Volume 2 Number 8, August , 2023
p- ISSN 2963-3648- e-ISSN 2964-8653
Heny Desi Soviana
, Veithzal Rivai Zainal
, Setyo Riyanto
Mercu Buana University Jakarta, Indonesia
Abstract: With work motivation as an intermediary variable, this study aims to investigate the
impact of transformational leadership styles and work discipline on educator productivity. The
aim of the mixed methods sequential explanatory design of the study was to provide a qualitative
explanation for the findings of the initial (quantitative) study. To collect information, 36 educators
in TK-SD MKD were given questionnaires, and 3 (three) research subjects were interviewed.
Structural Equation Model-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) and in-depth interviews of each
subject were used for quantitative and qualitative data analysis. Transformational leadership style
was found to have a positive effect and was significantly related to work motivation, work
discipline was found to have a positive effect and was significantly related to work motivation,
work discipline was found to have a positive effect and was significantly related to teacher
performance, work motivation was found to have a positive effect and was significantly related
to teacher performance, style transformational leadership was found to have a positive effect and
was significantly related to teacher performance through work motivation, and work discipline
was found to have a positive effect and was significantly related to teacher performance through
work motivation. However, research has found that transformational leadership style has no
effect on teacher performance
Keywords: Transformational Leadership Style; Work Discipline; Work Motivation; Teacher
The aim of education is to produce educators who are intellectually capable, socially
acceptable, and moral (Santika, 2020). The process of planning and implementing
learning, as well as the policies that underlie it, greatly determine the success of
education. Educators, school buildings, and other components of the learning
environment all work together to determine overall school effectiveness. Human
potential and the skills needed to overcome challenges are at the heart of education. The
purpose of education as stated in Law Number 20 of 2003 is to develop the inherent
Vol. 2, No. 8, 2023
Heny Desi Soviana, Veithzal Rivai Zainal, Setyo Riyanto
abilities of students in developing devotion to God Almighty, having knowledge and
skills, having noble character and being responsible.
Students, educators, parents and communities all have a stake in a successful learning
environment. While educators as executors of educators are the main factor in the
effectiveness of education. Educate, teach, guide, direct, train, assess and evaluate the
educational outcomes of students, all of which are mandated by Law no. 14 of 2005.
Thus, educators play an important role in shaping student achievement through
classroom experiences. To fulfill their duties as educators' primary service, instructors
must continuously refine their methods and hone their skills if they are to produce a
generation of bright and respectable students.
One of the most important considerations in education is how well the teacher does his
job; since teachers play a very important role in shaping the personality of their students,
it makes sense that the teaching process should be based on carefully crafted lesson
plans. Teacher performance is influenced by characteristics including personality,
professional growth, communication, leadership style, discipline, work motivation, and
work atmosphere (Pratiwi et al., 2021). The formation of student character is influenced
by the learning environment created to develop the ethics and character of students,
where teachers can see firsthand changes in student attitudes through direct interaction
in the teaching and learning process, while online learning during a pandemic has
limited the teacher's space for movement so that teachers cannot observe directly change
the attitude and character of the students. Therefore, all school elements such as
principals and teachers must be able to adapt to new innovations and creativities that
adapt to online learning conditions so that the teaching and learning process can
continue to run well.
According to (Zainal, 2016), the leadership quality of the principal is very important for
school performance, and he is responsible for ensuring that school goals are achieved.
Teacher effectiveness in both face-to-face learning that is currently being strengthened
and the limited space and time that existed during the epidemic must be carefully
considered. The quality of education offered to children should not be affected by factors
that can lead to a decrease in teacher performance. Given this setting, this investigation
will focus on the following factors: transformational leadership style, work discipline,
teacher performance, and work motivation as independent, dependent, and intervening
Research Method
Mixed methods research uses both quantitative and qualitative approaches. To obtain
results that are more thorough, valid, reliable, and objective, researchers using a mixed
methods approach combine qualitative and quantitative approaches (Sugiyono, 2017).
In the first phase of the two phases of this mixed methods study design, the quantitative
[The Influence of Transformational Leadership Style and Work
Discipline on Teacher Performance: Work Motivation as an
Intervening Variable (Case Study on TK-SD MKD)]
Vol. 2, No. 8, 2023
approach functions as the main interpretive lens, followed by the second phase, namely
the qualitative method which functions as a confirmatory. The following is the research
flow using explanatory sequential design (Creswell & Creswell, 2017):
Figure 1. Explanatory Sequential Design Research Flow
Saturated sampling, that is, all members of the population are used as samples, was used
in this study because it is suitable for small populations like the one we are studying
(Ramadhani & Bina, 2021). This is a non-probability sampling method, meaning that not
every member of the population has the same opportunity to be selected as the research
sample. There were 36 MKD TK-SD educators who participated in this study.
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis with Partial Least Square (PLS) is used on
the quantitative data in this study because it is suitable for predictive and theoretical
purposes. Meanwhile, using the triangulation method, we collect qualitative research
data analysis approaches from various sources to provide insight into our research
questions and paradigms. Research data analysis method is descriptive. Since the
beginning of data collection, the analyst has processed and analyzed the information
collected in the field. The researcher used the Nvivo 12 plus software in the process of
analyzing qualitative data, especially in the stages of data coding and the process of
interpreting quantitative data as a result of follow-up explanations.
Result And Discussion
Measurement Model Test Results (Outer Model)
The indicators used in the operationalization of the research latent variables were tested
using the measurement model test (outer model). The three types of validity and
reliability tests that make up this broader model assessment are convergent validity,
discriminant validity, and composite reliability.
Convergent Validity
Based on the results of data processing in Figure 2, convergent validity is fulfilled
because all indicators of transformational leadership style, work discipline, work
motivation, and teacher performance have an outer loading value of > 0.5. According to
the findings, all indicators are feasible or valid to be used in research, because their
external loading value is more than 0.5 and allows for further investigation.
Data Analysis
Results of
Data Analysis
Results of
Interpretation of Results
(Quantitative +
Vol. 2, No. 8, 2023
Heny Desi Soviana, Veithzal Rivai Zainal, Setyo Riyanto
Figure 2. Outer Model Algorithm Results
Discriminant Validity
Transformational Leadership Style (X1), Work Discipline (X2), Work Motivation (Y1), and
Teacher Performance (Y2) all have an AVE value greater than 0.5 as shown in Table 1.
Research testing shows that all variables are able to distinguish between groups well.
Table 1. Average Variant Extracted (AVE) Value
Composite Reliability
Table 2. Construct Reliability Testing Results based on Convergent
[The Influence of Transformational Leadership Style and Work
Discipline on Teacher Performance: Work Motivation as an
Intervening Variable (Case Study on TK-SD MKD)]
Vol. 2, No. 8, 2023
In Table 2 it can be seen that the composite reliability on teacher effectiveness, work
discipline, motivation, and leadership style all have a value of 0.7. Educators' work
motivation and performance both score 0.995 which is the highest of the four factors,
followed by transformational leadership style (0.994) and work discipline (0.993). All
research variables also have a Cronbach's Alpha value of 0.7 or more. Work discipline
scores 0.993, the second highest after factors measuring transformational leadership,
motivation, and teacher effectiveness (all scores 0.994). According to these findings, all
variables are very reliable and accurate measurement tools, because they all exceed the
composite reliability value.
Structural Model Test Results (Inner Model)
Causal linkages between latent variables (not directly measurable) are the best for this
measurement approach. The use of exogenous and endogenous variables in the
investigation will be determined by this measurement model which can explain the
relationship between latent variables contained in the previous hypothesis.
Path Coefficient
One way to test for the interaction of factors is to calculate their path coefficients.
Connection strengths and weaknesses are considered. The R-Square value shown here
is an indication of the extent to which exogenous factors can affect the endogenous
variables they have. If the value of R2 is more than 0.67, we can classify the effect of
exogenous factors on endogenous variables as "good". The level of influence of
exogenous factors on endogenous variables is classified as moderate if the R2 value is
between 0.33 and 0.67. In the range between 0.19 and 0.33, the R2 statistic shows a fairly
weak relationship between exogenous and endogenous variables.
Vol. 2, No. 8, 2023
Heny Desi Soviana, Veithzal Rivai Zainal, Setyo Riyanto
Figure 3. Inner Model Algorithm Results
The model schematic in the previous section explains why all model variables have
positive path coefficients. The stronger the relationship between the independent and
dependent variables, the greater the value of the route coefficient created between the
Goodness of Fit
The R-Square value of the dependent latent variable serves as a measure of fit, and has
the same meaning as in regression. The effect of external latent factors on endogenous
latent variables can be measured using the R-Square. If the value of R2 is more than 0.67,
we can classify the effect of exogenous factors on endogenous variables as "good". The
level of influence of exogenous factors on endogenous variables is classified as moderate
if the R2 value is between 0.33 and 0.67. In the range between 0.19 and 0.33, the R2
statistic shows a fairly weak relationship between exogenous and endogenous variables.
Table 3. R-Square Value
R Square
Work Motivation
Teacher Performance
Work motivation (Y1) has an R-Square value of 0.959, while teacher performance (Y2) has
an R-Square value of 0.977 as shown in the table above. Obtaining these results explains
how the combination of Transformational Leadership Style (X1) and Work Discipline (X2)
accounts for 95.9% of the variance in Employee Motivation (Y1). A correlation of 0.97 was
found between teacher performance (Y2) and transformational leadership (X1), work
discipline (X2), and work motivation (Y1).
Hypothesis Test
Examination of the data allows for conclusions to be drawn about the
hypothesized research relationships. Table 4 displays the findings of testing the research
hypothesis using T-Statistics and P-Values. If the P-Values is less than 0.05, then the
research hypothesis is accepted. The inner model was used to test the following
hypotheses, and the findings are presented below:
[The Influence of Transformational Leadership Style and Work
Discipline on Teacher Performance: Work Motivation as an
Intervening Variable (Case Study on TK-SD MKD)]
Vol. 2, No. 8, 2023
Table 4. Hypothesis Testing
Qualitative Analysis
This mixed methods study uses a sequential explanatory design, with Nvivo 12 plus
software used to categorize quantitative data and determine which aspects require
qualitative explanation. The results of data processing with Nvivo 12 were carried out
by coding the results of interviews with the three research subjects. The questions in this
semi-structured interview guide are arranged based on the dimensions of the research
Transformational Leadership Style
Figure 4. Information Graph of Transformational Leadership Style
Based on the picture above, it can be concluded that the four dimensions of the variable
transformational leadership style have a role related to teacher performance, but the
motivational dimension is the theme that appears the least in the interview process with
1 piece of information. Meanwhile the dimension of influence on subordinates became
Vol. 2, No. 8, 2023
Heny Desi Soviana, Veithzal Rivai Zainal, Setyo Riyanto
the theme that most often appeared in the interview process with a total of 9 pieces of
Work Discipline
Figure 5. Graph of Work Discipline Information
Based on the picture above, it can be concluded that the three dimensions of the work
discipline variable have a role related to teacher performance, with the dimensions of
working according to procedures and attendance having the same amount of
information, namely 5 information. Meanwhile the dimension of obedience to
regulations became the theme that most often appeared in the interview process with a
total of 7 pieces of information.
Work Motivation
Figure 6. Graph of Work Motivation Information
From this diagram, we can conclude that only the need for affiliation and need for
achievement components of the work motivation variable contribute to teacher
effectiveness in the classroom. The dimension of the need for power is a dimension that
does not appear at all in the interview process with zero information. Meanwhile, the
dimension of the need for achievement was the theme that most often appeared in the
interview process with a total of 8 pieces of information.
[The Influence of Transformational Leadership Style and Work
Discipline on Teacher Performance: Work Motivation as an
Intervening Variable (Case Study on TK-SD MKD)]
Vol. 2, No. 8, 2023
Teacher Performance
Figure 7. Graph of Teacher Performance Information
Clearly, the only themes that emerged from the interviews were those related to
evaluating learning outcomes and incorporating lessons learned from teacher
performance indicators (see figure above). The learning planning dimension is a
dimension that does not appear at all in the interview process with 0 information.
Meanwhile the dimensions of evaluation of learning outcomes became the theme that
most often appeared in the interview process with a total of 12 pieces of information.
The Effect of Transformational Leadership Style on Work Motivation
The positive and statistically significant effect of transformational leadership style on the
work motivation of TK-SD MKD employees is found in the research findings. The more
effectively the principal applies the transformational leadership style, the more
motivated the MKD teachers will be in carrying out their duties. The results of
qualitative data analysis derived from in-depth interviews with 3 (three) subjects stated
that the dimension of influence on subordinates is the dimension that becomes the major
preference in reflecting the concept of the principal's transformational leadership style,
so that it can be said that the influence of the principal on subordinates makes the most
important contribution to increasing teacher work motivation.
This is consistent with the research findings of (Djazilan & Darmawan, 2022)who found
that the ability of school principals to communicate and exert positive influence on
teacher morale. (Abubakar et al., 2018) came to the same conclusion: the principal's
leadership style is the principal's behavior in the work process, and this affects the
performance of the entire school. Teacher motivation can be interpreted as the teacher's
Vol. 2, No. 8, 2023
Heny Desi Soviana, Veithzal Rivai Zainal, Setyo Riyanto
affective attitude towards his role, derived from evaluating the characteristics of the
work itself.
The Effect of Transformational Leadership Style on Teacher Performance
The results of the study found that there was no visible difference in performance
between transformational and transactional leadership styles among MKD
Kindergarten-Elementary School educators. Teacher effectiveness in MKD TK-SD is not
influenced by the transformative leadership style of the principal. The study of (Kõiv et
al., 2019) supports this notion, finding that the leadership style of school principals
indirectly influences teacher performance (through psychological empowerment) and
engagement in the workplace. While it is true that transformational leadership does little
by itself to increase teacher effectiveness, it can help when combined with other proven
strategies to increase educator productivity.
The results of qualitative data analysis derived from in-depth interviews with 3 (three)
subjects stated that the dimension of influence over subordinates is the dimension that
becomes the major preference in reflecting the concept of leadership which makes a
difference from principles. Although the quantitative data indicate that transformational
leadership has no appreciable impact on teacher outcomes, analysis of the qualitative
data reveals that the motivational dimension offers the least amount of insight.
Considering that teachers are already highly motivated to do their jobs well, this finding
suggests that the lack of enthusiasm of principals will not have much effect on their
productivity in class.
The Effect of Work Discipline on Work Motivation
Work discipline significantly increases the enthusiasm of MKD TK-SD workers towards
their work. In MKD TK-SD, teacher discipline is positively correlated with the teacher's
desire to carry out their duties. Mutual understanding of each other's obligations can
result from a culture of discipline towards collective agreements which has an impact on
increasing work motivation which results in work performance. The higher the level of
a person's discipline, the better employee performance will also be. Discipline increases
a person's sense of responsibility towards the tasks carried out. Discipline can encourage
work passion, work enthusiasm which will have an impact on the realization of
organizational goals.
The results of qualitative data analysis derived from in-depth interviews with 3 (three)
subjects stated that the dimension of obedience to regulations is the dimension that
becomes the major preference in reflecting the concept of teacher work discipline, so that
it can be said that the work discipline of teachers makes the most important contribution
to increasing motivation teacher work.
[The Influence of Transformational Leadership Style and Work
Discipline on Teacher Performance: Work Motivation as an
Intervening Variable (Case Study on TK-SD MKD)]
Vol. 2, No. 8, 2023
This is supported by research conducted by Supriyanto, Suriyansyah, & Mahrita (2022)
that there is a direct relationship between teacher commitment and discipline on work
motivation. (Haryadi & Safinah, 2021) also said that teacher discipline through
formulated rules and regulations can create work motivation for teachers. (Sya’roni et
al., 2018) also said that there is a positive influence between the motivation, discipline,
and leadership style of the school principal on teacher performance.
The Effect of Work Discipline on Teacher Performance
It found a positive and substantial effect of work discipline on teacher performance in
MKD Kindergarten-SD. When teachers have more self-control, their MKD Kindergarten-
SD students do better. The results of qualitative data analysis derived from in-depth
interviews with 3 (three) subjects stated that the dimension of obedience to regulations
is the dimension that becomes the major preference in reflecting the concept of teacher
work discipline, so that it can be said that the work discipline of teachers makes the most
important contribution to improving performance Teacher.
This is consistent with the research findings of (Sancoko & Sugiarti, 2022), who found
that teacher discipline is an important predictor of effectiveness. According to
(Wachidah, 2019), there is a positive and substantial relationship between creative
attitudes, self-control, and professional efficacy among educators. In addition, teacher
discipline has been proven to be able to encourage student learning by (Fatihah et al.,
The Effect of Work Motivation on Teacher Performance
The research findings show that teachers' job satisfaction influences their effectiveness
in TK-SD MKD in a beneficial and statistically significant way. The more enthusiastic a
teacher is about his work, the better his performance in MKD Kindergarten. The ability
to strictly comply with every relevant and applicable class rule is essential to produce
professional results. Without knowing and obeying the norms that apply to their
profession, a teacher will not function properly. Discipline in the classroom can improve
student achievement by making teachers more efficient.
The results of qualitative data analysis derived from in-depth interviews with 3 (three)
subjects stated that the dimension of need for achievement is the dimension that becomes
the major preference in reflecting the concept of teacher work motivation, so that it can
be said that the work motivation of teachers makes the most important contribution to
improving performance. Teacher.
This is supported by research conducted by (Nwokeocha, 2017) that there is a need for
policies regarding teacher motivation, such as teacher professional development to
Vol. 2, No. 8, 2023
Heny Desi Soviana, Veithzal Rivai Zainal, Setyo Riyanto
reduce waste of resources and create standardization of professional development
programs. (Ashlan et al., n.d.) teacher effectiveness was also shown to be directly
influenced by teacher organizational style and work motivation. Therefore, performance
teachers can benefit from their inherent passion and work drive, as such instructors are
more likely to enjoy their work while they are doing it.
The Effect of Transformational Leadership Style on Teacher Performance through
Work Motivation
The results showed that the transformational leadership style had a positive and
significant effect on teacher performance through work motivation in TK-SD MKD. The
better the principal's transformational leadership style, the better the teacher's
performance through teacher work motivation in MKD Kindergarten-SD. Leaders must
know the needs and expectations of their subordinates in order to know how to increase
the potential of their subordinates. The motivation given by the leader can encourage his
subordinates to achieve better achievements and performance. Motivation can affect
transformational leadership style on teacher performance, where guarantees given by
school principals such as awards and promotions can increase teacher enthusiasm and
productivity due to a growing sense of belonging in the organization.
The Effect of Work Discipline on Teacher Performance through Work Motivation
According to research findings, work discipline improves the performance of MKD TK-
SD teachers by increasing their intrinsic motivation to do their job well. The proficiency
of a teacher in MKD TK-SD increases in proportion to his or her commitment to a career
in education. The impact of work discipline on a teacher's performance can vary
depending on the level of motivation. Leaders who are able to set a good and strong
example when discussing assignments can boost teacher morale and get more work
done. The level of discipline at work correlates directly with how committed employees
are to their work.
The conclusions in this study are based on the definition of the problem, research
objectives, and the hypotheses tested here. The following findings stem from the
research problem as stated by the authors:
In MKD TK-SD, employee engagement is increased by using a transformational
leadership style. This suggests that principals' ability to inspire their staff through
transformational leadership is directly correlated with teachers' commitment to their
Teachers in MKD Kindergarten do not respond differently to transformative leaders.
This suggests that the success or failure of teachers' performance is not related to the
extent to which their principals use a transformational leadership style.
[The Influence of Transformational Leadership Style and Work
Discipline on Teacher Performance: Work Motivation as an
Intervening Variable (Case Study on TK-SD MKD)]
Vol. 2, No. 8, 2023
In TK-SD MKD, work discipline significantly increases one's work motivation. This
shows that the level of discipline of a teacher is directly correlated with how committed
they are to their profession.
In TK-SD MKD, teacher performance is positively and significantly influenced by work
discipline. This shows that the effectiveness of a teacher increases as their level of
discipline increases.
In TK-SD MKD, teacher performance is positively and significantly influenced by the
level of work motivation. This suggests that if a teacher is highly motivated to do their
job, they will do a better job.
In MKD TK-SD, teacher performance is positively and significantly influenced by the
transformational leadership style through work motivation. This suggests that
enthusiasm for one's work can serve as an intermediary for transformative leadership
and educator effectiveness. The more administrators use the transformational leadership
style, the greater the effect on teacher performance.
In TK-SD MKD work discipline has a positive and significant effect on teacher
performance through work motivation. This suggests that intrinsic motivation at work
can play a mediating role between work discipline and teacher effectiveness. The greater
the teacher's motivation and discipline in the classroom, the greater the influence on
student learning.
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