[The Transfer of Land Rights Uses the Selling Power of
Official Certifier of Title Deeds (Case of Supreme Court
Decision Number 3017 K/PDT/2019]
Tara Ulina Ginting, Benny Djaja
Irsan, Bachelor of Law is fulfilled with the thought that Notary and Certifer of Title
Deeds Muhammad Irsan, Bachelor of Law knew that his actions could be detrimental to
the Plaintiff. In this discussion, the Notary and Certifer of Title Deeds Muhammad Irsan,
Bachelor of Law transferred the Certificate of Owner Bachelor of Law Number
2841/Bintaro belonging to the Plaintiff which was entrusted to the Notary and Certifer
of Title Deeds Muhammad Irsan, Bachelor of Law for checking certificate to the local
National Land Agency in the framework of the plan to sell and buy land owned by the
Plaintiff and the Buyer. Notary and Certifer of Title Deeds Muhammad Irsan, Bachelor
of Law knowingly handed over Certificate of Owner Bachelor of Law No. 2841/Bintaro
to the Buyer, even though payment for the land had not been made by the Buyer. The
transfer of land title certificate number 2841/Bintaro to the buyer is only based on the
deed of sale and purchase binding agreement number 1 dated May 2, 2017, which in the
deed of the sale and purchase binding agreement has not yet here is a change in land
rights and no payment has been made by the Buyer so that this is detrimental to the
Plaintiff as the Seller, with the transfer of Certificate of Owner Bachelor of Law No.
2841/Bintaro to the Buyer. An element of error committed by the Notary and Certified
of Title Deeds Muhammad Irsan, Bachelor of Law, caused the Plaintiff to suffer losses.
With the Deed of Authorization to Sell Number 2 dated May 2, 2017, the Buyer can easily
transfer land rights to another party because the Certificate of Owner Bachelor of Law
Number 2841/Bintaro is already in his power. This is of course very detrimental to
Plaintiff as the seller because in this case no payment has been made by the buyer. While
on the way to the Buyer's office to sign the deeds made by the Notary and Certifer of
Title Deeds Muhammad Irsan, Bachelor of Law related to the plan to transfer land rights,
the Buyer provided proof of payment in the amount of Rp. 15,000,000,000.- (fifteen
billion Rupiah) to the Plaintiff in the form of a savings book, however, it was discovered
later that the payment was fictitious. This is of course detrimental to the Plaintiff because
the Plaintiff has lost his land rights which were later discovered to have been transferred
to another third party and his land rights to have been reduced to Building Use Rights,
without receiving payment as agreed in the Deed of the Sale-Buy Binding Agreement.
Losses resulting from the actions of the Notary and Certified of Title Deeds Muhammad
Irsan, Bachelor of Law resulted in a material consequence, in which the Plaintiff as the
Seller lost his rights to the land he owned. The amount of loss that must be borne by the
plaintiff is Rp. 17,000,000,000.- (seventeen billion Rupiah), according to the agreement
between the selling party and the buying party as stipulated in the Deed of Binding Sale
and Purchase Agreement Number 1 dated 2 May 2017. So, it is clear that the Notary and
Certified of Title Deeds Muhammad Irsan, Bachelor Of Law have committed an
unlawful act on the legal basis of Article 1365 of the Civil Code. Thus, if this discussion
can be examined by the Tangerang District Court, the Notary and Certifer of Title Deeds
Muhammad Irsan, Bachelor of Law may be subject to civil sanctions in the form of
compensation to the Plaintiff, the annulment of the three deeds drawn up by Notary
Muhammad Irsan, Bachelor of Law, which can restore the original condition to what it
was before the occurrence of these deeds, Notary and Certifer of Title Deeds
Muhammad Irsan, Bachelor of Law can be requested to return the Certificate of Owner