[Juridical Review of Imposition of Deeds for Granting of
Collective Rights in Sharia Banking in Indonesia]
Marriage and religion themselves have a close and inseparable relationship. Almost all
religions regulate marriage, which always wants marriage between a man and a
woman who have one religion. Some examples of religions that are recognized in
Indonesia and do not give permission / do not allow marriage to be carried out if both
candidates have different religions, namely, first, according to Christianity, interfaith
marriage is an invalid marriage, because it is not carried out according to Christian
religious rules and not by the conditions specified in the marriage. Then according to
Islam, mixed marriage is strictly prohibited because it is not by the rules that exist in
Islam itself. Because in the view of Islam, marriage between two people who have
different religions is invalid. But in Indonesia, the marriage law has not specifically
regulated the marriage of interfaith couples, so there is a legal vacuum. Therefore,
there are still many people who perform marriages of different religions between a
man and a woman of different religions, and also traditional life with various cultures
and religions, does not reduce the possibility that there will be a marriage between
religions, so the marriage of different religions is still a problem in itself because it is
feared that marriages of different religions will cause its problems, For example, the
issue of inheritance for spouses/children who are in marriages of different religions.
Because of the existence of marriages or marriages of different religions, so far,
religious differences are considered to be one of the factors that will change or affect a
person's share in getting an inheritance from heirs of different religions, religious
differences that exist in a marriage are considered as factors that make a wife/husband
/ even children get a different amount of inheritance than should be obtained. Usually,
the issue of inheritance is regulated in the Law of Inheritance. This inheritance is
researched because there are still many people who have problems when distributing
inheritance rights. Even though the law of inheritance itself still has a very close
relationship with human life because it has a relationship with property or wealth and
others. Where every human being will feel an event called death, where death becomes
the end of the life journey of every human being in the world. Therefore, if the
deceased person has a family and leaves a property or inheritance, then in any way the
property owned will be divided among the family left behind. Thus the laws that
usually discuss inheritance or inheritance are Islamic inheritance law, customary
inheritance law, and also civil inheritance law, where the regulations regarding
inheritance in Islamic inheritance law, customary inheritance law, and civil inheritance
law have their own rules which certainly also have differences. For example, as in
Islamic Law, an heir who is not Muslim cannot inherit property. So that with these
regulations, there will be different regulations in the distribution of inheritance rights
for families who perform interfaith marriages, and this can occur because there are
different regulations and have not regulated inheritance rights for married couples
who have different religious marriages so in solving this inheritance rights issue, each
party will follow or submit to their respective religious laws or customary law. Thus,
looking at the existing problems and the uncertainty of the law in the distribution of