Apart from education, several other elements and stakeholders will play a role in
ushering in the upcoming era of Society 5.0, including the government, community
organizations, and the whole community. As a result, Muslims, especially Muslim
scientists, educators, intellectuals, and thinkers, cannot have a reason to ignore all
scientific disciplines, especially science and technology, because the negative impacts of
globalization and environmental disasters in this millennium require a religion that
continuously educates and educates. teaches peace, justice, and prosperity. Likewise, we
all know that the internal challenges of Islamic education, both institutionally and
scientifically, are still constrained by classical problems. unresolved issues, ranging from
management, teaching staff, and funding sources to infrastructure and curriculum
(Tabrani ZA, 2009) This is certainly a challenge in the current era, especially in
education, including Islamic education. A teacher must prepare himself to face
increasingly complex challenges. The complexity of these challenges requires adequate
skills between teachers and all members of the surrounding community because
education is an inseparable part of human life (Hidayati, 2016). Education is one of the
necessities of life, one of the functions of social development and growth is to prepare
and shape the daily life of the surrounding community. This educational function can
be carried out through informal and non-formal education (Jakaria Umro, 2020).
The success of managing Islamic education will be determined by the administration
and components supporting the implementation of activities, such as curriculum,
students, financing, staff, facilities, and infrastructure. All of these elements are needed
so that Islamic education management can achieve its goals, meaning that none is more
important than the other because each component works together and makes a
significant contribution to achieving the goals of Islamic education management.
Therefore, the management of Islamic education must be a solution for an educational
process that will produce graduates or alumni who have morals, knowledge, and
character and have global competitiveness who are ready to become citizens of the world
and able to take part in society with the knowledge and abilities they have without
having to leave his identity (Resufle & Rofiki, 2022).
The management of Islamic education in dealing with Society 5.0 has been widely
discussed by several researchers from various perspectives; among the papers on the
management of Islamic education in society 5.0, namely in his research: (Rahman &
Husin, 2022), which examines how Islamic education management strategies, especially
Islamic boarding schools, face challenges in society 5.0, this article discusses specifically
how Islamic education is managed in Rashidiya Khalidiyah Amuntai Islamic Boarding
School faces the challenges of society 5.0 and makes this an opportunity as a form of
progress for pesantren, the role of students in innovating and being creative so that they
are able to produce something new. Likewise, research (Putra, 2019) says that the
challenges of Islamic education are so complete in facing society 5.0 which is increasingly
being echoed by the Japanese government; of course this will have an impact and
influence in Indonesia. In this case, Islamic education must face the challenges that occur