Jurnal Edunity: Kajian Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan Volume 1 Number 03, November, 2022 p- ISSN 2963-3648- e-ISSN 2964-8653 |
Andi Hermawan1, Sri Setyaningsih2, Soewarto Hardhienata3 Universitas Pakuan, Bogor, Indonesia1,2,3 |
INFO ARTIKEL Received: November 1st, 2022 Revised: November 5th, 2022 Approved: November 10th, 2022
ABSTRACT This study aims to produce strategies and ways to strengthen service leadership by analyzing the effect of other variables on servant leadership. The other variables are adversity intelligence, proactive personality, work commitment, team work and work motivation. The research begins by conducting qualitative research to explore factors that are thought to have a positive and dominant influence on the resources to be strengthened. Based on the factors or variables found, the constellation of the effects of these variables on the resources will be strengthened so as to produce research hypotheses.The research hypothesis at the qualitative research stage is then tested using path analysis at the quantitative research stage. The informants in the qualitative research were 16 (sixteen) principals from vocational schools who were the sample sources of research data. Based on the results of the analysis, discussion of research results and hypotheses that have been tested, it can be concluded as follows: Strengthening service leadership can be done by developing adversity intelligence, proactive personality, and teamwork as exogenous variables by increasing commitment to the organization and work motivation as intervening variables. From the qualitative research conducted, it was found that other variables that have a positive and dominant influence on service leadership, namely adversity intelligence, proactive personality, teamwork, commitment to the organization and work motivation Key Word: Servant Leadership; Adversity Intelligence; Proactice Personality; Team work; Organizational Commitment; Work Motivation |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International |
National development through education aims to educate the nation's life and develop Indonesian people as a whole, namely humans who believe and are devoted to God Almighty, have noble character, have knowledge, are skilled, physically and mentally healthy, have personality, are independent, and have a sense of responsibility in build society, nation and state (Saputra, 2018). The government's efforts in advancing education in Indonesia continue to be carried out on an ongoing basis (Shaturaev, 2021). One of them is reforming the principal duties of the principal as a leader in the school. The principal is a strategic key in achieving educational goals (Poon-McBrayer, 2017) . The quality of the school depends on the principal, how the principal carries out his duties and functions as a leader in the education unit. The facts are generated based on the results of a preliminary survey using a questionnaire, it can be concluded as follows (Roitsch et al., 2021):
1. There are 47% of principals who have not shown humility behavior, which can be seen from the principal providing opportunities for teachers and education staff to develop their potential to improve the quality of learning and principals involving teachers and education personnel in planning and carry out organizational goals
2. There are 41% of school principals who have not shown, compassionate behavior (compassion), which can be seen from the principal cares about the feelings of teachers and education staff so that they can provide valuable solutions and the principal prioritizes the interests of others rather than himself.
3. There are 48% of school principals who have not shown Accountability behavior, which can be seen from the principal's transparency in carrying out their work and the Principal asking teachers and education staff to be responsible for their work.
4. There are 47% of principals who have not shown courage (courage), which can be seen from the principal being open to taking risks against the policies he takes and the principal having the courage to defend what is morally right.
5. There are 50% of school principals who have not shown Integrity behavior, which can be seen from the principal being honest in carrying out his work duties and the principal acting ethically in accordance with the generally agreed principles of behavior.
6. There are 58% of school principals who have not shown listening behavior, which can be seen from the principal listening actively to what is said by teachers and education staff related to school progress and the principal providing time for reflection on school work programs and established policy.
Preliminary survey results indicate that leadership in serving principals at private vocational schools in Bogor Regency still needs to be strengthened. With these initial findings, it is necessary to pursue a more in-depth study to uncover and analyze what factors influence leadership to serve principals so that improvements and reinforcement can be made (Day et al., 2016).
Strengthening leadership serving principals produces principals who are responsible and open and have a strong desire to continue learning from others (display authenticity), principals who provide future perspectives by initiating and taking initiatives (provide leadership), principals who are able to find and provide solutions. of every problem (persuasive mapping), principals who have a vision and inspire for future progress (visionary), principals who easily understand the situation and the implications of the situation/wise (wisdom), principals who are humble and can place achievements and member talents in the right perspective (share leadership), principals who are quick to take action, not only with good intentions or good intentions but more than that because they care about others (altruistic calling), principals who have empathy / align themselves / are sensitive to other people's feelings and thoughts (emotional adling), and principals who focus on motivating and developing their subordinates (develop people) (Schleicher, 2012).
In this method, the research begins by conducting qualitative research to explore factors that are thought to have a positive and dominant influence on the resources to be strengthened. Based on the factors or variables found, the constellation of the effects of these variables on the resources will be strengthened so as to produce research hypotheses (Hermawan et al., 2021a).
The research hypothesis at the qualitative research stage is then tested using path analysis at the quantitative research stage. Based on the findings from the path analysis, indicator analysis is then carried out using the SITOREM method to determine the priority order for handling indicators that are still weak and notify indicators that are good to be maintained or developed (Zaremohzzabieh et al., 2019).
The informants in the qualitative research were 16 (sixteen) principals from vocational schools who were the sample sources of research data. The determination of the principal as an informant is based on the assumption that the principal is the person who knows best about the conditions of service leadership in their respective schools and the factors that influence it. The framework of thinking can be interpreted as a description of the researcher's line of thinking that provides an explanation of the object (variable/focus) of the problem, why the researcher has assumptions as stated in the research hypothesis (Ware, 2019).
Figure 1. Research Constellation with Path Analysis
servant leadership (Y), so that proactive personality development (X2) can strengthen
X1 = Adversity Intelligence
X2 = Proactive Personality X3 = Teamwork
X2 = Commitment to Organization X3 = Work Motivation
Y = Servant Leadership
Based on data obtained from https://dapo.dikdasmen.kemdikbud.go.id which was downloaded on August 3, 2020, data on the number of private vocational school principals in Bogor Regency was 352 principals, spread over 40 sub-districts (Warsito et al., 2021). Based on the framework of thinking that has been described previously and in accordance with the findings of the research hypothesis at the qualitative research stage, the research hypothesis at the quantitative research stage is as follows (Bryman, 2017):
1. There is a direct positive effect of adversity intelligence (X1) on serving leadership (Y), so that the development of adversity intelligence (X1) can strengthen serving leadership (Y).
2. There is a direct positive effect of proactive personality (X2) on servant leadership (Y).
3. There is a direct positive influence of teamwork (X3) on servant leadership (Y), so that teamwork development (X3) can strengthen servant leadership (Y)
4. There is a direct positive effect of commitment to the organization (X4) on service leadership (Y), so that increased commitment to the organization (X4) can strengthen servant leadership (Y).
5. There is a direct positive effect of work motivation (X5) on servant leadership (Y), so that increasing work motivation (X5) can strengthen servant leadership (Y).
6. There is a direct positive influence of adversity intelligence (X1) on commitment to the organization (X4), so that the development of adversity intelligence (X1) can increase commitment to the organization (X4).
7. There is a direct positive effect of proactive personality (X2) on commitment to the organization (X4), so that the development of proactive personality (X2) can increase commitment to the organization (X4).
8. There is a direct positive effect of proactive personality (X2) on work motivation (X5), so that the development of proactive personality (X2) can increase work motivation (X5).
9. There is a direct positive effect of Teamwork (X3) on work motivation (X5), so that the development of Teamwork (X3) can increase work motivation (X5).
10. There is a direct positive effect of adversity intelligence (X1) on proactive personality (X2), so that the development of adversity intelligence (X1) can increase proactive personality (X2).
11. There is an indirect positive effect of adversity intelligence (X1) on service leadership (Y) through commitment to the organization (X4), so that the development of adversity intelligence (X1) can strengthen serving leadership (Y) through increased commitment to the organization (X4).
12. There is an indirect positive effect of proactive personality (X2) on servant leadership (Y) through commitment to the organization (X4), so that proactive personality development (X2) can strengthen service leadership (Y) through increased commitment to the organization (X4).
13. There is an indirect positive effect of proactive personality (X2) on service leadership (Y) through work motivation (X5), so that proactive personality development (X2) can strengthen service leadership (Y) through increasing work motivation (X5).
14. There is an indirect positive influence of teamwork (X3) on service leadership (Y) through work motivation (X5), so that teamwork development (X3) can strengthen service leadership (Y) through increasing work motivation (X5).
After the structural model analysis has been carried out, the calculation results obtained are used to test the hypothesis in order to determine the direct and indirect effects between variables. The proposed hypothesis is concluded by calculating the path coefficient value and significance for each path studied (Park, 2009).
The results of the analysis of all proposed hypotheses can be explained as follows:
Table 1. Summary of hypothesis testing results
No |
Hypothesis |
Path Coefficient |
Test Statistics |
Decision |
Conclusion |
1. |
Adversity Intelligence (X1) on Servant Leadership (Y) |
0,204 |
H0 : βY1 ≤ 0 H1 : βY1 > 0 |
H0 rejected H1 accepted |
Direct Effect Positive |
2. |
Proactive Personality (X2) towards Servant Leadership (Y) |
0,212 |
H0 : βY2 ≤ 0 H1 : βY2 > 0 |
H0 rejected H1 accepted |
Direct Effect Positive |
3. |
Teamwork (X3) towards Servant Leadership (Y) |
0,171 |
H0 : βY3 ≤ 0 H1 : βY3 > 0 |
H0 rejected H1 accepted |
Direct Effect Positive |
4. |
Commitment to Organization (X4) to Servant Leadership (Y) |
0,207 |
H0 : βY4 ≤ 0 H1 : βY4 > 0 |
H0 rejected H1 accepted |
Direct Effect Positive |
5. |
Work Motivation (X5) on Servant Leadership (Y) |
0,203 |
H0 : βY5 ≤ 0 H1 : βY5 > 0 |
H0 rejected H1 accepted |
Direct Effect Positive |
6. |
Adversity Intelligence (X1) on Commitment to Organization (X4) |
0,542 |
H0 : βy41 ≤ 0 H1 : β y41 > 0 |
H0 rejected H1 accepted |
Direct Effect Positive |
7. |
Proactive Personality (X2) towards Commitment to Organization (X4) |
0,413 |
H0 : β y42 ≤ 0 H1 : β y42 > 0 |
H0 rejected H1 accepted |
Direct Effect Positive |
8. |
Proactive Personality (X2) on Work Motivation (X5) |
0,417 |
H0 : β y52 ≤ 0 H1 : β y52 > 0 |
H0 rejected H1 accepted |
Direct Effect Positive |
9. |
Teamwork (X3) on Work Motivation (X5) |
0,574 |
H0 : β y53 ≤ 0 H1 : β y53 > 0 |
H0 rejected H1 accepted |
Direct Effect Positive |
10. |
Adversity Intelligence (X1) on Proactive Personality (X2) |
0,827 |
H0 : β y21 ≤ 0 H1 : β y21 > 0 |
H0 rejected H1 accepted |
Direct Effect Positive |
11. |
Adversity Intelligence (X1) on Servant Leadership (Y) through Commitment to Organization (X4) |
0,111 |
H0 : βx41y ≤ 0 H1 : βx41y > 0 |
H0 rejected H1 accepted |
Direct Effect Positive |
12. |
Proactive Personality (X2) towards Servant Leadership (Y) through Commitment to Organization (X4) |
0,088 |
H0 : βx42y≤ 0 H1 : βx42y > 0 |
H0 rejected H1 accepted |
Direct Effect Positive |
13. |
Proactive Personality (X2) towards Servant Leadership (Y) through Work Motivation (X5) |
0,088 |
H0 : βx52y ≤ 0 H1 : βx52y > 0 |
H0 rejected H1 accepted |
Direct Effect Positive |
14. |
Teamwork (X3) on Servant Leadership (Y) through Work Motivation (X5) |
0,098 |
H0 : β53Y ≤ 0 H1 : β53Y > 0 |
H0 rejected H1 accepted |
Direct Effect Positive |
The positive relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable when viewed from the path analysis, then the relationship is a functional relationship where service leadership (Y) is formed as a result of the functioning of the adversity intelligence function (X1), proactive personality (X2), teamwork (X3) commitment to organization (X4) and work motivation (X5). Discussion of research results can be described as follows: Direct positive influence between adversity intelligence variable (X1) on servant leadership variable (Y)
The results showed that there was a direct positive influence between adversity intelligence and serving leadership. Principals who have adversity intelligence show an increase in serving leadership in achieving school goals. This consistency makes school principals a role model in school services and development. This attachment is in accordance with the statement of Stoltz (Hermawan et al., 2021b) Adversity intelligence, is interpreted with control related to EQ, namely the extent to which a person is able to manage future difficulties, then about origin is closely related to SQ, namely the extent to which a person blames himself when he finds out that his mistakes have been made. that comes from himself, or the extent to which a person blames other people or the environment for being the source of his difficulties and failures. And more importantly, the extent of the willingness to take responsibility for the mistakes or failures. This confirms that adversity intelligence is a manifestation of life skills that encourage service leadership.Previous research has proven that adversity intelligence has a positive relationship with servant leadership, one of which is the research of Okorji & Epetuku (2019: 938-945), which illustrates that there is a very significant relationship (r = 0.395 at p < 0.05) between adversity intelligence (Adversity Intelligence) with serving leadership (Servant leadership).
Direct positive effect between proactive personality variable (X2) on servant leadership variable (Y)
The results showed that there was a direct positive effect between proactive personality and serving leadership. Principals who have a proactive personality show an increase in serving leadership in achieving school goals. This consistency makes school principals a role model in school services and development. This attachment is in accordance with the statement of Bateman & Crant (2003), defining the basic form of proactive personality as someone who is relatively not pressured by situational forces and someone who influences environmental changes. Thus, highly proactive people can recognize opportunities and act on them, demonstrate initiative and persevere in striving for meaningful change. They transform missions, discover and solve organizational problems and ultimately use them to influence the world around them. People who are less proactive act passively and reactively, they tend to adapt to their surroundings rather than create circumstances. This confirms that adversity intelligence is a manifestation of life skills that encourage service leadership.
From the findings obtained in this study, it can be seen that proactive personality is a personality that has a tendency to try to take action to influence the environment, interpreted by identifying opportunities and following up, Initiative, Action and Hard work until changes occur, so that they are able to contribute to improving servant leadership.
Direct positive influence between the teamwork variable (X3) on the service leadership variable (Y). The results showed that there was a direct positive influence between teamwork and service leadership. Principals who have teamwork show increased leadership in serving in achieving school goals. This consistency makes school principals a role model in school services and development. This engagement is in accordance with the statement of Duin, Jorn, & DeBower (2004) which defines "collaboration" as a process in which two or more people implement and evaluate joint activities. Teamwork is also like an orchestra that works together to produce beautiful music. If one of the players plays the wrong instrument, it will cause disharmony. Teamwork will be successful only if they can eliminate competition and concentrate on differing views and skills to overcome problems or challenges quickly. This confirms that teamwork is a manifestation of cooperation with a team that encourages service leadership.
From the findings obtained in this study, it can be seen that Teamwork is a group of individuals to collaborate by influencing each other and contributing effectively and responsibly in carrying out tasks to achieve common goals. so as to be able to contribute to improving service leadership. The direct positive effect between the variables of commitment to the organization (X4) on the service leadership variable (Y)
The results showed that there was a direct positive effect between commitment to the organization and service leadership. Principals who have a work commitment show an increase in serving leadership in achieving school goals. This consistency makes school principals a role model in school services and development. This attachment is in accordance with the statement of Robbins & Judge (2007). Commitment to the organization is defined as a condition in which an individual sided with the organization and its goals and desires to maintain membership in the organization. In other words, commitment to the organization is an attitude that reflects the loyalty of members to the organization and the ongoing process in which members of the organization express their concern for the organization and its success and continuous progress. This confirms that commitment to the organization is a manifestation of a firm attitude that encourages service leadership.
This means that the higher the commitment to the organization, the higher the serving leadership, and vice versa, the lower the commitment to the organization, the lower the serving leadership. Thus, the data in the analysis of this study further support the results of previous studies regarding the existence of a positive relationship between work commitment and service leadership. The findings obtained from this study indicate that commitment to the organization is the desire, attitude and promise of a person seriously to remain a member of the organization, be disciplined in working and participate in advancing the organization. Commitment to the organization is interpreted by the presence of comfort in the organization, loyalty to the organization, investing abilities in the organization, profits by staying in the organization and losses associated with leaving the organization, discipline in work and the obligation to advance the organization, so that commitment to the organization will affect service leadership.
From the findings obtained in this study, it can be seen that commitment to the organization is the desire, attitude and promise of a person seriously to remain a member of the organization, be disciplined in working and participate in advancing the organization, so as to be able to contribute to improving service leadership.
Direct positive influence between work motivation variable (X5) on service leadership variable (Y). The results show ed that there was a direct positive influence between work motivation and service leadership. Principals who have a work commitment show an increase in serving leadership in achieving school goals. This consistency makes school principals a role model in school services and development. This attachment is in accordance with the research of Smith, Montagko, & Kuzmenko (2004) which shows that servant leadership is directed to motivate the personal growth of followers or members. The same thing was stated by Patterson (2003: 97) that servant leadership instills the value of love for its followers, so that it can affect the motivation that arises in followers to serve. This confirms that work motivation is a manifestation of a firm attitude that encourages service leadership.
Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it shows that there is a functional relationship between work motivation and service leadership through the regression equation = 13.58 + 0.61X5, which means that every one unit increase in the value of work motivation will be followed by an increase in the value of serving leadership by 0.611 units with a constant value 1.358. The results show that this equation can be used to predict the level of service leadership based on work motivation scores
Previous research has proven that work motivation has a positive influence on servant leadership, one of which is Pratiwi's research (2019: 85-93), The results of processing questionnaire data on the path coefficient value, show that servant leadership has a positive effect on intrinsic motivation with a value of 0.077 . The research concludes that commitment has a significant effect on service leadership.
This means that the higher the work motivation, the higher the serving leadership, and vice versa, the lower the work motivation, the lower the serving leadership. Thus the data in the analysis of this study further support the results of previous studies regarding the positive relationship between work motivation and service leadership. The findings obtained from this study indicate that work motivation is the level of encouragement, desire and movement that grows in a person, both from within and outside himself to do a job with high enthusiasm using all abilities and skills possessed that aim to for maximum achievement. Work commitment is defined as achievement, recognition, responsibility, progress, working conditions and organizational procedures, so that work motivation will affect service leadership.
From the findings obtained in this study, it can be seen that work motivation is the desire, attitude and promise of a person seriously to remain a member of the organization, be disciplined in working and participate in advancing the organization, so as to be able to contribute to improving service leadership (Latham, 2012). Direct positive influence between Adversity Intelligence Variables (X1) on Commitment to Organizations (X4). The results showed that there was a direct positive effect between adversity intelligence and commitment to the organization. Principals who have adversity intelligence show increased commitment to the organization in achieving school goals. This consistency makes school principals a role model in school services and development. This attachment is in accordance with the statement of Satterfield, Monahan, & Seligman (1997: 94) explaining that individuals who respond to difficulties more constructively are willing to take a lot of risks. Risk is an essential aspect of climbing. The intended ascent is a person's process of achieving success. This confirms that adversity intelligence is a manifestation of life skills that encourage work commitment.
According to Somaratne, Jayawardena and Perera (2017: 46) that the adversity quotient has been shown to increase performance levels, leadership styles and practices, resilience, promotion, retention, optimism, and commitment to change. Adversity quotient has been shown to increase performance levels, leadership styles and practices, resilience, promotion, retention, optimism and organizational commitment. Ease and difficulty is a fact of life that must be faced. As human beings, we are obliged to do the best we can, to seek the ways of ease and avoid the doors of trouble. It is important to understand the factors that create difficulties. It is very important to overcome difficulties according to the situation and conditions.
This means that the higher the adversity intelligence, the higher the commitment to the organization, and vice versa, the lower the adversity intelligence, the lower the commitment to the organization. Thus, the data in the analysis of this study further support the results of previous studies regarding the existence of a positive relationship between adversity intelligence and commitment to the organization. The findings obtained from this study indicate that adversity intelligence is a skill possessed by a person in responding to various difficulties and obstacles faced in carrying out tasks. The characteristics of adversity intelligence are control over events that cause difficulties, views on the origin of difficulties, recognition of the consequences of difficulties, views on the reach and impact of difficulties, and resistance to adversity, so that adversity intelligence will affect commitment to the organization.
From the findings obtained in this study, it can be seen that adversity intelligence is a skill possessed by a person in responding to various difficulties and obstacles faced in carrying out tasks so as to be able to contribute to increasing commitment to the organization. The direct positive effect between the proactive personality variable (X2) on the commitment variable to the organization (X4).
The results showed that there was a direct positive effect between proactive personality and commitment to the organization. Principals who have a proactive personality show increased commitment to the organization in achieving school goals. This consistency makes school principals a role model in school services and development. This attachment is in accordance with the statement of Macey, Schneider, Barbera, & Young, (2009), asserting that individual characteristics such as proactive personality can encourage someone to develop themselves more than others. engaged employees will contribute more to work, initiating and fostering change. Thompson (2010) suggests that proactive employees will build social support that will lead to job satisfaction which in turn will increase commitment to the organization. Robbins & Judge (2013) mentions a personality that is a strong predictor of individual behavior in organizations, namely a proactive personality characterized by the ability to see opportunities, show initiative, take action, and be persistent until significant changes occur. life that encourages commitment to the organization.
This means that the higher the proactive personality, the higher the commitment to the organization, and vice versa, the lower the proactive personality, the lower the commitment to the organization. Thus, the data in the analysis of this study further support the results of previous studies regarding the existence of a positive relationship between proactive personality and commitment to the organization. The findings obtained from this study indicate that proactive personality is a personality that has a tendency to take action to influence the environment. The characteristics of a proactive personality are: identification of opportunities and follow-up, initiative, action and hard work until changes occur, so that proactive personality will affect commitment to the organization.
From the findings obtained in this study, it can be seen that proactive personality is a personality that has a tendency to try to take action to influence the environment, interpreted by identifying opportunities and following up, Initiative, Action and Hard work until changes occur, so that they are able to contribute to improving commitment to the organization.
Direct positive effect between proactive personality variable (X2) on work motivation variable (X5). The results showed that there was a direct positive influence between proactive personality and work motivation. Principals who have a proactive personality show an increase in work motivation in achieving school goals. This consistency makes school principals a role model in school services and development. This attachment is in accordance with the statement of Patel (2003) who defines proactive behavior as an effort to take the initiative in increasing new ideas and creativity to change the status quo rather than just acting passively in the face of current conditions. Seibert, Crant, & Kraimer (2009), define the basic form of proactive personality as someone who is relatively not pressured by situational forces and someone who influences environmental changes. Thus, highly proactive people can recognize opportunities and act on them, demonstrate initiative and persevere in striving for meaningful change. They transform missions, discover and solve organizational problems and ultimately use them to influence the world around them. People who are less proactive act passively and reactively, they tend to adapt to their surroundings rather than create circumstances. This confirms that adversity intelligence is a manifestation of life skills that encourage work motivation.
This means that the higher the proactive personality, the higher the work motivation, and vice versa, the lower the proactive personality, the lower the work motivation. Thus the data in the analysis of this study further support the results of previous studies regarding the positive relationship between proactive personality and work motivation. The findings obtained from this study indicate that proactive personality is a personality that has a tendency to take action to influence the environment. The characteristics of a proactive personality are: Identification of opportunities and follow-up, Initiative, Action and hard work until a change occurs, so that the proactive personality will affect work motivation.
From the findings obtained in this study, it can be seen that proactive personality is a personality that has a tendency to try to take action to influence the environment, interpreted by identifying opportunities and following up, Initiative, Action and Hard work until changes occur, so that they are able to contribute to improving work motivation.
Direct positive influence between the teamwork variable (X3) on the work motivation variable (X5)
The results showed that there was a direct positive influence between teamwork and work motivation. Principals who have teamwork show an increase in work motivation in achieving school goals. This consistency makes school principals a role model in school services and development. This attachment is in accordance with the statement of Tarricone & Luca (2002: 304), teamwork is a group of individuals who work together to achieve a common goal. This group of individuals must have clear rules and working mechanisms. It includes coordination and procedures that must be agreed upon by all team members. This is useful for maintaining the harmony of a team in order to realize a job satisfaction that can affect individual and organizational loyalty to the company (George & Jones, 2002: 175). Work motivation can be defined as a psychological encouragement to someone who determines the direction of a person's behavior (direction of behavior) in the organization, level of effort (level of effort), and level of persistence or resilience in the face of an obstacle or problem (level of persistence) (Ryan & Deci, 2000). . This confirms that teamwork is a manifestation of cooperation in a team that encourages work motivation.
From the findings obtained in this study, it can be seen that teamwork is a group of individuals to collaborate by influencing each other and contributing effectively and responsibly in carrying out tasks to achieve common goals. so as to be able to contribute to increasing work motivation.
Direct positive effect between adversity intelligence variable (X1) on proactive personality variable (X2). The results showed that there was a direct positive influence between adversity intelligence and proactive personality. Principals who have adversity intelligence show an increase in proactive personality in achieving school goals. This consistency makes school principals a role model in school services and development. This attachment is in accordance with the statement of Masten & Gewirtz (2006), adversity intelligence means a positive pattern of adaptation or shows development in difficult situations. Adversity intelligence or resilience is the ability of individuals to rise, adapt and find solutions to problems with the ultimate goal of achieving success. This confirms that adversity intelligence is a manifestation of life skills that encourage a proactive personality.
Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it shows that there is a functional relationship between adversity intelligence and proactive personality through the regression equation = 7.31 + 1.18X1, which means that every one unit increase in the value of adversity intelligence will be followed by an increase in the value of proactive personality by 1.18 units with constant value 0.73. The results showed that this equation can be used to predict the level of proactive personality based on adversity intelligence scores.
Previous research has proven that adversity intelligence has a positive effect on proactive personality, one of which is Aziz's (2007) research which conducted research on the influence of ulul albab personality on the ability to face challenges (adversity intelligence) in undergraduate students at the State Islamic University of Malang. The sample used was 139 people and the sampling method was purposive sampling. The results show that personality has an influence on adversity intelligence. However, the researcher also believes that there are other factors that can influence outside the factors contained in the study.
This means that the higher the adversity intelligence, the higher the proactive personality, and vice versa, the lower the adversity intelligence, the lower the proactive personality. Thus, the data in the analysis of this study further support the results of previous studies regarding the positive relationship between adversity intelligence and proactive personality. The findings obtained from this study indicate that adversity intelligence is a skill possessed by a person in responding to various difficulties and obstacles faced in carrying out tasks. The characteristics of adversity intelligence are control over events that cause difficulties, views on the origin of difficulties, recognition of the consequences of difficulties, views on the reach and impact of difficulties, and resistance to adversity, so that adversity intelligence will affect proactive personality.
From the findings obtained in this study, it can be seen that adversity intelligence is a skill possessed by a person in responding to various difficulties and obstacles faced in carrying out tasks so as to be able to contribute to increasing proactive personality.
Indirect positive effect between adversity intelligence variable (X1) on service leadership variable (Y) through commitment to the organization (X4)
The results showed that there was a positive indirect positive effect between adversity intelligence on service leadership through commitment to the organization. Principals who have adversity intelligence and commitment to the organization show leadership to serve in achieving school goals.The findings obtained in this study identify that if the principal has good adversity intelligence and commitment to a good organization, together these two variables contribute to strengthening service leadership.
Indirect positive effect between proactive personality variable (X1) on service leadership variable (Y) through commitment to the organization (X4)
The results showed that there was an indirect positive influence between proactive personality and service leadership through commitment to the organization. Principals who have a proactive personality and commitment to the organization show strengthening of service leadership in achieving school goals. This attachment is in accordance with Musakabe's (2004) statement, in essence the relationship between the leader and the people he leads is in the nature of guidance, giving direction, giving orders/instructions, providing motivation (encouraging) and giving examples to influence the people he leads. This confirms that proactive personality along with commitment to the organization is a manifestation of life skills that encourage service leadership.
Previous research has proven that proactive personality has an indirect influence on service leadership through commitment to the organization, one of which is the research of Mira & Margaretha (2012), while the results of the research show that servant leadership has a positive and significant relationship and influence on organizational commitment by 16,8% while servant leadership has a positive and significant relationship and influence on proactive personality by 33.7% and the rest is influenced by other factors.
The findings obtained in this study identify that if the principal has a good proactive personality and commitment to a good organization, together these two variables contribute to strengthening service leadership.
Indirect positive effect between proactive personality variable (X2) on service leadership variable (Y) through work motivation (X5). The results showed that there was an indirect positive influence between proactive personality and service leadership through work motivation. Principals who have a proactive personality show strengthening leadership in serving in achieving school goals. Proactive personality refers to someone who has a relatively stable tendency to make environmental changes, this encourages the development of work motivation. And motivation is a psychological force that determines the direction of one's behavior in an organization, one's level of effort, and one's level of persistence. This is in line with DuBrin's (2014) statement. The findings obtained in this study identify that if the principal has a good proactive personality and good work motivation, together these two variables contribute to strengthening service leadership.
Indirect positive effect between teamwork variable (X3) on service leadership variable (Y) through work motivation (X5)
The results showed that there was an indirect positive influence between teamwork and service leadership through work motivation. This is in accordance with the statement of Clutterbuck (2007: 70) that the behavioral interaction inherent in well-managed collaboration in working together that includes a variety of tasks. This happens because of the strength of the teacher's desire to continue working in the school organization, the manifestation of the teacher's desire to continue working at the school is a form of work motivation.
Previous research has proven that adversity intelligence has a positive influence on proactive personality, one of which is the research of Hosseini (2012: 22-25) in his research entitled, Analysis of team working on Organizational Commitment in SafaIndustrial Group in Iran. The results of the study conclude that there is a significant indirect effect between teamwork and service leadership through work motivation with a correlation coefficient of r = 0.758 the correlation coefficient of determination is 0.574. However, the researcher also believes that there are other factors that can influence outside the factors contained in the study.
Based on the results of the analysis, discussion of research results and hypotheses that have been tested, it can be concluded as follows: Strengthening service leadership can be done by developing adversity intelligence, proactive personality, and teamwork as exogenous variables by increasing commitment to the organization and work motivation as intervening variables. From the qualitative research conducted, it was found that other variables that have a positive and dominant influence on service leadership, namely adversity intelligence, proactive personality, teamwork, commitment to the organization and work motivation. How to prove the influence between variables is done by using path analysis. The results of the analysis are as follows: There is a direct positive effect of adversity intelligence on service leadership with a path coefficient (βy1) of 0.204, so that the development of adversity intelligence can strengthen servant leadership.
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