The principle of legal benefit (sweatinessorefficiency or utility. One of the objectives of
law is legal certainty and legal benefits. Positivists place greater emphasis on legal
certainty, while Functionalists prioritize legal benefits, and it could be argued that one
of the goals of law is legal certainty and legal benefits. Positivists put more emphasis
on legal certainty, while Functionalists prioritize the benefits of the law, and it can be
argued that "the highest right, the highest injury, the highest law, the highest cross"
which means that harsh laws can hurt unless justice can help them. Thus, although
justice is not the only goal of law, the most substantive goal of law is justice. There are
more and more visions, missions, and goals that must be achieved by a process of
implementing law in the courts in this era of reform and transformation. Classically,
apart from achieving justice, the law also has the aim of creating legal certainty for
individuals and for society at large.
There are many other legal objectives that must be achieved in this era of reform and
transformation. In this case, the law must be able to harmonize the elements of justice,
elements of legal certainty, and other elements. Because, justice, legal certainty and other
elements often conflict with each other. Therefore, in legal science, the term "the highest
right, the highest injury” (the highest justice is the highest injustice). One example of a
sharp contradiction between elements of justice and elements of legal certainty is in
"expired" legal institutions. A criminal can no longer be charged before a judge if he has
not been arrested by law enforcement within a certain time limit. The Criminal Code
states that. In this case, legal prosecution against criminals is considered to have expired.
In circumstances like this, you can imagine how much it can hurt public justice, let alone
the justice of crime victims. In fact, what is the law pursuing if it has the heart to allow
criminals to continue wandering outside prison? What is pursued is nothing other than
the element of legal certainty, even though the cost is at the expense of the element of
justice. Conditions like this often occur in various existing legal institutions. Because if
the law is uncertain, then society will also be in trouble. There is often an expression that
the legal sector does not provide legal certainty for the community so that foreign
countries, foreigners and foreign investors are reluctant to enter or have contact with
Indonesia. Because, wouldn't legal uncertainty have an impact on business uncertainty
in Indonesia? As a result of the absence of this element of legal certainty, overall
Indonesian law becomes unpredictable (unpredictable). For example, if we have a civil
proceeding in district courts, it is difficult to predict the outcome. Often cases that have
quite strong evidence, but suddenly lose in court for reasons that are not clear, even for
reasons that are considered naive. On the other hand, there are often cases where a party
whose legal position and evidence are very weak, unexpectedly turns out to be won by
the court.
Research Method
In accordance with the main problem, the type of legal research carried out is normative
juridical research or research that analyzes the law, both written in books and laws
decided by judges through court processes. The approach is descriptive and analytical.