Adhalia Septia Saputri
Volume 2 Number 6, June 2023
p- ISSN 2963-3648- e-ISSN 2964-8653
Doi: https://doi.org/10.57096/edunity.v2i6.113
Adhalia Septia Saputri
Faculty of Law, Bhayangkara University Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
Staycation or vacation at home is increasingly in demand by many people, including female
workers. However, this does not guarantee safety during the staycation. There is a risk of
crimes such as sexual harassment that can occur. Therefore, legal protection for staycation
victims needs to be considered, especially for female workers. This article discusses the legal
protection of staycation victims (female workers) in criminological theories such as sociological
theory, psychological theory, environmental theory, social control theory, and deterrence
theory, as well as a focus on feminist criminology. These theories can help understand the
causes of crimes against female workers in staycation environments and provide solutions for
better legal protection for victims. Therefore, it is important to develop policies and regulations
governing staycations so that female workers can feel safer when carrying out these activities.
In conclusion, legal protection of staycation victims (female workers) requires cooperation
between the community, security forces, government, and hotel staff in Creating a safe and
comfortable environment for staycations conducted by female workers. The research used in
this journal is juridical research normative.
Keywords: Legal Protection; Victim; Staycation; Criminology
The term criminology was first used by a French anthropologist named Paul Topiward.
According to Paul, criminology comes from the word crimen which means
crime/criminal, and logos means science. Furthermore, Edwin Sutherland and Donald
R. Cressey mention criminology as: “... the body of knowledge regarding delinquency
and crime as a social phenomenon. It includes within its scope the process of making
law, breaking laws, and reacting to word the breaking of laws..." (Sutherland et al., 1992)
Based on the above, it can be concluded that criminology is oriented to:
1. Law making which can include a study of the concept of crime and who is the
lawmaker with factors that must be considered in making law; (Nurisman, 2022)
2. Violation of the law which can include who the perpetrator is and why the violation
of the law occurred, as well as what factors influence it;
3. Reactions to violations of the law through the criminal justice process and community
Further in its development, in order to discuss the dimension of crime/criminals, known
as criminological theories.
Criminological theories have an important role in understanding and providing legal
protection to staycation victims. Some criminological theories that can be attributed to
the protection of staycation victims are as follows: (Purnamasari et al., 2023) Sociological
Theory views that crime occurs due to social factors that exist in society. In the context
of staycations, social factors such as poverty, injustice, and social class differences can be
[Legal Protection of Staycation Victims (Women Workers) in a
Criminological Perspective)]
Vol. 2, No. 6, 2023
a trigger for crime (Febriyani, 2018). Therefore, the legal protection of the staycation ban
corps must involve improving social conditions in society;
1. Psychological Theory
The psychological theory views that crime occurs because of psychological factors
that exist in the perpetrator. In the context of a staycation, psychological factors such
as addiction, stress, and mental disorders can trigger crime. Therefore, legal
protection of staycation victims must involve rehabilitation and psychological
treatment for perpetrators of crimes; (Ntoumanis et al., 2021)
2. Environmental Theory
The environmental theory views that crime occurs due to environmental factors that
exist around the perpetrator. In the context of staycations, environmental factors such
as overcrowding, low security, and lack of supervision can trigger crime. Therefore,
legal protection of staycation victims must involve improving the surrounding
environment that is safer and more vigilante;
3. Social Control Theory
Social control theory views that crime occurs due to a lack of social control over the
behavior of the perpetrator. In the context of staycations, lack of supervision and law
enforcement can trigger crime. Therefore, legal protection of staycation victims
should involve increased surveillance and stricter law enforcement; and
4. Detergent Theory
Deterrence theory views that crime can be avoided if the perpetrator is threatened
with severe sanctions. In the context of staycations, strict law enforcement and severe
sanctions for criminals can be a way to prevent crime. Therefore, legal protection for
staycation victims must involve strict law enforcement and severe sanctions for
perpetrators of crime.
The purpose of this study is to find out: 1) How is the legal protection of staycation
victims, especially female workers, in a criminological perspective, 2) Why action occurs
crime, and 3) How the legal system combats the crime, taking into account
criminological factors such as victims, perpetrators, environment and other factors.
Research Method
The research used in this journal is normative juridical research (Sucipto et al., 2022).
The normative juridical research is carried out with 3 (three) approaches, namely: statute
approach, concept approach, and case study. The legal theories used as the basis for the
analysis of the three problem formulations are the Theory of Legal Certainty and The
Theory of Legal Protection Protection).
Result And Discussion
In the world of work, staycation victims are generally experienced by women who are
still contract workers in employment agreements. An employment contract agreement
is a written agreement made between a worker and an employer or employer, which
regulates the rights and obligations of both parties during the employment relationship
ongoing. In the employment contract agreement, there are clauses agreed by both
parties, such as salary levels, benefits, working hours, leave, and other provisions that
related to employment relations. Employment contracts play an important role in
establishing healthy and mutually beneficial working relationships between workers
and employers. Through this employment contract agreement, workers and employers
can know their rights and obligations clearly, so as not to avoid misunderstandings or
disputes later (Mustafa, 2022)
The employment contract agreement also serves as physical evidence of the agreement
between workers and employers, so that if there is a dispute or case in the future, then
the document employment contract can be used as evidence in the dispute resolution
Vol. 2, No. 6, 2023
[Legal Protection of Staycation Victims (Women Workers) in a
Criminological Perspective)]
Adhalia Septia Saputri
process (Dharmanto & Sari, 2023). However, keep in mind that the employment contract
agreement must be made in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and does
not reduce the rights that have been guaranteed by law for workers. If there is a clause
that conflicts with statutory provisions, then the clause is considered invalid and invalid.
In general, an employment contract agreement is a form of ritten agreement between
workers and employers that is binding during the period of employment and is
regulated based on statutory provisions that apply (Nasution et al., 2021). Staycation is
one of the popular forms of work for female workers. However, staycation workers
often face the risk of various forms of harassment, by employers. Therefore, legal
protection for staycation victims is very important to do.
In the employment contract agreement, there are several things that can be done to
provide legal protection for staycation victims (Mulyani et al., 2021a):
First, the agreement must be clear and detailed about the rights that staycation workers
have, including the right to decent work and fair wages. In addition, the agreement must
also explain the limits that must be lived by the employer, such as not harassing or
extorting workers.
Second, the agreement must include a mechanism for complaints or reporting if there
is a violation on the part of the fish maj. So that staycation workers have a clear path to
report actions that are not in accordance with the employment contract agreement. This
is important to prevent injustice for staycation workers.
Third, the employment contract agreement can also include requirements for the
employer to undergo verification before becoming a staycation worker user. This
verification can be done by labor agencies or nongovernmental organizations that work
to protect workers' rights.
According to Williams III and Marilyn McShane, criminology theories are classified into
3 (three) groups, namely: (A’yun, 2021)
Abstract Theories or Macro Theories. Basically, the theories in this classification
describe the correlation between crime and the structure of society, including in the
macro theory Anomie theory, and Conflict Theory;
Micro theories are more concrete. This theory wants to answer why a person/group of
people in society commits a crime or becomes a criminal (criminal etiology). Concretely,
these theories tend to be more psychological or biological approaches. Included in these
theories are Social Control Theory and Social Learning Theory;
Bridging Theories are not included in the category of macro/micro theories and
describe the social structure and how one becomes evil.
However, the reality is that these theories often discuss epidemiology that explains the
rates of crime and the etiology of perpetrators of crime. Included in this group are
Subculture Theory and Differential Opportunity Theory.
In addition to the classification above, Frank P. William III and Marilyn McShane also
classified various criminological theories into 3 (three) more parts, namely: (Sari et al.,
1. Classical Theory and Positivist Theory
Basically, Classical Theory discusses legal statutes, government structures and
human rights. The positivist theory focuses on criminal pathology, coping, and
improving individual criminal behavior;
2. Structural Theory and Process Theory
[Legal Protection of Staycation Victims (Women Workers) in a
Criminological Perspective)]
Vol. 2, No. 6, 2023
The structural theory focuses on the way societies are organized and the impact of
behavior. Structural theories are also commonly called strain theories because of
"Their assumption that a disorganized society creates strain which leads to deviant
behavior". Strictly speaking, the basic assumption is that society creates tension and
can lead to deviant behavior, while Proses Theory discusses and explains, and
analyzes how people become evil;
3. Consensus Theory and Conflict Theory
Consensus theory uses the basic assumption that in society there is
consensus/agreement so that there are general values that are then mutually agreed.
Furthermore, conflict theory has a different basic assumption that in society there is
little agreement and people who hold to the value of opposition.
In addition, by comparison, John Hagan classifies criminological theories into:
(Mangkepriyanto, 2019)
1. Theories Under Control or theories to overcome evil behavior, such as Social
Disorganization Theory, Neutralization Theory, and Social Control Theory. Basically,
these theories discuss why some people break the law, whereas most people do not;
2. Theories of Culture, Status, and Opportunity, such as Frustration Status Theory, Class
Culture Theory, and Opportunity Theory emphasize why a small percentage of
people oppose the established rules of the society in which they are live/live;
3. Over Control Theory which consists of the principles of Labeling Theory, Group
Conflict Theory, and Marxist Theory. These theories put more emphasis on the issue
of why people react to evil.
From the classification above, it can be concluded that one classification and another
classification are not identical / the same. It was this aspect of the main theorist
(personal dramatic) that triggered it. In addition, the classification of theories is also
influenced by the subjectivity of the person who performs the classification, so it is
relatively dichotomous and artificial.
Based on the description of criminological theories above, according to researchers who
are factors that cause female workers to often be subjected to criminal acts, such as sexual
harassment So that the victims of staycation that are being updated are as follows:
Poor citations/criteria or standards in the recruitment process and selection of
prospective contract employees. Some companies cut the selection stage to find
prospective contract employees faster, including background checks and official
Weak positions, make contract employees more susceptible to harassment or
intimidation by superiors because the type of contract employment is not permanent or
Unclear work performance arrangements, with uncertainty over whether contracts will
be renewed or not, making contract workers feel trapped and easily victims of abuse;
Lack of strict rules related to the protection of contract employees from harassment or
intimidation, or even the absence of guarantees of welfare and other rights; Ignorance
or incomprehension of superiors about the rights of contract employees, including rights
that must be respected and protected by the company; Difficult economic conditions,
make some people more likely to 'cheat' to keep office, exceed applicable rules, or
include an element of subjectivity in the assessment of work performance;
Gender discrimination, especially if the employer holds conservative views and
discriminates against female workers; and A work environment that is poorly
Vol. 2, No. 6, 2023
[Legal Protection of Staycation Victims (Women Workers) in a
Criminological Perspective)]
Adhalia Septia Saputri
supervised or accustomed to unethical and unprofessional behavior, which makes
harassment prevalent and repeated.
The legal system that can be used to protect staycation victims (women workers) is a
legal system based on justice, equality, and protection of women's workers' rights. The
legal system must have clear rules and regulations so that the rights of women workers
are protected and not abused by employers. Whereas the Ground Norm states that every
Indonesian citizen has the right to feel safe and free from violence in accordance with
the philosophy of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution; that any violence, particularly
domestic violence is a form of violence against human rights, and is categorized as a
crime against the dignity of the human being. humanity and discrimination that must
be eliminated; Most victims of domestic violence are women, and they should get more
serious attention and protection from the government, or society to avoid threats and
violence, torture, or abuse of human dignity. (Ismiati, 2020)
Furthermore, the existence of a Certain Time Work Agreement (PKWT) form states that
an agreement is written between the commitment-making official as the one who makes
it and self-managed workers. In this case, female workers with contract status often
experience criminological actions such as harassment, the implementation of the PKWT
system which is often used in institutions that are useful for agencies to make a profit
when the cost of employment of employers is low because employers do not need many
employees who are considered ineffective and efficient so that provide benefits to
entrepreneurs (Mulyani et al., 2021b). The tendency of some companies to hire
employees with an outsourcing system currently is generally motivated by the
company's strategy to make products cost-efficient. (Ningsih & Herlinda, 2020) Such is
the case with staycation victims.
Some things that can be done by the legal system to protect the staycation of female
workers, among others, are as follows: The legal system should provide clear and
reasonable limits on working hours for female workers. These limits must consider the
safety and health aspects of female workers so that fatigue or work accidents do not
occur that adversely affect their health; The legal system must ensure that women
workers are fairly compensated for the work done. It aims to improve the welfare of
women workers and avoid discrimination in terms of wage payments;
Protection against harassment and discrimination The legal system should protect
female workers from physical and verbal abuse, as well as discrimination by employers
or other co-workers. It is important to ensure that women workers can work comfortably
and safely;
The legal system should establish adequate health and job safety requirements for
female workers. Such requirements should consider the risks that may occur during
employment, including health and safety risks from the use of heavy equipment or
occupational environmental hazards; and Protection of wages and employment rights.
The legal system should ensure that women workers have the right to wages and other
work rights, such as health benefits and leave. Employers must fulfill their obligations
towards women workers and must not violate their rights.
With a strong and clearly defined legal system, female worker staycations can obtain
adequate protection in terms of employment and employment agreements. This will
help improve their well-being and quality of life, and support the creation of a fair and
safe working environment.
[Legal Protection of Staycation Victims (Women Workers) in a
Criminological Perspective)]
Vol. 2, No. 6, 2023
Legal protection for staycation victims, especially female workers, from a criminological
perspective, is that legal protection for staycation victims really needs to be done
through an employment contract agreement that is clear and binding for both parties.
The agreement should list the rights and obligations, as well as the mechanism for
complaints of violations that occur if any. In addition, verification of employers can also
be an effort to protect the rights of staycation workers.
Until such actions occur due to weak factors, it makes contract employees more easily
subject to harassment or intimidation of superiors, because of the type of work contract
is not permanent or uncertain; Furthermore, work performance arrangements are not
too bad, with uncertainty whether the contract will be renewed or not, making contract
workers feel trapped and easy to become victims of harassment, as well as strict laws
related to the protection of contract employees from harassment or intimidation, or even
the absence of guarantees of welfare and rights other.
The legal system in combating such crimes, considering criminological factors such as
victims, perpetrators, environment, and other factors is in the same legal system and
clearly defined, korban Staycation female workers can obtain adequate protection in
terms of employment and employment agreements. This will help improve their well-
being and quality of life, and support the creation of a fair and safe working
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