificate
(Source: 2023 Research Results)
Development of Human Resources in Services for Making Birth Certificates at the
Office of Population and Civil Registration
Human resource development is an effort to improve human capabilities, especially in
an organization to make it better. One of the goals of developing human resources is
how to provide the best service to the community (Hasibuan. 2021: 70). This also applies
to government agencies such as the Population and Civil Registration Office of
Kuningan Regency as service providers, especially services for making birth certificates,
so quality employees are needed through human resource development. The quality of
human resources has an important role in improving service. In realizing quality service
employees must have a strategy that is preparing themselves to become servants for the
whole community.
In conducting research, here the author uses one of the theories of Human Resource
Development according to Solong as a research analysis knife. (Solong, 2020) defines
the notion of Human Resource Development as:
"Every effort to improve current and future work performance, by providing
information, influencing attitudes, or increasing skills, in other words, development is
any activity intended to change behavior consisting of knowledge, skills, and attitudes.”
Vol. 2, No. 8, 2023
[Human Resource Development in Birth Certificate Making
Services at The Service of Population and Civil Registration
of Kuningan District]
Yanto Heryanto
*, Agus Dimyati
, Wendy Rivansah
From the understanding above, the theory of human resource development according
to (Solong, 2020) confirms that there are several indicators that need to be looked at,
1. Knowledge
2. Skills
3. Attitude/Behavior
In order to find out how human resource development has been carried out by the
Population and Civil Registration Service in the service of making birth certificates, the
author will conduct interviews with several informants, both key informants and
supporting informants, using the 3 dimensions proposed by Solong, namely:
knowledge, skills, and attitude/behaviour.
Knowledge Dimension
According to (Solong, 2020) knowledge is defined as something that is known
(intelligence) and everything related to what has been learned so that it is able to support
it in its work. Knowledge is related to education, education here means formal education
and non-formal education followed by employees. Knowledge Development is divided
into 2 Parameters, namely:
1. Formal education
2. Non-formal education
Formal education
Formal education, namely employees assigned by the Office to attend education carried
out by educational institutions that are official. Education is a process of activities carried
out to increase general knowledge or theories to employees in an organization which
usually lasts a long time such as sending employees to a higher education level to
provide increased work skills, theoretical and conceptual skills of employees, in this case
means employees of the Field Civil Registration Service that serves the making of birth
Based on the results of the author's interview with Mr. Nono Sumartono, Sos as the Head
of the Civil Registration Services Division who is the main informant that:
"As for standards, we actually haven't met those standards yet, but according to the work
experience criteria, we are already qualified for the present, for the disciplinary criteria,
we haven't because no one has yet gone to the basic science program of civil registration
or knowledge that has lessons in public service. . Yes, we are to meet the standard of
knowledge, the important thing is that he has high dedication, then he has loyalty to his
work and he is capable of his work, we will appoint him. But if he is required to be
academically, that is related to the risk of his own development, whether he wants to go
back to school or not to take part in government programs funded by the government."
(Interview on 8 May 2023 at 09.43 WIB)
[Human Resource Development in Birth Certificate Making
Services at The Service of Population and Civil Registration
of Kuningan District]
Vol 2, No. 8, 2023
Based on the results of the author's interview with Mrs. Teti Tresnawati, SE Head of the
Birth and Death Section, and Administrator of the Population Data Base who are
supporting informants that:
"Hmmm, in your opinion, I think it's ok, but if you mean Aa, maybe the education level
should be at S1, there are indeed some who haven't S1, but they still have to be able to
carry out their development even though their education is still not a bachelor's degree.
Also, in terms of scientific discipline, yes, you are also not from a scientific discipline
concerning government or service."
(Interview on 11 May 2023 at 12.00 WIB)
Based on the results of the author's interview with Mrs. Maryatiah as the Administration
of Birth & Death Certificates where as a supporting informant that:
"Hmm, in my opinion, judging from the employee education department, on average,
there are some who have not graduated, one of them is like me, and also because my
knowledge is still lacking, there are indeed a few obstacles in doing work, especially
myself, who is in charge of administration. Birth certificate. Then there is no support for
continuing education yet, the hope is that there will be support from the department,
especially for employees who are still not up to standard." (Interview on 15 May 2023 at
14.00 WIB)
Based on the results of the author's interview with Mrs. Tita Novita as an employee of
the Administration of Birth & Death Certificates who is a supporting informant that: "I
really want A to provide assistance from the Office for employees to continue their
education, if there is, I want to continue with school A, but how about that? yeah A what
about me myself from the Department.” (Interview on May 22, 2023 at 12.34 WIB)
Data Validity
From the data obtained from interviews with several informants and also supported by
the observations made by the author, it can be stated ABSAH that employees have
attended formal education, it's just that there are some employees who can indeed be
said to have not met the criteria for both their level of education and also their scientific
discipline is different from their job namely the service of making birth certificates.
Data analysis
Based on the results of observations and interviews conducted by the author with several
informants, it can be concluded that related to the formal education possessed by
employees of the Civil Registration Sector. In providing services for making certificates,
they do not meet this standard.
education of several employees who carry out civil registration services that do not meet
standards. The standard here means that at least employees can take college education
or above. Unfortunately, in improving formal education, there is no real support from
the Department of Population and Civil Registration, even so, employees inevitably
Vol. 2, No. 8, 2023
[Human Resource Development in Birth Certificate Making
Services at The Service of Population and Civil Registration
of Kuningan District]
Yanto Heryanto
*, Agus Dimyati
, Wendy Rivansah
have to be able to carry out the development themselves because it is already a risk to
their jobs.
Efforts have been made by the Department of Population and Civil Registration in the
Development of Human Resources through direct supervision by the Head of Civil
Registration in order to minimize the mistakes of employees in the service of making
birth certificates. Apart from that, I gave directions so that the employees were not
confused and knew what I needed to do. And the last is sharing knowledge between
employees who already understand to employees who still don't understand.
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[Human Resource Development in Birth Certificate Making
Services at The Service of Population and Civil Registration
of Kuningan District]
Vol 2, No. 8, 2023
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