[Notary Responsibilities for the Occurrence of Identity Marketing In
the Making of Authentic Deeds]
The point is that the parties who feel aggrieved can submit an annulment to the Court,
and based on the judge's considerations the agreement can be annulled. While objective
conditions are conditions regarding the object of the agreement which consists of two
things, namely certain things and lawful causes. The purpose of certain matters is that
in making an agreement there must be an object that is agreed upon, which must be
lawful or not violate laws and regulations or norms.
In line with the legal terms of the agreement above, if it is true that the Credit Agreement
Deed in Decision Number 140/PDT/2020/PT.DKI dated 20 April 2020 jo. The decision
of the North Jakarta District Court Number 101/Pdt.G/2015/PN.Jkt.Utr has been
proven to contain fraud in the identity of the appeared, so the Notary has committed an
act that is contrary to his legal obligations and violates the principles of thoroughness
and prudence in issuing the deed. In addition, the Deed or Agreement issued by a
Notary violates Article 1320 of the Civil Code because the Deed issued by a Notary is
issued on the basis of fictitious data and fraudulent acts in the form of forgery of identity,
which violates the principle of legal requirements for agreements, namely legal causes.
However, before being declared null and void by the court, the validity of documents,
data, and identities suspected of being fabricated, untrue, and fictitious must be tested
for the truth, so they must first be examined, proven, and decided by the competent
judicial body, namely the General Judicial Body with a decision that has the force of
permanent law. This is in accordance with the Indonesian Supreme Court Jurisprudence
dated 27 November 1975 No. 199 K/Sip/1973 which states: "A decision by a criminal
judge has perfect evidence in civil cases, both against a person convicted of a criminal
judge's decision and against a third party, by allowing evidence of resistance."
However, in Decision Number 140/PDT/2020/PT.DKI dated 20 April 2020 jo. North
Jakarta District Court Decision Number 101/Pdt.G/2015/PN.Jkt.Utr, in the answer
submitted by Defendant VIII, the Deed of Working Capital Credit Agreement is valid
and binding, because it complies with Article 1320 and Article 1338 of the Civil Code. At
the time of signing the Deed, the related parties namely Plaintiff, Defendant I, Defendant
III, and Defendant IV had come directly to Defendant VIII, and the parties had read and
understood the contents, intent, and purpose of the Deed of Agreement properly. Notary
in case of forged identity, Notaries do not have the authority to materially examine the
document in question. As for the deed in question by the Plaintiff, it has fulfilled the
formal requirements, moreover, it was made by interested parties, in front of Offices that
have the functions and authority given by the Law.
The decision of the North Jakarta District Court Number 101/Pdt.G/2015/PN.Jkt.UTR
has been proven to contain fraud in the identity of the apparel, the deed or agreement
issued by a Notary violates Article 1320 of the Civil Code because the deed issued by a
Notary is issued based on data- fictitious data and fraudulent acts in the form of forgery
of identity, which violates the principle of the terms of a valid agreement, namely lawful
causes. However, before being declared null and void by the court, the validity of
documents, data and identities suspected of being fabricated, untrue and fictitious must
be tested for the truth, so they must first be examined, proven and decided by the
competent judicial body, namely the General Judicial Body with a decision that has the
force of permanent law.
Amelia, A. P. (2023). Implementasi Pasal 62 Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2014 Tentang
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