[Effect of Salinity Differences on Phytoplankton Density (Skeletonema
Darmawan Sudarman, Irma Yulia Madjid, Fauzia Nur, Indah Rahayu, Saharuddin
Water temperature measurements during the study varied between 31.2 and 32.2 °C
respectively (Syafruddin et al., 2014) and the optimal temperature for plankton growth
is 25-32 °C. The rise in water temperature is caused by the heat of the sun, so the
temperature rises. To maintain ecological survival and reproduction, changes in
temperature result in differences in composition and abundance. cost (Nur & Fitriah,
2021). Temperature directly affects the development and growth of phytoplankton, with
the optimum temperature to support plankton growth is 20-30°C (Soliha & Rahayu,
2018). changes in temperature can affect the salinity in the rearing vessel, as said (Andi
& Akhmad, 2008), temperature has a significant effect on chemical and biological
Dissolved oxygen values during the research process ranged from 4.1 to 6.9 ppm. The
results obtained for density. cost is still good, as mentioned by (Kadim et al., 2017), where
it is stated that the amount of dissolved oxygen is good for growth media. cost is between
3-7 ppm varies. The process of breathing requires DO, which is oxygen dissolved in
water. In general, the presence of DO in water is influenced by changes in temperature,
pressure, and the concentration of various ions that enter the water, the higher the
temperature, the lower the DO concentration and vice versa. (Sidaningrat et al., 2018)
The results of measuring acidity or pH during the research process varied between 7-8.
From these results, it can be said to be good for density. cost, (Barus, 2004), mentioning
the ideal pH for living organisms is usually between 7 to 8.5. Water conditions that are
very acidic or very alkaline endanger the survival of organisms because they cause
metabolic and respiratory diseases. Simanjuntak (2012) states that changes in the pH of
water bodies affect the life of organisms because each organism has certain limits for
different pH levels.
Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that: Different
levels of salinity in the treatment show a significant effect on density. cost., good range
of salinity to density. the cost in this study is the salinity of 30 ppt.
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