abilities of students in developing devotion to God Almighty, having knowledge and
skills, having noble character and being responsible.
Students, educators, parents and communities all have a stake in a successful learning
environment. While educators as executors of educators are the main factor in the
effectiveness of education. Educate, teach, guide, direct, train, assess and evaluate the
educational outcomes of students, all of which are mandated by Law no. 14 of 2005.
Thus, educators play an important role in shaping student achievement through
classroom experiences. To fulfill their duties as educators' primary service, instructors
must continuously refine their methods and hone their skills if they are to produce a
generation of bright and respectable students.
One of the most important considerations in education is how well the teacher does his
job; since teachers play a very important role in shaping the personality of their students,
it makes sense that the teaching process should be based on carefully crafted lesson
plans. Teacher performance is influenced by characteristics including personality,
professional growth, communication, leadership style, discipline, work motivation, and
work atmosphere (Pratiwi et al., 2021). The formation of student character is influenced
by the learning environment created to develop the ethics and character of students,
where teachers can see firsthand changes in student attitudes through direct interaction
in the teaching and learning process, while online learning during a pandemic has
limited the teacher's space for movement so that teachers cannot observe directly change
the attitude and character of the students. Therefore, all school elements such as
principals and teachers must be able to adapt to new innovations and creativities that
adapt to online learning conditions so that the teaching and learning process can
continue to run well.
According to (Zainal, 2016), the leadership quality of the principal is very important for
school performance, and he is responsible for ensuring that school goals are achieved.
Teacher effectiveness in both face-to-face learning that is currently being strengthened
and the limited space and time that existed during the epidemic must be carefully
considered. The quality of education offered to children should not be affected by factors
that can lead to a decrease in teacher performance. Given this setting, this investigation
will focus on the following factors: transformational leadership style, work discipline,
teacher performance, and work motivation as independent, dependent, and intervening
Research Method
Mixed methods research uses both quantitative and qualitative approaches. To obtain
results that are more thorough, valid, reliable, and objective, researchers using a mixed
methods approach combine qualitative and quantitative approaches (Sugiyono, 2017).
In the first phase of the two phases of this mixed methods study design, the quantitative