Darmawan Sudarman, Irma Yulia Madjid, Fauzia Nur, Indah Rahayu, Saharuddin
Volume 2 Number 6, June 2023
p- ISSN 2963-3648 | e-ISSN 2964-8653
Doi: https://doi.org/10.57096/edunity.v2i6.123
Darmawan Sudarman
, Irma Yulia Madjid
, Fauzia Nur
, Indah Rahayu
, Saharuddin
Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries. West Sulawesi University, Indonesia
Email: darmawanswawan883@gmail.com
, indah3009198[email protected]
This study aims to determine the effect of differences in salinity on the density of
phytoplankton (Skeletonema costatum). The method in this study used a completely
randomized design with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The parameters tested included the
density rate of Skeletonema costatum. Data analysis uses One Way Anova to see the
significance of the influence of treatment on the density of Skeletonema costatum and the
density results of Skeletonema Costatum was analyzed descriptively. The highest average
density of Skeletonema costatum was obtained at a salinity of 30 ppt (90,000 cells/ml),
followed by a salinity of 25 ppt (Control) at (42,500 cells/ml), then a salinity of 20 ppt at (37,500
cells/ml) and the lowest at salinity 15 ppt of (32,500 cells/ml). Based on the ANOVA test,
salinity had a significant effect on the density of Skeletonema costatum (P<0.05) with the best
treatment being 30 ppt salinity. The results of analysis of Skeletonema costatum, a salinity of
30 ppt obtained the highest density
Keywords: Density; Salinity; Skeletonema costatum
Phytoplankton are microscopic organisms that can photosynthesize because they have
chlorophyll which functions to produce their own food. Skeletonema costatum is a
natural feed that is widely used in fish and shrimp hatcheries that are still in the seed
stage. For fish that are still fried, of course, the feed used must be appropriate, namely
the size and texture according to the larvae. In other words, it must require feed that fits
the fish's mouth opening, whether it's artificial feed such as pellets or live feed or natural
feed such as plankton and other microscopic organisms (Rudiyanti, 2011).
Natural feed is the availability from nature. The availability of natural feed is an
important factor in determining the success of a fish and shrimp hatchery because it has
a major effect on the growth and survival of fish and shrimp. This is related to natural
food which is a source of nutrition in meeting the needs of each growth phase of fish and
shrimp, especially during the larval/seed phase (Mudlofdar et al., 2021)
Skeletonema costatum has several advantages compared to artificial feed, because it has
enzyme autolysis itself so that it is easily digested by the larvae and does not contaminate
the cultivation media (Ratnawati et al., 2022). S. costatum is widely used in shrimp
farming because of its high nutritional content, namely 59% protein, 8% fat, and 33%
carbohydrates (Rudiyanti, 2011).
The development of S. costatum is directly related to what is dissolved in the water.
Therefore, water quality directly influences the health and growth of cultivated
[Effect of Salinity Differences on Phytoplankton Density (Skeletonema
Vol. 2, No. 6, 2023
organisms (Sambu et al., 2016). Water quality is expressed by several parameters, namely
physical parameters, including temperature, salinity, turbidity, and dissolved solids.
Chemical parameters: pH, dissolved oxygen, BOD, metal content. Biological parameters:
the presence of plankton, and bacteria (Effendi, 2003).
Salinity is one of the factors affecting the growth of S. costatum. Most of the diatoms are
very sensitive to changes in the salt content of the water. The life of various types of
phytoplankton including S. costatum depends on the salinity of the waters. The salinity
factor is very important because it directly affects the osmotic pressure of the body
(Muhsoni, 2021).
Supriyantini's research, (2013) regarding the use of salinities of 15, 20, 25, and 30 ppt on
the nutritional content of S. costatum. Regarding the results of his research, it was found
that a good salinity for cultivating natural feed for S. costatum is a salinity of 15 ppt.
Based on this research, it is necessary to carry out further research to determine the good
salinity on the density of S. costatum phytoplankton.
Research Method
Time and Place of Research
This research was conducted in November at the Po Niang Beach Fish Seed Center
(BBIP) Poniang, Poniang Hamlet, Tallu Banua Village, Sendana District, Majene
Regency, West Sulawesi Province.
Data analysis
The data of the density of S. costatum that has been obtained is analyzed with the One
Way Anova, which aims to find out the influence of the treatment given on the density
of S. costatum, at a confidence level of 95%. If the treatment has a significant effect on
the test parameters, Tukey's further test will be performed with SPSS software version
Result And Discussion
Cell DensitySkeletonema costatum
The results of this study are to find out how the influence of salinity on densityS. cost
which is the ratio between the density level of each treatment with the control density
level. DensityS. costed displayed on table 1 following:
Table 1. Average Cell Density of Skeletonema costatum
15 ppt
20 ppt
25 ppt (Control)
30 ppt
Results Analysis Anova variances show that different salinities have a significant effect
on densitySt. costum (P<0.05). The results from the observation of the treatment can be
seen that the level of density St. costum highest during the study in treatment D with a
salinity of 30 ppt, namely (90,000 cells/ml) with a mean ± SD (30.0000±5000,00
) followed
by treatment C with a salinity of 25 ppt (Control) of (42,500 cells/ml) Mean ± SD
), in treatment B with a salinity of 20 ppt (37,500 cells/ml) Mean±SD
), and for treatment A with a salinity of 15 ppt showed the lowest value
of (32,500 cells/ml) Mean ± SD (10.833±1443,38
Vol. 2, No. 6, 2023
[Effect of Salinity Differences on Phytoplankton Density (Skeletonema
Darmawan Sudarman, Irma Yulia Madjid, Fauzia Nur, Indah Rahayu, Saharuddin
Based on the Tukey test, the results of this study (Appendix 7) show that the salinity is
different from the density. custom. Where treatment A (salinity 15 ppt), treatment B
(salinity 20 ppt), and Treatment C (salinity 25 ppt or control) were not significantly
different. While treatment A (15 ppt), B (20 ppt), and C (25 ppt or control), was
significantly different from treatment D (salinity 30 ppt).
To see the density. cost i.e. using tools Haemocytometer with the help of a microscope. To
count and observe plankton in sections fourth side of the tool Haemocytometer which
consists of A1, A2, A3, and A4 up to density. cost can be seen on a microscope. On
observation, S. cost at 30 ppt salinity can increase the density, this increase is assisted by
the availability of sufficient nutrients and environmental factors such as temperature
and light intensity. This occurs in treatment D because the range of salinity has a positive
effect, namely an increase in density because a salinity of 30 ppt is the optimal range of
salinity for density.S. cost (Arbit, 2021). Based on the observations made during the
study, the best treatment to produce cell densitySt. costum is treatment D at a salinity of
30 ppt. This also fits the view (Waspodo & Setyono, 2020) that cellS. cost can adapt well
to sharp cell decline with changes in medium quality at 32 ppt salinity, so cells can grow
Treatment C showed stable growth with a salinity of 25 ppt (control), this is in
accordance with the study that treatment C or control has stable population growth both
increasing and decreasing the cell population. Cells can grow well because cells no
longer have to adapt to changes in environmental salinity. St. custom can adapt to salinity
and media conditions and can grow well if supported by sufficient nutrients and
environmental factors such as temperature, light intensity, and pH (Hasim et al., 2022)
In contrast to Treatments A and B in this study, it had the lowest average value, as was
the opinion of Rudiyanti (2011) that cells could not adapt or die due to insufficient media
salinity. In contrast, Apriliyanti researcher al. (2008), states that the best growth and
nutrient content costume at a salinity of 15 ppt. Research results from Suprianto (2013),
stated that the water content. custom ranging from 7.78% - 12.68% salinity 25 ppt with
the highest water content of 12.68%. According to(Material & Relevance, 2021)Water is
the main component of protoplasm and plays an important role in cell metabolism.
In culturing. cost using a different salinity with a salinity of 25 ppt and 30 ppt, to get
maximum results on growth, it is better to harvest on the 2nd and 3rd day to get
maximum results (Husma, 2017). The salinity factor is very important because it direct
influence osmotic pressure.S. cost can grow in a wide range of salinity, namely 15-34 ppt
and the best salinity for growth is 20-30 ppt (Putri, 2023)
Here is a picture. custom before and after the experiment can be seen in Table 4 below:
Table 2 Skeletonema costatum before and after the experiment (Personal Doc.)
15 ppt
1. The first observations
under the chain
microscope. costum short
and underdeveloped.
2. Observation after 24
hours. costum changes,
[Effect of Salinity Differences on Phytoplankton Density (Skeletonema
Vol. 2, No. 6, 2023
namely the chain begins to
elongate and enlarge even
though it is not solid.
20 ppt
1. The first observations
under the chain
microscopeSt. costum
short and
2. Observation after 24
hours,S. experienced a
chain change that begins
to lengthen and grow even
though it is not too dense.
25 ppt
1. The first observations
under the chain
microscope. costum short
and underdeveloped.
2. Observation after 24
hours, St. custom
undergoes long chain
changes and is well
developed and dense.
30 ppt
1. The first observations
under the chain
microscope. costum short
and underdeveloped.
2. Observation after 24
hours. custom long chain
can grow and develop
well and is very dense.
Water quality
The results of water quality measurements showed that the water temperature during
the study was still a strangely decent temperature. Water quality measurements are
carried out at the beginning and at the end. The range of water quality during the study
is presented in the following table:
Table 3 Water Quality Range
Water Quality
15 ppt
20 ppt
25 ppt
30 ppt
Vol. 2, No. 6, 2023
[Effect of Salinity Differences on Phytoplankton Density (Skeletonema
Darmawan Sudarman, Irma Yulia Madjid, Fauzia Nur, Indah Rahayu, Saharuddin
Water temperature measurements during the study varied between 31.2 and 32.2 °C
respectively (Syafruddin et al., 2014) and the optimal temperature for plankton growth
is 25-32 °C. The rise in water temperature is caused by the heat of the sun, so the
temperature rises. To maintain ecological survival and reproduction, changes in
temperature result in differences in composition and abundance. cost (Nur & Fitriah,
2021). Temperature directly affects the development and growth of phytoplankton, with
the optimum temperature to support plankton growth is 20-30°C (Soliha & Rahayu,
2018). changes in temperature can affect the salinity in the rearing vessel, as said (Andi
& Akhmad, 2008), temperature has a significant effect on chemical and biological
Dissolved oxygen values during the research process ranged from 4.1 to 6.9 ppm. The
results obtained for density. cost is still good, as mentioned by (Kadim et al., 2017), where
it is stated that the amount of dissolved oxygen is good for growth media. cost is between
3-7 ppm varies. The process of breathing requires DO, which is oxygen dissolved in
water. In general, the presence of DO in water is influenced by changes in temperature,
pressure, and the concentration of various ions that enter the water, the higher the
temperature, the lower the DO concentration and vice versa. (Sidaningrat et al., 2018)
The results of measuring acidity or pH during the research process varied between 7-8.
From these results, it can be said to be good for density. cost, (Barus, 2004), mentioning
the ideal pH for living organisms is usually between 7 to 8.5. Water conditions that are
very acidic or very alkaline endanger the survival of organisms because they cause
metabolic and respiratory diseases. Simanjuntak (2012) states that changes in the pH of
water bodies affect the life of organisms because each organism has certain limits for
different pH levels.
Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that: Different
levels of salinity in the treatment show a significant effect on density. cost., good range
of salinity to density. the cost in this study is the salinity of 30 ppt.
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