Volume 2 Number 6, June 2023
p- ISSN 2963-3648- e-ISSN 2964-8653
Doi: 10.57096/edunity.v2i5.106
Eztha Oke Sonia
, Mella Ismelina Farma Rahayu
Faculty of Law, Tarumanagara University, West Jakarta, Indonesia
Notaries are public officials (openbare ambtenaren) appointed by the Ministry of Law and
Human Rights (KEMENKUMHAM) who have the authority to make authentic deeds. The
notary deed clearly explains the rights and obligations of the parties so that the notary deed
becomes the strongest and most complete means of evidence because it can prove the truth of its
contents compared to a deed made privately. If a Notary as a public official is proven to have
made a mistake in the deed they made, then as a result of their actions they can be held
accountable both criminally and civilly if it causes a loss. In the case of the South Jakarta District
Court decision number 782/PDT.G/2020/PN JKT.SEL a Notary in Tangerang was involved in
a civil case of unlawful acts that resulted in the deed’s cancellation. A notary deed that is
canceled by a court decision does not mean the result of a notary's mistake in making the deed,
but can also be caused by an error or negligence on the part of the parties resulting in a lawsuit
because the notary has made the deed in accordance with the regulations. The notary as a public
official has the right to refuse not to notify the contents of the deed in accordance with the oath
of office they uttered and taking the minutes of the deed and calling the notary must go through
the approval of Notary Honorary Council as an institution that has the authority to carry out
guidance and supervision of the notary and the existence of the right of refusal. become a form
of legal protection for Notaries when carrying out their duties. This study uses normative legal
research methods, by analyzing court decisions as the primary legal.
Keywords: Notary; Deed; Unlawful Acts; Legal Protection; False Steatments
Notaries are public officials (openbare ambtenaren) appointed by the Ministry of Law
and Human Rights (KEMENKUMHAM) who have the authority to make authentic
deeds. The main authority of the Notaryis execute authentic deeds made according to
the JN Law in front of a Notary (Abady & Rahayu, 2023).
The existence of the position of Notary in Indonesia certainly cannot be separated from
the influence of Dutch law basic concordant, so that the position of Notary has been
known for a long time in Indonesia (Harahap, 2020). Regulations related to the position
of Notary originally came from happening Statable of 1860 Number 3Regulations op Het
Amby in Netherlands Indie, and is still valid until there are no amendment regulations
(Prabawa, 2017)
Notaries in carrying out their positions are guided by the rules stipulated in Law
Number 30 of 2004 concerning the Position of Notary as amended by Law Number 2 of
2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 30 of 2004 regarding the Position of
Notary. Based on Article 1 number 1 of Law 2/2014 it is stated that a Notary is a public
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[Notary Responsibilities for Making Deeds Based on False Statements (Case
Study of Decision Number: 782/PDT.G/2020/PN JKT.SEL)]
Eztha Oke Sonia, Mella Ismelina Farma Rahayu
official authorized to make needs authentic and has other authorities as referred to in
this Law or based on other laws.
The notary deed clearly explains the rights and obligations of the parties so that the
notary deed becomes the strongest and most complete evidence in resolving a dispute
that occurs (Flora, 2012). An authentic deed can prove the truth of its contents compared
to a deed made under the hand. An authentic deed can prove that what is stated in the
deed is true and is the will of the parties (Fatmawati & Halim, 2022). The implementation
of the position of Notary is subject to laws and regulations and a code of ethics. The
Notary Code of Ethics is a moral principle determined by the Association of Indonesian
Notary Associations which must be obeyed by everyone who performs their duties as a
Notary. The Notary Code of Ethics in its application contains demands, guidance, moral
guidelines, or decency both as individuals and as public officials who provide services
to the community for making deeds (FR, 2021). The supervision over the implementation
of the code of ethics is carried out by:
a. At the Regency/City level by Regional Managers and Regional Honorary Councils;
b. At the provincial level by the regional administrators and the regional honorary
c. At the National level by the Central Executive and the Central Honorary Council.
Forgery of letters is a crime regulated in CHAPTER XII of the Second Book in Article 263
paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code which reads "Anyone who makes a fake letter or
forges a letter that can give rise to a right, agreement or debt relief, or which is designated
as evidence of something things with the intention to use or order other people to use
the letter can causeloss, for forgery of letters, with a maximum imprisonment of six
years", in Article 264 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code it is also stated that forgery of
authentic deeds is punishable by imprisonment for a maximum of 8 (eight) years and
based on Article 266 paragraph (1 ) Criminal Code, if you enter a false statement into an
authentic deed with the intention of using or ordering someone else to use the deed and
cause a loss, you may be subject to imprisonment for a maximum of 7 (seven) years
(Prabawa, 2017). As for what is meant by "making a fake letter" is compiling a letter or
writing in its entirety, the act of falsifying the letter is carried out by making changes
without permission in a letter, either changing the signature or the contents of the letter
so that it causes a loss so that the act can be categorized as an unlawful act. Provisions
related to unlawful acts in Indonesia are regulated in Article 1365 of the Civil Code. As
for according Miriam Darus Badrulzaman's rule that the condition of an action is an act
against the lawis as follows:
a. There must be action, both positive and negative;
b. The act must be against the law; (Tanaya, 2018)
c. There are downsides;
d. There is a cause-and-effect relationship between the illegal act and the loss;
It is. There is an error (schuld).
If a Notary as a public official is proven to have made a mistake in the deed he made,
then as a result of his actions he can be held accountable both criminally and civilly if he
causes a loss.
Authentic deed essentially contains formal truth based on the information received by
the Notary by the parties, so that a Notary profession requires thoroughness and caution
in carrying out their duties because an authentic deed has the perfect and strongest
evidentiary power in court. If it is proven that the authentic deed made by the Notary is
fake, it can be said that the authentic deed has turned into a private deed and can be
[Notary Responsibilities for Making Deeds Based on False Statements (Case
Study of Decision Number: 782/PDT.G/2020/PN JKT.SEL)]
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canceled by law. If the elements of error are met in an authentic deed, then the Notary
can be held accountable.
Research Method
Types of research
This research uses normative legal research because this research is sourced from
secondary data with primary legal materials in the form of UU JN, secondary legal
material, namely the South Jakarta District Court Number: 782/PDT.G/2020/PN
JKT.SEL and with use other research materials
Research Approach
In this study, the authors use a statutory approach or statute approach. By examining
all the regulations in force in Indonesia that are related to the legal issues that are the
topic of research.
Types of Legal Materials
Data used in research are:
1. Primary materials consisting of regulations that are related to the topic of this study,
2. The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia;
3. Code of Civil Law;
4. Criminal Code;
5. Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning the Position of Notary; Law Number 2 of 2014
concerning Amendments to Law Number 40 of 2004 concerning the Position of
Notary; And
6. Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 7 of 2016 concerning
the Honorary Council of Notaries.
Secondary legal materials consist of books, journals, scientific papers, websites, and
articles. Tertiary legal materials, in this case, the Big Indonesian Dictionary or other
sources own related to the topic of this research.
Data Collection Techniques
In this study, the authors used techniques to collect data by conducting a literature study
consisting of books, journals, and other supporting documents related to the topic of this
research. In addition to the literature study, the author will also conduct interviews
Which later can become supporting data in the form of analysis of the results of
interviews with someone who serves as a Notary.
Analysis Techniques
The legal material that will be used in this study uses the deduction method by applying
logic to one or more statements based on the given premises. In general, analysis by
deduction method is concluding a general problem to get something special from that
general thing.
Result And Discussion
Research result
Case Description
M. Ismet Abdullah (“Plaintiff”) owns a plot of land with an area of 1,989 m2 which is
located at Jl. Abdul Majid No. 1RT 005/ RW 007, South Cipete Village, Cilandak District,
South Jakarta with Certificate Property Rights No. 2765/South Cipete. Then, Kemal
Suryo Setyo Utomo (“Defendant I”), Yenni (“Defendant II”), Frederik Tomasowa
(Defendant III), and Achmad Fikri (“Defendant IV”) jointly made the deed of the Sale
and Purchase Agreement (PPJB) No. 12 dated October 19, 2019, at the Notary Office of
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[Notary Responsibilities for Making Deeds Based on False Statements (Case
Study of Decision Number: 782/PDT.G/2020/PN JKT.SEL)]
Eztha Oke Sonia, Mella Ismelina Farma Rahayu
Lusi Indriani, S.H., M.Kn. (“Co-Defendant I”) of land belonging to the Plaintiff to Noven
Yuliat (‘Co-Defendant II”) without the knowledge of the Plaintiff as the legal owner of
the Land Object. The Defendants made the PPJB deed by committing identity theft and
falsifying documents for the land sale and purchase transaction, while the falsified
documents were:
a. Identity Card (KTP) with Population Registration Number (NIK) 3174061708490005,
is the identity of Plaintiff with a photo that has been replaced with the face of
Defendant I;
b. Identity Card (KTP) with Population Registration Number (NIK) 3174065010550004,
is the identity of the Plaintiff's wife with a photo that has been replaced with the face
of Defendant II;
c. Family Card (KK) Number 3174062711141017 made as if Defendant IV was the head
of the family;
d. The marriage book that was forged as if it belonged to the Plaintiff's wife;
It is. Certificate Property Rights No. 2765/South Cipete which was forged.
The entire process of transferring land objects owned by the Plaintiff through PPJB
Number 12 between the Defendants and the Co-Defendant is an illegal act and makes
the PPJB that has been made null and void or at least can be canceled because it was
made in violation of the legal terms of the agreement based on Article 1320 KUH Civil.
Co-Defendant I was involved as a Notary in the case because he had made a deed based
on a stolen identity and fake documents, the deeds that had been made for the sale and
purchase transaction process included:
a. Sale Purchase Agreement (PPJB) No. 12th October 19
, 2019;
b. Deed of Emptying Agreement No. 13th October 9
, 2019; And
c. Act of Power to Sell No. 14 on October 9, 2019.
The existence of the land sale and purchase transaction began when Defendant IV, who
is a financial administrator, was in debt of Rp. 2,000,000,00.00 (two billion rupiahs) with
a third party, which then Defendant IV received advice to take certificate ownership
above object Ground from Plaintiff's safe to forge. After checking the Land Objects by a
broker and Co-Defendant II, an agreement was made to buy and sell the Land Objects
for Rp. 5,000,000,000.00 (five billion rupiahs) and the Plaintiff denied that he had ever
received money from a sale and purchase transaction. This is from Co-Defendant II.
If calculated based on the selling price of the Tax Selling Object Value (NJOP) of the Land
Object, the selling price should be around IDR 18,000,000,000.00 (eighteen billion
rupiahs) and if calculated by the Public Appraisal Service Office (KJPP), the selling price
object The land at least is IDR 50,000,000,000.00 (fifty billion rupiah) at the time of
liquidation and IDR 75,000,000,000.00 (seventy-five billion rupiah) when the fair price
was applied. So that the selling price in the transaction carried out by the Defendants
constitutes legal smuggling. The presence of unlawful acts (PMH) committed by the
Defendants resulted in legal defects in the process of transferring the Plaintiff's Land
As a result of the loss as described and accompanied by legal evidence, it is correct for
the Plaintiff's actions to file a lawsuit
Judge's Consideration
In giving judges' considerations before deciding, some analyses in giving considerations:
(Sugiannur et al., 2020)
a. The evidence submitted by the plaintiff and the defendant fulfills the material and
formal requirements;
[Notary Responsibilities for Making Deeds Based on False Statements (Case
Study of Decision Number: 782/PDT.G/2020/PN JKT.SEL)]
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b. Evidence from which party has reached the minimum limit proof;
c. What are the arguments for the lawsuit and which arguments for rebuttal are proven;
d. The strength of evidence owned by the parties.
The judge's considerations used in deciding the case described above, are that it is true
that the plot of land which is the object of the dispute covering an area of 1,989 m2 with
a Certificate of Ownership Number 2785 Cipete Selatan Village, Cilandak District, South
Jakarta City belongs to the Plaintiff and to the land which is the object of the dispute was
PMH by the Defendants. The authentic deed made by Co-Defendant I has evidentiary
value outwardly and is the strongest evidence and because the Plaintiff, in this case, feels
disadvantaged as a result of the deed, the Plaintiff is obliged to prove the mistake of
issuing the deed based on Article 163 HIR/283 RBg. Certificate of Ownership No. 2785
as a supporting document for sale and purchase transactions object This land is proving
fake in due the plaintiff was able to provide evidence in the form of an authentic deed
and based on Article 1870Civil Code has perfect evidentiary power and refers to court
decisions with numbers as follows:
a. Excerpt of Decision on Criminal Case Number: 421/Pid.B/2020/PN.Jkt.Sel;
b. Excerpt of Decision on Criminal Case Number: 419/Pid.B/2020/PN.Jkt.Sel;
c. Excerpt of Decision on Criminal Case Number: 4161/Pid.B/2020/PN.Jkt.Sel;
d. Excerpt of Decision on Criminal Case Number: 417/Pid.B/2020/PN.Jkt.Sel; And It is.
Excerpt of Decision on Criminal Case Number: 420/Pid.B/2020/PN.Jkt.Sel.
With what has been described above and the evidence submitted by the Plaintiff and
based on the information from Witness I, namely the child of the Plaintiff, and Witness
II, namely the son-in-law of the Plaintiff, hereinafter referred to as the Witnesses, which
is essentially October 1, 2019, to 15 October 2019, the Plaintiff together with Witness I
traveled to Japan and South Korea, so it is not by the date on which the Deed of Sale and
Purchase Agreement Number 12, Deed of Emptying Agreement Number 13 and Deed
of Power of Attorney to Sell Number 14 were signed, namely on October 9, 2019. So, the
legal requirements of the agreement are not fulfilled and the deeds become null and void
and can be asked for compensation or can provide the fairest decision (ex aequo et bono)
to provide legal certainty for the parties and to create law enforcement.
Judge's decision
The principle of freedom of judges in opinion (impartial judge) as in Article 5 of Law
Number 48 of 2009 concerning Judicial Power is reflected in the attitude of judges when
giving court decisions, a judge must be on the right side, not be one-sided and not
discriminate between people. Court decisions must contain 4 (four) principles as follows:
(Madinah, 2020)
a. Contains Clear and Detailed Basic Reasons
All court decisions must contain the reasons and basis for the decision by including
the articles of the legislation relating to the case or based on unwritten law or
jurisprudence or a legal doctrine. Judges as law enforcers must explore and
understand the values that live in society.
b. Compulsory to Trial All Parts of the Lawsuit
Before deciding on a case, the judge is required to thoroughly examine and adjudicate
every lawsuit filed.
c. Can't grant more than the claim
This prohibition is called ultra petite parties, and will be called acting beyond its
authority if deciding a case exceeds the posita or petite of the plaintiff even though it
intends to have good faith or for the public interest, which is also confirmed through
the Supreme Court Decision Number: 1001 K/Sip/1972 that judges are prohibited
from granting things that were not asked for.
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[Notary Responsibilities for Making Deeds Based on False Statements (Case
Study of Decision Number: 782/PDT.G/2020/PN JKT.SEL)]
Eztha Oke Sonia, Mella Ismelina Farma Rahayu
d. Spoken in public
Decisions are pronounced in court hearings that are open to the public to ensure that
the judicial process that is carried out is avoided from being disgraceful as stipulated
in Article 13 of the Law on Judicial Powers.
As described in the description of the case and the consideration of the judges in the
Decision of the South Jakarta District Court Number: 782/Pdt.G/2020/PN JKT.Sel it is
stated that the Defendants, both individually and jointly, have committed PMH which
resulted in the deeds notary in the form of Deed of Sale and Purchase Agreement
Number 12 dated 9 October 2019, Deed of Emptying Agreement Number 13 dated 9
October 2019 and Deed of Power of Attorney to Sell Number 14 dated 9 October 2019
declared legally disabled and has nostrength legally binding. The court is a place for
people seeking justice, so that the Panel of Judges is expected to be able to give decisions
in the fairest way possible in order to achieve legal certainty, justice, and expediency.
Elements of Unlawful Acts (PMH) Against the PPJB Deed Based on South Jakarta
District Court Decision Number: 782/PDT.G/2020/PN JKT.SEL
The results of the Decision of the South Jakarta District Court Number:
782/Pdt.G/2020/PN.JKT.Sel, stating that the Defendants either individually and/or
jointly have carried out PMH, and stated the Sale and Purchase Binding Deed Number
12 , Deed of Emptying Agreement Number 13 and Deed of Power of Attorney to Sell
Number 14 made before Notary Lusi Indriani, S.H., M.Kn. is legally disabled and has no
binding legal force. The three deeds are party deeds that are subject to Article 1320 of
the Civil Code with the following conditions:
1. Agree those who bind themselves;
2. Ability to make engagements;
3. A certain thing;
4. A legitimate reason.
The objective requirements that are not met here are due to bad faith, as stated in Article
1338 of the Civil Code (Amalia, 2018). Defendant IV as a family member of Plaintiff who
has a debt of Rp. 2,000,000,000 (two billion rupiahs) has committed legal smuggling to
take advantage of paying his debts by conducting a sale and purchase transaction on
object Plaintiff's land. The will and willingness to mutually bind the parties to make an
agreement which is one of the legal requirements of the agreement. In this case, where
the Plaintiff's figure was replaced and the Plaintiff's identity was falsified and he was
not aware of a sale and purchase transaction object Land indicates that there is indeed
no will from the Plaintiff owner object Land to make the deeds.
In the description of the case described above, the actions of the Defendants constituted
an unlawful act in the form of falsifying authentic deeds by providing false statements
with the intention that deeds be drawn up for the purpose of buying and selling
transactions object Land has fulfilled the elements of an unlawful act as stipulated in
Article 1365 of the Civil Code. If there is a loss that a person gets because of an unlawful
act committed by another person, then he has the right to make a claim for compensation
by filing a lawsuit for his actions that conflict with the obligations of the perpetrator.
When based on the elements of acts against the law, the actions of the Defendants can be
described as follows:
1. There is an action
The actions, in this case, were in the form of signing the Deed of Sale and Purchase
Agreement Number 12 dated 9 October 2019, the Deed of Emptying Agreement
[Notary Responsibilities for Making Deeds Based on False Statements (Case
Study of Decision Number: 782/PDT.G/2020/PN JKT.SEL)]
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Number 13 dated 9 October 2019 and the Deed of Power of Attorney to Sell Number
14 dated 9 October 2019 as well as engineering a sale and purchase transaction object
2. This act is against the law
The actions committed by the Defendants can be categorized as unlawful acts,
because they fulfill the following elements:
a. Violation of applicable laws;
b. Acts that violate the rights of others guaranteed by law;
c. Actions contrary to the legal obligations of the perpetrator;
d. Acts contrary to morality;
e. Actions are the opposite of good attitudes.
The action referred to here is the signing of the deed that violated Article 1320 of the
Civil Code regarding the legal terms of the agreement and as described above that
the deed was made in violation of the legal terms of the agreement and violated the
Plaintiff's rights as the owner object Land. The existence of bad faith to make buying
and selling transactions object to Land by falsifying documents, violating the
principles and subjective rights of the Plaintiff causing harm to the Plaintiff.
3. There is a loss
Losses in the form of identity theft belonging to Plaintiff by Defendant IV for the
purpose of buying and selling object Land, where Plaintiff has no intention to
relinquish his rights to the Land Object (Boris Tampubolon, 2021). The loss that there
is a possibility that Plaintiff will lose the right to the Land Object as a result of the
existence of the authentic deed, as well as losses material and immaterial.
4. There is a causal relationship between the deed and the loss
The losses described above were of course caused by unlawful acts committed by the
Notary Responsibilities for Deeds Based on False Statements
If a Notary is proven to have committed an unlawful act, he must be held accountable
for the consequences of his actions, because the Notary in carrying out his profession is
guided by the JN Law so that he always behaves carefully and scrupulously. Based on
Article 65UUJN, the Notary is responsible for every deed he makes even though the
Notary protocol has been submitted to the Notary protocol keeper. Legal protection for
a Notary in carrying out his duties and positions is regulated in Law Number 30 of 2004
concerning the Office of a Notary as amended by Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning
Amendments to Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning the Position of a Notary. This can
be seen when a Notary is involved in a legal case as stipulated in Article 66UUJN, that
taking a minuta deed and summoning a Notary must be approved by the Notary
Honorary Council as an institution that has the authority to carry out guidance and
supervision of Notaries.
A notary as a public official has the right to deny not notifying the contents of the deed
in accordance with the oath of office he uttered under Article 16 paragraph (1) letter f of
the JN Law, with the permission of the Supervisory Board a Notary can provide
information relating to the contents of the deed if necessary for the benefit of court and
the right of refusal is a form of legal protection for a Notary who has carried out his
duties based on the JN Law and the Code of Ethics, besides that an authentic deed is a
state document so that its authenticity needs to be maintained and the contents of the
deed must be kept confidential. When the Notary pronounces his oath of office, at that
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[Notary Responsibilities for Making Deeds Based on False Statements (Case
Study of Decision Number: 782/PDT.G/2020/PN JKT.SEL)]
Eztha Oke Sonia, Mella Ismelina Farma Rahayu
time he is also fully responsible for all his actions by determining whether a legal action
can be included in the deed. (Supriadi, 2023)
Examination of the Notary must be based on the procedure for making a Notary deed,
namely (Adjie, 2011):
a. Perform identification of appeasers, based on the identity shown to the Notary;
b. Understand the wishes or desires of the parties (question-and-answer);
c. Checking evidence of letters related to the wishes or wishes of the parties;
d. Giving advice and creating a deed framework to meet the wishes of the parties;
It is. Fulfill all administrative techniques for making notarial deeds, such as reading,
signing, giving copies and filing of minutes deed; And
f. Carry out other obligations related to the implementation of Notary duties.
A notarial deed that is canceled by a court decision does not mean the result of a notary's
mistake in making the deed, but can also be caused by an error or negligence of the
parties resulting in a lawsuit from one of the parties who feel aggrieved. In the Decision
of the South Jakarta District Court Number: 782/PDT.G/2020/PN JKT.SEL which was
decided on Tuesday, October 19, 2021, is a cancellation of the Notary deed caused by an
error by one of the parties and the decision has legal consequences for the Co-Defendant
I as a Notary, namely in the form of Sale and Purchase Agreement Deed Number 12
dated October 9, 2019, Deed of Emptying Agreement Number 13 dated October 9, 2019,
and Deed of Power of Attorney to Sell Number 14 dated October 9 2019 which must be
declared legally disabled and do not have binding legal force, the role of Notary in
making the deed only put the interests of the parties into the deed.
In principle, if a notarial deed is made in compliance with the regulations stipulated by
laws and regulations and fulfills the formal requirements, then the deed cannot be
canceled. However, in this case, the deeds were drawn up based on false information
provided by the Defendants for a sale and purchase transaction object The land and of
course, the cancellation of the deed has an impact on third parties, namely Co-Defendant
II as the buyer and the responsibility for this incident is not borne by the Notary because
the Notary has carried out his duties in accordance with applicable regulations and
therefore the Notary cannot be prosecuted for the making of the deed made based on
false information.
Deeds that are declared null and void, can be canceled and non-existent are the same
thing, that is, they both result in an agreement becoming invalid, as for the differences
between them is as follows (Mulyoto, 2012):
1. Null for the sake of law, namely the legal action has no legal consequences since the
existence of a legal action based on a court decision that has permanent legal force
because it does not meet objective requirements;
2. Can be canceled, namely the legal action has no legal consequences since the
cancellation. The canceled deed can still be valid and binding on the parties if there is
no court decision that has the permanent legal force to cancel the deed;
3. Non-existent, namely those caused by not fulfilling the essential elements of an
agreement, and in practice it requires a court decision that has permanent legal force
with the same implications as being null and void.
Co-Defendant I as the maker of the deed is obliged to be responsible for his negligence
by complying with the court's decision to cancel the deed. However, if the fault lies with
the notary who was involved in making the deed intentionally based on the false
statement, then the aggrieved party can file a lawsuit against the notary's actions by
being able to prove that there was a mistake made by the notary which caused a loss and
[Notary Responsibilities for Making Deeds Based on False Statements (Case
Study of Decision Number: 782/PDT.G/2020/PN JKT.SEL)]
Vol. 2, No. 6, 2023
between the loss and the mistake. have a causal relationship (Mayra & Simatupang, n.d.)
The judge's decision in this case was very appropriate, because the deeds were made
based on false information and this action was an act against the law.
A notary as a public official has the right to deny not notifying the contents of the deed
in accordance with the oath of office he uttered under Article 16 paragraph (1) letter f of
the JN Law, this can be seen when the Notary is involved in a legal case as stipulated in
Article 66UUJN, that taking minuta deed and summoning a notary must go through the
approval of the Notary Honorary Council as an institution that has the authority to carry
out guidance and supervision of a notary and the existence of the right of refusal is a
form of legal protection for a notary who has carried out his duties based on UUJN and
the Code of Ethics, in addition to that authentic deed which is a state document so it is
necessary to maintain its authenticity and keep the contents of the deed confidential.
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Vol. 2, No. 6, 2023
[Notary Responsibilities for Making Deeds Based on False Statements (Case
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